INDEX Volume 250, July-September, 1989 Acad, B.-A. and Weiss, H. R: Regional modification of status, obesity (dogs), inhalational, hepatobiliary clearance, 02 consumption and coronary flow 1061 cholephilic xenobiotics (rats), 421 during Beta adrenoceptor stimula- postjunctional, anococcygeus muscle local, induced injury to sciatic nerve, his- tion in reperfused canine myocar- (rats), 492 tologic analysis (rats), 406 dium, 611 beta Angiotensin II Acetaminophen, -induced necrosis, hepato- basal activity, phosphatidic acid phos- -adenosine interactions protective effects, cystathionine phatase (rats), 236 heart rate changes, aldosterone release (rats), 667 02 consumption and coronary flow, (rats), 442 Acetylcholine myocardium (dogs), 611 noradrenergic neurotransmission, a-aminobutyric acid outflow, morphine Adrenocorticotropin, acute and chronic vasoconstriction (rats), 433 withdrawal, alpha receptors (guinea phencyclidine administration (rats), antihypertensive mechanism of captopril, pigs), 682 534 renal hypertension (rats), 515 endogenous release, muscarinic modula- Aging, defective modulation, noradrenergic defective modulation, noradrenergic neu- tion, neostriatal slices (rats), 617 neurotransmission, prostaglandins rotransmission, prostaglandins preclinical studies of quinelorane (rats), (rats), 9 (rats), 9 227 Ahlers, S. T., see Barrett, J. E., 788 minimal receptor domains (rabbits), 31 Acetylcholinesterase Ahiers, S. T., see Gleeson, S., 809 nonpeptide receptor antagonists, struc- changes in drinking activity, electrolyte Albelda, S. M., see Howell, R. E., 93 ture-function studies (rats), 867 excretion, diisopropylfluorophos- Albumin Angus, P. W., Mihaly, G. W., Morgan, D. J. phate (rats), 202 active furosemide fraction, urine compo- and Smallwood, R. A.: Oxygen de- discriminative stimulus effects, physo- sition, nephrotic syndrome, 772 pendence of omeprazole clearance stigmine (rats), 241 methotrexate transport, proximal tubule and sulfone and sulfide metabolite muscarinic receptor subtype regulation, (rabbits), 688 formation in the isolated perfused rat tetrahydroaminoacridine (rats), 573 Albuquerque, E. X., see Alkondon, M., 842 liver, 1043 Adenosine Alcohol, luteinizing hormone releasing hor- Anoxia, pulmonary venule contractions, ar- -angiotension II interactions mone, anterior pituitary and gonadal achidonic acid metabolites (guinea heart rate changes, aldosterone release hormones, women, 902 pigs), 1097 (rats), 442 Aldosterone, release and heart rate changes, Anterior pituitary, gonadal hormones and, noradrenergic neurotransmission, adenosine-angiotensin II interac- luteinizing hormone releasing hor- (rats), 433 vasoconstriction tions (rats), 442 mone, alcohol effects in women, 902 pulmonary vasodilator response, adeno- Alkondon, M. and Albuquerque, E. X.: The Antibiotics, transport of imipenem, central sine 5’-triphosphate, pulmonary vas- nonoxime bispyridinium compound nervous system (rats), 979 cular bed (cats), 170 SAD-128 alters the kinetic properties Anticonvulsants Adenosine triphosphatase of the nicotinic acetyicholine recep- amygdala-kindled rats, valproic acid, 1067 cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum, calmod- tsr ion channel: A possible mecha- CGS 19755, behavioral pharmacological ulin, free oxygen radicals (dogs), 286 nism for antidonal effects, 842 profile (mice), 454 N-ethylmaleimide sensitivity, vanadate Altszuler, N., see Tuman, R. W., 836 Antidepressants, 5-hydroxytryptamine, re- stimulation, nephron (rats), 529 Amiloride analog, inhibition, bradykinin-in- ceptors, differential-reinforcement- Adenosine triphosphate, -sensitive outward duced cytosolic calcium increase of-low rate 72-sec schedule (rats), 52 potassium current, nicorandil, yen- (dogs), 795 Antihypertensive drugs, nonpeptide angio- tricular myocytes (guinea pigs, rab- 2-Amino-4,5-(1,2-cyclohexyl)-7-phospho- tensin II receptor antagonists, struc- bits), 278 nohaptanoic acid, pharmacological ture-function studies (rats), 867 Adipose tissue, modification of adrenergic profile (rats, mice, gerbils), 100 Antinociception status, obesity (dogs), 1061 Amino acids, NMDA receptor site, compet- infused spinal agents, magnitude of tol- Adrenal cortex, nonpeptide angiotensin II itive inhibitors, guanine nucleotides erance, continuous infusion (rats), 1 receptor antagonists, structure-func- tion studies (rats), 867 (rats), 162 opioid, role, histamine and H,-receptors Adrenoceptors a-Aminobutyric acid, changes in cortical ac- (rats), 476 alpha etylcholine, morphine withdrawal, at- serotonergic involvement, tolerance, U- binding site density and contractile re- pha receptors (guinea pigs), 682 50,488H (mice), 508 sponse, vascular tissues (dogs), 1119 ‘y-Aminobutyric acid, release from electri- Antioxidants, protection, glutamate-in- morphine withdrawal, acetylcholine