ANADOLU AKDEN‹Z‹ Arkeoloji Haberleri 2005-3 News of Archaeology from ANATOLIA’S MEDITERRANEAN AREAS Suna - ‹nan K›raç Akdeniz Medeniyetleri Araflt›rma Enstitüsü Suna & ‹nan K›raç Research Institute on Mediterranean Civilizations ‹Ç‹NDEK‹LER KAZI RAPORLARI • Alanya Kalesi Çal›flmalar› 2004 M. Olufl Ar›k 1 • Arykanda Kaz›s› Raporu 2004 Cevdet Bayburtluo¤lu 5 • Badema¤ac› Kaz›lar› 2004 Refik Duru 11 • Elaiussa Seb0aste’de Arkeolojik Çal›flmalar 2004 Eugenia Equini Schneider 17 • Harmanören-Göndürle Höyük Mezarl›k Kaz›s› 2004 Mehmet Özsait 23 • Karain Kaz›lar› 2004 Harun Taflk›ran 29 • Kelenderis 2004 Y›l› Kaz›lar› Levent Zoro¤lu 35 • Ksanthos - Letoon Kaz› ve Araflt›rmalar› 2004 Jacques des Courtils 41 • Limyra Kaz› Çal›flmalar› 2004 Thomas Marksteiner 47 • Myra-Demre Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesi Kaz›s› ve Duvar S. Y›ld›z Ötüken - Nilay Çora¤an 51 Resimlerini Belgeleme, Koruma-Onar›m Çal›flmalar› 2004 Bülent ‹fller • Patara 2004 Fahri Ifl›k 57 • 2004 Y›l› Perge Kaz› ve Onar›m Çal›flmalar› Haluk Abbaso¤lu 67 • Sagalassos ve Çevresinde Arkeolojik Araflt›rmalar 2004 Marc Waelkens 73 • Side Tiyatrosu ve Çevresinde Kaz›, Koruma-Onar›m Ülkü ‹zmirligil 79 Çal›flmalar› 2004 • Soli/Pompeiopolis Antik Liman Kenti Kaz›lar› 2004 Remzi Ya¤c› 85 YÜZEY ARAfiTIRMA RAPORLARI • Adana Yüzey Araflt›rmalar› 2004: Kozan K. Serdar Girginer - Fatih Erhan 93 • Alanya ve Çevresinde Bizans Araflt›rmalar› 2004 Sema Do¤an 97 • Asi Deltas› ve Asi Vadisi Arkeoloji Projesi: Hatice Pamir - Gunnar Brands 103 Samanda¤ ve Antakya Yüzey Araflt›rmalar› 2004 • Bey Da¤lar› Yüzey Araflt›rmalar› 2004 Nevzat Çevik 109 • Burdur ‹li Yüzey Araflt›rmalar› 2004 Mehmet Özsait 117 • Da¤l›k Kilikya Deniz K›y›s› Arkeolojisi Projesi: Cheryl Ward 123 Ön Rapor 2004 • Da¤l›k Kilikya Yüzey Araflt›rmas› Projesi: Rhys F. Townsend - Michael C. Hoff 129 Mimari Çal›flmalar 2004 • Kilikya K›y›lar› Sualt› Arkeolojik Yüzey Araflt›rmalar› 2004 Volkan Evrin - Mert Ayaro¤lu 135 Korhan Özkan - Çi¤dem Toskay Evrin - Korhan Bircan - Murat Bircan Levent Zoro¤lu CONTENTS EXCAVATION REPORTS •Work at the Alanya Citadel in 2004 M. Olufl Ar›k 1 • Excavations at Arykanda 2004 Cevdet Bayburtluo¤lu 5 • Excavations at Badema¤ac› 2004 Refik Duru 11 •Archaeological Research at Elaiussa Sebaste in 2004 Eugenia Equini Schneider 17 • The Harmanören-Göndürle Höyük Necropolis Mehmet Özsait 23 Excavations of 2004 • Excavations at Karain in 2004 Harun Taflk›ran 29 • Excavations at Kelenderis in 2004 Levent Zoro¤lu 35 • Excavations and Research at Xanthos and Letoon in 2004 Jacques des Courtils 41 • Excavations at Limyra in 2004 Thomas Marksteiner 47 • Excavations at the Church of St. Nicholas in Myra-Demre S. Y›ld›z Ötüken - Nilay Karakaya 51 and the Conservation-Restoration and Documentation Ayfle Çaylak Türker of the Wall Paintings 2004 • Patara in 2004 Fahri Ifl›k 57 • Excavation and Restoration Work at Perge in 2004 Haluk Abbaso¤lu 67 •Archaeological Research in and Around Sagalassos in 2004 Marc Waelkens 73 • Excavation, Conservation-Restoration Work in the Side Ülkü ‹zmirligil 79 Theatre and its Environs in 2004 • Excavations at the Ancient Port City of Soli/Pompeiopolis Remzi Ya¤c› 85 in 2004 SURVEY REPORTS • Surveys in Adana - Kozan in 2004 Serdar Girginer - Fatih Erhan 93 • Byzantine Surveys in and Around Alanya in 2004 Sema Do¤an 97 • The Asi Delta and the Asi Valley Archaeological Project Hatice Pamir - Gunnar Brands 103 in 2004 Samanda¤ and Antakya Surveys • Surveys in the Bey Mountains in 2004 Nevzat Çevik 109 • Surveys in Burdur Province in 2004 Mehmet Özsait 117 • The Rough Cilicia Maritime Archaeological Project Cheryl Ward 123 in 2004: A Preliminary Report • The Rough Cilicia Survey Project: Architectural Work, 2004 Rhys F. Townsend - Michael C. Hoff 129 •Archaeological Underwater Surveys of the Cilician Coasts Volkan Evrin - Mert Ayaro¤lu 135 Korhan Özkan - Çi¤dem Toskay Evrin - Korhan Bircan - Murat Bircan Levent Zoro¤lu ‹Ç‹NDEK‹LER • Do¤u ve Kuzeydo¤u Likya - Güneybat› Pisidya Bülent ‹plikçio¤lu 141 Epigrafik-Tarihi Co¤rafi Yüzey Araflt›rmalar› Projesi 2004 • Mersin-Olba (U¤uralan›) Arkeolojik Yüzey Araflt›rmas› 2004 Emel Erten 143 • Olympos Antik Kenti Çal›flmalar› 2004 B. Yelda Olcay Uçkan 149 Yalç›n Mergen • Likçe Yaz›tl› An›tlar Projesi: Martin Seyer 153 Rhodiapolis, Karmylessos ve P›nara 2004 Y›l› Araflt›rmalar›n›n Baz› Sonuçlar› D‹⁄ER ÇALIfiMA RAPORLARI • Burdur Müzesi Çal›flmalar› 2004: Hac› Ali Ekinci 159 Gölhisar, Yusufça Erken Bizans Dönemi Kilisesi Kurtarma Kaz›s› iv CONTENTS • The Epigraphical-Historical Survey Project of East and Bülent ‹plikçio¤lu 141 Northeast Lycia - Southwest Pisidia, Work During 2004 •Archaeological Surveys at Mersin-Olba (U¤uralan›) in 2004 Emel Erten 143 •Work at Ancient Olympos in 2004 B. Yelda Olcay Uçkan 149 Yalç›n Mergen • The Lycian Inscribed Monuments Project: Martin Seyer 153 Some Results from the 2004 Surveys at Rhodiapolis, Karmylessos and P›nara OTHER REPORTS •Work Conducted by Burdur Museum in 2004: Hac› Ali Ekinci 159 The Rescue Excavation of the Early Byzantine Church in Yusufça, Gölhisar v KAZI RAPORLARI / EXCAVATION REPORTS Alanya Kalesi Çal›flmalar› 2004 Work at the Alanya Citadel in 2004 M. Olufl ARIK Alanya Kalesi’nde 2003 y›l›nda bafllanan “Tonozlu Gale- The work at the Vaulted Gallery (TG3), east of the ri (TG3)”, Kilise’nin do¤usu ve Tonozlu Ko¤ufl ile Kilise Church and in the area between the Vaulted Ward, the ve güneyindeki sarn›ç aras›nda bafllat›lan çal›flmalara Church and the Cistern to the south initiated in 2003 2004 y›l›nda da devam edilmifltir. 2004 y›l› çal›flmalar›- continued in 2004. However, the 2004 campaign fo- n›n a¤›rl›¤›n› ‹çkale Kilisesi ve çevresinde yap›lan kaz›- cused mainly in and around the Church in the Inner lar oluflturmaktad›r. Citadel. Güney Nef’te Yap›lan Çal›flmalar Work in the Southern Aisle ‹çkale’nin afla¤› yukar› ortalar›nda, Tonozlu Ko¤ufl (TG1) The Church is located about the centre of the Inner ile ‹çkale Kap›s›’n›n bulundu¤u kesimde yer alan Kilise, Citadel, close to the Gate of the Inner Citadel and the bugünkü haliyle, çeflitli dönemlerde müdahale edildi¤i Vaulted Ward (TG1). It is in a very bad state of preserva- anlafl›lan bir bina harabesidir (Plan 1). tion and is understood to have been altered many times (Plan 1). Kilise’nin güney bölümünde 2003 y›l›nda bafllanan çal›fl- malara 2004 y›l›nda da devam edilmifltir. 