m WYLIE LAIOflATO RI IEtl _rl. ! f. WYLE RESEARCH REPORT i '_Li WR ! i_ LIGHT VEHICLE NOISE,. VOLUME If- IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION OF A ILl _ "_ EMISSIONS OF LIGHT VEHICLES _ [_ OPERATING IN URBAN AREAS _._ TEST PROCEDURE TO MEASURE THE NOISE _.: For U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Office of Noise Abatement and Control _[ Arllngtont Virginia 22202 ! -- Contract No. 68-01-3518 !i, i j ',*'J By _.,i -- I_ n H, CL _ r ,_* -- Paul R. Doon.aar;va,.,n ;: ..! V|jay K. Kohli _. '; WYLE RESEARCH _ ,' Arlington, Virginia 22202 "' " November 1978 _';'_ . 2,;_,. L: N M ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Theauthorswould like to expresstheir appreclatian for theassistanceand guidance providedby Mr. RodJenkins of the Office of Noise Abatementand Control. The field testing programconductedat Marana, Arizona, would not have been -- possiblewithout the considerablesupportgivenby membersof the Wyle staff, in partic- - ulor, Jerome ThompsonandLee Stewartfor managementof field operations, RanBrown -- for directing thevehicle tests, John Wood, BrianCurrier, andEdBroganzafor designing -- and maintaining the _nstrumentationsystem,Mike Colgate forpreparingthe computer - sof_are, andBobCrolg_ PaulBrewer, Bill Whitel Jim Lockhart,and George Fangwho laboredfor longhoursunderdifficult conditionsto conductthe tests. I "1 finally, the authorswould like to expresstheir gratitudeto the following auto- mobile manufacturersfor theirasslstonce'n acqu_nngtestrob'ales: BritishLeyland, BMW, Chrysler, Datsun, Fiat, ford, General Motors, Mercedes-Benz, Peugot, Renault, RoilsRoyce, Saab, _ [_ and Volkswagen. II /.l t'! i WYL_ LASJOItAlr OR I Ee q ! TABLEOF CONTENTS -l Page J 1 0 INTRODUCTION 1 1 __ 2.0 DESCRIPTIONOF VEHICLE TESTS................. 2-1 :: : i __ 2.1 TestFacilities andInstrumentation .............. 2-1 i 2,2 Vehicle Selection ..................... 2-5 -_ 2.3 TestProcedures ...................... 2-10 i 2 4 MicrophoneLocations 2-12 -J 3.0 NOISE EMISSION DATA FOR 1977 MODEL LIGHT VEHICLES .... 3-I :-_ 3,1 EPAUrbanAcceleration Noise Test Procedure .... 3-1 *"_ 3.2 Tire SoundLevels ..... 3-20 _ 3.3 SAEJ986a TestProcedure, . 3-24 _°' 3.4 CruiseSoundLevels .... 3-32 3.5 Interior SoundLevels.... 3-35 i 3.6 StationaryTestSoundLevels. 3-37 _ 3.7 Summaryof SoundLevel Data 3-51 I_ 4,0 ANALYSIS OF THE EPA TESTPROCEDURE............ 4-1 L! 4.1 TheEPAUrban Noise TestProcedure ............. 4-] 4 2 4-3 TestRepeatability 4.3 Criteria for MeasuringUnderCondition 2 ........... 4-8 4.4 MicrophoneLocations 4-10 -_ 5.0 THE CCMC NOISE TEST PROCEDURE ............... 5-I 5 I Introduction 5-I 5 62 Outline of Procedure * • I • • • • • * • • • 5-1 5 3 Reviewof Data 5-6 -- REFERENCES , . * • * • • • • • • • • • • • • , • ° . R-I ,! ii WYL.£ LABORATORIE- < _m4 J TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cant'd) -'n Page I - APPENDIX A: Specificatlons for the Test Pad Materlals at the EPA Noise I --. Enforcement Faoillty t Sandusky _ 6 • • • i I o 0 • • g • • • • I • • A 1 : i i _ :.. I APPENDIX B: Finalized Noise Test Procedure ............... B-1 ' " : APPENDIX C: Data Summary Tables for EPA Urban Noise Test Procedure .... C-1 L _ N I -iF 1 -2 -1 ill i WYI. E LADOnATOITIES q i M LIST OF FIGURES ; ; Fig. No. Page 2.1 Block D_agramof InstrumentationSystem ............... 