JULY 9. 1981 ¥ r tt Issue 127 i>an Jiranrtarn ( Ü r u a a ô p r Lesbian/Gay Pride marches across U-S. ONE ■■■■ ■ LESBIANS & GAY MEN JOIN HANDS ACROSS NATION IN GREATEST SHOW OF UNITY IN HISTORY OF U S. By BEVERLY SLAPIN SAN FRANCISCO, June 28— It was festive as ever, with balloons and rainbow flags lining the length of Market Street, the outrageous Sisters o f Perpetual Indulgence mocking the church, and with Gays for Brunch, Gays Against Brunch, Les­ bians Against Brunch and Lesbians Against Pot- lucks marching and dancing to the beat of rock, jazz, salsa, and country music in the sunny San Francisco afternoon. But the theme of this year’s march, the tenth in San Francisco, since the Stonewall Rebellion in New York City, was “Front Line of Freedom,’ a recognition, as organizers said, “of our integrity and peril.” It was the largest and most political Lesbian/Gay Freedom Day Parade ever, accord­ ing to organizers and participants alike, a some 300,000, with 50 floats, and 160 contingents, marched from the Embarcadero to the Civic Cen­ ter, angrily denouncing the New Right’s threat to their existence. The chants and placards tliis year both de­ monstrated the Fighting spirit of a community under attack, as well as their willingness to “ex­ tend hands around the world to those struggling SAN FRANCISCO, June 28— Some 300,000 lesbians, gay mpn, and their supporters marched here today. The theme of this tenth commemoration of the Stonewall Rebellion was “ Front Line of freedom. for their rights.” Marches and rallies fo r gay and lesbian rights were held in cities coast to coast.t. “Tlie unions are behind you,” said one of the placards. Another; “Freedom’s road is paved with our resistance.” Another; “Guatemala pre­ sente en la lucha.” Another; Support the Irish hunger strikers— boycott BritLsh goods.” Visibly militant in the three-hour march was the Stonewall Contingent, whose band. Carry It On, played the “Internationale.” As the contin­ gent turned the corner of Spear and Market, to the applause and whoops of spectators, a loud chant went up of “We gotta beat/back/the Right's attack, we gotta beat/back/ the Right's attack, we gotta beat/back/the Right's attack!" Stonewall included the Committee in Soli­ darity with the People of El Salvador, Gay and Women’s Committee o f Casa Nicaragua, One Stru­ ggle Many Fronts, Lesbian and Gay Focus of ^ People’s Anti-War Mobilization, and Worker’s World Party. 'This year’s chairwomen included Barbara Cameron and Robin Tyler, two lesbians who last SAN FRANCISCO. Mtm 28— Pwt of tha 300,000 rtrong rNly In San Francisco. TTse Stonewall Con­ year were denied speaking dme because they were tingent was by far tha largest singto group In tha 4 hour long parada. “too political,” and with supporters, took over the stage. This year, the two brought the crowd to it’s feet, with ovations, applause, cheers, and tesrs Tyler scored the so-called Family Protection Act bill; ««If f|jg government is so concerned with the protection of the family,” she shouted, “why do Uiey continue to build nuclear power plants, w^y do they continue to poison our oceans, why do they continue to rape out land? If they are so uj concerned with children, why do they send baby formulas to Third World couiitries and murder thousands of babies? Why are they bent on starving our elderly to death, cutting back bene­ fits to a disabled community that can barely sur­ vive on what they’re getting now? Why, if Child­ ren are so important to them, are the continuing to kUl the chUdren of El Salvador? Why on earth do they send our children to war, and then accost them when they come home so that Viet Nam .CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 column 3 bottom. a w i f t , Ä C0U N IH Ï 8: W ESIEEN DiUCE Silmn Sunday thru Tuet Silon Wed thru Sat COUNTY LINE" "WESTERN ELECTRIC" Bai, wiÜiBsebanda OPEN DAILY at 6 AM phone (415)285-7911 $1 door charge Mon-Thun G53 7alenei $2 door charge Fri - Sun Gan Francisco BERKELEY SCENE FOR the Rescan PROTEST MARCH 8i RALLY SET FOR FRIDAY 10 A.M. JULY 10th IN BERKELEY TO PROTEST THE MURDERS OF PROGRESSIVES AND LEFTISTS IN IRAN BY THE IRP. Program of 'housands are expected to swell the streets of N EW S C LIP S Berkeley tomorrow in protest of the policies of the ruling Islamic Republican Party (IRP). FOURTEEN TRANSVESTITES Called by Peykar, the Left Front and O.I.P.F.G. MURDERED IN SAN FRANCISCO Minority.....the marchers will gather at Center cutbacks, SO FAR THIS YEAR and Grove in Berkeley and march to Shattuck Ave Statistics are showing an alarming increase in the amount The infamous Dale Bentley, owner