WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN MARINE SCIENCE ASSOCIATION SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM 30th October – 4th November 2017 Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre (JNICC) Dar es Salaam, Tanzania SYMPOSIUM PROGRAMME WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN MARINE SCIENCE ASSOCIATION SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM 30th October – 4th November 2017 Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre (JNICC) Dar es Salaam, Tanzania SYMPOSIUM PROGRAMME SPONSORS:: Coastal, Marine and Island Specific Biodiversity Management in ESA-I0 Coastal States Front cover photo credit: © Matthew Richmond Back cover top photo credit: © <https://www.flickr.com/photos/59752363@ N08/with/27477825845/>https://www.flickr.com/ photos/59752363@N08/with/27477825845/ Back cover bottom photo credit: © Matthew Richmond Design & Layout: Gordon Arara 10th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium ii TABLE OF CONTENTS SPONSORS ............................................................................................... ii INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................2 EVENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE SYMPOSIUM ................................ 4 SYMPOSIUM ROOM PLAN .................................................................... 6 OUTLINE OF THE SYMPOSIUM PROGRAMME ...................................7 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME ..................................................................... 9 POSTERS ..................................................................................................27 10th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium 1 INTRODUCTION The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), the Institute of Marine Science (IMS) and the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries (DASF) of the University of Dar es Salaam, the Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI) and the Nairobi Convention extend a warm welcome to all delegates attending the 10th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium. We hope that your stay in Dar es Salaam will be fruitful and enjoyable. SYMPOSIUM VENUE WIOMSA’s 10th Scientific Symposium will be held at the Julius Nyerere International Convention Center (JNICC) which is conveniently located in the heart of Dar es Salaam’s city centre on Shaaban Robert Street. Most of the accommodation options are within a walking distance of the Conference Centre and transport will be provided for participants staying in designated symposium hotels that are further away from JNICC. Plenary, oral and poster presentation sessions will take place at JNICC which has the following rooms: Selous, Mikumi, Bagamoyo, Mafia, Gombe, Katavi and the Victoria Lobby (which will be used for poster and exhibition sessions). These rooms are air- conditioned and audio/visual equipment will be supplied and ready in time for the conference. The main conference room, Selous Conference Hall, has a maximum capacity of 1000 people in theatre style seating, and will be used for the opening ceremony and the key note presentations as well as one of the parallel oral presentation sessions. The remaining 5 parallel oral presentation sessions will take place in the above listed rooms where the seating will be in cinema style. GETTING THERE: TRANSPORT Shuttles will be organized to pick up delegates on Saturday 28th October and Sunday 29th October from the Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA) to the listed symposium hotels, and on Saturday 4th November and Sunday 5th November to the airport. Timetables for departure days will be placed at the conference secretariat desk. The airport is approximately 40 minutes’ drive from the venue, during low traffic. Symposium shuttle service. Shuttles will be organized every morning at 7.30 am from the surrounding hotels, and back to these hotels at 6.15 pm. Alternative transport arrangements Participants arriving in Dar es Salaam (on other dates than 28th and 29th October, and departing on other dates than 4th and 5th November) will need to organize and pay for airport shuttle services personally. For moving around the city, Uber is currently the best option. For taxis, most town trips range from 5000Tsh to 10,000Tsh. Avoid taking bodaboda (motorcycle riders). 