56 Declaration ofJoAnn Mar I, JoAnn Mar, do hereby declare: I. I am the Executive Producer of the locally-produced program, "Folk Music & Beyond", wlrich has been broadcast from October 1988 to the present by noncommercial station KALW(FM), 91.7 MHz, San Francisco, California ("KALW") licensed to the San Francisco Unified School District ("SFUSD"). 2. "Folk Music & Beyond" is a weekly program that showcases folklrootsiCeltic/acoustic­ based music mostly from AJrerica, the British Isles, Ireland, and occasionally other parts ofthe world. 3. As Executive Producer of "Folk Music & Beyond", my duties include: choosing the topics and guests presented on the program, booking guests on the program, being aware offmformiog myself of/reading up on issues important to the music-listening community, researclring topics and preparing for interviews, editing interviews and pre-producing programs for broadcast, and submitting a list ofprogram topics to KALW management for publication in the quarterly KALW program guide. 4. During the period from November 3, 1996 to November 3, 1997, "Folk Music & Beyond" was broadcast on KALW on Saturdays between 5 and 6 pm From July 16, 2003 to July 16, 2004, "Folk Music & Beyond" regularly aired on KALW on Saturdays, between 3 and 5 pm 5. Program lists for "Folk Music & Beyond" wlrich I prepared for programs produced during November 3,1996 to November 3,1997, and July 16,2003 to July 16, 2004 are attached at Attachment A. The attached lists appeared in the KALW quarterly program guides for the time periods listed above. I hereby confirm that these lists accurately describe the "Folk Music & Beyond" programs delivered to KALW during these time periods, and such programs were broadcast by KALW on the listed dates and times. I understand that tlris declaration may be submitted by SFUSD to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") in connection with the proceeding to determioe whether SFUSD's FCC license to operate KALW should be renewed. I declare under penalty ofperjury that the foregoing is true and correct. ~::;;:~~!'0 ~'"'_.- a0 Executed on ApriJtI, 2005 Federal C. -~=,,-~o::!n:!Jlm:!!.!!u,!!n~1Ce!a~itions-c·---·-·""---_. -._.~~lSsIon :oCket No. 0'1 'Iq \ Exhibit No;~- resented by oS FV~D -----. Identified S/J ,. _ · --:.l..'l~ DlSPosition R' "- { ecelved SA I"to " \\ \DC. BIlSMl002· 2105899 v3 Page J of J Rejected -- Reporter ?Ol't S;'d.,K Date ~rl1f"9 .r THISTLE & SHAMROCK SATURDAYS 3 PM Old .. New r~of b"aditi0n81 Celtic music pro~ Nov. 9 Smiddy Mad.. Martin Hadden has convnUd an old c:artrast and ronbt for" contemporary recordings which hark blacksmith's workshop (a "smiddy") into a recording studio, back 10 traditional roots_ We offyr both old and ~ this week. and is using the brility to rerord locAl arti5t5 from hiB native Jnduded is multi- instnlml'nlalist Martyn Bennett who5e Perth5hire. Hadden. it fOm'lE'r member- of the 5'eat Scots music shows thr influence of his highland heritage. but has group SiBy Wizard, introduces \15 to five debut reron:l:ings by been described as ~in-your-fattcroft kitchen c:dlidh groove. singns "'00 instrumentalists, and talks i!obout the <haJlenges of on Aho-blamk ~ dirge dub junglejatt trip hop.'" cre",ting a homespun record label. New Rck.aees Established artists and eml"fging talent from Nov. 16 Celtic Connections This wet"k,. Celtic music is p~ in an the world of CdtJc music provide an hour's worth of~ international concext a Ionpide roots-based music from from recmt ~ The program includes Scotland's Dick around the world. The mD5t diverw selection of artists 10 Gaughan (GAW-Idn), Kips Bay from New York City, The "'wear on lhistle.\ Shaml"OCk includes: Outback (Australia), l-fowto Band. and the ceilKlh band forttM> 90s, Shooglenifty. Varttina (Finland). and Ros6y (Madagascar). along with Scots and Irish favorites CeoIbeg (KulI--BEG), Andy Irvine, and Od19 Qltic All-StArs Fiona Ritchie presents bet- bvorite Celtic O'vySpU..... artists. Featured artists include: Scotland's Dougie Macu-an. Jrda,nd'$ Patrick Street. England's Ian Carr, Karen Tweed. Nov. 23 llisiftK Soot» Emerging artists from Scotland fill the airwaws Maddie Prior... and June Tabor. and Dnada's Loreena for an hoW", with Seelyhoo, Tannas, and others yet 10 ~ at the time of this writing. _ Oct. 26 F"dhu Folk Songs and rune of Scotland's coastal communi­ Nov.30 Hanch A.crotMI the WatuOur 0CC"Mii0na1 for;Iy among5t a ties are featured. Uvelihood there has traditionally d~ WNIIh. of North American artists playing music from Celtic upon facing the dartgeJS of deep sea fishing in nortlvml roots includes:. SOW, Gypsy Reel,. and Bonnie Rideout. As waleJ's. Perlonnen; include The Boys of the Lough, Ca­ usual on these occasicin!I, we unearth ~Celtic