US007 271156 B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,271,156 B2 Krieg et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 18, 2007 (54) IMMUNOSTIMULATORY NUCLEIC ACIDS 6,544,518 B1 * 4/2003 Friede et al. ............ 424,184.1 6,653.292 B1* 11/2003 Krieg et al. .................. 514,44 (75) Inventors: Arthur M. Krieg, Wellesley, MA (US); 6,727,230 B1 4/2004 Hutcherson et al. Jörg Vollmer, Düsseldorf (DE): 6.821,957 B2 11/2004 Krieg et al. 6,943,240 B2 9, 2005 Bauer et al. Christian Schetter, Hilden (DE) 6,949,520 B1 9, 2005 Hartmann et al. Assignees: University of Iowa Research 2001/0044416 A1 11/2001 McCluskie et al. (73) 2002/009 1097 A1 7/2002 Bratzler et al. Foundation, Iowa City, IA (US); Coley 2002/0156033 A1 10, 2002 Bratzler et al. Pharmaceutical GmbH, Dusseldorf 2002/0164341 A1 11/2002 Davis et al. (DE) 2002fO165178 A1 11/2002 Schetter et al. Notice: 2002fO1981.65 A1 12/2002 Bratzler et al. 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