Rock Valley College Board of Trustees Community College District No. 511 3301 N. Mulford Road, Rockford, IL 61114 Educational Resource Center, Performing Arts Room, Room 0214 Regular Board Meeting 5:15 p.m. January 22, 2019 AGENDA A. Call to Order B. Roll Call C. Adjourn to Closed Session to discuss 1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees per Section 2 (c) (1); and/or 2) Collective negotiating matters per Section 2 (c) (2); and/or 3) Litigation has been filed and is pending or an action is probable or imminent per Section 2 (c) (11) in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act. D. Reconvene Open Meeting E. Possible Action Items as a Result of Closed Session F. Communications and Petitions (Public Comment) G. Recognition of Visitors H. General Presentations 1. Community Impact Videos I. Approval of Minutes 1. November 13, 2018 Committee of the Whole meeting 2. December 11, 2018 Regular Board meeting J. Action Items 1. Motion to approve recommended agreement with the RVCFA concerning retirement incentive benefits based on the terms discussed in the closed session 2. Approve Claims Sheet #758 (BR 7580) (Check Register-December 2018) 3. Approve Purchase Report #735 (BR 7581) a. Purchase Report #735-A – FY19 Addendums b. Purchase Report #735-B – FY19 Purchases c. Purchase Report #735-C – FY19 Software Renewal d. Purchase Report #735 D – FY19 Blanket Purchase Orders 4. Approve Personnel Report #733 (BR 7582) 5. Approve Amended Board Policy 3:10.090 – Personnel Reports (BR 7583) 6. Approve Amended Board Policy 3:40.040 - Temporary Employees (BR 7584) 7. Approve Intergovernmental Agreement: Police Integrated Records Management System (BR 7585) Rock Valley College Board of Trustees January 22, 2019 Page 1 of 2 K. Other Business 1. New Business 2. Unfinished Business L. Updates / Reports 1. President’s Update 2. Leadership Team Updates 3. Trustee Comments 4. Student Trustee Report 5. RVC Foundation Liaison Report 6. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Report M. Adjourn to Closed Session to discuss 1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees per Section 2 (c) (1); and/or 2) Collective negotiating matters per Section 2 (c) (2); and/or 3) Litigation has been filed and is pending or an action is probable or imminent per Section 2 (c) (11) in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act. N. Reconvene Open Session O. Possible Action Items as a Result of Closed Session P. Date of Next Regular Meeting: February 26, 2019. 5:15 p.m., Educational Resource Center, Room 0214 known as the Performing Arts Room (lower level) Q. Adjourn Lynn Kearney, Board Chair Rock Valley College Board of Trustees January 22, 2019 Page 2 of 2 Rock Valley College Board of Trustees Community College District No. 511 3301 N. Mulford Road, Rockford, IL 61114 Woodward Technology Center, Room 1322 Committee of the Whole Meeting 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 13, 2018 Minutes A. Call to Order: Trustee Kearney called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Roll Call: Trustees Dunn, Gorski, Kearney, Nelson, Ray, Trojan and student Trustee (Elijah) Wartgow; Trustee Murphy joined the meeting at 6:50 p.m. C. Communications and Petitions (Public Comment) D. Review of Minutes: Committee of the Whole, October 09, 2018; there were no changes. E. Teaching, Learning & Communications Discussion: Board Liaison Trustee Paul Gorski 1. HLC: Feedback on Assurance Argument – Criterion 4, 5 & Federal Compliance: • Trustee Gorski attended the HLC steering committee meeting and thanked staff for working hard and addressing strengths and weaknesses appropriately. • The goal is to review initial strengths and challenges; forms are available from Dr. Mehlig for anyone wishing to provide feedback. • The last meeting was held for the assurance argument. Trustee Kearney requested that everyone look at their availability for a possible Saturday retreat to review the HLC process and hold a mock visit. • Criterion 4: Page 10 refers to teaching and learning where the focus is on quality. • Assessment is a large part of criterion 4. At the last accredited site visit, guidance was given on how we can improve. Advisory committees are in place for all career and technical programs, and the College has engaged in processes to strengthen our communication, which is always a continuous improvement. • Decisions are being made regarding program assessment to better improve programs and advisory committees. Trustees can complete the form that was provided and return it to Dr. Lisa Mehlig. Trustee Gorski stated that trustees can give comments on the assurance argument to the team before the Thanksgiving holiday. • Criterion 5: Page 11 refers to institutional resources, both financial materials and operational items of the College. Strengths and challenges were highlighted. Dr. Mehlig will review all feedback to make sure concerns are addressed. Several challenges were noted, particularly that some departments are still under-staffed, and there is a desire for more professional development and the