Volume Xll Number 4 SOUTHERN Focus on IUNatmibia A RICA $1 fMAY 197,() 230 1979 Tanzania 8shs. Mozambique 35esc. SOUTHERN CONTENTS INTERVIEW 2 SWAPO Executive Member, Hidipo Hamutenya: Af RICA SWAPO Ready to Continue Volume XII Number 4 the Struggle SPECIAL REPORT MAY 1979 4 Right Turn in UK and US NAMIBIA Why No April Issue 5 South Africa Blocks Settlement Dear Readers, 7 Corporate Interests Prepare Unfortunately we could not bring out an April editi for UDI of the magazine. We didn't have the money to l: 8 Uranium-Vital for Western printers or type-setters. Added to that we had to m( Energy to new offices-because our rent was being doubled ZIMBABWE We are not yet able to cover our basic monthly bud 9 Voting at the Point of a Gun from subscriptions alone, so that our income has to SOUTH AFRICA supplemented by grants. 10 Information Scandal We already have large debts, and when it beca Revelations Continue clear that our April income would not come near coy 11 Running Interference in the US ing the cost of producing the magazine, we were for to miss an issue. MOZAMBIQUE We plan to keep going, and have been working h, 13 The Limpopo Valley: From Colonial Settlement to looking for grants. But our future really depends on Socialization of the ability to increase our subscription list to 10,000. TI Countryside would give us a strong enough economic base to supp UNITED STATES our monthly operational expenses. Fundraising co 14 House Kills Observer Plan then be directed towards special projects, promoti and further improvements. DEPARTMENTS 1 Update If each of our present readers encouraged two oth 16 Action News and Notes to subscribe, or bought two gift subscriptions, we wo 17 Book Reviews come close to reaching that goal. 20 Letters We know from your letters that you think 21 News Briefs magazine is important. Please help us keep it alive z growing. Front Cover: A luta continua Young SWAPO supporter The Southern Africa Collect (credit: SWAPO Information) Members of the Southern Africa collective who contributed to the production of this Subscriptions: Individual (domestic and foreign)/$10.00 Institutional/$18.00; Airmail: issue: Jennifer Davis, Craig Howard, Richard Knighl, Patrick Lawrin., Edgar Africa, Asia, Europe/$22 50 South and Central America/$19 50 Lockwood. Andrew Marx, Malik Reaves, Christine Root. Karen Rolhmyer. Witney Schneidman, Mike Shuster, Stephanie Urdang, Jim Weikarl, Julie Weimar Southern Africa is available on microlilm through University Microfilm, Xerox Company. Ann Arbor, Mich 68206, and is listed in the Alternative Press Index Special thanks for their assistance to: Africa News Distributors: New York, Typesetting by Liberation News Service NY: Triangle Exchange, Delhi Distributors Washington, DC: Liberation Information Distribution Co.; Boston, MA. Carrier Pigeon, Third World Cover and layout by The Letter Space Distributors Chicago: Guild News Agency Minneapolis, MN: Rainbow Distribution St Southern Africa is published monthly, except for July-August, when bi monthly, by the Paul, MN: Isis News Distribution Southern Africa Committee, 17 West 171h Street, New York, N Y 10011 ISSN 0038-3775 UPDATE support for liberation struggles in southern charges, but rather implied that South Africa. Ugandan Minister of State for Africa had long known about these relative IL Defense Yoweri Museveni was one of seven ly low-level, routine intelligence operations. students from the University of Dar es The expose, officials hinted in off-the Salaam who in 1968 spent four weeks record remarks, was probably intended to travelling in the liberated areas of Mozam distract from South Africa's internal Infor bique with FRELIMO, and subsequently mation scandal and to provide an excuse Solomon Mahlangu played an active role in training anti-Amin for a more belligerent stand in Namibia guerrillas. (and in Zimbabwe). Executed It is no secret that the US has long been Despite widespread internal and interna capable of monitoring South African ter "Christian League" Linked rain via tional protest, on April 6th the South detailed photographs provided by African government executed by hanging to Info Scandal its satellite system. Solomon Mahlangu, a young black political Some observers have thus expressed con According to information received by the prisoner. Mahlangu, a member of the cern that the US plane's mission may have Guardian (England), the South African had more banned African National Congress, had to do with searching out the government channeled perhaps as much as movements been convicted of complicity in the of liberation forces, than with half a million dollars to the Christian shooting of two white men in Johannesburg seeking out major South African govern League of Southern Africa, a right-wing ment in June 1977. installations. church group which has organized a pro The shooting occurred as Mahlangu and paganda campaign against the World two companions fled from police who had Council of