of the 8th and Ho­ and to U.C. Berkeley. There will be a noon time ward Streets, Club Baths which has been found guilty of violent crimes, assaults, stabbings and murders of rally there. transpersons in the city, particularly in the Tenderloin. of discriminating several times over, and has been the target of the Harvey Milk Gay Democratic Club for the On June 26, some 500 demonstrators marched in Only the Gay Liberation Alliance (GLA) is looking into Slew York and some 600 marched in San Francis­ the increase in crimes against Transpersons. discrimnation practiced by the bath house against cer­ racism & war tain peoples.....has bought and opened a motel in the co to protest the attacks against the left by the CELEBRATE THE 2nd YEAR OF Hayes Valley area west of City Hall, calling it the RP. THE NICARAGUAN TRIUMPH! ‘Bentley Motor Inn,” (formerly the Executive Motel). To date, there have been hundreds executed and Solidarity with the people of Central America! You are And to top matters off, with his being a property own­ thousands and thousands arrested in Iran by the urged to join the march and rally on Sunday July 19th er in the Hayes Valley area in which low income and ruling IRP merely because:they are progressives. to protest the U.S. intervention in El Salvador, and a poor blacks have been forced out by white and mostly Last week, the Orthodox Episcopal Church of demand to an end to military aid to Honduras and to gay real estate speculators, he has hired the man who God (California) serit a telegram to Iranian Prime was headlines in the television news and newspapers Guatemala, stressing the need for human needs not war. Minister Ali Rajai protesting the repression and The march begins at 10:30 am at Precita Park, Folsom for some weeks over his evictions and mis-treatment of and Precita, up Army and over to Delores Park. elderly people, a Robert “Rob” Chappie who used to the execution of the leftists calling for "an imme­ be an employee of what can only be considered as a diate end to this bloody repression and the freeing JULE ANDERSON TO RESIGN “call boy service,” operated by a person this paper is of all progressive political prisioners.' The tele­ FROM SCHOOL BOARD? currently suing. gram pointed out that the repression of the work­ Jule Johnson Anderson, the only Black member of the The local dailies such as the Examiner’s Gerald Adams, ing class and its organizations, which formed the San Francisco School Board has announced that effec­ who just months ago was scoring Chappie for this alle­ very backbone of the '79 revolution against the tive June 1982. The 45 year young Anderson said that ged mistratment of the seniors at the Dalt Hotel, 34 shah and U.S! imperialism, "can only play into the there was no hope that she could work with Bill Maher Turk Street, is now “pushing” him via articles in favor hands of the imperialist enemies of the Iranian and Rosario Anaya anylonger and that she was grooming of the gay white real estate speculators, Bentley and people." Comer Marshall, a 41 year old Black computor operator the not-too-popular with racial minorities—Richard company branc manager to replace her. But that is not Fraige. As in the June 26th demonrations, there will be her decision, that is up to.the Mayor to do. At the current time, Mr. Dale Bentley of the Club Baths a good many lesbians and gays in support of the :!• ; * ■ V You can help end is under seige for discrimination and possible permit Left Front, the O.I.P.F.G. Minority and Peykar REV. JERRY FALWELL revocation action for this discrinmation. in the demonstration in Berkeley tomorrow. Also “BLESSES THOSE F-16s!” the People's Anti-War Mobilization (PAM) the budget cuts, The l«*ader of the Moral Majority has came out with a strong note of support for the naked agression of Israel unemployment, against Iraqu with the bombing of a nuclear reactor sta­ MOBILIZATION/ RAMo tion under construction in that Middle East nation, by racist violence, saying that he agreed with Israeli Prime Minister Begin, NORTHERN CALIFORNIA/SF BAY AREA PAM HOLDS TWO ORGANIZING MEETINGS.................... and that, “I want to congradulate him for a mission By Glona LaRiva anti-Semitism, that has made us very proud that we (U.S.) manufacture SAN FRANCISCO, June 30— The setting up of two those F-16s.” The F-16s are the fighter bombers that new PAM offices and participation in several activities carried out the death raid by the Israeli agressors. have kicked o ff the Bay Area organizing campaign for attacks on the All-Peoples Congress.
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