10th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium 2 ORAL PRESENTATIONS Oral presentations have been allocated 20 minutes each. Chair persons will be very strict in time management, so limit your presentations to 15 minutes and allow five minutes for questions, discussions and changeover to the next presenter. Oral presenters are urged to give more time to the objectives of their studies and scientific results obtained rather than to literature review, materials and methods and/or description of the study sites. All presentations should be handed in at the conference office a day prior to presenting in order to preload presentations thus enabling the smooth running of sessions (contacts: Blandina Lugendo ([email protected]) or Ms Tarryn Newman (TNewman@csir. co.za). Monday’s, 30 October 2017, oral presenters will have to hand over their presentations to the Secretariat at the venue on Sunday, 29 October 2017, from 2pm to 5pm. POSTER PRESENTATIONS A session dedicated to poster presentations will be on Tuesday, 31st October 2017 afternoon. Posters will be displayed throughout the symposium. Presenters should hand over their posters to the poster venue technician as early as possible on Sunday, 29th October 2017 through to early Monday, 30th October 2017. Standard poster size is A0 (1189 x 841mm) and the poster board size is 3 x 2m. Each poster should contain the title, author(s) name and address of the presenter (institution, city, country). If possible, attach a passport- sized photograph of the presenter to the upper right-hand corner of the poster. HEALTH BREAKS Two health breaks are scheduled per day, where delegates will have time to unwind, and get refreshments. These will be held at 10:30 and at 15:30 for half an hour each. LUNCH BREAKS Lunch will be served at the symposium venue from 12:30 to 13:50 on symposium days, except on Friday when it will be served from 12:30 to 13:30. SOCIAL FUNCTIONS Opening reception: Delegates are invited to an opening reception at JNICC. The reception will start at 19:00 on Monday 30th. Closing reception: Delegates are invited to the closing ceremony on Thursday 2nd November at 19:00 at the Golden Tulip, Msasani Peninsula. Students and best photo award ceremony and formal closing will take place on this date. 10th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium 3 EVENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE SYMPOSIUM EVENTSASSOCIATEDWITHTHESYMPOSIUM Pre-Symposium Events PreǦSymposiumEvents A number of events associated with the Symposium have been organized, including AnumberofeventsassociatedwiththeSymposiumhavebeenorganized,including: Event Dates Venue 1 FifteenthMASMAGranteesMeeting 27October2017 HolidayInn WesternIndianOceanRegional 2 Trainingworkshopon‘Introductionto 27–29October2017 HolidayInn RProgramming’ 3 MASMAInceptionMeeting 28–29October2017 ILOComplex OceanAcidificationworkshopfor 4 27–28October2017 HolidayInn WesternIndianOcean(WIO)region SOLSTICEǦWIORegionalKickǦOff 5 28–29October2017 GoldenTulipHotel Meeting PostǦSymposiumEvents 1 BirdlifeInternational 2Ǧ3November2017 RamadaEncoreHotel TanzaniaForest WorkshoponRemoteSensing ServicesConference 2 ApplicationsforForestedWetlands: 4thNovember2017 Room,Mpingo InventoryandAssessment House,NyerereRoad Exhibition Severalorganizations,programmes,andprojectswillexhibitduringSymposiumasfollows: 1.ShowcasingLocallyManagedMarineAreasinAfrica–CORDIO 2.OceanInnovationTour 3.MScMarineandLacustrineScienceandManagement(Oceans&Lakes)–Vrijeuniversiteit Brussel 4.MVMtafiti–KMFRI 5.FisheriesDevelopmentDivision,Tanzania 6.TanzaniaFisheriesResearchInstitute(TAFIRI) 7.KigamboniYouthVision(KYV) 8.InstituteofMarineScience(IMS),UniversityofDaresSalaam 9.WetlandsInternational 10.SOLTICE 11.LeibnizCentreforTropicalMarineResearch 12.DepartmentofAquaticSciencesandFisheries,UniversityofDaresSalaam 13.WIOMSA 14.TanzaniaTouristBoard 10th15.Marine WIOMSAParks ScientificandReserves SymposiumUnit(MPRU), Tanzania 4 16.WWFǦTanzania Exhibition Several organizations, programmes, and projects will exhibit during Symposium as follows: 1. Showcasing Locally Managed Marine Areas in Africa – CORDIO 2. Ocean Innovation Tour 3. MSc Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management (Oceans & Lakes) – Vrije universiteit Brussel 4. MV Mtafiti – KMFRI 5. Fisheries Development Division, Tanzania 6. Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI) 7. Kigamboni Youth Vision (KYV) 8. Institute of Marine Science (IMS), University of Dar es Salaam 9. Wetlands International 10. SOLTICE 11. Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research 12. Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries, University of Dar es Salaam 13. WIOMSA 14. Tanzania Tourist Board 15. Marine Parks and Reserves Unit (MPRU), Tanzania 16. WWF - Tanzania 17. The National Geographic Society 10th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium 5 SYMPOSIUM ROOM PLAN 10th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium 6 OUTLINE OF TENTH WIOMSA SYMPOSIUM PROGRAMME Monday, 30 October 2017 09:00 Opening Ceremony Venue: Selous 10:30 COFFEE/TEA BREAK Selous Mikumi Mafia Gombe Katavi Bagamoyo 11:00 Coral reefs: Deep-sea Mangroves: Threatened Genetic Primary Ecological fisheries Their ecology Species: resources productivity processes and their Marine integrity turtles & Dugongs 12:30 LUNCH 14:00 Coral reefs: Deep-sea Mangroves: Threatened Genetic Estuarine Impacts of habitats Status and Marine diversity and ecology & climate their integrity Species: connectivity processes changes Sharks 15:30 COFFEE/TEA BREAK 16:00 Effectiveness RV Dr Mangroves: Threatened Genetic Socio- of MPAs &
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