training offerings to match the technology strides being made. In summary, however, the College is strengthening processes for long term effectiveness. • Federal Compliance-page 57: The College is compliant and continues to improve processes. Independent studies are being reviewed for students completing their programs of study and a process has been developed that is currently being reviewed by the curriculum committee. • The student complaint system has been implemented and is working well to address formal and informal complaints. The system also assists in monitoring potential problems that may arise from informal complaints as well as formal complaints. Minutes-Board of Trustees Committee of the Whole, November 13, 2018 Page 1 of 4 • Advertising and recruitment materials: The College does not print mailers. Adequate staff is needed to make updates on the website. • The steering committee has met to review feedback in identifying misperceptions of the College as a whole. Sub-committee co-chairs are formatting drafts. A brief overview will be held on the nature of the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), along with a mock interview. Trustee Kearney thanked all committees for a job well done. 2. Memorandum of Understanding – Linking Talent with Opportunity: Winnebago School District: Ms. Kelly Cooper, Executive Director of Engineering Our Future and Early College gave a brief overview of the agreement. The State of Illinois is working on dual credit standards. 3. Application for Permanent Approval of an Occupational Curriculum – Basic Environmental Sustainability Certificate: This curriculum has already been approved by the curriculum committee. If the board approves the curriculum, the College will then send it to the ICCB for final approval. There is a certificate degree option to make students more employable, along with existing courses for a new model of stackable credits. Promotion of this curriculum is the same as for other credit programs. F. Finance Discussion: Board Liaison Trustee Jennifer Ray 1. Purchase Report(s) • New software for course scheduling utilizes predictive analytics for more effective scheduling and is a tool that works across disciplines to create efficiencies within programs. This software is used in many community colleges in northern Illinois. • Graduation regalia was sent out for competitive bid. • Item D is for shared utility costs for 303 North Main. 2. Cash and Investment Report: The increase indicated on the report from September to October is due to property tax payments received from Winnebago County. 3. Intergovernmental Agreement: Rockford Park District Tax Abatement Request: The Rockford Park District (RPD) is requesting all governmental bodies to abate taxes for Magic Waters which has now been acquired by Six Flags. Administrators recommend approval and abatement for taxes. Trustee comments include: • Trustee Gorski: Supports the abatement; the College does have legal authority to abate taxes; the use of the land is for the good of the public. Possible economic loss to the community could result without College support. • Trustee Nelson: Believes this could burden the homeowner with taxes so is reluctant to abate taxes and wants to know what the RPD is receiving in exchange for the arrangement. • Trustee Dunn: Supports the abatement as the RPD has been a good partner and supporter of the College, and urged the board to consider support of the abatement. • Trustee Kearney: Supports the abatement for many of the prior reasons trustees mentioned, stating it is of benefit to the community. • Trustee Murphy supports the abatement. Mr. Jay Sandine, Executive Director of the Rockford Park District, was present to answer questions and explained that Six Flags reached out to the RPD in March 2018 with a proposal. RPD accepted the proposal which is contingent upon 100% approval of abatement. Community feedback indicated that local dollars go into local parks and playgrounds. RPD’s debt decreased from $450K to $100K per year in repayment of debt. Minutes-Board of Trustees Committee of the Whole, November 13, 2018 Page 2 of 4 Executive Director Sandine took brief questions to offer better understanding in the overall RPD budget and cost of Magic Waters. Six Flags has plans to update Magic Waters using local workers. 4. Summary of 2018 Estimated Revenues by Source for Rock Valley College: The summary brings the College in compliance with state law showing the five sources of fees. SURS cost is a pass through, not revenue. 5. Approval of 2018 Tax Levy and Certifying Compliance: The hearing will take place at the December 11 regular board meeting. While the College is not required to hold a hearing it is done so in the spirit of transparency. G. Operations Discussion: Board Liaison Trustee Michael Dunn, Jr. 1. Board Personnel Report: There were no comments. 2. Capital Projects Status Report: The conversion for LED lights is mostly funded from operations, with a small portion from Protection, Health and Safety funds.
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