2003 y›l› çal›fl- The work initiated in 2003 in the southern part of the malar›ndan sonra, üç nefli bir bazilika olarak yap›ld›¤› Church continued also in 2004. Following the work in anlafl›lan ilk binan›n güney nefi olarak tan›mlad›¤›m›z 2003, this section was identified as the southern aisle of bu kesimde yürütülen çal›flmalarda, mevcut döfleme the first construction here – a three-aisled basilica. In kotunun alt›nda -0.45 m.’de güney nefin orta duvar›n›n 2004, 0.45 m below the present floor, the remains of the temel kal›nt›lar› ortaya ç›kart›lm›fl; ayn› kotta ayr›ca hay- foundations of the middle of the southern aisle were li sa¤lam durumda slip tekni¤inde bir Bizans seramik found, as well as a well-preserved Byzantine slipware kâsesi de ele geçirilmifltir (Res. 1). Çal›flmalar ilerledik- bowl (Fig. 1). As the work progressed further below, var- çe, daha alt kotlarda, s›rl› ve s›rs›z çeflitli seramik frag- ious glazed and unglazed potshards, brick fragments, a manlar›, kiremit k›r›klar›, bir benzeri 2003 y›l› çal›flma- lead loom weight – a similar example of which was lar› s›ras›nda da ele geçirilen bir kurflun a¤›rflak ile kimi recovered in 2003, various metal pieces, coins in a poor metal parçalar, bozuk sikkeler ve flafl›rt›c›d›r ki yo¤un condition and surprisingly enough, a large number of olarak istiridye kabuklar› ele geçirilmifltir. Bu kotta böyle- oyster shells. The fact that numerous seashells were en- sine yo¤un bir flekilde deniz kabuklusuna tesadüf edil- countered at this elevation must have a particular mean- mesinin herhalde özel bir anlam› olmas› gerekir. Belki ing and might indicate glass production, which required de bu yo¤unluk, istiridye kabuklar›n›n kalsiyum kayna- calcium, which could be procured from oyster shells; ¤› olmas› ve kalsiyumun cam imalat›nda kullan›lmas› ile however, it is too early to reach any secure conclusions iliflkili olabilir; ne var ki, kesin birfley söylemek için as to their use. henüz erkendir. Another surprise was to uncover near the southwest Güney nefteki çal›flmalar s›ras›nda, mekan›n güney-bat› corner a skeleton lying in an east-west direction. This köflesine yak›n bir konumda ve do¤u-bat› yönünde uza- skeleton extends under the south wall, i.e. the wall was nan bir iskeletin ç›kmas› hayli sürpriz olmufltur. ‹skelet, built over the grave. 1 KAZI RAPORLARI EXCAVATION REPORTS mekan›n güney duvar›n›n alt›na do¤ru uzanmaktad›r; Work along the Northern Façade baflka bir deyiflle, duvar, iskeletin bulundu¤u mezar›n The soundings made at the western corner of the north- üzerine yap›lm›flt›r. ern façade of the Church exposed the foundations of the wall of the north aisle of the old basilica and it was Kuzey Cephe Boyunca Yap›lan Çal›flmalar inferred that the wall was largely removed during the installation of the pig iron water pipe. When the exca- Kilise’nin kuzey cephesinin bat› köflesinde yap›lan son- vation work was extended, burnt nails and wood pieces daj çal›flmalar› s›ras›nda, eski bazilikan›n kuzey nefinin were found at a depth of -0.35 m, in front of the small temel duvar› ortaya ç›kart›lm›fl; duvar›n, buraya sonra- doorway in the northern side of the church.
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