[RЦ 3 ttt tα 之嘔 (1ヽ 工 /rl`~こ _(J こ Pに 卜 卜 寺 ) F07CITIZENCREDIT・ P BANK LTD … ‐ i . r/1● 摯生 A‖n-3● ●h町 ‐ . ‐ `“ tiv「 ぎ(⌒ .■ にC7-1.cttc rO` 10"JP晰 |卜 180: Fし V ゎ|ひ ´ ・ 1 9 t , ´ ) KItよ 、 、11Ч I DEED OF SALE -:;. ,;,,1 ,. ,. L .:;:.ti.:,.:;.'it さいししぬし ‐ 。 み PARTIIER Sub' ・I This DEED OF SALE is made at Mapusa, Taluka Bardez ard Registration ・ ・ Distsict of Bardez, State of Goa, on this 186 day of April, 2016' ● ´ BETWEEN MRS. BERNADET'rE FERNANDES alias BERNADETTE MARIA HYACINTH PETORNILA RIBEIRO, wife of Felix Anthony Femandes, aged 59 years, service, marrie4 Indian National, PAN Card No. AAAPF2553R. and her husband; .,,Err i: ^ Z , EI#f MR. FELIX ANTHONY FERNANDES, son of Dominic John Femandes, aged 64 ycars, mariod, service, lndian National, PAN Card No A'1q'APF2593}L both residents of Flat No. 7, Hope Crest, St. Pauls Roa4 Bandra West, Mumbai - 400050; 3) MRS. AGNES MARY alias AGNES MARY RIBEIRO a.lias AGNES FALCAO, wife of Mr. Thorras Allan Eusebius Falcgo, aged 53 yeals' service, Indian National, PAN Cald No. AAZPF3465H, and her husband; 4) MR. THOMAS ALLAN ['ALCAO, son of lale John Zachary Falcao, ag€d 59 yean, service, married, Indian National, PAN Card No. AAFPFI62TF' both resideDts ofBuildiog No. I, GrouDd Floor, Ursulla Apattnents' Plot No. 3 and 4, Patkar Lane, Bandra, Mumbai-400050; ξ υ MR. OLwER MARTIN alias OLIVER EUGENE JOHN MARTIN, son of late Angelo Manin aged 37 yea6, maried, service, Indian National, PAN Card No. BXAPMO28I R. OCI Card No. A2O2ll49, resident of 303 Amadale Avenue, ToroDto, Ontario, Canada; Hecinafier lefened to as "THE VENDORS", (which expression unless repugDant to ・ ihe contexl thereof shall mean and include their heirs, successors, executorsr 一 . ¨ administrators, legal reprcsentatives and assignees) ofTHE ONE PART. ● ′′〃♭″´´ ″ σ ″ '9^σ `tr● `jσ “ AND ‐ M/S PROVDENCE CONSTRUCT10N,a parlncrship inn rcgistcrcd undcr the . Indlan Pancrshp A∝ Pan“記 ntunber AAPFPl125N,having lts rcgl● ercd addrcss at 501, Edoon Towcrs, Mcnczcs Braganza Road, PanaJl, Ooa. herein reprcscntcd by it's Pancrs(1)MRS JOAN D'SOUZA,pifc or Rudolf D'Souza. agcd 51 ycars,bushcss,Indian Nauonal,PAN Card No mPD8796Q,rcsidlng at 、_ H No 351(A),Mam.PIICrllc,Bardcろ……… Goa.and(2)MR BLAIZE FERNANDES, ミ諄ごli二ichael Fcrnalldes,agcd`蕊面蔦11linss,Indlan Na● or劇,PANI Cfld No. AAEPF5228R, rEsident of CoDIiada wado, Catdolim, Bardez- Goq ′ ′ , Aereinafter referred to as "THE PURCHASER" (which expression unless repugnant to the context or meaniDg rhereof shall mean and include his heirs, strccessors' executors, administrators, legal representalive and assignees) Of THE OTHER PART. WHEREAS thcrc cxists a propcロリ kno■ n as“ZOITO GORBATЪ ヽ''or``PORTEA ROVOLNATACHEM''or``SIQUERI WADO'',admcas―g550 Sq Mts,slmted at Candobm,Taluka and Sub Dis●ct oF Bardc2,North Coa Distnct,Sは c of Coら dcschbcd in thc und Rcglstrauon ottcc of Bardcz undcF n0 18084 at pagcs 18v or book B-47,not cnFOllCd for Matlz Prcdial in thc Talllka Rcvcnuc Orlcc,bcanng Old Cadanal survcy No 1378 Prcscnty survcycd undcr Sttey No 251 Sub‐ division No H,hcrcinancr rcrcrcd to as・ 喘c輛 d propcrty'1 WHEREAS lhc sald propcc bC10ngcd to Domh80S Rc」 naldO Ma― For havhg purchased lt Fmm Carlos Hip01ito Pantalcao dc Sol,フ Я and hls nalne s●nds lns■ bed h ulc晰 d Rcglsmt10n orlcc oFBardc4 @ravidoxco €antlruclion つ ― 。 / 鮒 ‐ /臨 AND WIEREAS an invclltory Proceeding was inidatcd on thc dcath oF DomlngOs Eustaquio Alcixo Martitt alias Domhgos Rcgillaldo Martins alld hls宙 rc Mana Amclia dc Sott alias Amclia Marla Martin bcforc the Civil Judge of Map― bcar■ng no lη /20127E and ulc vcndors wcrc allotcd thc said propcrtyお r ha■ ing biddcd thc salnc dunng liclta● on in thc fo1lowing ratio,thc Vcndor No l w霞 a1lottcd 45 880/● ,thc Vcndor No 3 was anottcd 6 35° /c and thc VcndoI No 5 was /o oFthc面 d propCrty; i:ま:id4777° ANEI WHEREAS thc Vcndors ar dcsirous or scl]ing ulc sald prOpcrty and thc V 氏にha"r has agrced to buy thc轟 d prclpc● valuCd atて 98,lltl,000/1upccS Ninety Eight Lakhs only)bCing its markct vJuc on thc tcnns and condi」 ons hcrcln sct for」h: NOヽV THEREFORE THIS DEED OF SALEヽ VITNESSETH AS UNDERi l ■at in卿 to thc sald agrccmcnt ofthc Vcndors rcga・ dmg the salc ofthc "m∝ sald propcJγ and ftrhcr in cOnsidcratlon of thc Vcndors having rcccivcd thc considcratlon iom mc P― hascr to■blch thcy arc cntltlod to in thc mamcr and undcr thc sald agrccmcnt■ lth thc Purchascr alld thc sald anolmt being thc swl V ofて 87,84,433847_(Rupees Eigh,SCVCn Lakhs Eighty Fow Thousand Four Hundred and Thi● ■にC and Eigh″ Fotlr PJsc only),aftCr dcducting an alnount ofで 51,18540/― (Rupccs Fi、 onc Tl10usand Onc Hundrcd and Elま り Fivc and Folty Palsc Onl"as l%TDS ror Vcndos No l 10 4 and ttount ofで 9,64,38076/(Rupccs Ninc Lakhs Sixty Four Thousand Thrcc Hundrcd and Eighty and Scvcnty Six Palsc only)as 20 06%TDS for Vcndor No 5,the rcmaling∽ nsidcration alnount pald h tllc roll。 .lng manncr: a)で 2,29,4007‐ vidc Chcquc ttarlllg n0 000028, drawn on Bank or lndia Saligao Branch,datcd 18 122015infavourofVcndOrNo l; お0名 ″,=a`ncc 6.``r● ″ 夕 `==φ 凸 ♪S。 や石″口,′″′σ ` Saligao ヽ vide Chcquc bcanng llo 000030,曇 ■■on Bank ofindi● b) で31,750た . 一 our orvcndor No 3, BrancL datcd 18 12 2015 in la■ ´ . C) マ2,38,850/‐ vidc Chcquc bcanng no 000029,drawn on Bank oF Indiヽ Saligao Branch,datcd 18 12 2015 in ravour of Vcndor No 5; d\ I 42,21,877.60/- vide Choquc bcaring no. 000051. drawn on Bank of India. Saligao Branch,datcd 18 04 2016 in favour ofVcndor No l, マ5,84,327/‐ 宙dc Chcquc bcanng nc1 001X154,dra■ ■on Bank of hdl● Saligao Branch,datcd 18 04 2016 in favour of Vcndor No 3; f') < 34,78,229-24t- ide Chcque bea.ing no. 000055, drawn on Bank of Indi4 Saligao Branch, dated 18.04.2016 in favour ofVendor No. 5; (The receipt of which sum the vendors hereby admit ard acknowledge having received as per their share in the said Property and acquit and discharge the Purchaser from the same aDd every part thereol) 'I'HEY the Vendors as the absolute owners of the said property, more particularly described in the Schedule I heteunder written, do heEby convey aDd farlsfer UNTO the Purchas€r by way ofSALE all lhat property admeasuing 550 Sq. mts. thereon, situated at Candolim, within the limits of Vitlage Paochayat of