Ꭰᰴܦ❴(April 2019) Issue No: 4/2019 KDN: PP8722/12/2012(031293) ACCCIM Bulletin 马来西亚中华总商会(中总) 121 会 讯 ͗͗ဋ╔ร᷀̀ռ௸ဋ╔ร᷀̀ռ௸ ឃឃ;ਗĄ̬ૌ̬ⁱąߞⓋُϽ⛮ἕࠊ;ਗĄ̬ૌ̬ⁱąߞⓋُϽ⛮ἕࠊ ⇘ᮒ֢Ϫ⧷ܯᮒ֢Ϫ⇘ఊ⧷ܯ౨౨ఊ Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap Attended Th e Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation Opening Ceremony and High-level Conference 26-4-2019 ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ͥ䛸ᝠ㞛̺͆रੲ Photo between Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap and leaders of chambers of ࡻ䶲ᄨऴᒝȠ commerce from various countries. ጒ䊣喝㠝͙ࡺᕧੲцͧፙᑌ䔇 From Left : Zhang Jinlong, Chairman of the UK China Business 䮲ȟ㏎䅲䯲ఎ㦏ηᅬͧፙঔ⊣↋ȟ Association; Zhou Haijiang, Chairman of the Board & CEO of Hodo Group; Teo Siong Seng, Chairman of Singapore Business ߌੲ㖀ऴᕧцͧፙȟߌ Federation cum Executive Chairman of Pacifi c International Lines; ๖㝥ߍន㵸ͧፙᑌᲪผȟ㐱ࡃ͙ Ko Ko Gyi, President of Myanmar Chinese Chamber of Commerce ࡺੲцц䪫ᱺ͈⋇ȟͥ䛸ᝠ㞛 (Upper Myanmar); NCCIM President Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap; and ͆ȟ㐱⩤ੲ㖀ऴцͧፙ6;BX.JO U Zaw Min Win, President of the Union of Myanmar Federation of 8JOȠ Chambers of Commerce and Industry. 1 θᅶĄ̬ፒ̬䌛ą䭱ऴ҈倄ሜ䃦 じಇκᎠᰴᬑ㜟ᬑ͙ࡃ he three-day Second Belt and Road Forum for Ϙͪ㵸Ƞ䔅᭛͙϶Ꭰᰬ䛹㺭⮰ͧ౦โϐ TInternational Cooperation (BRF) was held from 仂ȟᩫᏈ仂㘽ふ䶲ᄨ 25th to 27th April 2019 in Beijing, China. As one of theٯߔȠ͖ტ⮰≦ ϦБࣶ㖀ऴ⼄Β䪫ȟ䭱䉓ጭദ䛽㏰㏳ most important diplomatic events of the year, BRF ᕧ㷭ܦፙ᱘ᅶ倄ሜ䃦ಇ喏∁ȟᓣȟ㠝 attracted over 5,000 participants from 150 countries and ȟ㺫⤙➅ȟᬑ᱘ȟ䴕ȟ⁓Ⰻᄲ≪ܦ 90 international organisations, including the Secretary- ᰵᲑ㜖 General of the United Nations (UN), Managing Directorڝ䶲ᄨϦༀង⮰倄㏓Џ㶔̺цȠ ๆ͖ტসๆ͖䭱㏰㏳⮰䓽ѹโ of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as well as high- ,π๓≞र͖ࡦȠ ranking offi cials from France, Germany, United Kingdom⤯ڔፙ喏⋡Ⰲβܦცᄲ 仂Ⱔ᪒侘৴䔖ࡧ⩋⢳ఎ䊠ࡃϘ࣮цȠ Spain, Japan, South Korea and the EU. The Malaysian delegation was led by Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir .͙ᕧᕧц䪫ͥ䛸 Mohamadڨᕧੲцڔ侘Ბ㺫φ ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆κᎠᰴᬑ喏ः䖬ܦፙ ͙ࡃϘტц䃚͙ᓯͪ㵸⮰じθᅶ Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap, President of Th e National Chamber Ą̬ፒ̬䌛ą䭱ऴ҈倄ሜ䃦ಇᐬᎁᐻ of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (NCCIM) স倄㏓ݗц䃚Ƞ and President of ACCCIM attended the BRF opening ceremony and high-level conference on 26th April 2019. ͙ტͧፙΌ䓽ܦፙᐬᎁᐻᎢࣽ㶔ͧ 仂ȟᩫᏈ仂 Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote addressٯᬔ⑀䃞Ƞ͂⩸रๆѹტ 㘽ȟरѹ倄㏓Џ㶔ȟ䭱㏰㏳䉋䉏Ϧ࣮ in front of heads of governments, high-ranking offi cials цȠ仂Ⱔ᪒侘৴䔖ࡧ⩋ц̶ࣽ and representatives from international organisations. 