Churches and its aid to libera found a hand grenade in one of their bags. Rhodesia Times New Raids tion movements in southern Africa. In Although Mahlangu was present at the November last year, a Christian League to Election scene of the shooting, the judge said in representative had admitted to Christian court that he accepted that Mahlangua had Following the April 10 vote by whites, Science Monitor reporter June Goodwin not fired the fatal shots. They were fired the first stage in Rhodesia's internal settle the receipt of about $26,000 from US by Mondy Motloung, who was so badly ment selection, Rhodesia mounted yet publisher John McGoff, who had been ac beaten up by the police after the deaths that another series of raids on neighboring cused of active involvement with the South he was found unfit to stand trial. African states Botswana and Zambia African Information Department efforts in Solomon Mahlangu, 22 at the time of his (fighting has been virtually constant in the United States. But the Guardian report execution, had joined the African National areas of Mozambique adjoining Rhodesia). is the first confirmation of suspicions that Congress soon after the Soweto uprising in The ferry linking Botswana and Zambia at the group was receiving South African 1976. He left South Africa for military Kazungula was destroyed, and 14 ZAPU government funding. training and returned shortly before his ar officials kidnapped from Francistown, Christian League head Rev. Fred Shaw rest. Botswana. Refugee and allegedly guerrilla denied the Guardian report, but said, "If camps were attacked in northern Zambia we receive money from the South African on two successive days, reportedly killing Front-Line States government and it is given to us so that we several hundred people. And in two raids Hail Amin Downfall don't know who gave it to us, and with no into the Zambian capital Lusaka, Rhode strings attached, then the South African sian commandoes destroyed Liberation Last November, when Idi Amin sent government must be praised as the most Center, which houses movement offices, Ugandan troops across the Tanzanian Christian government in the world." and several residences belonging to ZAPU, border, among the strongest voices raised in including the house of its leader Joshua support of Tanzania were those of Mozam Nkomo, who escaped injury. bique and Zambia. An official Mozam South AfricalUS Quarrel Characteristic of the raids in Lusaka and bican statement linked the attack to Tan Over Spies Botswana was the disguise of Rhodesian zania's role in support of liberation troops in the uniforms of Botswanan and movements in southern Africa, and accom The South African and US governments Zambia soldiers, a technique that has also panying news articles noted Uganda's role last month engaged in an exchange of angry been frequently used on raids into Mozam in training military personnel for Rhodesian gestures, posing new problems for Western bique. "internal settlement" leader Sithole. diplomatic efforts premised on South The attacks, as did an earlier raid on When the Ugandan National Liberation African cooperation. First, South African Mozambican oil storage tanks, emphasize Front proclaimed a new government on Prime Minister P.W. Botha announced on the military vulnerability of the African April 11, the "front-line states"-Tan April 12 the expulsion of three US military states aiding Zimbabwe's guerrillas, and zania, Mozambique, Zambia, Botswana personnel attached to the US embassy, pose the prospect of escalation of the war and Angola-were among the first African charging that the Ambassador's plane had into a wider conventional conflict. states to grant recognition. The future of been fitted with a spy camera to photo Particularly ominous for the future is the the new governing coalition in Uganda may graph sensitive South African installations. low-key international reaction to the be uncertain, but at least the key state of In retaliation, then, the US expelled two Rhodesian raids, indicating that they have Tanzania no longer has the debilitating South African military attaches stationed in almost come to be accepted as normal oc distraction of a hostile Ugandan govern Washington. curences. ment. And some at least among the new US officials did not bother to make a UPDATE this month was jointly preparea Ugandan leaders are known for their strong comprehensive denial of the South African by Africa News and Southern Africa. INTERVIEW -7 SWAPO Ready to Continue the Struggle South Africa is seeking a way out of allowing free, UN supervised elections in Namibia. Recognizing this, SWAPO is preparing for a protracted people's war of liberation. Hidipo Hainutenva has been a militant Windhoek and Sswakopmund areas, some men into the country, and they are trying to with S It -IPO since 1961. Now at the age of 500 miles assaN from the border with prevent that from happening.
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