Published for friends & supporters of the Libertarian Party Libertarian National Committee, Inc. • 2600 Virginia Ave, NW, Suite 100 Washington DC 20037 • Phone: (202) 333-0008 • Fax: (202) 333-0072 NOVEMBER 2001 newsie LP scores record-shattering 59 election wins t least 59 Libertarians College Trustees, Alder- were elected to public men, Soil & Water Conser- A office on November 6 PLEDGERS: THANK You! vation District Directors, — making it the single most City Commissioners, successful Election Day in A special message from LP National Director Steve Township Trustees, Inspec- LP history. Dasbach to Liberty Pledge Program members: tors of Elections, and County Libertarians were elected The Libertarian Party owes you a profound debt of Constables. or re-elected in nine states: I thanks. As you may have heard, the national office With about 300 candi- Pennsylvania (25 wins), Cali- has been suffering from a Mail Embargo, caused by dates on the ballot, the LP fornia (10), Washington state the recent anthrax attacks in;Washington. Because won about one in every five (9), Ohio (6), Michigan (3), the Post Office is decontaminating its facilities and races it contested — which Colorado (2), Virginia (2), Utah irradiating old mail, we've received almost no mail is also one of the highest (1), and North Carolina (1). for the past three weeks. And Post Office officials winning percentages in party "On November 6, we won't say when regular delivery will resume. history, said Crickenberger. elected more Libertarians "As a result, we're getting almost no incoming In disappointing high- to office in a single day than donations or membership renewals, and we have profile campaigns around we had in any previous year fallen tens of thousands of dollars behind on our bills. the country, William Red- in Libertarian Party history," "What has kept us going during this crisis? People path won 0.76% for Virginia said LP Political Director Ron like you: Our Liberty Pledgers. Thanks to your regular governor; Mark Edgerton Crickenberger. "That's an donations — especially by credit card — we've gotten won 0.22% for New Jersey amazing accomplishment." just enough money to keep our national office governor; and Kenny Kramer Eleven LP candidates functioning. With your help, and the support of LP won 0.18% for mayor of New were elected or re-elected members who have made emergency online contri- York City. to city councils in Colorado, butions, we've been able to pay our rent, send Unified The party's previous Michigan, Ohio, and Wash- Membership Program checks to state affiliates, fund "best-ever" Election Day ington state. Libertarian our media efforts, and more. Without your regular, had been November 1997, mayors were elected in reliable help, we would have been in serious trouble. when 39 LP candidates won Utah and Washington state. "We don't say thank-you enough, so I wanted you public office. That same LP candidates also won to know that we appreciate what you do for the LP. You year, a total of 44 LP cand- local races as Community represent the best of the Libertarian spirit. Thank you!" idates were elected to office. Ed Thompson launches campaign for Wisconsin governor d Thompson has formally Thompson, who made his His cam- Superior, Eau Claire, E launched his campaign campaign announcement paign got off and Sparta. to become the next gover- on the steps of the state to an explo- "We're going to pull nor of Wisconsin — promis- Capitol in Madison on sive start with this thing off," said ing to run as a "common, November 15. "People are a "whirlwind" Thompson. "There's no hard-working man" on a ready for a breath of fresh one-day tour doubt in my mind." platform of lower taxes and air in Wisconsin politics." of the state A July survey found less government. Thompson, the brother that included that 34% of state residents "For the past year, people of former governor Tommy ■ EdThomp- stops in Mil- would "consider voting have been telling me they're Thompson, currently serves son: Tours waukee, Green for a third party candi- ready for a change," said as the mayor of Tomah. Wisconsin. Bay, Wausau, date like Ed Thompson." Liberty Pledge New • November 2001 New Libertarian Party forming By Sue Meade the chartering' process and con- country. It is way ahead of the Paulding Neighbor Staff Writer ducted the rust election of county Green Party or any others," said officers. In addition to Everly as Everly. A third political party_ was chairman, John Temple was cho- "We are forming this party to formed last month la_Paukling sen as vice chairman, Tara Brown give Paulding County a voice in the Minty, to give residents more as treasurer and Jeff Moravetz was state platform. We're looking for- choices. elected secretary. ward to putting a slate of candi- The Libertariap..Earty_of Pal Lid- "This is the first time Paulding dates in the 2002 election to give ,ing Comity was formed on August has had a Libertarian party. It is a people a real choice," said Everly. 