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If citizens are wise enough to choose efficient local officials they may be counted upon to vote intelli­ gently for state and federal officials. Neglect of local patriotism hampers development of national patriotism. As the family is the basis of society, so local government is the basis of the national state. The importance of Westmoreland county historically as the first American frontier west of the Appalachian moun­ tains becomes evident when examining the record. De­ velopment of natural resources and industrial and agricul­ tural activity have added to that importance. The story heretofore has been told in cumbersome vol­ umes. This is a short history of the county with accom­ panying maps for better visualization. Acknowledgment of material assistance in preparation of manuscript hereby is made to William Loughner, who painstakingly delved in the Hannastown and other records in the Westmore-land county court house; Assistant County Superintendent of Schools James E. Hughes; Superintendent of Jeannette Schools Dr. F. B. Snowden; Dr. C. Maxwell Myers, teacher in Jeannette High school; County Farm Agent William L. Treager; County Solicitor Scott Fink; Marion Hollendonner and James E. Gardner, of the Jean­ nette News-Dispatch staff; Eric Zimmerman, for drawings, and others who were helpful. Jeannette, Pa. September 1, 1941. · C. M. B. MAPS Page Battle of Bushy Run Map 27 Bushy Run Strategy Map 36 Frontier Forts Map 46 Old 1756 Map 70 Original County Township Map 14 Original Map West Augusta District 45 Topographical Map 76 ILLUSTRATIONS Arthur St. Clair 41 Blockhouse 60 Coal Mine Entrance 26 Conestoga Wagon - 74 Covered Bridge 58 Hannastown Court !House - Title Page Henry Clay Frick - 63 Henry Bouquet 39 Historical House 8 Indian Hunting 13 Indian Hunting and War Implements . 20 John Covode - 65 Laurel-State Flower (Kalmia latifolia) 84 Prehistoric Indian Chief 28 Rattlesnake Flag 48 Richard Coulter 66 Robert S. Jamison - 66 Seton Hill. College - 89 Sir John Ligonier - 38 St. Clair's Last Home 59 St. Vincent College 69 Spinning Wheel 83 Trading With Indians 51 Wampum Treaty Belt 34 Washington 75 William Penn 90 Institute Song - 53-54 Westmoreland County Seal • Frontispiece CONTENTS Page Preface - - - - 5 Chapter 1. Names - - - - - - - - - - 9 . Chapter 2. Geographical (includes Census) - 15 Chapter 3. Geological - - - - - - - - - 21 Chapter 4. The Indian - - - - - - - - 29 Chapter 5. Five by Five· (1753-1773) - - - - 37 Chapter' 6. Part o.f a New Nation - - - - - 47 Chapter 7. Government - - - - - - - - 55 Chapter 8. Personalities - - - - - - - - 61 Chapter 9. Transportation - - - - -- - - 71 Chapter 10. Industries and Products . - - - - 77 Chapt~r 11. Educational Facilities - - - - -85 For Reference - 91 Index .. ,.. ... .. - - 93 HISTORICAL HOUSE CHAPTER 1 NAMES ESTMORELAND county, Pennsylvania, was named for Westmorland county, England. W Westmorland county, in northwest England, is best known, perhaps, for its breed of sheep and woolen man.. ufactures. It is mentioned in the Saxon Chronicle as early as 966. It suffered in early times from continuous inroads and devastations from the Scots, who sought to prevent the spread of Saxon settlements. Today it is separated from Scotland only by the English Cumberland county. There are Westmorland counties, also, in New Bruns­ wick, ·canada, and New South Wales, Australia. There have been about 18 earls of Westmorland since Ralph Neville became the first, knighted for valorous acts during the English invasion of France in 1380. There are Westmoreland counties in Virginia and in Tasmania. Then there are towns named Westmoreland in California, Kansas, New Hampshire and Tennessee, with a Westmoreland Depot in New Hampshire and a Westmore­ land City in Pennsylvania. County is another name for the old English shire, next above the hundred in the administration of govern­ ment. "Mother" Westmoreland, cut from Bedford county, is one of the nine counties of Pennsylvania named for English shires. The others are Bucks, Chester, Berks, Cumberland, Lancaster, Northampton, Northumoerland and Somerset. After the American Colonial War for Independence "Mother" Westmoreland gave of herself directly in the creation of five other counties-Allegheny, Armstrong, Fayette, Indiana and Washington, and is the grandmother or great grandmother of 11 other counties in the western section of Pennsylvania, including Beaver, Butler, Clarion, Crawford, Erie, Forest, Greene, Lawrence, Mercer, Venango and Warren. Washington was the first of these counties, cut from Westmoreland in 1781. Fayette came next in 1783 and Allegheny in 1788. 