June/6th (Tue) AM(1) Session o-1-1 at Room A Session d-1 at Room B Session b-1 at Room C Program Orbital Mechanics Microthrusters Chairperson :M. Koyama (JAXA) Chairperson :K. Tsuchiya (Kyoto Univ.) Chairperson :M. Nakano (Tokyo Met. College) M. Zell (ESA) O. Montenbruck (DLR) H. Koizumi (Tokyo Univ.) 09:00-9:30 2006-o-1-01v 09:00-9:20 2006-d-01 09:20-9:40 2006-b-01 Potential International Cooperation on Explo- Perturbation Analysis of Interplanetary Sun- E®ects of Multi-Nozzle Jets on Thrust- ration - an ESA Perspective Synchronous Orbit Performance Improvement of Micro-Arcjets A. Thirkettle (ESA), Netherlands S. Nishimaki, K. Kuroshima (Tokyo Univ.), T. Saiki, K. Onodera, T. Noda, H. Horisawa (Tokai Univ.), I. J. Kawaguchi (JAXA), Japan Kimura (Tokyo Univ.), Japan 09:30-10:00 2006-o-1-03v Development in the Canadian Contribution to 09:20-9:40 2006-d-02 09:40-10:00 2006-b-03 the ISS Program A dynamical systems approach to the design of Characteristics of DDNP Combustion for B. Marcotte (CSA), Canada the science orbit around Europa MEMS Rocket Application M. Lara (Real Observatorio de la Armada), G. Gomez K. Takahashi, T. Okada, T. Ikuta, T. Nishiyama 10:00-10:30 2006-o-1-04v (Universitat de Barcelona), R. Russell (JPL, California (Kyushu Univ.) et.al., Japan Japan's Kibo and the Future Vision in Space Institute of Technology), Spain Exploration 10:00-10:20 2006-b-04 Y. Hasegawa (JAXA), Japan 09:40-10:00 2006-d-03 Fundamental Investigations of Electrically- Computing long lifetime orbits for the Eoropa Augmented Micro Pulse Detonation Engines 10:30-11:00 2006-o-1-05v observation mission S. Eto, H. Horisawa, Y. Tomioka (Tokai Univ.), Japan HTV Development and the Future Vision M. Lara (Real Observatorio de la Armada), S. Ferrer H. Sasaki (JAXA), Japan (Universidad de Murcia), Spain 10:00-10:20 2006-d-04 Simulation and Characterization of Dynamical Evolution of Binary Asteroid Systems E. Gregory Fahnestock, D. J. Scheeres (Univ. of Michi- gan), USA June/6th (Tue) AM(1) Session a-1 at Room D Session u-1 at Room E Session s-1 at Room F Liquid Rocket I(Liquid Propellant Practical Ways to Practice Space Managements A) Education and Outreach Robotics Chairperson :B. Vieille (CNES) Chairperson :G. Pignolet (Science Sainte Rose) Chairperson :Y. Yoshida (Tohoku Univ.) T. Himeno (Tokyo Univ.) M. Onuki (Advocate, Asia Liaison, T. Kubota (JAXA/ISAS) Space Frontier Foundation) 09:00-9:20 2006-a-01 09:00-9:20 2006-s-01 Dynamic Behavior of Liquid Propellant in Tank 09:00-9:20 2006-u-01 Simultaneous Feedback Stabilization of Space on Upper Stage Engine which have the function Educational Models for Integrated SSP/WPT Robot Attitude of the re-ignition Systems and H2 Technologies T. Hashimoto (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Tech- Y. Kano, Y. Kano (IA), T. Mochizuki (ISE), H. Otsuka G. Pignolet (Science Sainte Rose), J. Lan sun luk nology), Japan (IA) et.al., Japan (Univ. of La Reunion), I. Ingar (Arer, La Reunion), France 09:20-9:40 2006-s-02 09:20-9:40 2006-a-02 Fault Detection in Autonomous Assembly by Development and Results of Space Evaluation 09:20-9:40 2006-u-02 Space Robot using Semantic