Mendes, Feliciano, Glen CamP-bell,. Bill CosbY.,. JohnnY. Mathis, M onkees, Nina Simone NOVEMBER 1, 1969 Mancini with letter orchestra from y1c Lewis, NEMS Managing Director, t his week revealed his plans for Johnny Brit ish tours by t op American stars, fol­ lowing a visit to New York and Los Angeles. Cash Set for 1970 visits are Glen Campbell, for April or May Sunday concerts at the London Palladium; Sergio Mendes and Brasil ' 66 for a series of London and pro­ vincial concerts in M ay; Jose Feliciano for a season at a London venue, yet to be Thank you, England, announced, in April; comedian and I Spy For r9membering me •••• I TV star Bill Cosby for the London Pal­ hav~ always hoped that some of ladium on March 29; and a London-made my music might be accepted by TV series is being negotiated for Lainie Kazan in January or February. the people of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Under Discussion I have always beli eved that Other 1970 visits under discussion include people are people; no matter trips by Johnny Mathis and the Monkees. During the rest of 1969, Claudine longet, Andy where •• • • and that something Williams· singer-wife, arrived in London on Tues­ day (28) to tape a Tom Jones TV show. that touches the heart of one Nina Simone w ill play four British concerts during an extensive European tour -Birming­ per son could touch all ham Town Hall (November 15), two shows at hearts • ••• Especial ly i f that the London Palladium (16) and M anchest er's Palace Theatre (17) . something is LOVE- LI FE­ Henry Mancini arrives for concerts with his orchestra and chorus at Birmingham Town Hall l!UMANITY . !!ere' s hopi ng that (December 5). Manchester Palace (6) and Lon­ don Palladium (7) . He will also guest in Cilla more and more of my songs Black's BBC-TV series. please you, Shani Wallis arrives in early December for a spot on the Tom Jones show and Jim Backus Mervyn Conn and my agent for an appearance in Thames-TV's Max Bygraves here have discussed the possi bi l i t y of a tour of ;::;,tar.Goodman f Britain f or stumner of 1970, ,-"""••- ,.. as well as other parts of big band tour Europe. ENNY GOODMAN, the legendary Klng of I' 11 see you again England, B Swing, will make bls first-ever big band con­ cert tour of Britain in the Spring! sometime in 1970 if my Benny· will be bringing over a sextet of Ameri­ can musicians, who will be augmented by British schedule can be arranged. musicians to a full Benny Goodman Big Band line­ up. It Is also planned to include 1V during the Till then, thanks again trip. Benny wUI make one or possibly two appearances for not forgetting me. In London at a major concert venue - possibly the Albert Hall, Festival Hall, or at Hammersmith. He may I'll not forget you. also play one or two dates in the Provinces. Robert Paterson, Impresario handllng the tour - which also Includes the Continent - told the MM on Monday: " Benny and I have been discussing this project for two years. Back trouble prevented Denny's coming before, but now he is definitely going to do It." Benny Goodman. In fact. is already in Britain pre­ paring for the tour. Al presstlme, he was awaiting MU permission to record with British musicians for a (o~-{./, possible LP release. Personnel of the American sextet Benny would bring over for the tour has not yet been fixed. Added Robert Paterson: " It wouJd be wonderful if it could include such previous Benny Goodman stars as Cootie ' Wllllams, Teddy WIison, Lionel Hampton and Gene ( \ Krupa. But they are now very heavily committed.•' SEE PAGE SEVEN I_ - ALL SET FOR YOKO: w edding album POPS IN COLOUR NEW JOHN IT'S " All Systems Go " for the first screening of ,troops, Affinity and Swttt Top Of The Pops in full colour on Thursday, W~ti~.;:;t~~ Pet, K1 n1t, or AND YOKO November Ronnie Scott Directions 20. " With studm and nthf"r costs, Producer Mel Comish and his production 1 (3) SUGAR, SUGAR this contract 1s worth at lea.st Arch1es, RCA as~istant Brian Whitehouse are already planning Cl00,000." 