> I w u;6 r . - 5 LIBRARY T he Co ast A dvertiser* r.<Hi ave. Forty-Sixth Year, No. 19. BELMAR, N. J„ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1938 Single Copy 4 Cents Commission Presses Auto Injuries Fatal Program to Improve Belmar Couple Surveys - Storm Damage on Trip To Mrs. Connelly, 80; Damaged Beachfront ' •- ssss%' SrSX A Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Aten, 701 Driver Is Under Bail Tenth avenue, Belmar, lost only New Ordinance for Board­ a day on their return to Belmar Belmar Woman W as Struck walk Project Approved. while traveling through the storm- torn highways from the White by Auto Here Sept. 5. Federal A id Asked to mountains to Greenfield, Mass. As (JIN**; it was they were unable to get to Motorist Will Await Clear A w ay Drifts. Greenfield since washed-out roads forced them to turn back to anoth­ Grand Jury Action. Rehabilitation of the Belmar beach­ er highway through the moun­ front, damaged extensively by last Death has separated Mr. and Mrs. tains. week’s severe storm, continued today James Connelly of Belmar, the little as borough commissioners expanded Mr. and Mrs. Aten left on a va­ Xlfe old couple who walked along F street their program for improvements and cation motor trip to Maine last cirm in arm almost every evening". voted preliminary approval of a new Monday and were well up the At­ ordinance providing for reconstruction Mrs. Connelly, struck by an auto­ lantic coast when the storm mobile as she was crossing F street a t of the boardwalk from Eighth avenue struck. They missed its full force to the Belmar-Spring Lake boundary. Seventh avenue early on the morning by about a day but viewed much of September 5, died in Fitkin hospi­ Commissioner Leon T. Abbott an­ of the damage it caused in the tal Saturday. Her death marked the? nounced the board had instructed Bor­ New England states. fourth auto fatality in Belmar since ough Engineer Claude W. Birdsall to With the details of their Seventy-first Annual Convention settled, members of the beginning of summer. file application for an emergency pro­ the Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias enjoy lodge banquet at Atlantic City. Pictured The driver of the car, James J. Mul­ ject to remove huge drifts of sand de­ above, left to right are T. Edward Bradbury, of Grenlock, newly elected Chancellor posited on Ocean avenue during the Peter F. Cummings ligan of Newark, was arraigned be­ of the Domain of New Jersey, outgoing Grand Chancellor Roscoe C. Newman, of Bel­ fore Recorder Thomas C. Madigan \ storm. At the same time, he received the mar, Mrs. W. Warren Barbour, W % Warren Barbour, Republican candidate for the Loses Pension Fight Saturday and placed under $2,500 bail commission’s approval to purchase United States senate, and Frederick Pope, of Somerville. to await grand jury action on a charge ; trees to replace the many uprooted of causing death by careless driving Mr. Madigan reserved decision on a last week and announced grading of State’s Highest Court Again drunken driving charge. streets and removal of debris would Talk on Constitution Hickman, Sloan Are Assigned Denies Plea of Former Mrs. Connelly suffered a double continue until conditions were re­ stored to normal. fracture of the right knee, internal in­ The new boardwalk ordinance, Is Heard by Kiwanis Belmar Patrolman. juries and shock as he was thrown to passed on first reading Tuesday, will To New Pulpits at Conference the pavement by the car. She had authorize the commission to float $110,- Peter F. Cummings, former Belmar been a hospital patient since the inci­ 000 in bonds as its share of the pro­ Rev. Hogate Relates Its police officer, has lost his eight-year dent, often lapsing 'into unconscious­ The Rev. Cedric E. Hickman, pas­ at St. Andrews M. E. church at Spring fight for a $900 pension from the Bel­ ness. ject and amortize the debt over a tor of the West Belmar and Villa History and Interprets period of between 10 and 15 years. Lake. The assignment is the youthful mar police pension commission. According to charges filed against Park M. E. churches, and the Rev. pastor’s third. He has been at Nep­ The board of commissioners was ad­ Under the old ordinance, passed on Harold Paul Sloan, jr., pastor of the Meaning and Effect. Mulligan, he failed to stop after strik­ first reading two weeks ago and sche­ tune City for the past two years. vised Tuesday that the state court of ing the 80-year-old woman and re­ Neptune City M. E. church, were as­ The Rev. Mr. Lake, a pastor for 36 appeals—highest tribunal in New Jer­ duled to be considered for final pass­ signed to new pulpits this week