CHART OF “BIG FIVE”--ACTUALLY BIG “ONEW’ - VARSITY OF HAWAII Pages Ten and Eleven LIBRARY HONOLULU .RLCORD ANNIVERSARY ISSUE Vol. II, No. 1 HONOLULU RECORD Thursday, August 4, 1949 APPRECIATION In behalf of the RECORD’S staff, directors and stockhold­ Ewa’s Sewage Is Social Crime ers, I wish" to express grati­ tude to our readers for their consistant interest arid sup­ Filth,-Rats Make port during our first-year of ILWU|WomenTurn publication. We hope, in the second, to deserve continua­ Constant Hazard tion of that support, and to Bigelow’s “Lie”| improve the RECORD so that To Health Of All it may win .more readers and Charge On Him more friends; By SPECIAL WRITER A “manufactured Ue” is what Koji Ariyoshi A shocking violation of sanitary - Lyman H. Bigelow, City and Coun­ regulations where human refuse Editor ty building superintendent, calls •' accusations of ILWU women that ■and other debris float away in he helped give them a run around shallow, open sewage through when they sought to use Farring­ crowded plantation camps is a so? MOVE TO SMASH ton .High School cafeteria for a cial crime Ewa Plantation Co., dance to raise welfare funds for Ltd., has been committing for UNION JARRED strikers’ families. years. “Nowhere, excepting in Big. Five . Women of the committee which owned plantations, can anyone get A bombshell was thrown into applied for the permit say that legislative* plans 'to. smash the away with this. If it were any- Mr. Bigelow, himself, is manufac­ - where else, the government health ILWU when, quoting West Coast '• turing lies in the answer he wrote inspectors would have given the sources, Robert McElrath, ILWU to their charges, which charges owner of the property a bad time newscaster, pointed out' that the were submitted by Jack Hall, Re­ decades ago and made him follow gional Director, to Mayor Wilson. maritime strike on the West Coast health regulations,” said an ob­ In his letter, dated July 22, server .from ■ Honolulu. last year . was ended by a back Bigelow wrote: “If I had so de­ 29Year Lease to work agreement and the con­ sired, I could have just disap­ The plantation, for years one of tract. was never ratified by the proved the application and sent Hawaii's best paying investments, rank and file ILWU members on (more on page 19) has consistently parried the'em- the Coast. ployes’ request for better housing and sanitary conditions including The same sources predicted that, flush toilets, with unbelievable an­ CLIP THIS OUT unless employer-inspired legisla­ swers. It goes , with the “Big Five.”, tive action against the Union in Once ,the„ plantation told_a chart on pages 1-0 and 11. union ■ housing committee ’ that Hawaii were not dumped, the West C. Brewer & Co. owns 56.2 per the housing problem Is a .tougfi Coast rank and file will refuse cent of HUTCHINSON SUGAR one because the plantation lease to ratify the contract at their PLANTATION CO., assets $4,- has only 29 years to run, and it . 273,815 of which $75,000 is in­ caucus meeting, August 22. THREE WORKERS VIEW an open sewage ditch at an Ewa camp. doesn’t pay to install new toilet vestment in the 100. per cent Through this ditch human refuse passes sluggishly,.' attracting flies, facilities. In such case, longshoremen in owned Kau Construction Co., spreading germs and disease, and making life generally less pleasant Villages B and No. 1, estimated West Coast ports might easily Ltd. Together, Hutchinson and than advertised in the tourist brochures. The workers are, left to right, by an old tenant to be about 40-50 walk off their jobs and tie up Hawaiian Agricultural Co. con­ a man who preferred to be anonymous, Tadashi Ogawa and Hidehisa years old, are called “Filipino trol the Hilo Meat Co. \ Edamatsu. (Photo By Steve Murin) camps.” This is because 'Filipino • the Coast again until the strike laborers, the most recent immi­ , in Hawaii is settled, or arbitrated. grants on the plantations, live in1 these squalid,' box-like shacks. Capitol’s View Shocking Sewer Disposal Method OPINIONS Village No. 1 presents a greater On Bill Buckles health hazard. This camp has Haoles Discouraged From THE QUESTION: Is the proposal to bar Filipino (more on page 3) aliens from stevedoring work justi­ T.H. Legislature fied? Travelling API 3rd Class LAU AH CHEW, Chairman Dem­ Governor Stainback’s uneasiness ocratic party, 126 N. King St.: No. with elements of the anti-strike Would-Be Vigilante The policy of the American President Lines’ is not to sell You can quote me on that. I bill being prepared by the Legis­ third-class accomodations to haoles (whites)- because Orien­ don’t think they are doing the lature was apparent on Wednesday At Party Discouraged tals and Filipinos travel-in> this lowest passenger class, the right thing by barring Filipinos. when leaders of both houses an­ The Filipinos have contributed a '.