23 with around 30 charter mem- result ofjust having no choice any- Vice-chairman John Temple of bers. more," said Everly. "The Democra- New Georgia said he has some fu- The stated purpose of the Liber- tic Party has let a lot of people ture political aspirations. , tarian Party of Paulding County is down, and the Republican Party "I joinedthis group because I am to promote and protect the free•- has let a lot of people down. There interested in politics and want to dom of the individual and to reduce really is not that much difference get involved. Eventually, down the the power and presence of govern- between the two anymore. We're road, I would like to run for office," ment in resident's lives. tired of seeing the same old stuff, said Temple. "Basically, the whole premise of the same old tired politics." "With the Libertarian Party, the Libertarian Party is that indi- Members of Paulding's Libertar- you're allowed to have thoughts of vidual rights and responsibilities ian Party are concerned with issues your own. We have real discus- have preeminence over the gov- such as reducing government in- sions. Not everything has to follow ernment," said founding chairman fluence on schools, easing the tax party lines. I feel like I am a respon- Steve Everly, burden, and keeping true to the sible adult, and I would like to have "People are better able to make second amendment right to bear more control over my own life and their own decisions, rather than the arms. , - my own money," said Temple. government making them for The founding of this charter The, Libertarian' Party will hold them. Libertarians try to find their group makes a total of 22 county af- meetings at the Western Sizzlin in own solutions rather than ask the filiates in the Georgia Libertarian Hiram on the third Thursday of government to fix everything," he Party, which is the second largest every month at 7 p.m. The public is added. group in the nation.. invited to attend. For more infor- State Executive Director Mark "The Libertarian Party is the mation call (678) 363-0907 or email Mosely led the members through third largest political party in this at [email protected]. A The Paulding Neighbor, Dallas, Georgia, September 13, 2001 The Denver Po.rt, Denver, Colorado, September 28, 2001 V The La Porte Herald-Argun; Norfolk, Virginia, October 19, 2001 More than $700 raised by party The Libertarian Party of La- Porte County raised more than $700 at a port-a-pit chicken fund-raiser last Saturday to benefit the families of United Flight 93 heroes. The fund-raising drive will continue until Veterans Day (Nov. 11). Anyone interested in making a contribution may con- The Denver Post / Brian Brainerd tact Don Heichel II at 324-7818 A LIBERTARIAN KICKOFF: Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Bob or Greg Kelver at 324-4229. Glass and Elizabeth Bentiett, assistant chairwoman of his campaign, submit his papers Thursday at the Colorado secretary of state's office. Glass will square off in a rare Libertarian primary fight with candidate James Vance. Liberty Pledge News • November 2001 Court upholds Ohio Libertarian dominates debate standard for listing BY JOE BORDA parties on ballots Times-Mirror Staff Writer Accountant William Red- COLUMBUS (AP) — The Sec- path, Libertarian Party can- retary of State's office said it was didateToi• governor, received pleased with a U.S. Supreme powerful applause yester- Court decision to let stand an day morning at Broad Run Ohio law that makes it difficult High School when he called for minor party candidates to for the legalization of mari- put their political affiliations on juana. the ballot. "If we are going to be a Spokesman Carlo Loparo said free nation," he asserted, the ruling Monday "further demonstrates that Ohio's "it's time to start being free. benchmark for establishing The people to my right are political-party identification is just wrong." • reasonable with the law." Every other candidate The Libertarian Party of Ohio and candidate's representa- claimed Ohio electionlaw penal- tive present stated that izes their candidates because they were opposed to the Times-Mirror Staff Photo/Roman Griney other candidates have their affil- legalization of the drug. iations listed on the ballot. Del. Dick Black (R-32) MAKING THE ROUNDS: Broad Run High School seniors observed, "Legalization has asked tough questions of Patti Morrissey, running for the not been successful where it House of Delegates in District 32, and other candidates at the has been tried," adding that political forum at the school yesterday morning.
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