corporate social responsibility complete report France Telecom - Orange 2011 Stéphane Richard Chief executive offi cer of France Telecom-Orange Group 2 Marc Fossier Nicole Notat Executive Director CEO of extra fi nancial of Corporate Social notation Group, VIGEO Responsibility at the France Telecom-Orange 11 Group 9 Cristina Lunghi Bruno Mettling President of Arborus, Deputy Managing Director, the European Endowment Director of Human Fund for Professional Resources at the Gender Equality France Telecom-Orange Group 17 19 Jean-Philippe Vanot Serge Tisseron Deputy Managing Director psychiatrist and France Telecom-Orange Group psychoanalyst in charge of Quality and CSR and expert in the fi eld of youth-media-image 25 relationships 29 Delphine Marc Rennard Ernotte Cunci International Executive Director Deputy Managing Director of France Telecom-Orange France Telecom-Orange Group in charge of Africa, Executive Director the Middle-East and Asia at Orange France 37 35 Vivek Badrinath Cristina Bueti Executive Director of Programme Coordinator Orange Business Services, for Climate Change and France Telecom-Orange Group ICT at the International Telecommunications Union 47 49 C ontents 4 CSR, at the heart of 30 an accessible world the Group’s strategy 32 promoting digital inclusion 6 over fi fteen years of commitments in countries 6 an ambition supported at the highest 34 using our technologies to further level of the company economic and social development 7 4 major commitments 38 ensuring the accessibility of our solutions to people with disabilities 8 an approach fuelled by stakeholder dialogue 38 addressing the challenges of health and dependency 8 better cooperation with our suppliers 39 facilitating access to education and culture 12 a responsible employer 40 towards a greener world 14 establishing bonds between economic 42 a priority: combating climate change performance and social performance 43 encouraging results 15 towards a common and shared 43 improved governance management culture 43 increasingly accurate measuring tools 16 addressing the skills issue 45 giving electronic equipment 18 recognising individual a new lease of life and collective contributions 46 fi nding innovative solutions for a greener world 20 a world lived in trust 50 our 2011 achievements 22 our goal: to be the leader in customer experience by 2015 our 2012 roadmaps detailed information 26 promoting safe and responsible uses 143 appendices 1 interview Stéphane Richard Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer “corporate social responsibility is a key component of our conquests 2015 project ” very day, France Telecom- Our first mission is to build fast, reliable and Orange delivers essential secure networks to bring the benefits of the services to over 220 mil- digital world to as many people as possible. In lion customers and plays Europe, we are building very high speed a key role in the economic broadband networks, both fixed (fibre in and social development France) and mobile (4G/LTE), in order to of 35 countries in Europe, respond to the boom in new digital uses. In Africa and the Middle-East. Corporate social Africa, we are investing in undersea cables, in Eresponsibility is therefore, quite naturally, at particular the 17,000-km long ACE cable the heart of our activity and is also a key com- which will eventually bring broadband capacity ponent of our conquests 2015 strategic project. to around 20 West African countries. Our net- works contribute to the economic and social development of the countries in which we operate, and we encourage this growth through our “Orange for Development” pro- gramme. Our aim is to help build the digital world, and make it safe, secure, and respectful of the private lives of our customers. For example, in 2011, Orange strengthened its commitment to 2 online child protection by embracing two major Our corporate responsibility commitments are European programmes (including “A better In- based on a global vision of performance with ternet for Kids”). economic, environmental and social dimen- sions. Our Orange People Charter, launched in Our goal is also to provide our customers with 2011, embodies this approach. In France, useful and easy-to-use services. In Africa, for each of the 158 measures of the new social example, Orange Money has enabled over contract helps realise this vision. 3 million people, often without access to tradi- tional banking services, to use their mobile for Our corporate social commitments are resol- money transfers and transactions. utely long term. As early as 2000, we signed Finding solutions for a greener world is another the United Nations Global Compact, and we key commitment. Our target is a 20% reduc- engaged in meaningful dialogue with all our tion of our CO 2 emissions between 2006 and stakeholders, in all our subsidiaries and in the 2020. The key to successfully achieving this fi eld. Our Group’s development must be to the target lies in developing more efficient net- benefit of all our partners, and society as a works, together with initiatives such as the whole. 