International Waterlily & Water Gardening Society Water Garden Journal Volume 19, No. 1 Spring 2004 Water Garden Journal Volume 19, Number 1 Spring 2004 The Official Publication of the INTERNATIONAL WATERLILY AND WATER GARDENING SOCIETY www.iwgs.org EDITOR OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY James Allison PRESIDENT Wayne Davis VICE PRES. Tom Tilley EDITORIAL BOARD TREASURER Tish Folsom Paula Biles SECRETARY Robert (Bob) Burns Roseanne Conrad EXEC. DIR. Paula Biles Barre Hellquist BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2003-2004 Walter Pagels Robert Burns Barre Hellquist Betsy Sakata Rowena Burns Brad McLane DISTRIBUTION Roseanne Conrad Rolf Nelson Susan Davis Jim Purcell Paula Biles Wayne Davis Sue Speichert LAYOUT/DESIGN Tish Folsom Tom Tilley Cathy Green Charles Thomas Sue Speichert (ex-officio) Address Administr ative and EDITORIAL ADDRESS Subscription Enquiries to FOR THE NEXT ISSUE ONLY, 6828 26th St W PLEASE SEND ITEMS VIA THE Bradenton, FL 34207 USA ADMINISTRATIVE ADDRESS (Left) Voice & Fax 941-756-0880 E-MAIL [email protected] Email [email protected] MISSION STATEMENT Th e International Waterlily and Water Gardening Society (IWGS), is a non-profi t organization of multi-national membership dedicated to the furtherance of all aspects of water gardening and their associated plants. As an organization we support and promote education, research, and conservation in these areas. Volume 19, Number 1. The IWGS Water Garden Journal (ISSN 1069-5982) is published quarterly by The Interna- tional Waterlily and Water Gardening Society (The Society), 6828 26th St W, Bradenton, FL 34207, U.S.A. Voice & Fax 941-756-0880, Email [email protected] All rights reserved. © 2004. Bulk rate postage paid at Bradenton FL, USA and additional mailing offices. Basic subscription/ membership rate for one full year is $30. Further details and back issues are available from the administrative office in FL or from the website www.iwgs.org. All changes of address and incidents of non-arrival of journals should be notified to the office in FL. Opinions expressed by authors and any products reviewed are not specifically endorsed by The Society, nor does The Society accept any liability arising from the contents of this journal. 2 Th e Water Garden Journal Spring 2004 Table of Contents Volume 19, Number 1 Spring 2004 Feature Articles 10 Toronto 2004 – It’s Worth the Wait Details of our upcoming Symposium 14 Denver’s Lily of the Lake from Joe Tomocik and Trey Styler 16 A Visit to Th ailand by Cathy Green 22 Bog Gravel Filtration – Th e Power of Plants by Anita Nelson 27 Th e Long and Short of It – Complementary Planting by Anita Nelson 34 Patently Confusing by James Allison with Perry Slocum 41 Waterlilies and Beetles from an article by Finn Ervik and Jette Knudsen 42 Tales from the Lotus Trail (Part 3) by Grant Mitchell 45 Book Review: Encyclopedia of Water Garden Plants by James Allison Departments 4 From Your President 8 News Snippets 5 From Your Editor 33 Committee News 6 News and Updates 44 Alien Invaders 7, 9 Members in the News 46 Commercial Members &15 On the Cover Nymphaea ‘Denver’s Delight’, artwork by Susan Fisher See the article ‘Denver’s Lily of the Lake’ on page 14 Th e Water Garden Journal Spring 2004 3 From the President s we look optimistically toward the University’s Herbarium where our speci- Aspring and the start of a new growing mens will be housed. season, we also, as an organization, have much reason to be optimistic about the fu- Another important initiative is the Interna- ture. Since assuming my position last sum- tional Waterlily Preservation Repository in mer, I’ve worked with our board of directors San Angelo, Texas. This project, headed by towards our immediate goal of bringing our Ken Landon, is receiving specimen plants and members together to advance the aims and seeds from around the world on a regular ba- ambitions of this society. A number of key sis. The City of San Angelo recently received people have returned to our board, and to a substantial federal grant and $150,000 is serve on important committees, and new ones earmarked to build more ponds and research have also joined to help. We look forward to facilities for this collection. In a matter of just even greater participation from our member- a few months this project is at full speed. ship at large. Our symposium committee has been hard Before going any further, we want to ac- at work putting together an exciting pro- knowledge with grateful appreciation the gramme for Toronto this summer. We expect outstanding job done by our editor, James a record attendance this year and look for- Allison. James assumed this position back ward to meeting friends we haven’t seen for in 1996 