Task Model Test for Vane Type Tank System(VTS) Student Small Science Payload Promotions K. Sawayama (Tokyo Univ.), Japan R. Imai (Research Institute, IHI), Y. Takano, K. Ya- Program for the Rocketplane XP mada (IHI Aerospace), K. Hama (USEF) et.al., Japan C. John Lauer, C. John Lauer (Rocketplane, Ltd.), M. 09:40-10:00 2006-s-03 Onuki (Space Frontier Foundation), USA DEPLOYMET OF ELECTRODYNAMIC 09:40-10:00 2006-a-03 TETHER USING SIMPLE REEL MECHA- Experimental Investigation of the Dynamic 09:40-10:00 2006-u-04 NISM Characteristics of Lateral Sloshing in a Concen- Experimental rocket project in Gifu for launch- T. Ikeda, Y. Yamagiwa (Shizuoka Univ.), S. tric Membrane Tank ing within a campaign organized by French as- Kawamoto, Y. Okawa (Advanced Space Technology K. Komatsu, M. Nishimoto (JAXA), Japan sociation Planete Sciences in La Courtine Research Group, JAXA/IAT) et.al., Japan M. Sasaki (Gifu Univ.), K. Ogimoto, N. Nakano (Space 10:00-10:20 2006-a-04 Club Gifu), A. Ishida (Gifu Univ.) et.al., Japan 10:00-10:20 2006-s-04 Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Behavior of Development of Engineering Test Satellite Free-Surface Flows in Tanks Based on CIP-LSM 10:00-10:20 2006-u-05 STARS-1 for Tethered Space Robot H. Negishi (JAXA's Engineering Digital Innovation Development Status of the Microsatellite KKS- T. Yamamoto, T. Yamamoto, H. Yoshihara, A. An- Center, JAXA), T. Himeno (Tokyo Univ.), N. Yaman- 1 by the Tokyo Metropolitan College of Tech- datsu (Kagawa Univ.) et.al., Japan ishi (JAXA's Engineering Digital Innovation Center, nology JAXA), Japan T. Ishikawa, M. Nakano, T. Miyano, R. Wakabayashi 10:20-10:40 2006-s-05 (Tokyo Metropolitan College of Technology), Japan Orbital Transfer of a Tether System Using Pitch 10:20-10:40 2006-a-05 Motion Control through Tether Length Varia- CFD studies of cryogenic propellant manage- tion ment N. Shibata (Kyushu Univ.), Japan J. Lacapere (Air Liquide), France June/6th (Tue) AM(1) Session r-2-1 at Room G Session p-1 at Room H Impact Experiment Space Medicine (1) Chairperson :P. Harkness (Cran¯eld Univ.) Chairperson :T. Maruyama (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) J. Ishizawa (JAXA) T. Hagale (Boeing co.) 09:00-9:20 2006-r-2-01 09:00-9:20 2006-p-01 Properties of Fragments from Low-Velocity Im- Space Scale: Instrument for Astronaut Mass Mea- pacts on Micro Satellite surement Y. Tsuruda, K. Nakashima, T. Hanada (Kyushu Y. Fujii (Gunma Univ.), K. Shimada (JAXA), Japan Univ.), Japan 09:20-9:40 2006-p-02 09:20-9:40 2006-r-2-02 E®ect of Centrifuge-induced Arti¯cial Gravity and Measurement of the Ejector Generated by Erogometric Exercise on Cardiovascular Decondi- the Hypervelocity Impact Experiment on Thin tioning, Myatrophy, and Osteoporosis Induced by Film Materials -6± Head-down Bedrest for 20 Days K. Tanaka (JAXA), Y. Saitoh (Tokyo Univ. of Sci- S. Iwase, H. Takada (Aichi Medical Univ.), Y. Watanabe ence), S. Kosyo (Tokai Univ.), S. Sasaki (JAXA), (Nagoya Univ.), K. Ishida (Research Center for Physical Japan Fittness and Sports) et.al., Japan 09:40-10:00 2006-r-2-03 09:40-10:00 2006-p-03 Estimation of Debris Cloud Generated