9 10 "MOTHER'' Westmoreland county thus was considerably cut i~ area within 10 years after its formation. Washington county was named in honor of the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army before he was thought of as the first President of the United States. It was the first county established after the Declaration of Independence. The very next county to be erected was named for General Marquis. de LaFayette. .Part of Washington county became Greene in 1796 named for Nathaniel Greene, a Revolutionary War­ general (the same man whose name was borrowed for the present county seat of Westmoreland), thus completing the organization of counties in southw·estern Pennsylvania. Allegheny county furnished most of the territory· for the formation in 1800 of the counties north of the Ohio river and west of the Allegheny river in Pennsylvania. This section was finally purchased from the Indians in 1785, three years before Allegheny county was sliced off West­ moreland county. So you see there isn't much doubt about the derivation of the nickname "Mother" as applied to Westmoreland in America, with her family tree extending back to medieval England. How the name originated may be imagined. Perhaps. it was due to the English county's geographical situation. as the Saxons pushed toward the Irish sea, seizing "more­ land-in-the-west," in northwest England. That description \Vould apply to the origin of Pennsylvania's Westmoreland at any rate, as settlers from east of the mountains pushed westward! The names given the original townships in Westmore-­ land show the influence of the Scotch-Irish, so named be-. cause they immigrated from Scotland to Ireland, later to America. Some of the names were 'borrowed from other· counties already established. Most of the townships were former Bedford county bailiwicks. In fact Bedford county township lines were follov1ed generally in the new West-. moreland. But Fairfield was split and Donegal established,.. "STAR OF THE WEST" 11 and the new Huntingdon and Manallin townships were set up. Pitt township, of course, was named for Fort Pitt. Armstrong township was named for ,colonel John Arm­ strong, a Scotch-Irishman, who served with General John Forbes, and who destroyed the Delaware Indian town at Kittanning in 1756. Derry (first erected after the original townships), Rostraver, Tyrone and Donegal were named for places in Ireland. Hempfield township (so called because much hemp Tnas raised there) was named after a township of the same name in Lancaster county. The somewhat indefinite township of Spring Hill was so named because of the many springs in the foothills of West Augusta county., Virginia, whence Colonel George Wilson of the 8th -Pennsylvania regiment had moved. The even more indefinite new Manallin township (so far as Westmoreland was concerned) was· named for a township in Adams. (formerly York) county. Another new .town­ ship, Huntingdon, was named for an English town. Present day townships cut from the older ones were named for places nearby or for men who came into prom­ inence. Those named for men include Washington, Cook, (named for Edward Cook, a county-lieutenant), Upper and Lower Burrell, (named for Jeremiah M. Burrell, a native of Murrysville who became a noted jurist), Franklin, Penn, and St. Clair. The nickname ''Star of the West'' was attached to Westmoreland county by eastern politicians because of the Democratic party majorities over the Whigs each election in the 1840s. The name probably had its origin in a German newspaper, "Star of the West," published for a time in Greensburg and later in Adamsburg catering to the "Pennsylvania Dutch" element in Hempfield township which clung to the Democratic party. Westmoreland voted the Democratic ticket with fev1 exceptions, such as a maj­ ority for Lincoln in 1860 and the election of Republi­ can James A. Hunter as judge of court of common pleas, in 1880. Since then party affiliations fluctuated. 12 ORIGINS Original Town- Derivation of Name Present. Division ships in 1773 Pitt Fort Pitt Allegheny, Washington and Beaver counties. Upper and Lower Burrell, Franklin, and Penn townships. Fairfield "Fair Fairfield, ~t. Clair, and Lig­ Fields" onier townships. Donegal Place in Donegal and Cook townships. Ireland Huntingdon Place in North, South, and East Hunt­ England ingdon and Sewickley town­ ships. Mt. Pleasant "Pleasant Mount Pleasant and L"nity Mounts" townships. Hempfield Where Hempfield, Salem, Penn, Loy­ hemp is alhanna, Bell, Washington, grown Allegheny townships. Spring Hill Springs in Fayette and Greene coun­ foothills ties. Township Fayette county. in Adams (formerly York county) Rostraver Place in Rostraver township and part Ireland of Fayette county.
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