under less than ideal conditions and a few years. Hopefully, you are making plans has restored the journal to its present state. to participate. A schedule of events is listed Soliciting articles, dealing with contributors in this journal and details will be made avail- from around the world, and trying to meet able on the website and in a brochure. deadlines, is quite a chore and James has done a magnificent job. His contributions Again this year we are a sponsoring organi- to our industry and hobby, both through his zation for National Water Gardening Month work with our journal, in writing, and in his in the USA. This program started last year extensive knowledge, willingly shared, is ap- and was very successful. We are hopeful of preciated by all who have had the privilege support for this project from our commercial to work with him. He is exceedingly profes- members and we will be sending informa- sional in all that he does. Thank you, James. tion concerning this when final details are (Our task force has been working at locating received. a new editor and publisher and they will an- nounce this shortly.) Once again, we ask you to volunteer for one of the many tasks ahead of us. Volunteers are We are now well established with our registra- always required, and we hope that you will tion program at the University of Connecti- share your special skills on one of our com- cut. This is conducted by our registrar An- mittees. drew Doran and supervised by Dr. Don Les who two years ago was elected to our Hall of Happy Pondering and Early Spring, Fame. We now have use of the BG-Base soft- ware (a database designed to manage biologi- W. Wayne Davis, Jr. - President cal information in collections) and space in [email protected] 4 Th e Water Garden Journal Spring 2004 From the Editor nce again, I hope that there whilst the journal has been in my hands. Bet- Ois something to interest everyone in sy Sakata and Paula Biles for their encourag- this issue. We have articles and news from ment as assistant editors; and Walter Pagels around the world, some technical and some and Barre Hellquist for their supportive re- more trivial. As a very diverse group we have views, helping to check the accuracy of our equally diverse interests, but through it all, feature articles and suggesting useful supple- that common watery thread persists. mentary information. Many others have been involved over the years, writing articles, sup- It has been a privilege to work alongside so plying photos, helping with layout, printing, many gifted contributors over my years as ed- packing and posting, many thanks again. It itor. Our membership collectively holds one is also good to see new faces on the team. of the largest repositories of knowledge on aquatics in the world. It is great to transfer It really was time for a change and I hope some of that knowledge whilst networking at to free up some space for writing and other symposia, but it would be really appreciated aquatic work. I look forward to bumping into by all of us, if just some of that knowledge many of you at future symposia, no doubt in made its way onto paper. Please do help our the mad rush to investigate some intriguing next Journal editor by passing on some of new plant specimen. your hard-earned tips and knowledge so that we can all benefit from your experience. Best Wishes, The journal could not reach you without James Allison - Editor others’ input and I have been blessed with a [email protected] great team. I am very grateful to the edito- (Please continue to send editorial items to rial board for all their personal help to me [email protected]) 20 Years On Stop Press he “National Water Lily Society” ur apologies for the late arrival of Twas offi cially announced on the 22nd Sep- Oyour journal which has been held up due to tember 1984. It grew from an idea promoted by unforseen complications in our changeover to new Charles Th omas of Lilypons. Within a short while layout design & printing. it became the International Water Lily Society, and is now the International Waterlily and Water Both the Annual Waterlily Competition and the Gardening Society. We shall be celebrating this sig- opportunity to ‘Name a New Nymphaea’ (pages nifi cant milestone in various ways over the coming 6 & 7) were publicised on the Society website. A months - keep an eye open for more details to be number of tropical and hardy lilies have been re- notifi ed shortly. ceived for the competition. However, the bids for naming the new Nymphaea did not meet expecta- tion, and the lily will now be held in reserve. Th e Water Garden Journal Spring 2004 5 News & Updates Opportunity to Name a (named for his mother), N.
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