Candolim, Taluka Bardea Sub-Diseict of Badez, Disticr of North Coa State of Goa, and flrther with all rights in all and singular the trees, plants, shrubs, ways, paths, passages, water, watercouses, light, liberties, privileges, easements, profits, advantages, rights, members and apputenances, whatsoever, to the said land or grouad hereditament aad premises or any part thereof belonging or in the said land or ground heredit ment and premises or ary part ther€of belonging or in any wise appertaining with the same or any part thereof lrow or at any time heretofore usually held, used, occupied or enjoyed or reputed or known as part or member thereof and to belong or be appurtenant thereto and also a]l the rights in AI-L THE ESTATE righ! title, interest, claim, andfdemand whatsoever at law and in equity of the vendors along with the inlo or out of or upon the said land hereditament や石 σ物 ″ やo・stru``=σ7, 勉勧 ″ 5 ● .″ル″″ 紘 Bヒ ′■′: : and prcmises or ahy part thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD AIL and singulat the said land her€ditament and premises hereby conveyed, transferred and assured or intended or expressed so to be with all their rights, members aod appurtenances rhercto, UNTO AND TO THE USE and benefit of the purchaser forever SUBJECT to the payment ofth€ rates, taxes, assessments, dues and duties now chargeable upon same or herafter to become payable to Govemment or the Village Panchayat or other local or public body or Authority in respect thereof. AND the Vendors as to thefu rights, title or interes't into aad upon the said prop€rty do hereby for themselves or their heirs, executors, administators, covenant with the purchaser as under:- a) THAT the Vendon now have in themselves good riSht, firll power and absolute authority to convey, tt'ansfer and assure the said propeny hereby conveyed, transferred and assued oa intended so to be unto aDd the use ofthe Purchaser in the manner aforesaid. b) AND THAT it shall be lawfirl for the Purchas€r fiom tine to time and at all times hercafler peaceably and quietly to hold, enter upon, have, occupy, possess and etrjoy lhe said property heroby conveyed transfenEd and assured with lheir appunenances and receive the rents, issues and prolits thereofand ofevery port thereofto and for her own ulse ard benefit wilhout any suit, la*ful eviction, interruption. claim and demand whatsoever from or by the Vendors or by any persons la*{ ly or equitably claiming or to claim by from under in trust for him. c) AND TTIAT ftee aDd clear and fteely and clearly ard absolutely acquitted exonerated releas€d and forever discharged or otherwise by the Vendon and well sufficiently saved, defended, kept harmless and inderuified of, from and against all former ard other estates, tilles, charges and Prapidonoo ″ €onsl ruottc r, T″ ′ ヽ encuinbrances whatsoever either already or to be hereafter had, made ” ・ execute4 occasion€d or suffered by the Vendors or by any other person 、 or peEons lawfully or equitably claimiry o.to claim by from or in trust for them.
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