‘We’re the citizens. We’re gonna firm’s local office informed two haoles who went there to nounced, after conferences with stop that party,” said a tall, gan­ lot in building the Territory. him, that they would agree to al­ buy passage to the Mainland. They have contributed their serv­ gling boy in a tone somewhere' ■ The haoles, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen ices and labor and spent their terations. between belligerence and uncer­ Murin, made three trips to the said that such practices and at­ earnings here. And now they have , Following advice -the governor tainty. ticket office to complete their titudes are not only rank dis­ become valuable residents. said he had received from Wash- _The boy was one of a group of purchase. Every time they asked crimination against the Orientals ington, Republican majority five who wandered up and down for third class tickets on the Presi­ and Filipinos, but also against DOMINGO SOLDANO, house leaders said they would advocate Puowaina Drive with sticks and dent Cleveland, they were told by haolcs of limited means who mover, Pier 7: I would say no. I changes in -the bill so as to allow clubs outside the1 party given by different individuals that ‘‘you want to travel third class, and would say because <31 this last the governor to hire strikers and ILWU Women’s Auxiliary, Local will have to be very broad-minded haoles who want to travel with . war that we just finished, they to use the equipment1 of struck 20, last Saturday night at “Ka- because you will-be with travellers other peoples. The couple have had contributed a great deal to firms. Formerly^ most legislators hope’s J?lace.” I who are all Orientals and Fili­ been active in the Hawaii Civil the American victory, And there- had opposed hiring strikers, but The hoodlums, though , they re­ pinos.” Liberties Committee, and Mr. fore they should be treated like had been divided on the “seizure” flected much of vigilante thinking . Asking if these local attitudes Murin is its past chairman. Americans and not" like enemy of struck companies’ equipment in their talk, never had the cour­ and policies are those of the In his letter Mr. Murin said that aliens. —to be operated by the Ter­ age of their intentions, and many APE, Mr. Murin has written the he was told at the ticket office: ritory) in behalf of the employer. of the 50 to 60 guests never knew San Francisco office of the "We have to warn you of what RICHARD IMADA, realtor, 50 As the RECORD went to press, they were there. Or perhaps the shipping company. Mr. Murin (more on page 3) (more on page 19) (more on page 18) (more on page 3) Page Two HONOLULU RECORD Thursday, August 4, 1949 One-Sided Deal your civil rights,” with each stroke-of the Highly-paid accountants of giant cor­ lash. " 1 porations know how to hide profits by book­ World Summary keeping devices, and the more the firms Arms Plan clean up, the harder they search for hiding and speedup of the avalanche. of depression. ployers immediately saw this as a sign of The news headlines this week said Rus­ places; When'the take is extra large, parts But to Olds and his colleagues, higher weakness in the midst of negotiations on sia was preparing for war. This came as a of it are-bound to show. wages' meant cuts into their profits. -wages: and social benefits. surprise to many, for ever since the for- THUS, A HIDDEN PLUM of $35 mil­ AS THE STEEL BARONS reported- eign. ministers’ cdhfcrehco in Paris : weeks lion concealed-in the U. S. Steel Corpora­ their earnings, . President Philip ' Murray of Masked Floggers ago,-which gave hope for Big Four coopera­ tion’s public. report of its profits for the the Steelworkers said average .pensions re­ ' ' . As the House : un-American Activities tion, war talk had subsided. first six .months of 1949 became exposed ceived by U. S. Steel Corporation-employes Committee called some prominent Negroes .THE WAR TALK came as top army through-examination of the firm’s income at 65 years is less than $5 a month. to .Washington to submit to the. question­ • “brass took off for Europe to survey arms statement. - ; , e . "But," added Murray, “many employes ing of the .witch-hunters, the Ku KIux Klan needs by signatories of: the" Atlantic Pact. Eyen without the hidden profit rr who_have given a nfRHmoiofinfiryioc to-the- “Steel’s take ($94,052,265) for the first half corporatlon, in some cases as much as 50 ■ another .plow to civil rights. ' Ing for the lobby to push the arms aid to of 1949 was the highest in 20 years, and.
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