2-3 2•2 Vehic/e PerformanceChart ..................... 2-9 2.3 Microphone Locationsfor Initial 19Vehicle Tests........... 2-13 "° 2.4 Microphone Locations for 47Vehlcle Tests . ° . • . 2-14 ,! 3.1 Vehicle SoundLevel Measuredat 50 FeetAccording to the EPAUrban • Acceleration Noise TestProcedureas a Functionof Fuel Economy .... 3-5 • _ 3.2 RatedEngineSpeed as c FunctionoFEngineand Transmission...... 3-7 3.3 Vehicle SoundLevel Measuredat 50 Feet Accordingto the EPAUrban Acceleretlon Noise TestProcedureas a Functionof EngineCapacHy • • . 3-9 3.4 Vehicle SoundLevel Measuredat 50 Feet Accordingto the EPAUrban aS a I_ Acceleration Noise TestProcedure FuncHonof C[D/LB 3-10 3.5 Vehicle SoundLevel Measuredat 50 FeetAccording to the EPAUrban Brake 3-1 1 I_ Acceleration Noise TestProcedureasaFunctlonof Englne Horsepower. fi 3.6 Vehlcle SoundLevel Measuredat 50 Feet Accordingto the EPAUrban [; Acceleration Noise Test Procedure usa Function of BHP/LB ...... 3-12 3•7 Veh_oreSoundLevel Measuredat 50 Feet AccordTngto the EPAUrban I_ AcceleraHon Noise TestProcedureas a Functionof Vehicle CurbWeight 3-13 H 3•8 Veh;ole SoundLevel Measuredat 50 FeetAccording to the EPAUrban ! i Acceleration No_se TestProcedureas a Functionof EngTneSpeed 3-15 !'I 3.9 Fuel Economyasa Function of Vehicle Category .......... 3-16 3.10 Vehlcfe SoundLevel Measuredat 50 Feet According to the EPAUrban "l Acceleration Noise TestProcedureasa Functionof Vehicle Category• . 3-19 3.11 The Effect of Activating Demand Fanson SoundLevelsMeasuredat 50 Feet _ According to the EPA UrbanAcceleration NoTseTest Procedure..... 3-22 3.12 MeasuredTire Sound Levels at 50 Feet asa Functionof Vehlcle Speed . 3-23 T 3.13 Tire SoundLevelsat 25 mphat 50-Foot Distanceas a Function of Vehicle Category 3-25 i iv I'! WYLE LA_OHATO II I_e i I LIST OF FIGURES (Cant'd) Fig. __ No. Page J -_ 3.14 Vehicle Sound Levels Measured According to the SAE J986a Test Procedure 3.I5 Vehicle Sound Levels Measured According to SAE d986a as a Function of _ = . t _ J asVehaicFleuncCatetiongoofryEn.................gine Brake Horsepower ...... 33-29-28 3.16 Comparison of Sound Levels Measured at 50 Feet According to the SAE J9g6a j "3 and EPA Urban Acceleration Noise Test Procedures . 3-.30 ,.1 3.17 Vehicle Sound Level at 50 Feet for Cruise at 35 mph as a Function of City _ Fuel Economy .................... 3-33 3.18 Vehicle Sound Level at 50 Feet Measured Under Cruise Conditions as a _, Function of Vehicle Category ............ 3-34 3.19 Interior SoundLevels Measured According to the EPA Urban Acceleration Noise Test Procedure as a Function of City Fuel Economy 3-36 3.20 Interlor Vehicle Sound Levels Measured According to the EPA Urban _. Noise Test Procedure as a FuncHon of Vehicle Category 3-3B 3.21 Microphone Locations for Stationary Test ............... 3-39 3.22 Correlation oF Sound Levels Measured by the EPA Urban Acceleration Noise Test With Stationary Sound Levels at 60 Percent Rated Engine Speed . 3-43 3.23 Vehicle Sound Level Measured at 50 Feet According to the EPA Urban Acceleration No_se Test Procedure as a Function oF the Sound Level Measured -- at 25 Feet at the Same Engine Speed With the Vehicle Statlonory .... 