Clans, Tribes and Their Locality in Chechnya, Albania, Afghanistan and Iraq

Clans, Tribes and Their Locality in Chechnya, Albania, Afghanistan and Iraq

Appendix Clans, Tribes and Their Locality in Chechnya, Albania, Afghanistan and Iraq While compiling the lists with clans the author found that in some cases lists do not (completely) overlap. Since the sources are trustworthy, they are indicated here. This shows the importance of correct knowledge of clans and their influence in the areas they are inhabiting. 1 Clans in Chechnya1 Confederation Clans Localisation A’kkhiï Bartchakhoï, J’evoï, Ziogoï, In the east of Chechnya, Pkhiartchoï, Pkhiartchakhoï, near Daghestan; North of Nokkhoï, Va’ppiï Daghestan Malkhiï Amkhoï, Bia’stiï, Bienastkhoï, In the south west of Italtchkhoï, Kamalkhoï, Chechnya, along the frontier Kkhoratkhoï, Kiegankhoï, with Ingushetia and Georgia Mechiï, Sakankhoï, Teratkhoï, Tchiarkhoï, Erkhoï, Yamkhoï Nokhtchmakhkoï Aïtkhaloï, Belguiatoï, Benoï, East, Southeast and part of Biltoï, Guandarguenoï, central Chechnya Guiordaloï, Gouonoï, Zandak’oï, Ikhiiroï, Ichkhoï, Kourchaloï, Sessankhoï, Tchermoï, Tsientaroï, Tchartoï, Eguiachbatoï, Enakkhaloï, Enganoï, Chouonoï, Yalkhoï, Yaliroï Terloï Nik’aroï, O’chniï, Cho’ndiï, Along the Tchanty-Argun Eltpkh’arkhoï 1 M.A. Mamakaev. Le taipe (lignee) tchétchène dans la période de sa désintégration (Grozny: Maison d’édition tchétchéno-ingouche, 1973), 18–19 in Viacheslav Avioutskii, 54. © koninklijke brill nv, leiden, ���� | doi:10.1163/9789004415485_013 Charlotte Hille - 9789004415485 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 09:42:10PM via free access <UN> �36 APPENDIX: CLANS, TRIBES AND THEIR LOCALITY Confederation Clans Localisation Tchianti Borzoï, Bouguiaroï, Along the river Khildekh’aroï, Do’rakhoï, Tchanty-Argun Khouokkhadoï, Kh’atcharoï, Toumsoï Tchebarloï Diaï, Makajoï, Sadoï, Sandak- Southeast of Chechnya, the hoï, Sikkhoï, Sirkhoï northern part of the valley of the Charo-Argun Charoï Kinkhoï, Rigakhoï, Khikhoï, Central Chechnya, along the Khoï, Kh’akmadoï, Chik’aroï river Tchanty-Argun Chouotoï Varandoï, Vachandaroï, Valley of low Martan Guiattoï, Keloï, Marchoï, (Fortanga) Nijaloï, Nikhaloï, Pkh’amtoï, Sa’toï, Kh’akkoï Erchtkhoï Galoï, Guiandaloï, Guiartchoï, Merjoï, Moujakhoï, Tsietchoï 2 Clans in Albania2 Region Clans Malësia e Madhe Kelmendi Gruda Hoti Kastrati Shkreli Triesh Pulat Plani Xhani Kiri Suma Drishti Dukagjin Shala Shoshi Shllaku Mazreku 2 Robert Elsie, The Tribes of Albania, History, Society and Culture (London, IB Taurus, 2015). Charlotte Hille - 9789004415485 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 09:42:10PM via free access <UN> APPENDIX: CLANS, TRIBES AND THEIR LOCALITY �37 Region Clans Dushmani Toplana Other sources: Kiri Xhani Plani Gjakova highlands Nikaj Mërturi Krasniqi Gashi Bytyçi Puka Qerreti Puka Kabashi Berisha Thaçi Mali i Zi Mirdita Skana Dibrri Fani Kushneni Oroshi Spaqi Kthella Selita Lezha Highlands Bulgëri Kryezezi Manatia Vela Kruja Highlands Kurbini Ranza Benda Mat region Bushkashi Mati Upper Drin basin Hasi Luma Lura Arrëni Dibra Charlotte Hille - 9789004415485 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 09:42:10PM via free access <UN> �38 APPENDIX: CLANS, TRIBES AND THEIR LOCALITY 