CURRICULUM VITAE Lyle Campbell (2018) Address: Department of Linguistics, University of Hawai'i Mānoa, 1890 East-West Road, Moore Hall 568, Honolulu, HI 96822 USA Email: lylecamp at hawaii dot edu Education 1971 Ph.D. Linguistics, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 1967 M.A. Linguistics, University of Washington 1966 B.A. Archaeology (& Anthropology) Employment 2010-: Professor of Linguistics, University of Hawai‘i Mānoa (emeritus, 2017) 2006-2010: Presidential Professor, University of Utah 2004-2010: Professor of Linguistics, and Director of Center for American Indian Languages, University of Utah 1994-2004: Professor of Linguistics, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand 1989-94: Louisiana State University, Professor of Linguistics, Anthropology, and Spanish 1974-89: State University of New York, Albany; from assistant to full professor of Anthropology, Linguistics, Spanish, and Latin American Studies 1971-74: University of Missouri, assistant professor of Anthropology, Linguistics, and Behavioral Research. Publications Books: 2018 Language isolates, edited by Lyle Campbell. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. 2013 Historical Linguistics: an Introduction. (3rd edition). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, and Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (2nd edition 2004, 1st edition 1998.) [Chinese edition, 2007.] 2013 Instructor's Manual for Historical Linguistics. Cambridge: MIT Press. 2012-2017 Catalogue of Endangered Languages. (www.ndangeredlanguages.com.) [With several others.] 2012 The Indigenous Languages of South America: A Comprehensive Guide. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (Lyle Campbell and Verónica Grondona, eds.) 2008 Language classification: history and method. Cambridge: Cambridge U Press. (Lyle Campbell and William J. Poser). 2007 Glossary of historical linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh U Press; Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. (Lyle Campbell and Mauricio Mixco). 2006 Grammar from the Human Perspective: Case, Space, and Person in Finnish. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 277.) Amsterdam: Benjamins. (Marja-Liisa Helasvuo and Lyle Campbell, eds.) 2004 New Zealand English: its Origins and Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Elizabeth Gordon, Lyle Campbell, Jennifer Hay, Margaret Maclagan, Andrea Sudbury, and Peter Trudgill.) 2001 Grammaticalization: a critical assessment, ed. by Lyle Campbell. (Special issue of Language Sciences, vol. 23, numbers 2-3.) 1997 American Indian languages: the historical linguistics of Native America. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (512pp.) [Winner of the Linguistic Society of America’s “Leonard Bloomfield Book Award,” 2000, for the best book in linguistics for the previous two years. Named 1998 Outstanding Academic Book by Choice.] 1997 The Life of Language: Papers in Linguistics in Honor of William Bright, ed. by Jane Hill, P.J. Mistry, and Lyle Campbell. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 1995 Historical syntax in cross-linguistic perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Alice C. Harris & Lyle Campbell) (488pp). [Winner of the Leonard Bloomfield Book Award, 1998.] 1 1988 Panorama General de las Lenguas Indígenas en las Amerícas. Historia General de América, tomo 10. Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia. Caracas, Venezuela. (Ernesto Migliazza and Lyle Campbell). (456 pp.) 1988 The Linguistics of Southeast Chiapas. (Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation, 51.) Provo, Utah. (416 pp). 1985 The Pipil language of El Salvador. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (947 pp.). 1985 The Foreign Impact of Lowland Mayan Languages and Script. (Middle American Research Institute, publication 53.) New Orleans: Tulane University. (John Justeson, William Norman, Lyle Campbell, Terrence Kaufman). (97 pp.). 1984 Phoneticism in Mayan Hieroglyphic Writing. (Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, Pub. 9.) SUNY Albany/University of Texas Press. (John Justeson and Lyle Campbell, editors). (389 pp.) 1980 El Idioma Cacaopera. (Colección Antropología e Historia, 16.) Administración del patrimonio cultural. San Salvador, El Salvador: Ministerio de Educación, Dirección de publicaciones. (32 pp, based on 1975 publication, below). 1979 The Languages of Native America: An Historical and Comparative Assessment. Austin: University of Texas Press. (Lyle Campbell and Marianne Mithun, editors). (1034 pp.) 1978 Bibliography of Mayan Languages and Linguistics. Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, Publication 3. SUNY Albany. (Lyle Campbell, P. Ventur, R. Stewart, and B. Gardner). (189 pp.) 1977 Quichean Linguistic Prehistory. (University California Publications in Linguistics, 81.) Berkeley: University of California Press. (132 pp.). 1971 Cakchiquel Basic Course. Provo: Peace Corps. (Robert Blair, Lyle Campbell, et al.; 2 Vols., 362 pp., 505 pp.). ---------------------------- In press. Handbook of Endangered Languages, edited by Kenneth Rehg and Lyle Campbell. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In press. Cataloguing of Endangered Languages, edited by Lyle Campbell and Anna Belew. London: Routledge. In press. El náwat (pipil). San Salvador, El Salvador: CONCULTURA. [Spanish version of 1985 book.] In press. El arte pipil (edición paleográfica y facsímile, y comentario, del manuscrito colonial del pipil antiguo). San Salvador, El Salvador: CONCULTURA. (Lyle Campbell and Jorge Lemus). In press. Foundations of Historical Linguistics (selected papers, collection of previously published articles). Supplement of Annurio del Seminario de Filología Vasco “Julio de Urquijo.” Bilbao: Universidad de País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitea. (490 pp.) In press. Essays in Comparative Linguistics (selected papers, collection of previously published articles). Supplement of Annurio del Seminario de Filología Vasco “Julio de Urquijo.” Bilbao: Universidad de País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitea. (500 pp.) In preparation. Nivaclé Grammar [with: Nivaclé-Spanish-English dictionary]. (Lyle Campbell, Luis Díaz, and Fernando Ángel.) Articles, Chapters: 2018 Introduction. Language isolates, edited by Lyle Campbell, xi-xiv. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. 2018 Language Isolates and their history. Language isolates, edited by Lyle Campbell, 1-18. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. 2017 Why is it so Hard to Define a Linguistic Area? Handbook of Areal Linguistics, ed. by Raymond Hickey, 19- 39. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2017 History and reconstruction of the Mayan languages. The Mayan Languages, ed. by Judith Aissen, Nora C. England, and Roberto Zavala Maldonado, 43-61. London: Routledge. 2017 On how and why languages become endangered: Reply to Mufwene. Language 93.e224-e233. 2017 Language Contact and Language Documentation: Whence and Whither? Proceedings of SALSA 25, Texas Linguistics Form 60, ed. by Hannah Foster, Michael Everdell, Katie Bradford, Lorena Orjuela, Frances Cooley, Hammal Al Bulushi, and Ambrocio Gutierrez Lorenzo. http://salsa.ling.utexas.edu/proceedings/2017/Campbell.pdf. 2016 Language Documentation and Historical Linguistics. Language Contact and Change in the Americas: Studies in honor of Prof. Marianne Mithun, ed. by Andrea L. Berez, Diane M. Hintz, and Carmen Jany, 249-271. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 2016 Linguistic comparison in Mesoamerican language families. Comparative linguistics today in the field of both Indo-European and other relevant non-Indo-European linguistics families, ed. by Joaquín Gorrochategui, 2 Carlos García Castillero, and José M. Vallejo, 113-134. (Special publication of VELEIA, Revista VELEIA Aldizkaria Instituto de Ciencias de la Antigüedad, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. 2016 Language isolates and their history, or, what’s weird, anyway? Proceedings of the 36th Annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, Feb. 6-7, 2010, ed. by Nicholas Rolle, Jeremy Steffman, and John Sylak- Glassman, 16-31. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society. 2016 Revved-up valency increasing in Nivaclé and its implications. Fleur de Ling: Tulane University Working Papers 2: Indigenous Languages of the Americas Edition, ed. by Mary Kate Kelly and Patricia Anderson. http://mitwpl.mit.edu/catalog/tuwp02/. 2015 Do Languages and Genes Correlate?: Some Methodological Issues. Language Dynamics and Change 5.202- 226. 2015 Areal linguistics. International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd Edition), ed. by James D. Wright, Vol 1: 955-60. Oxford: Elsevier. (Revision of 2002 article.) 2015 Endangered Languages. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, ed. by Mark Aronoff. New York: Oxford University Press. [http://linguistics.oxfordre.com/]. (Christopher Rogers and Lyle Campbell.) [Revised edition 2017.] 2015 La clasificación de las lenguas de Mesoamérica y algunas cuestiones de identidades. Revista Cultura (Secretaría de Cultura de la Presidencia de El Salvador) 116.25-46. San Salvlador, El Salvador. 2015 Language Endangerment and Endangered Uralic Languages. Congressus Duodecimus Internationalis Fenno- Ugristarum, Oulu: Plenary Papers [XII International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies, Oulu], ed. by Harri Mantila, Kaisa Leinonen. Sisko Brunni, Santeri Palviainen, and Jari Sivonen, 7-33. (Lyle Campbell and Bryn Hauk, with Panu Hallamaa.) 2015 Mesoamerican languages. Encyclopaedia Britannica. http://www.britannica.com/topic/Mesoamerican-Indian-languages 2015 Aztec-Tanoan languages. Encyclopaedia Britannica. http://www.britannica.com/topic/Aztec-Tanoan-hypothesis. 2015 Kaqchikel language. Encyclopaedia Britannica. http://www.britannica.com/topic/Kaqchikel-language. 2015 K’iche’ language. Encyclopaedia Britannica. http://www.britannica.com/topic/Kiche-language.
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