3-46 3,24 Vehicle Sound Level Measured at 50 Feet According to the EPA Urban Acceleration Noise Test Procedure as a Function of the Sound Level Measured 20 Inches From the Exhaust Outlet at the Same Engine Speed With the Vehicle Stationary ............................ 3-47 3.25 Vehicle Sound Level Measured at 50 Feet According to the EPA Urban Acceleration Noise Test Procedure as a FuncHon of the Stationary Test Sound _'_/ Level at Prescribed Engine Speeds for Each Vehicle Category ...... 3-50 ,l.I Development of Criteria {:orMeasurement Under EPA Test Condition 2 . 4-12 i 4.2(a) initial M_crophone Locations .................... 4-14 , 4.2(b) Subsequent Microphone Locations .................. 4-14 Y WYLE_ LABOnATORI [:S m ' F_g. LiST OF FIGURES(Cant'd) 7: No. Page i_ 5,1 Test Trackand Microphone Layout Usedfor CCMC TestProcedure Evaluation ............................ 5-3 17 5.2 StandardTzedVehicle PerformanceCurves Usedin the CCMC 5 Interpolation Procedure ...................... 5-5 Table LIST OF TABLES "_ No. 2. I TestVehicle Specifications..................... 2-6 [_ 2.2 Breakdownof Vehicle TypesIncluded in the Noise Tests ........ 2,-8 3.1 Summar of Vehicle SoundLevel Data ................ 3-2 3.2 Summaryof Vehicle Categories ................... 3-18 3.3 The Effect of FanEngagementon Vehicle SoundLevels......... 3-2I [_ 3,4 NEFoisfeectTesof TirtProce Noisedure one .......................SoundLevelsMeasuredAccording to tFleEPA Urban 3-26 ! I_1 3.5 Comparisonof SoundLevelsMeasured According to the SAEd9B6oand the '_ rsl EPA UrbanAcceleration TestProcedures 3 31 i k.s 3.6 SoundLevel Data Measuredat 25 Feet PromStationary Vehicles ..... 3-40 t 3.7 SoundLevel Data Measured20 Inches FromExhaustDuffer of Stationary P'I Vehlcles 3-41 rww 3.B SoundLevel Data Measured5 Feet in Front of Stationary Vehlc_es.... 3-42 3.9 EngineSpeedsfor AutomoHcsat Which Maximum SoundLevelsare Produced in the EPAUrbanAcceleration Noise TestProcedure.......... 3-49 -1 3.1O Summaryof SoundLevel Data for Vehicle Categories.......... 3-52 4. ] Summaryof Vehicle ParameterRangesForAutomallcs.......... 4-4 4.2 Summaryof Vehicle ParameterRangesForManuals........... 4-5 t v; "' WYLE LAEIONATORIE_ -+, , .... _' Table LIST OF TABLES(Cant'd) No. Page 4.3 Average Timesto CampleteVehicle Tests............ 4-9 r 4.4 Vehlcle SoundLevelsasMeasuredUnder Conditions1 and 2 4-11 ii :: 4.5 Effect at" Reducingthe SpeedCrlterla for TestingUnder Condition 1 4-13 -" 4.6 MicrophoneData at .S0-FootDistance ............. 4-16 l 4.7 MicrophoneData at 25-Foot Distance ............. 4-19 _" 7 5.1 Vehicle Operating Conditionsfor the ProposedCCMC TestProcedure 5-2 • -! 5.2 Vehicle Parametersand SoundLevelsMeasuredin CCMC TestProcedure 5-7 [J 5.3 Inte_olated and MeasuredSoundLevelsfor Condition1 in EPA Urban No_seTestI i o . o • • . J • • • o • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • 5-7 -! I ' _d "J vii I'T WYLIE LA nO IIATOR II_._ :I ._ 1,0 INTRODUCTION -_ In consideringwhether federal action is required to protect the public health andwelfare against o possibleincreasein soundlevels resultingfromthe ;ntroduction -! of morefuel-efficlent light vehicles, EPAhasfoundit necessaryto
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