Map 65 Lycia-Pisidia Compiled by C. Foss (west) and S. Mitchell, 1994 Introduction The map covers a large segment of south-west Asia Minor, extending from the southern edge of Phrygia in the north to the Mediterranean coastline. The most striking feature is the western extremity of the Taurus mountain range, which dominates the entire landscape of Pisidia and Lycia. In the north-east are the internally drained lake basins of Trogitis (Lake Suğla), Karalis (Lake Beyşehir), Lake Eğridir (E1-2, ancient name unknown), and Ascanius (Burdur Lake). The mountains to the south of these contain the sources of three major rivers, which flow down through Pisidia to the Pamphylian plain–the Melas, Eurymedon and Kestros. Both Pamphylia and Pisidia contained large populations in antiquity, occupying a dense network of city-states, up to ten in Pamphylia and over fifty in Pisidia. Pisidia was accessible by some of the most important routes of southern Asia Minor, in particular the road built by the first Roman proconsul of Asia, M’. Aquillius, between 129 and 126 B.C. from Pergamum (Map 56 E3) to Side (French 1991), and the Augustan Via Sebaste, which ran from Perge to Pisidian Antioch (Map 62 F5). The historical geography of this region has been much advanced in many recent studies–by Bean, Mitchell and Nollé especially (note the overview in Mitchell 1998b)–and the pace of discovery shows no signs of slowing. Current research by Turkish scholars is beginning to throw important new light on the border zone between southern Pisidia and eastern Lycia to the west of Attalea. Above all, the sensational discovery at Patara of an inscription erected by the emperor Claudius in A.D. 45 will offer the foundation for a thorough re-appraisal of the historical geography of the entire region between Caunus in the west and Attalea in the east. This stadiasmos–about which only preliminary information has so far been released–contains details of all the routes of the newly annexed Roman province of Lycia, with distances between the cities measured in stades (Şahin 1994). The western part of the map comprises Lycia, the Kibyratis, and an interior region of Caria. The latter two are high plateaus and basins interrupted by mountains and lakes, with a widely scattered population. Historically, the most important of these regions was Lycia, which comprises a coastal zone with many excellent harbors, the broad and fertile valley of the R. Xanthos, and small valleys and basins in the rising country to the north. The coastal zone in particular supported a remarkable number of cities and villages, well known from remains, inscriptions and extensive exploration since the mid-nineteenth century; see especially Foss (1993; 1994). The historical geography of the coast is known from the descriptions of Scylax (fourth century B.C.) and StadMM (third/fourth centuries A.D.). An inscription of Hadrian’s time from Oenoanda (Wörrle 1988) names many unidentified villages, as does the sixth-century life of St Nicholas of Holy Zion. Remains of