3 Tribes in Iraq3 Confederation Tribe Region Shammar Toqa Central Iraq Jarba North-northwest Dulaym (connected to Jannabiyin, Ubayd, Western province of Anbar, being of Zubaydi origin) around Ramadi Jibur In the north along the rivers as far as Mosul and Khabur Al-Tikriti Albu Nasir Khaza’il-al Al Shallal Baghdad area Al Salaman Anizah Near the border between Iraq and Syria to the east bank of the Euphrates Hushaim (of Shammar origin) Along the Euphrates Al Aqrah (of Shammar origin) Along the Shatt al Dagharah Zubaydi (Dulaymi, Jibur, Ubayd albu Amir Originally from Yemen, they are of the Zubaydi stock) live scattered throughout Iraq Ubayd Between Mosul and Baghdad, on the river banks of the Tigris Another Division of Tribes in Iraq4: Al Glall Al Hassan Unizzah Albuh Mohammed Al Ozairij Bano Bayat Al Zobayd Al Rabi’h Albu Timin Al Montifig 3 Hussein D. Hassan, Iraq: Tribal Structure, Social, and Political Activities, crs Report for Con- gress, March 15, 2007. 4 “Tribes in Afghanistan”, UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (unami), August 3, 2003, https://, (accessed June 20 2019). Charlotte Hille - 9789004415485 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 09:42:10PM via free access <UN> APPENDIX: CLANS, TRIBES AND THEIR LOCALITY �39 Al Dufeer Al Motairat Al Asdy Al Kindy Bano Malik Al Khazraj Al Ribad Al Sawae’id Bano Lam Al Agr’a Albu Yaser Al Khaz’il Al Fatla Al Jubour Al Laith Al Hawashim Al Janaby Al Qaraghoul Dulaim Al Ssalhi Al Dduri ‘Ateeghi Al Qarah Somaida’ Al Nifeesah Al Takaretah Al Samarray Tkrity Sinjar Shammar Kurdish Tribes5 Confederacy Tribe Location Delo Gash, Jamrezi, Karez, Khush mountains to Sarkala Panjankushti, Salim Waysi, and Khanaqin [Diyala] Taskawand 5 Mehrad R Izady, Kurds: A Concise Handbook (Washington, Taylor and Francis, 1992), in Foreign Office, Country Policy and Information Note, Iraq: Blood Feuds, August 2017, 9–12, Charlotte Hille - 9789004415485 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 09:42:10PM via free access <UN> �40 APPENDIX: CLANS, TRIBES AND THEIR LOCALITY Confederacy Tribe Location Dizai/Dizay Gondola (Gontola), Erbil to Trigris river Maman, Piran Hamawand Begzada, Chingini, Chamchamal [Sulamaniyah] Kafrushi, Mamand, Piriyai, to Sirwan river and Bazayn Ramawand, Rashwand, region Safarwand, Shitabisar, Sofiawand Jaf Amala, Badghi, Baseri, Sulaymaniyah to Klar and Bashki, Haruni, Isai, Ismail Halabja Uzhayri, Jalali (Galala), Jawanrudi, Kamali, Mikaeli, Muradi, Nawroli, Pisht- male, Rashubari, Rogai, Sadani, Safiwand, Shatri, Shaykh Ismaili, Tarkhari, Tawgozi, Yazbanbakuk, Yarwaysi, Yusifjani Keza/Kaza Sandula Begi, Kokha Shi Kifir to Chinchaldan Bahram, Sarkala Pahla/Fayli Bapirvand, Braspi, In pockets from Baquba, Chaydarvand, Dustalivand, northeast of Baghdad to Guran, Haywari, Jabirvand, Khuzistan [Iran] Jugi, Kalkuh, Khizirvand, Kowkirvand, Mamasivand, Nowruzrand, Osivand, Papi, Shakarbegi, Sharaka, Sulamankahni, Zargush Sharan/Shiwan Bazayni, Khasa North of Kirkuk, between Khasa and Zeh rivers Zand Alyan (Elyan), Gheni Kifri to Sirwin river (Qini), Mamsalih, Tayer Around Raniya [Sulamaniyah] Khani Ako Baban (Babani) North of Kirkuk and in Khanaqin data/file/641597/Iraq_-_Blood_feuds_-_CPIN_-_version_1_0.pdf, (accessed July 30 