Notes and References Reference material includes a large collection of Krogh family letters as well as August and Marie Krogh's letters from friends and colleagues. AK's letters to his mother and father were saved by them and are included in the collection. AK had the habit of saving the handwritten drafts of many of his letters. Most of this material is now in the Danish Royal Library in Copenhagen. Letters from AK to Adam BlWing and Hohwii Christensen have been given to me, and my sister Ellen Krogh has lent me her letters from her parents. Direct quotations included in the text are from material written in English, Danish, and other languages. Those written in languages other than English have been translated into English by me. Such references are marked by an asterisk. References to AK's own publications refer to the list of AK's publica­ tions starting on page 261. Introduction 1. From contemporary newspaper articles and from a talk given by P. Brandt Rehberg, Symposium in honor of August Krogh's one-hundredth birth­ day, 1974, sponsored by the August Krogh Institute in Copenhagen. It is avail­ able on tape in the institute. 2. From Eugene Landis in commemorative words on August Krogh pre­ sented to the American Physiological Society in 1950. Chapter 1. Ancestry 1. Alex Krogh: En Nordslesvisk bondesla::gts historie. Sla::gten Krogh 1653- 1933. J. Thomsen, Viborg, 1933. 2. Palle Lauring: A short history of Denmark. H0st & Son, Copenhagen, 1973. 3. Mimi Krogh's memoirs. Mimi Krogh, AK's mother wrote her memoirs (in Danish) in the years after she and Viggo moved to Copenhagen. Written in longhand by Mimi, they were never printed but were copied in longhand by Viggo and her gianddaughter, Helga Christiani. 4. Letters between Mimi Dreckman and Viggo Krogh. 5. Carl Svendstrup: Grenaa bys historie (A history of the town of Grenaa). Grenaa Byraad. De forenede Bogtrykkerier, Aarhus, 1945. Chapter 2. Childhood in Grenaa (1874-1890) 1. Mimi Krogh's memoirs and a speech given by Viggo Krogh at their golden wedding anniversary, Oct. 16, 1923. 2. * Mimi Krogh to AK, Nov. 15, 1905. 3. * Johan Krogh's memoirs, written in Chile, 1948. 242 AUGUST ANO MARIE KROGH 4. *Viggo's memoirs. 5. * Mimi to AK, July 4, 1881. 6. * AK to Mimi, July 8, 1881. 7. * From a few pages of handwritten memoirs written by AK shortly before his death. 8. * Mimi to a friend, no date. 9. *AK to Marie J~rgensen (MJ), Aug. 18, 1904. 10. * AK Publ. #88. 11. * Sofus Franck: William S~rensen. Danmark 5: 269-273, 1945. 12. *W. S. to Viggo, Oct. 23, 1867. 13. * AK to Mimi, March 1, 1889. 14. *AK to Mimi, July 7, 1889. Chapter 3. School Years in Aarhus (1891-1893) 1. *AK to Mimi, May 10, 1891. 2. *AK to Mimi, June 7, 1891. 3. *AK to Mimi, Sept., 1891. 4. *AK to Mimi, Oct. 11, 1891. 5. *AK to Mimi, Nov. 1791. 6. *AK to Mimi, May 3, 1892. 7. *AK to Mimi, Sept. 3, 1982. 8. *AK to Mimi, Sept. 1892. 9. *AK to Mimi, Oct. 7, 1892. 10. *AK's essay, sent to Mimi Dec. 19, 1892. 1 ~· *AK to Mimi, May 16, 1893. 12. Artium is the Danish word for the degree qualifying the candidate for acceptance at the university. Three separate lines of study can be pursued in the higher school (the gymnasium, which corresponds more or less to the first two years of a U.S. college.): mathematics-science, classicallanguages, or mod­ ern languages. Chapter 4. Becoming a Zoologist (1893-1895) 1. *AK to Mimi, Sept. 7, 1893. 2. *AK to Mimi, Dec. 1, 1893. 3. *Viggo S~ensen: En Videnkabsmands Hjem (A scientist's home). In Danske Hjem ved Aarhundredeskiftet, Ny Samling. (Danish homes at the turn of the century). Hirschsprungs Forlag, Copenhagen, 1949. In this article S~ensen's son, Viggo, gives a lively description of his parents' home. 4. *AK to Mimi, Nov. 23, 1893. 5. *AK to Mimi, April 4, 1894, Author's emphasis. 6. *AK to Mimi, May 18, 1894. 7. *AK to Mimi, June 1, 1894. 8. *AK to Viggo, summer 1894. The examination, candidatus magisterii or cand. mag. as it is commonly called, permits the candidate to teach in the higher school, the gymnasium. The magister conference, which is somewhat more than a master's degree in the U.S., prepares the candidate for scientific re­ search. 9. *AK to Mimi, Sept. 9, 1894. 10. *AK to Mimi, Feb. 21, 1895. Notes and References 243 11. * AK to Mimi, March 11, 1895. 12. *AK to Mimi, May 22, 1895. 13. * AK to Mimi, June 7, 1895. 14. *Misse to AK, spring 1949. Chapter 5. Becoming a Physiologist (1895-1899) 1. *AK to Mimi Krogh, September 16, 1895. 2. * AK to Mimi Krogh, October 18, 1895. 