aqueducts have been identified at the following cities, but in the absence of detailed publication it is impossible to mark them on the map: Antiochia ad Maeandrum, Apamea (D1), Hierapolis, Laodicea ad Lycum, Trapezopolis (Weber 1904). MAP 65 LYCIA-PISIDIA 997 Directory All place names are in Turkey unless otherwise noted Abbreviations IK 37 J. Nollé, Die Inschriften von Selge, Bonn, 1991 IK 43 J. Nollé, Side im Altertum I, Bonn, 1993 TIB Galatien K. Belke, Tabula Imperii Byzantini 4, Galatien und Lykaonien, DenkWien 172, 1984 TIB Phrygien K. Belke and N. Mersich, Tabula Imperii Byzantini 7, Phrygien und Pisidien,DenkWien211, 1990 Names Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference E4 Ağva CH Özoral 1980 E2 Adada HRL Karabaulo von Aulock 1977, 20-22; TIB Phrygien 170 C4 Aedesa fl. R Ak Çay Bean 1967, 40-41 E2 [Agrai] L Ağras, Atabey Robert 1977, 43-44; TIB Phrygien 172 D4 Akalissos RL Asar Deresi TAM 2.3, 318-22 C5 Akroterion Pr. RL? Ulu Burun StadMM 241-42; C. Foss D3 Alassos R Akören? Corsten 1998, 56-57 A4 Alina? Ins. H Yassıca Ada RE Κρυέων Νῆσοι B4 Aloanda? R Kabaağaç TAM 2.2, 188 G2 Amblada HRL Hisartepe, near Kızılca von Aulock 1977, 22-23; TIB Galatien 122 F1 Anaboura HRL? Enevre RE 2; TIB Phrygien 182-83 C2 Anaua/ C/ Sarı Kavak TIB Phrygien 371 Sanaos HRL D3 Andeda HRL Yavuz, formerly Andya RE Suppl. 12 C5 Andriake RL near Myra RE Ankon Pr. = Pedalion Pr. B4 Antikragos M. HR Buba Dağ RE A2 Antiochia ad Maeandrum HRL Aliağaçiftliği TIB Phrygien 185-88; NPauly 6 C5 Antiphellos/ HRL/ Kaş NPauly Habesos C Antoniopolis = Tripolis ad Maeandrum D1 Apamea/ HRL/ Dinar RE 6; TIB Phrygien 188-89; Kelainai/ CHRL/ Cohen 1995, 281-85; NPauly Kelainai Kibotos R C5 Aperlae RL Sıçak İskelesi PECS A2 Aphrodisias/ RL/ Geyre RE 2; NPauly 1 Ninoe C RE E3 Apollo, T. R Yazılıkaya, Çandır Sterrett 1884, 314-15 C5 Apollonia R Sıçak RE 20; RE Suppl. 1; Bean 1978, 104 Apollonia ad Maeandrum = Tripolis ad Maeandrum B2 Apollonia Salbakes HRL Medet Robert 1954, 235-42; Cohen 1995, 253-55 D1 Apollonia/ HRL/ Uluborlu RE 21; Cohen 1995, 285-90 Mordiaion/ HRL/ Sozopolis L RE Σωζο(ύ)πολις 1; TIB Phrygien 387-88 D1 Aporidos Come HR Eldere Christol 1987, 29-32 B4 Araxa HRL Ören TAM 2.2, 259-62 D3 Ariassos HRL Üçkapı, Bademağaç Mitchell 1991 C5 Arnabanda L Alacahisar Foss 1991, 331 C5 Arneai RL Ernes TAM 2.3, 279-87 B5 Arsada HR Arsa RE Arsinoe = Patara A4 Artemision? Pr. HR Akça Burnu Strabo 14.2.2; C. Foss 998 MAP 65 LYCIA-PISIDIA Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference B5 Artymnissos/ H/ Farilya / Hisar F. Hild Perdikiai R D5 Arycandus fl. R Karasu Çay RE Arykandos D4 Arykanda HRL Aykırca NPauly D4 Arykanda L Arif Harrison 1979, 232 A4 Arymaxa R on Kapıdağ peninsula TAM 2.1, 49-50 E3 Asar HRL Kocaaliler (Melli) Bean 1960, 76-80 F3 Asarbaşı HR IK 37, 17 D2 Ascanius L. HR Burdur Göl RE ’Ασκανία λίµνη 2 § Ascania L. R B2 Asopos? fl. R Gümüş Çay RE Kapros 1 F4 Aspendos/ ACHRL/ Belkis RE Suppl. 12; NPauly Primoupolis L B4 Aspis? Ins. R Katrancık Adasi Pliny, NH 5.131; C. Foss E4 Attalea HRL Antalya RE Suppl. 