a ' ' COME ONE BUY YOUR COME ALL TICKET To The TO THE Commencement , Sophomore • Ball el • Senior JUNE 9th oar Banquet Volume lii • HARTFORD, CONN., MAY 26, 1949 Number 31 Dangerous Quartet Levinson Lowered Into Ground Before Large Being Investigated Assembly: Tears Shed By Teachers, Too! The Un-Civilized Activities Com­ mittee of the United States' Senate has College Gives Former brought action against four Hillyer ln Short College personages. Harold O'D. Hun­ Editor Final Sendoff; ter, Norman Sigal, William Mayo, and Charles Booz-nazian, eminent con­ ductor of the Front-Street Symphony Soul Heads_ Toward Hell Ruth F. Axelrod, have been indicted ' as violating that part of the national Orchestra, will make his debut at Joe's Today, standing in the pouring rain, constitution which states that all per- Flop House on Sunday morning, as a twelve thousand people stood with . sons living in the United States must benefit for the Alan W. Silson bene­ bowed heads to watch the interment be human. Pleas of not guilty were fit fund. Mr. Booz-nazian and his of their own personal enemy, John E. immediately entered by all four of the "Men of Distinktion" Orchestra have Levinson. His widow, Barbara Lev­ suspects. _ made other appearances throughout inson was at the side of the grave the country, but this is his first Hart­ attired in a scarlet sarong and sing~ The case came to light after several ford appearance. He will conduct his . "H ' months of investigation in which it mg, appy Days Are Here Again " own compositions, "Wouldn't You accompanied by the Goldman Band. ' was established beyond the shadow of Rather Drink Four Roses?", and "The a doubt that the accused persons were Officiating at the ceremony were Shooting of Old Grandad." those well-known ecclesiastical fig­ the most inhuman things alive. The· * * * case brought against Hunter had its ures, Father Don Ryan, and Father It was reported incorrectly in last Kurt Weinberg, both of whom par­ basis on the convocation papers that week's Callboard that Alan S. Wilson the former Dean of Men made hap­ ticipated in a Be-Bop session, prior is the Hillyer custodian. The custodian to the burial clam-bake. At the cere­ less convo-absentees write-each to is Mr. White.. Mr. Wilson is one of the tune of 500 words each. mony, they also did a soft-shoe dance the janitors. to the tune of, "The Worms Crawl The second suspect arrested was * * * Norman Sigal, who is accused of man­ In, The Worms Crawl Out." Tom Walsh was seen at 'Charlie's An oil derrick was used to dig the handling the Student Council to the College To Be Torn Down After Examinations¡ last Saturday night by himself. Hav­ point where the Callboard actually grave, in order to insure the deceased Grounds Will House New International Zoo ing a cocktail with him was his dual a hastened journey in the direction felt sympathy for the legislative body. personality. The crime was depicted as shameless. Dean ln Complete Sympathy downstairs, and play nine records, * • • which his shameless soul is known thus helping the Administration to to have taken. As the casket was Third on the list of suspects is Joe Blume has returned to the lowered into the mile-deep grave, peo­ William Mayo, who somehow manages With Council's Plans: Slab defray the expenses of the machine. freshman class at Hillyer after study­ ple stood alongside and dropped re­ to be a curve-raiser, even though the Of Plaster Injures Parisi For Whom the Ceiling Fell ing a broad for six months. membrances such as sticks of dyna­ college does not use a curve. Teach­ Later, Robert Parisi took the floor The Student Council today voted ••• mite and old cigar butts onto the ers and students fear him, as the and presented the budget for the Class the sum of $10,000 to be used for the Larry Nizza's dog gave birth to a coffin, while Mrs. Elizabeth Lindsay sight of the aforesaid person strikes Night Dinner to be held next week. demolition of Hillyer College. Work litter of puppies last Wednesday in stood by and recited, "The Congo." terror into every fiber of their being. Mr. Parisi did not finish his speech, on the project by a local firm will be­ the front seat of Larry's Hudson. Funeral arrangements were undez However, the most dangerous of the though, because a large slab of plaster Mother and all six dogs are going fine gin immediately after final examina­ fell from the ceiling, hitting him the direction of Alan B. Rice, old group-which Gordon will quickly tions. The building, which stands be­ with the exception of the fifth one, friend of the deceased, who carried out substantiate-is Ruth F. Axelrod, bet­ squarely