3. AK to Mimi Krogh. Letter written in English, December 3, 1895. 4. * AK to Mimi Krogh, September 26, 1896. 5. Robert Tigerstedt: Christian Bohr. Ein Nachruf. (Skand. Archiv. f. Physiol., 25, 1911, and from Politiken, Feb. 4, 1911). 6. * Christian Bohr: Definition und Methode zur Bestimmung der Inva­ sions- und Evasionskoefficienten bei der Auflosung von Gasen in Flussigkeiten. Werte der genannten Konstanten sowie der Absorptionskoeffizienten der Koh­ lensaOre bei Auflosung in Wasser und Chlomatriumlosungen. (Ann. d. Physiol. und Chem. N. F., 68, 1899b). 7. * Christian Bohr: Experimentelle Untersuchungen Ober die Saurstof­ faufnahme des Blutes. Copenhagen, 1885. Der Saurstoffgehalt der Oxyhămog­ lobinskristalle. (Skand. Archiv. f. Physiol., 3, 1891). Ober die Verbindung des Hămoglobins mit Saurstoff. (Skand. Archiv. f Physiol., 3, 1891). 8. * AK to Mimi, Jan. 4, 1897. 9. * AK to Mimi, Oct. 4, 1897. 10. * AK to Mimi, Oct. 14, 1897. 11. * AK to Mimi, May 10, 1897. 12. AK to Mimi, June 7, 1897. 13. * AK to Mimi, Nov. 25, 1896. 14. * AK to Mimi, Nov. 19, 1897. 15. * AK to Mimi, Dec. 7, 1897. 16. *AK to Mimi, Feb. 9, 1898. 17. * AK to Mimi, May 17, 1898. 18. * AK to Mimi, June 2, 1898. 19. • AK to Mimi, April 24, 1898. A year later AK gave a similar talk to the Biologica! Society in Copenhagen. AK Publ. #1. 20. * AK to Mimi, April 26, 1899. 21. • AK to C. Bohr, April 24, 1899. 22. Told by AK to friends and family. T. Weis-Fogh, Symposium in honor of August Krogh's one-hundredth birthday, 1974, sponsored by the August Krogh Institute in Copenhagen. It is available on tape in the institute. 23. * AK to Mimi, Jan. 10, 1899. 24. * AK to Mimi, Nov. 29, 1898. 25. * AK to Viggo Krogh, Feb. 1899. 26. • AK to Mimi, March 8, 1899. 27. * AK to Mimi, April 4, 1899. 28. August Krogh's handwritten thesis for the magister conference: En Fremstilling af Lungemes og Luftsrekkenes Bygning og Funktion hos Fuglene (An account of the structure and function of the lungs and air sacs of birds). Unpublished. 29. * AK to Mimi, June 7, 1899. 244 AUGUST ANO MARIE KROGH 30. * AK to Mimi, June 16, 1899. 31. * AK to Mimi, Oct. 7, 1899. Chapter 6. The Beginning of Zoophysiology (1899-1904) 1. * AK to Mimi, Oct. 17, 1899. 2. * AK to Mimi, Oct. 31, 1899. 3. John T. Edsall: The controversy over oxygen secretion. Talk presented at History satellite symposium at the International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Vancouver, 1987; J. S. Millege: The great oxygen secretion contro­ versy. (Lancet, 2, 1408-1411, 1985). 4. Christian Bohr: Ueber die Lungenathmung. (Skand. Archiv Physiol., 2, 1890). 5. AK Publ. #2. 6. AK Publ. #51. 7. * AK to Mimi, Aug. 28, 1900. 8. After working in Bohr's Laboratory, Hasselbalch became director of the Finsen Institute in Copenhagen. He later worked with Henderson and is fa­ mous for the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. In 1916, when he inherited the family estates, he gave up science for agriculture. 9. AK Publ. #5. 10. * AK to Mimi, Sept. 27, 1900. 11. * AK to Mimi, Oct. 10, 1900. 12. AK Publ. #1. 13. * AK to Mimi, Nov. 28, 1900. 14. * AK to Mimi, Dec. 18, 1900. 15. E. Hohwi.i Christensen, M. Krogh, & M. Nielsen: Acute mercury poi­ soning in a respiratory chamber. (Nature, 139, 1937). E. Hohwi.i Christensen, M. Krogh, & M. Nielsen. Beobachtungen und Versuche i.iber Quecksilbervergif­ tung im Laboratorium. (Skand. Arch. f. Physiol., 76, 1937). 16. * AK to Mimi, March 10, 1901. 17. * AK to Mimi, April 4, 1901. 18. • AK to Mimi, June 6, 1901. 19. • AK to Mimi, July 14, 1901. 20. * AK to Mimi, July 21, 1901. 21. • AK to Mimi, Jan. 15, 1902. 22. * AK to Mimi, June 8, 1902. 23. AK Publ. #11, 12. 24. * AK to Mimi, Feb. 1903. 25. AK Publ. #15, 16, 17. 26. Emil Krogh to AK, June 1902. 27. * AK to Mimi, Oct. 28, 1902. 28. * AK to Mimi, Dec. 29, 1902. 29. * AK to Mimi, June 3, 1903. 30. AK Publ. #7, 13. 31. * AK to Mimi, Feb. 1903. 32. * AK to Mimi, June 17, 1903. 33. AK Publ. #26. 34. A Danish doctoral degree does not require any further course work and is awarded upon completion of a thesis based on independent scientific re- Notes and References 245 search. The thesis must be accepted by two professors, the official opponents. It is later defended by the candidate in front of a large audience. 35. * AK to Mimi, Nov. 1903. 36. AK Publ. #14. 37. * AK to Mimi, Dec. 17, 1903. 38. * AK to Mimi, Jan. 3, 1904. Chapter 7. August and Marie (1904) 1. * AK to Viggo and Mimi, Nov.
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