cally stimulated cortical slices, mod- duced cytotoxicity, neuronal cells and a-aminobutyric acid (guinea ulation, GABAS autoreceptors (rats), (mice), 1132 pigs), 682 648 Antonelli, T., see Beani, L., 682 neuropeptide Y, blood vessel response Amrick, C. L., see Bennett, D. A., 454 Anxiolytics to norepinephrine (rabbits), 523 Amygdala, -kindled rats, valproic acid, 1067 behavioral studies, serotonin receptor reduction of outward currents, ventric- Analgesia subtypes (pigeons), 809 ular myocytes (rats), 364 conditional fear-induced, opioid mu and CGS 19755, behavioral pharmacological alpha-i, 1,4,5-inositol trisphosphate for- kappa receptors (rats), 825 profile (mice), 454 mation, ventricular myocytes (rats), effects of phencyclidine-like drugs (mon- Aorta 1141 keys), 197 cellular mechanisms of endothelin (rats), alpha-2 purine antinociception, adenosine recep- 548 catecholamine receptors and mela- tore, spinal cord (rats), 915 contraction, prostaglandins, protein ki- tonin, retina and pineal gland Anderson, D., see McKinney, M., 565 nasa C mechanism (rats), 44 (chicken), 86 Anesthetics Apomorphine, dopaminergic Dl and D2 ag- 1162 Index Vol. 250 onists, behavioral differentiation, methyl-D-aspartate at its receptor Billings, J., see Schonwetter, B. S., 110 stimulus properties (rats), 800 site both in vitro and in vivo, 162 i,3-Bis(2-chloroethyl)-i-nitrosourea, phe- Arachidonic acid Barone, S., Churchill, P. C. and Jacobson, nytoin teratogenicity, embryonic glu- blockade ofEGF-induced uterine contrac- K. A.: Adenosine receptor prodrugs: tathione reductase (mice), 336 tions, indomethacin, nordihydro- Towards kidney-selective di- Bispyridinium, SAD-128, nicotinic acetyl- guaritic acid (rats), 882 alkylxanthines, 79 choline receptor kinetics (frogs), 842 lipoxygenation, interleukin 1 induction, Barrett, J. E., see Gleeson, S., 809 Bjornsson, T. D., Schneider, D. E. and Ber- prostaglandin biosynthesis (rats), Barrett, J. E., Zhang, L., Ahlers, S. T. and ger, H., Jr.: Asprin acetylates fibrin- 714 Wojnicki, F. H.: Acute and chronic ogen and enhances fibrinolysis. Fi- metabolites, pulmonary venule contrac- effects of corticotropin-releasing fac- brinolytic effect is independent of tions, hypoxia and anoxia (guinea tor on schedule-controlled respond- changes in plasminogen activator pigs), 1097 ing and neurochemistry of pigeons, levels, 154 Arai, Y., see Tadano, T., 254 788 Bladder Arnold, W. S., see Trugman, J. M., 1156 Bazzato, G., see Sabatini, S., 910 membrane, phthalate acid esters, trans- Artery Beani, L., Tanganelli, S., Antonelli, T., Si- port effect (toads), 910 adrenoceptor mechanisms (dogs), 1119 monato, M., Spalluto, P., Tomasini, purine antinociception, adenosine recep- basilar, two populations, 5-hydroxytrypt- C. and Bianchi, C.: Changes in cor- tore, spinal cord (rats), 915 amine receptors (dogs), 379 tical acetylcholine and a-aminobu- 9-Blocking drugs, atenolol, stereoselective blood vessel response to norepinephrine, tyric acid outflow during morphine central hypotensive action (rats), 759 neuropeptide Y, sympathetic field withdrawal involve Alpha-i and Al- Blood flow stimulation (rabbits), 523 pha-2 receptors, 682 models of hepatic elimination, taurocho- coronary, nonneurogenic relaxation, field Beaumont, K., Vaughn, D. A. and Healy, D. late, diazepam (rats), 1048 stimulation (cattle), 461 P.: Thiazide diuretic receptors: Au- regional, endothelin effects (monkeys), generation of endothelium-derived relax- toradiographic localization in rat kid- 1125 ing factor, 5-lipoxygenase products ney with [3Hjmetolazone, 414 Blood pressure (dogs), 1055 Beaune, P., see Labbe, G., 1034 catecholaminergic ventrolateral medul- mesenteric, TA3090 actions, electrical Behavior lary neurons, hypotension correla- and mechanical responses (rabbits), conditional fear-induced analgesia, opioid tion, clonidine (rats), 642 1079 mu and kappa receptors (rats), 825 desoxycorticosterone acetate-sodium hy- prejunctional inhibitory effect of N-0437, differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate pertensive rats, SCH 39370, atrial vascular adrenergic responses (rats), 72-second natriuretic factor, 624 853 5-hydroxytryptamine, receptors (rats), L-glutamate as neurotransmitter, barore- Ascorbic acid, preclinical studies of quinlor- 60 ceptor information, nucleus of trac- ane (rats), 227 5-hydroxytryptamine-2 antagonists tus solitarius (rats), 953 Aspirin, acetylation of fibrinogen and en- (rats), 52 mediation, serotonin receptors, m-chlo- hanced fibrinolysis (humans), 154 role of noradrenaline, anxiogenic actions, rophenylpiperazine (rats), 72 Assays, radioligand binding, characteriza- benzodiazepine receptor agonist rise, cyclosporine, decreased renal vascu- tion of D2 receptors, caudate (dogs), (rats), 358 lar responses
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