connections pen:aillie (Kapper--KAY-lee), and ArdlW Fi5heT. wilb American traditions, induding bluegrass and old-time fiddle music. Nov. 2 Celtic Folklore Celtic myths and legends take night in this music from the Whistlebinkie6. Maire Breatnac;h (Moira BRA-nad). The Bothy Band and others. FOLK MUSIC & BEYOND SATURDAYS 5 PM Oct. 5 Iletum to Arnon Guinevere, the Lady of the Lake, and othl-r Nov.16 Ufe by Miudnntare Stories of people living on the margins ancient spirits live and bJ'e4lthe insongs by Martin and Jet>Ska of society, tokt in song by Shove TIlston, Fairport Convention, Simpson. Anne lister, Loreena McKe'llnitt, Grace Griffith. and Sandy Denny, Richard Thompson, and Carol Noonan. Paul Kanun &: Eleanore MadJonilld. NCaIl Me ilnd I Reappear-Follow, Follow through the Year." Nov. 23 R«~nl R~I~asn in Conremporuy Musk1ne latest in Amt'rican, British Isle-s. ilnd Celtic singer-songwrirer music by Oct. 12 Corddi.a's O",d Membets of thi...; band from N_ England join Boik-d in I.ead, Savouma Stevenson, ~e Tilston &: Maggie us in the KALW studioe; to pertonn their versions of tradi­ Boyle. and whateve-r el9E' comes along that's out of the tional Amerkan music from the 19th and early 20th omwry ordinary. Oct. 19 ukobntion ofGrffIl Unnd'"s 20th AnnivtrBaJ:Y This Nov.30 Childre-n of Darkness Filmily values in real contemporary life independent record label based in Connecticut has been in the as presented in sonp (rom Norma Wab>T5on, the Chenille forefront of distn"buting and making Celtic music:" from Jrdand Sisters, N~al &:- leandm, Wendy Waldman. Valerie lowe, and Scotland availabk in this COWltry. We'D listen tosonp;l' by Mary McCaslin, and ot~rs, wjth the theme taken from an old some of Uw artists on Green UruM."t on tht' cutting edge of the song by Richard and Mimi Farina. current Celtic music gcene. Dec.. 1 lYtr Wolf Tribptr Songs by the lace California folk singer New R~Ie.;lH!i in C~IIi< Music 1be latest recording6 in the )(are Wolfon the tenth anniversary o( her death. Celtic world by Altan,. Ashley Mcisaac, Dervish, John Whelan, Mairead Ni Ohomhnaill, Solas, Uam O'Aynn, and others. Dec. 14 Sonp for th~ Holid"'J'I Seasonal music with good tidings and joy by Maddy Prior &- the Carnival Band, lore'ena McKennitt, Nov. 2 A Knipt ofGho&ta.nd SJu,dows Darkly evocative music for the Black Family, the Christmas Revels, and others. ~ lime by Margo Hennebach. Fairport Con~tion, Maddy Prio<. Jod Hanly. Ma"",,",- ond more Dec. 21 A O~ltic Christm..u A C{'lebration of the holidily season with some of tfwo finest in traditiOnal Celtic musk and storytelling. Nov. 9 Reuat R~I~ in Traditio-.I Mp,i< American, British Isles, and Celtic music performed in somPdVng approaching Dec.28 Nnw World Vi,ions Music reAecting the spirit of life in the traditional styks by NoflT\.itn &- Nancy Bla!u', TaO\JllY R~, Americas by Dead Can Dance, Jerry Alfred, the Black Lodge the new local glU\Jp known as the Ikoken. and others_ Singers, Nillay. Peler Rowan, and Sally Rogers P3~C 2 of II Check Ihe loy GumIcn.-:h week for au CUIfWIt ~ UIhIn to KAlW, MomIng Eettion wtI'lJoe ...... fof Sedge' tk::1I:8IgMIoway FOLK MUSIC & BEYOND eodI ...dumg Ihe wodd-renowned IChooIIunch rnenI,l. SATURDAYS 5 PM You may ollo",OM d the handIonwt limited edIIOn { west Cood live Nc* sweahtlim (orOfdef OM lor toIty' bUcks). TNO.,OH·, Jan. 4 Music from Scancb.navi~ New and rt'Cf'fl1 releases by fIImj Viirttini and Marl Hoine from Finland, Gannama, Groupa. Now in our Va~ and Den Fuk from Swedffi. and thfo Norwegian! 4th year on Finnish group Hedningama. "f:'!l'\ KAlW 91.7 WClgoes Jan. 11 M!oI§ic to Start Over By Songs in the' spirit of a nl"W year by Tokyo to Garnet Rogers. Jack Hardy, the grand old Incredible String Milan. deep Band. Pete Morton, and other!.. in Texas to north of the Jan. 18 TwiAulCountry The dark side of cOuntry with musk toy Arctic CnJe Johnny Cash, Iris Ikment. GiUian Welch. Les Sarnpou. NoeValley Paddlefoot. and Neil Young &: Willie Ndson. to Sonoma Valley Jan.25 B;a,nu of Sw«t Primroses Vereran folk OJ Steve Mayer returns to our air to share some of tht' best of hi!; colled:ion of music from England. ..... 1 Albn MusK:: and conversation with two members of Altan, one of the preeminenllrish bands in lhe world. lead singer and fiddk> player Mairead Ni Mhaonaigh and guitarist Daithi Sproule join us in the studio to talk about the band's SUCH'55 and the growing popularity of Celli< music , f1 ~ ;.-1 Feb.S East Winds Music from Asia, featuring vocalist Sima Bina sedgll:" "";th ~(onteur Ste¥e All.,... with musk from Khorasan, Native American flule player R Carlos Nakai in collaboration with Japanese and Ainv musicians, and soundtrack mu!>ic from Ihe film "Latcho Drom.
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