2019). Charlotte Hille - 9789004415485 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 09:42:10PM via free access <UN> APPENDIX: CLANS, TRIBES AND THEIR LOCALITY �41 Confederacy Tribe Location Belikan (Balik, Balikiyan) Between Rawanduz [Erbil] and Rayat in Balik Heights [Erbil] Barzanji (Berzinji) Barzanji (Berzinji) Bayati Tuz Khurmatu [Salah al-Din] to Kifiri Bazanyni (Shaykh Bazayni) Erbil to Kirkuk Boli South of Bilek Chigini North of Sulamaniyah Dumbuli (Dunbeli) Shaykhan [Ninewah] Daudi (Dawde) Tawq, Kifri to Tuz Khurmatu Gakhar (Qara Tapa) Girdi North of Erbil and Koy Sanjaq Homermil Sarkala to Kocha Sanjaq Jabbari (Jebzari) Kirkuk to Chamchamal and Laylan [Kirkuk] Kakai Kirkuk to Tuz Khurmatu Khalkan (Khalkani) Northern Balik Mountains and north-east of Erbil Khoshnaw Around Shaqlawa Kura Erbil to Shaqlawa Laylani Laylan Palhani Zanabad to Qara Tapa Pizhdar Peshdar. Around Qala Diza Salhi Between Kirkuk and Qara Hasan. Also in Damascus, Syria Sherwan North of Rawanduz [Erbil] Siyan North of Kirkuk Surchi Middle course of the Greater Zab river to Rawanduz Talabani (Telshani) In pockets south-east of Kirkuk, northeast of Klar Talshani Ski Kifri to Zardawa Zangana Kifri to Klar Zarari North of Basturicha Zudi Rawanduz region Charlotte Hille - 9789004415485 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 09:42:10PM via free access <UN> �4� APPENDIX: CLANS, TRIBES AND THEIR LOCALITY Assyrian Tribes6 Tribe Location Area Albaq Barwar Northern Iraq Baz Konak (Hakkari) Botan Sirnak province and Darwodiya Chal Chal region Diz Bash-Kalak Gawar northern Iraq Halim Jilu Kasran Nochiya Baghdad, Iraqi Kurdistan Region Qodchanis Konak (Hakkari) Taimar Tkhuna Gunduktha Mazra Tyari (lower) Ashitha Hakkari and northern Iraq Bnematha Biraul Lizen Minianish Muelgipa Sulbag Zawita Nouhara Tyari (upper) Banimatu Hakkari and Dohuk province Byalta Kelaita Lakina Romta Geramon 6 The Assyrian tribes are situated in the border region between Iraq, Turkey, Iran and Syr- ia. Though the author has tried to make a list of Iraqi tribes, there are tribes that do live across the border with neighbouring states. “List of Assyrian Tribes”, QmXoypizjW3WknFiJnKLwHCnL72vedxjQkDDP1mXWo6uco/wiki/List_of_Assyrian_tribes .html, (accessed July 11 2019). Charlotte Hille - 9789004415485 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 09:42:10PM via free access <UN> APPENDIX: CLANS, TRIBES AND THEIR LOCALITY �43 Tribe Location Area Urmia Baradost Margawar Salamas Somai Tergawar Ushnuk Walto Walto river, upper Zab 4 Clans in Afghanistan Pashtun Tribes7 Confederacy Tribe Clans Durrani super Barakzai Clan Angizai, Ghaibizai, Hutmanzai, tribe (Zirak) Khirzai, Khunsezai, Muhamadzai/ Muhammadzai, Nasratzai, Suliman- zai, Umarkhanzai, Bakilzai, Guru- jizai, Khanchazai, Malikdinzai, Nasinzai, Sherzai, Sundarzai Khugiani Clan Gulbaz, Khabast, Kharbun/Khair- (Panjpai) bun, Khyrbun/Karbun, Sherzad, Wazir/Vaziri/Laili Nurzai Clan Adinzai, Adozai, Alizai, Badizai/ (Panjpai) Badizae, Chalakzai/Chalakzae, Ghorizai, Gurgan, Jamalzai, Jiji, Kurezai, Mirgian, Pataz, Samizai, Umarzai Daulatzai super Khadi and Barat Ali Shah Khel, Angurai, Jinigar and tribe Hassan Khel, Qalandar Khel, Sultan Khel, Tsapparai

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