by Countermeasure Development and Optimization Oblique Impacts Using the Bed Rest Model M. Higashide, T. Okumura, O. Hayashi, T. Koura P. D Jost, O. Angerer, P. Sundblad, D. A. Schmitt (ESA), (Kyushu Institute of Technology) et.al., Japan Netherlands 10:00-10:20 2006-r-2-04 10:00-10:20 2006-p-04 New Measurement of Velocity of Debris Cloud Study of the Development of Device to Maintain Using X-ray Radiograph the Skeletal Muscles in the Space T. Okumura, Y. Akahoshi, K. Watanabe, T. Koura N. Shiba (Kurume Univ.), Y. Tagawa (Kyushu Institute (Kyushu Institute of Technology) et.al., Japan of Technology), Y. Umezu, H. Matsuse (Kurume Univ.) et.al., Japan 10:20-10:40 2006-p-05 Vestibular system contributes human blood pres- sure control upon gravitational changing C. Awazu (Fukui Univ.), K. Tanaka, C. Abe, H. Morita (Gifu Univ.), Japan June/6th (Tue) AM(2) Session o-1-2 at Room A Session d-2 at Room B Session b-2 at Room C Utilization Interplanetary Mission Analysis Laser Microthruster Chairperson :N. Fukuda (MHI) Chairperson :J. Fertig (ESA/ESOC) Chairperson :K. Takahashi (Kyushu Univ.) B. Marcotte (CSA) Y. Kawakatsu (JAXA/ISAS) H. Shiraishi (Daido Inst. of Tech.) 11:10-11:40 2006-o-1-06v 10:30-10:50 2006-d-05 10:30-10:50 2006-b-05 NASA Utilization of the International Space BepiColombo - Navigation Challenges on the A laser ignition microthruster for microspace- Station and the Vision for Space Exploration Way to Mercury craft propulsion J. A Robinson, D. A Thomas (NASA), USA D. Garcia yarnoz (GMV at ESA/ESOC), R. Jehn M. Nakano (Tokyo Metropolitan College of Aeronauti- (ESA/ESOC), N. Sanchez (Deimos Space), Germany cal Engineering), H. Koizumi, T. Inoue (Tokyo Univ.), 11:40-12:10 2006-o-1-07v M. Watanabe (Nichiyu Giken Kogyo Co., LTD.) et.al., ESA's Life and Physical Science Programme - 10:50-11:10 2006-d-06 Japan Achievement and Plans Control Strategies for the Fly-bys of Asteroids M. Zell (ESA), Netherlands Steins and Lutetia during Rosetta Cruise 10:50-11:10 2006-b-06 V. Companys, J. Fertig (ESOC), M. Diaz (GMV at Research and Development of Compact Laser 12:10-12:40 2006-o-1-08v ESOC), Germany Ablative Thrusters for Small Satellites JAXA Utilization and the Future Vision H. Maesato, S. Matsunami, H. Tahara (Osaka Univ.), M. Koyama (JAXA), Japan 11:10-11:30 2006-d-07 Japan Operational experience during orbit insertion of Venus Express - ESA's second planetary mis- 11:10-11:30 2006-b-07 sion Simple Calculation of Ablation Process and V. Companys, M. Lauer (ESOC), Germany Performance for Laser Ablative Thrusters S. Matsunami, T. Edamitsu, H. Maesato, H. Tahara 11:30-11:50 2006-d-08 (Osaka Univ.), Japan Preliminary Mission Analysis of a Jupiter Entry Probe Mission 11:30-11:50 2006-b-08 M. Khan, P. De pascale (ESA-ESOC), Germany Electromagnetic Acceleration Characteristics of a Laser-Electric Hybrid Thruster 11:50-12:10 2006-d-09 Y. Sasaki, K. Sasaki, H. Horisawa (Tokai Univ.), I. Analysis of operational strategies to achieve Kimura (Tokyo Univ.), Japan long Mars Express mission duration, to provide relay services for future Martian missions V.
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