2 (4) HE AIN'T HEAVY ... HE' S MY B.ROTHER Hollies, Parlophone a spectacular edition of Top Of T he Pops that ALBUM 3 (2) l'M GONNA MAKE YOU MINE Lou Christie. Buddah will give full scope for the firsl of the new colour COLOSSEUM TOUR AN A LBUM planned around 4 (9) OH WELL Fleetwood Mac, Reprise presentations. the wedding o f John l.tnnon COLOSSEUM fly to C1.ech­ and Yoko Ono w ill be re­ 5 ( 1) I'll NEVER FALL IN LOVE AGAIN Bobbie Gentry, Capitol The pubhc audience or 50 McLagan (organ, pno). Ronn ie oslovak1a tomorrow (Friday) leased by Applt" on ~o\lem­ Woods Oead gtr). Ronnie Lane 6 (5) SPACE ODDITY David Bowie, Philips will be increased to JOO, and appear on Saturday ber 7. and the Pops unit will move (b~! a~~o~:nnrr~on~r!:~~l- 1 The first side include, 1nttr­ 7 (7) JE rAIME MOI NON PLUS }C:tt1v!~ewhf'~u~! to larger studios at the TV recordmJ. tracks for en Li ~:;i~~~z views with the couple f'f'­ Jane Birktn and Serg e Gain sbourg. M aJor M inor Centre rrom its current and will play dates 1n headlined this year by Duke cordcd in Amsterd1m, whi le 8 (16) RETURN OF DJANGO ..... Upsetttrs, Upsetter Lime G rove venue. Sw1tztrl1nd during November Ellington, Oscar Peterson end the second s1df' cont~ns Brian Whitehouse 11 already 1he Clarke-Boland Bend. " messages o( love 1n n1us1c" 9 (6 ) LAY LADY LAY Bob Dylan CBS Colosseum then fo llow with from John and Yoko 10 ( 10 ) NOBODY' S CHILD Karen Young. Major 'Minor ~~.:~~. ~'\:i'h '::.',1:•~~~"~~ PIONEERS DUE an eight day European tour The Plaslic Ono Band', for TV. club and concert 11 ( 24 ) DEL TA LADY . Joe Cocker, Regal Zonophone male - to swell the public a lbum. " Live Peact. f"rom audience. THE PI ONEERS, who thi s work. They will visit Austn,a Toronto," will ~ 1va1latilt' on 12 (8) A BOY NAMED SUE . Johnny Cash, CBS " ~ut it's no good people week climbed to 23 in the and Denmark. The groups November I -4 It fe-atur~ John writing to the BBC fo r tick­ second LP, "Valentyne a nd Yoko, Er ic C'lap1on, Klaui 13 (1 3) DO ~HAT YOU GOTTA DO Four Tops, Tamla Motown ets," he 5tressed this wttk o<~t~/tu~~:t)::.~~I, :t~~i Suite,'' is the first a lbum released on the ne,w Ve- rt1go Voorman, and drummer Alan 14 ( 17) LOVES BEEN GOOD TO ME Frank Sinatra. Reprise " We a lready iet over 200 a six weeks British tour on White 15 ( 11 ) lrS GETTING BETTER M ama Cass. Stateside applicants a week, when we November 28 fo r Commercial label on Novem~r 7 1 0 Entert11nments. 16 ( 12) BAD MOON RISING . Cree dence Clea rwater Revival, Liberty no~h;i'r~: g'; th! ~~ps goes On the same day. as 17 (21) EVERYBODY'S TALKING .. , . Nilsson. RCA Into colour, the prf'sent time previously reported, the Up- of 25 m1nutf11 m1y hP ei­ setters. currently number 18 (14) GOOD MORNING STARSHINE Oliver. CBS tcnded to half-an-hour .. This eight with " Return Or Duke Ellington in 19 ( 18) LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT Sounds Nice. Parl oph one w!II enahle us to Include DJango," also start a tour fo r 1nothtr two numbers,'' 1dds the same management 20 (15) THROW DOWN A LINE Hank and Cltff. Colu mbia Brian 21 (19) DON'T FORGET TO REMEMBER Bee Gees. Polydor CANNED HEAT 22 (29) WONDERFUL WORLD, BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE Jimmy Clt ff, Trojan sacred concert 23 (27) LONG SHOT (KICK THE BUCKET) . Pioneers. Trojan MARMALADE BATTLE AMERICAN blues bend 0UKE ELLINGTON and his Colston Ha ll , Bristo l (2S). Canned Heal m1y tour Brit1m orchcslre will be the subject t'ree Trade Ha ll , Manchester (28) AND THE SUN WILL SHINE Jose Feliciano. RCA MARMALADI:. ere pl1nning to urly m 1970. of • •• Tribute To Ellington " 26), City Ha ll, Newcastle 25 (-) WHAT DOES IT TAKE rush-r«-leuf" • new Dtcca Liberty Records" press bendlt evenln~ In Paris 27), Wakefi eld Thn tTe Club 1inglr 1n opJ)Ol1tion to offi~r Barbara ScOll told the 1(28), Odron. H1mme~mllh Jnr. W alker and the All Sta rs. Tamla Motown ., Butterfly,'' N"lras«-d by their during what Ellingto n rans MM " Negotiations are taking there e re ca lllng Ellio1ton (29) and Winier Gude.,, 26 (20) HARE KRISHNA MANTRA Radha Kri sh na Temple. Apple former lahel, CBS, last week place for a tour 1n the flnt Boumemouch (30). week. Month. pa rt of next year. but th .. re On S1turday (November I), 27 (22) I SECOND THAT EMOTION A spokesman for the group are no det1ds yet " told lhe MM "' Buttrrfly. Duke a nd the band play a Dtana Ross and the Supremes an d t he Temptations, Tamla M otown concert a l Salle Playel in was recorded H an 1lbum Kl:UUAE 28 (-) LIQUIDATOR Harry J and the All Stars, Trojan track and the group II not SCOTT DEAL Puli.. They perform a u cred concert at the Church of St 29 (-) SWEET DREAM Jeth ro Tull, Chrysalis happy about 1L~ r"lcaise .,.
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