at the The Constitution of the United turned to the scene of the accident 25 age Tuesday, the board would have years, will retire from active ranks. sey—had denied Cummings’ plea. He minutes later. He told police he did 102nd annual conference of the Meth­ He had served at Spring Lake for States was described by the Rey. had carried the suit to the court of been obligated to return the $110,000 odist Episcopal Church of New Jersey. not see her in time to stop. to the borough treasury within two three and a half years, coming to the Charles M. Hogate of Manasquan errors and appeals twice previously. The Rev. Mr. Hickman, pastor at Cummings, dismissed from the force Examined at police headquarters by years—a setup which would have ne­ shore from the First M. E. church of Wednesday as the “happy medium” Dr. K. Fenton Metzger, Mulligan was West Belmar and Villa Park for the Atlantic City. He will live in Wana- in 1930, had alleged he contracted cessitated drawing the $110,000 from past two years, will assume the pas­ between two extremes—the tendency pronounced under the influence of li­ the surplus cash account. massa this winter. pneumonia while on duty, due to ex­ torate of M. E. churches at Newfield of government to encroach upon free- posure. In a hearing before the Bel­ quor and unfit to drive. May Exceed Debt Limit Succeeding the Rev. Mr. Sloan at and North Vineland. With his leave, i dom and the tendency of all freedom mar pension commission in 1935, the Had Been Restless Conditions created by the storm, the West Belmar and Villa Park Neptune City will be the Rev. C. A. to become anarchy. borough contended the former patrol­ Mr. and Mrs. Connelly, who had however, produced an emergency, for churches will be separated. His suc­ Pennington. man drank excessively and so weak­ which the borough is able to exceed le­ Addressing the Belmar Kiwanis club been living on Ninth avenue during cessor at West Belmar will be the The Rev. Lawrence G. Atkinson, ened his condition that pneumonia was the summer, were walking to the home gal debt requirements and float a bond Rev. R. P. Anderson and at Villa Park pastor of the First M. E. church of at its luncheon meeting, the Rev. Mr. only a contributing factor to his con­ issue over a period of years. Hogate termed the preamble of the of Mrs. Connelly’s daughter at 606. the Rev. Harold I>. Smock. Belmar, recently was reassigned. The dition. Sixth avenue when the elderly woman, Other details of the project re­ The Rev. Mr. Sloan, son of the ed­ other changes were among the 17 ef­ Constitution “the safety valve of De­ He was represented during the liti­ mained unchanged. The undertaking mocracy”, embodying freedom of re­ was struck. It was learned she had itor of the New York Christian Ad­ fected by the conference in Monmouth gation by Lester C. Leonard of Red been restless during the night and will cost a total of $200,000, of which ligion, speech, press and the right to vocate, official Methodist publication, county as it closed its annual conven­ Bank and the borough by the law firm had arisen shortly after 2 a. m. to go $90,000 has been contributed by the P. will succeed the Rev. W. Elwell Lake tion at Atlantic City. petition the government for redress of of Collins and Corbin of Jersey City. W. A. Bids on the job will be obtained grievances. to her daughter’s home, accompanied Granted permission by Walter R. by her husband. after final passage of the new ordin­ He related the events which cul­ Darby, state local government com­ Mrs. Connelly was struck as they ance on October 11. The old measure Forman S. Hutchinson Letter Writing Week minated in the constitutional conven­ missioner, to declare an emergency is expected to be rescinded next tion and hailed the authors of the walked slowly across F street at the appropriation for a new fire apparatus, Seventh avenue intersection. Tuesday. Succumbs t j Injuries To Be Observed Here Constitution as “the greatest body of the board adopted a resolution au­ In a report on damage caused by the men gathered anywhere under any sun thorizing an expenditure of $6,781.35 The couple was familiar to Belmar storm, Commissioner Abbott said 200 to consider the affairs of government”. for a new 500-gallon Seagrave pumper residents for many years. They were feet of dock at the Belmar Marine particularly fond of the movies and Vice President of Old Bel­ “The greatest choice that the con­ for the Union company. The amount Basin had been torn away and bulk­ Antonides Urges Borough vention made,” he continued, "was the will be covered in next year’s budget.
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