2,000 solar-powered sites we have built in 17 The following pages show that France Telecom- of the Group’s countries. We are also collect- Orange places corporate social responsibility ing mobile phones for re-use or safe dismant- at the very heart of its strategy. The executive ling, with over one million mobile phones recy- team and our 172,000 employees around the cled in 2011. world spare no efforts to make this a reality. 3 CSR, at the heart of the Group’s strategy to bec ome Through its mission to provide better communication for all and its presence the le ding in both industrialised and emerging countries, our Group measures every day the importance of its role in and responsibilities towards society. CSR p layer 4 5 CSR, at the heart of the Group’s strategy Corporatesocialresponsibility (CSR)isanintegralpartof over fi fteen an ambition ourcultureandhistory.France years of supported TelecomOrangehasdeveloped asetoffoundingvalueswhich commitments at the highest guidesitsactionprinciples intermsofitsstakeholders. level of Our commitment to corporate respon- the company OurCodeofEthics,adoptedin sibility is demonstrated in the support 2003,setsouttheGroup’saction we give to international projects and principlesandtheindividual initiatives that promote sustainable behavioursitexpectsfrom development. Our CSR approach goes above and In 1996, France Telecom-Orange beyond civic engagement. We are itsemployeesaswellasits signed the ETNO (European Telecom- convinced that corporate social fundamentalprinciplesinterms munications Network Operators) Envi- responsibility is a key success factor ofrespectinghumanrights, ronmental Charter and, in 2000, it was for the future of the Group. To develop protectingtheenvironmentand one of the fi rst companies to sign up to in a sustainable manner, we must be combatingcorruption.Toensure the United Nations Global Compact. able to innovate and create value for itsimplementationandtocontrol We actively participate in a range of all our stakeholders, i.e. employees, telecommunications industry initiatives. customers, suppliers, shareholders, daytodayrisks,wehaveput These initiatives aim to combat climate local communities, associations, etc. inplacerigorousinternalcontrol change, increase the recycling of elec- We must also address the challenges andgovernancesystems. tronic equipment, develop a greener linked to ever limited resources and economy, combat all forms of the digi- the need to maintain the fragile bal- tal divide, promote the safe and ance of our planet by reducing our responsible use of digital technologies impact and fi nding innovative solutions by young people and children, and for a greener world. That is exactly ensure the respect of basic human what our CSR policy helps us to do by rights. providing us with a better understand- ing of society’s concerns, which in turn helpsustoanticipatenewchallenges and create innovative value added ser- vices and products that meet these new requirements. This is why CSR informs all our decision-making and operational processes. It is an integral part of each of the four pillars of our conquests 2015 strategic project, which was unveiled last year. It is also an integral part of our entities’ road- maps and determines the variable pay awards of senior executives. Its pro- gress is regularly monitored by the Group’s Executive Committee. The Board of Directors attaches great importance to CSR and has created a specialised CSR monitoring commit- tee – the Governance and Corporate 6 Social Responsibility Committee, which follows its works. By placing CSR at the heart of our company strategy, we are re-affi rming our goal to become the leading CSR player in the telecoms industry. This goal, which is shared at the very high- est level of the company, is a joint project mobilising all the company’s employees. 4 major commitments Our approach to corporate social responsibility is expressed in four fun- damental commitments: recognising and supporting that we are exemplary in terms of social development in countries by cre- employees quality of service, data protection, ating value added solutions that meet Being responsible means building a protecting children, and radio waves. the needs of local communities and human company that values solidarity To achieve this, we must find clear encourage the creation of companies and is attentive to the expectations responses and adapted tools that and new businesses based on infor- and needs of all its employees. Our ensure that everyone can enjoy the mation and communication technolo- Group is committed to placing men benefi ts of the digital world. gies (ICTs). and women at the heart of its develop- ment strategy and this is accompanied sharing the benefi ts of the digital fi nding innovative solutions by strong social goals, e.g., by 2015 world with the greatest possible for a greener world to be among the preferred employees number of people Faced with environmental challenges, in the main countries where we work. This is one the key missions of the we have made ambitious commit- To achieve this, we have developed a Group and a major responsibility.
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