on the skull. who didn't quite make it. tween Wadsworth and Hudson Streets, He was carried from the room by Levinson's last wish-that his body be ter known as "Queen of the Dugout." will be remade into an international stuffed with old Callboards. Her crimes have resulted in several fellow-legislators Gordon Kilduff and zoo as an everlasting tribute to the National Guard Present deaths, as in the case of Harry the Carl Lindquist who report that Mr. students and teachers who played Signa-Phi Holds Annual There was one single group of hon­ Hawk, who couldn't stomach her, and Parisi continually muttered some­ school there for so long. est mourners at the grave side-­ therefore died of indigestion. "Queen­ thing about '"class rings" all the way Tea: Members Treated To The first department to be leveled to the hospital. Thomas Lavery, Norman Sigal, Bar­ ie," as she is known to her cohorts, is the President's Office, which will Informal Merriment bara Beaty, Gracie Kummel, and Ras­ stands the least chance of acquittal, As the meeting came to a close, be dynamited on June 5th. Vice-Presi­ The faculty lounge was the scene mussin Q. Petrol. In fact, the party according to her lawyer, John E. President Siga! requested that Rep. dent of the Student Council Donald Verne Brookes and Faculty Advisor of the annual tea held by Signa-Phi was so broken up, four of the mourn­ Levinson. H. Blake will light the first match Harold O'D. Hunter discontinue the Nothing sorority on Monday after­ ers bad to restrain Petrol, who was If convicted, the entire group will with President Norman Sigal officiat­ crap game they were conducting in a noon. I. Made Geraldfitz poured. !Miss gushing all over the place. be forced to live in each other's com­ ing. corner of the seminar room and get Geraldfitz was attired in a chiffon The National Guard was there un­ pany for a period of five minutes. When informed that his office was busy. Robert Lassow then proposed gown trailing down to her hips. The der the command of General James Said former Dean Hunter, "Good to be the target for the initial salvo, that the Council grant all feminine other members also wore chiffon Manupelli. Manupelli later explained Lord, I thought even the worst crim­ college President Alan S. Wilson re­ teachers of the now defunct college gowns but Miss Geraldfitz's was dis­ that it was standard operating pro- · inals were allowed to get the electric marked: an honorable pension of $100 per tinguished because it trailed. cedure for the 21 gun salute to be chair. Why make it worse for us?" "%$"&'l's**c!" week-if they be over 35 years of Miss Barbara Batty, sergeant-at­ fired at the casket. At the present writing, this state­ age, that is. Mr. Lassow's proposal, legs, entertained the group with a · Professor Doodabble X. Schmidt men has not been translated by Mr. however, fell through. So did Mr. Las­ rendition of "I'm Forever Blowing was at the funeral, and watched at the McGovern To Perform Kurt Weinberg, head of the language sow. It seems that the demolition Bubbles." She was accompanied by side of the grave as the body was department, although Mr. Weinberg squad came a bit early and had chop­ Miss Lillian Egadd at the piano, Miss dropped in, busily calculating with his Ancient Rope Trick claims that he has his suspicions as to ped the floor from under him. Sec­ Marion Anne Puddles at the violin slide rule, the exact time that the Lawrence McGovern, former presi­ its meaning. retary Ruth F. Axelrod, an eye-wit­ and Miss Grayce Come-On at the coffinwould hit the bottom. The casket dent of Newman Club, was found Dean Pascal Poe, however, when ness to the catastrophe, said that as garden gate. was three-tenths of a second late. guilty of murder today, as the jury told of the opening day's plans, was he fell through the floor, Mr. Lassow The members reported that Miss . Block Party all smiles and snorted: was bravely singing "Hillyer Forever" Come-On was favorably received, as Immediately following the cere­ quite clearly. Nevertheless, it was be­ was Miss Batty. A short business monies, came a block party, after "Wonderful; simply wonderful! r This is a move that I feel should lieved that the pension bill would nev­ meeting was held following the enter­ which the will was read. have been executed ages ago." er have carried anyway. As Rep. tainment: It was suggested by Miss "I John E. Levinson, being of sound 'I'he public is cordially invited to George Tudan barked: "It is extreme­ Egadd that the members dispense mind, and all that baloney, do hereby­ attend; Rep.
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