12 Attaleia; Cohen 1995, 337-38; NPauly Attaleia A2 Attouda HRL Hisar TIB Phrygien 195-96 G4 Augai R Sarapşa? RE C2 Aulindenos? L. R Salda Gölü RE ‘Aulocrene’ L. = Aulutrene L. D1 Aulutrena RL Eldere Christol 1995, 69-81 D1 Aulutrene/ R/ Pınarbaşı / Çapalı Göl Christol 1987, 45-46; TIB Phrygien 197-98 ‘Aulocrene’ L. RL G4 Aunesis R below Hamaxia RE A4 Axon fl. R Kargın Çay Arkwright 1895, 97 G4 Aydolin Kale HRL Bean 1970, 37-41 C4 Balboura HRL Çölkayağı RE Balbura; PECS Balbura; RE Suppl. 14 Balbura D2 Baris RL Farı mevkii, Kılıç TIB Phrygien 206 E2 Bindaios RL Küçük Gökceli, formerly Robert, OMS 3, 1455; TIB Phrygien 213 Findos B4 Boubon HRL Ibecik RE Bubon 1 A2 Brioula RL Billara Ramsay 1895, 191-92 C3 Caularis fl. H Çavdir Çay RE Suppl. 1 Caularis; Bean 1956, 149-50 A4 Caunus CHRL Dalyan RE Kaunos 1 D3 Çaykenarı RL Mitchell 1994, 144-48 D5 Chelidon M. L Markiz Dağ Foss 1991, 326 D5 Chelidoniae Inss. CHRL Beş Adalar RE Χελιδονίδες νῆσοι D5 Chelidonium Pr./ CHR/ Gelidonya Burnu Scylax 100; RE Tauros 5, col. 42 Hiera Akra/ HR/ Tauri Pr. R B5 Chimaera CHR Avlan valley RE Chimaira 2 D5 Chimaera M. HR Yanar Taş RE Chimaira 2 C4 Choma RL near Sarılar Bean 1967 B3 Cibyra HRL Horzum RE Kibyra 1 Cillanicus Tractus = Killanion Pedion Claudioseleucia = Seleucia Col. Iulia Augusta Felix = Cremna Col. Iulia Augusta Hadriana = Parlais Col. Iulia Augusta Prima Fida=Comama Col. Iulia Augusta = Olbasa B2 Colossae CHRL near Honaz RE Kolossai MAP 65 LYCIA-PISIDIA 999 Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference D3 Comama/ RL/ Serefönü, Ürkütlü RE Suppl. 11 Komama Col. Iulia Augusta Prima R Fida E2 Conana/ HRL/ Gönen RE Konane Iustinianopolis? L E2 Cremna/ HRL/ Girme, Çamlık RE Kremna; Mitchell 1988a Col. Iulia Augusta Felix R E5 Cypriae Inss. R Üç Adalar RE Κύπριαι νῆσοι A4 Daidala HR İnlice asarı NPauly 1 A4 Daidala M. RL Kızıldağ RE 5 C5 Damasei? L near Muskar Foss 1991, 331 C5 Dereağzı HRL Morganstern 1993, 162-63 B4 Didymae Inss. R Delikliadalar FOA VIII, 8; RE Didymai 2 E2 Dikmen Tepesi H Waelkens 1997, 37-39 Diokaisareia? = Keretapa? D5 Dionysias/ CR/ Sulu Ada RE 2; RE Krambusa 1 Krambousa Ins. HRL? Diospolis = Laodicea ad Lycum C5 Dolichiste Ins. HR Kekova RE C4 Elbessos H on Girdev Gölü Bean 1978, 175 B2 *Eleinokapria R near Bucalı MAMA 6, 10-11 (no. 19) G3 Emeriye R Bean 1970, 28-29 G3 Erymna RL Örmene RE 2 F3 Etenna HRL Sırt Nollé 1992 E4 Eudokias? L Evdir Han RE Termessos C3 Eukereia HR Manay Asarı Bean 1956, 151 C5 Eunias Nemus R SW Kandyba RE F3 Eurymedon fl. CHRL Köprü Çay RE 1; TIB Phrygien 252-53 F2 Eurymedon, T. R Zindan Mağarası Kaya 1985 A4 Euxine H Kepez Roos 1969, 64 F1 Fele R Mitchell 1978, 93, 95-96 D5 Gagai/ CHRL/ Yenice RE; RE Παλαιὸν Τεῖχος Palaion Teichos H B4 Glaucus fl. R Nif / Kargı Çay RE Glaukos 7 A4 Glaukos/ HR/ Fethiye Körfezi RE Glaukos 4 Telmessicus Sinus HR D3 Gölcük Kale H Woodward 1909, 79; TIB Phrygien 261-62 A2 Görle H? Paton 1900, 63-64 F4 Güğercinlik H RE Pamphylia, col.
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