㼬Ƞ Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad also delivered a speech at the conference. ᐬᎁᐻ̶̺ๆੲࡻцЏ㶔ц䲎ϐ≭⮰ ͥ䛸ᝠ㞛͆㶔喝ĄИͼ㻮ⰷᒱᎢ䃐 “We are encouraged by the far-reaching impact of Belt ᭛ࣽ and Road Initiative (BRI) across the world, particularlyڢፒ̬䌛⮰ᣔ䔇ᄥ͂⩸र喏ᅐ̬ͦ ᆁ͙ტͷछᠭ㐙ࣽᆁᰵⱬᎫ๓⌝䔈⮰ᒝ sustainable developments in the developing countries. ৹߇Ƞ䕆䓳ᩫも⇋䕆ȟ䃪㖀䕆ȟ䉤ᬿ⩱ Through key areas of cooperation including policy 䕆ȟ䉰䛽㲹䕆ȟℽᓯⰤ䕆⮰ऴ҈㨉ప喏 coordination, infrastructure connectivity, trade and -ϗ⮰䭱ऴ҈ὍᐻȠΌ䓽 investment enhancement, financial integration and peopleڝᐦڝੲڝ⣜ ͧፙ݆ࣽ㶔ͧᬔ⑀䃞ᬢ䄠喏ᣑ̷Ბ͙ to-people bond, BRI is expected to set new benchmarks for ”,᭛ mutually beneficialinternational economic cooperationڢᄲ䛳ं̬㈧݃䛹๓ᩥ䲕ᐬᩪͪᣖ喏ᅐ .喏Бࣶᰠ observed Tan Sri Ter Leong Yapڑ͙ᰠᎫ䶲ഋផ๓โ䉰ጮ౦۲ ݇⤯ڔ๓㻰Ὅ්ߌੲ৭সߍ䔇ए喏ᄲͦ 䕌ᰠๆᱦ䕳সᰠ๓⮰ጮ౦喏ͦ͂⩸㏻≺ᐬ He added, “In his keynote address, President Xi stated that China is planning to implement a series of major reforms ࣽᆁڢᰠ㒺ຩ᱖Ბ喏Ϻ䪫䔈Ბⰷ喏݇ and initiatives, particularly in expanding the entry of সЭ͆ͷ䬠⮰ߍऴ҈喏ᄲ㘩ᘌࣶर foreign investments into various sectors. Furthermore, सᙫ China will also increase the imports of goods and servicesڝ⩸㏻≺ࣽᆁসϦℽ喏䔅᭛र ᱇Ƞą on a larger scale, create more opportunities and enlarge markets. In the long run, pragmatic cooperation will boost ͥ䛸ᝠ㞛͆䄠喏Ą϶Ꭰ䔮䕎侘͙ᐦϐ economic development across the region.” ⰷݜ侘ڠঔᎠ㏖ᔡ喏ᘻ͵䛹๓喏䲊፤倄 䃲喏⮰ࢲञ䊣◥̶喏ಆ 2019 marks 45 years of diplomatic relations betweenڝ͙͐䓪㜠 ᐦĄ̬ፒ̬䌛ąͦᱦ Malaysia and China, and the BRI is set to further enhanceڝᠭ侘͙ࣷຩ喏Б and strengthen friendship and economic cooperation. ㈧ᐬ݇㒺ຩ᱖ᲑȠ侘Ბ㺫φڟ䕳喏ͦ侘͙ ᕧੲцࣶ͙ᕧᄲ̬ຮᬎᒬ喏㐓㐙䙹ڔ “NCCIM and ACCCIM will continue to work alongside the ऴᩫᏈߖ߇᠇ੲᑁ䉰喏Ꭲߌ๓߇Ꮢᣔߔ侘 government to attract investment and elevate economic ͙Э͆र䶲ഋऴ҈ᰠ̶̬ᅮẨȠą cooperation in all sectors.” 2 ͎ԳૐĄ̬ૌ̬ⁱąῒࣃϗ ACCCIM in Beijing for the Belt and Road CEO Conference 25-4-2019 ጒ䊣喝ͥ䛸ᝠ㞛͆ȟͥ䛸䩦ᐣḚࣶᠫⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱ः䖬ܦ ፙĄ̬ፒ̬䌛ąЭ͆ტ๓цȠ ѿцڔFrom left : Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap, Tan Sri William Cheng and Dato’ Ą̬ፒ̬䌛ąЭ͆ტ๓ц࠱᠘ Liew Sew Yee at the “Belt and Road” CEO conference. 䃚ȟオ㏒Жᐻȟ͙โЭ͆ᄥᣑ≩䄴ȟ 䬙ᎁᐻఇ͖⣛㞮Ƞ๓цͧᠭϦ͙ͦ 䭱䉤ᬿӯ䔇ༀцޛц䪫䭴≞Ƞ㜠 ڔፙȟͧޛᩫࡻڔθᅶĄ̬ፒ̬䌛ą䭱ऴ҈倄ሜ䃦ಇ仂౦䛹◥≧ߔ喏ᅝ 䓊Ϧ࠱᠘ じ᭛Ą̬ፒ̬䌛ąЭ͆ტ๓цκᎠᰴᬑტц䃚 ੲ㖀ͧፙ倄ν哅ȟ͙ߍ䮎ᰵ䉰 ᐦĄ̬ፒ̬ ϓ⯽ⲏネ⤲ༀцͧЧ㗂φᎲȟ͙ڝ͙ᓯ䮲䛹ͪ㵸ȠЭ͆ტ๓ц϶Ꭰ仂⁍ͪߊ喏ᬔͦ ᐦĄ̬ፒ 䭱䉤ᬿӯ䔇ༀцц䪫倄✁Ƞࣽڝ䌛ąტসࡦੲ⩸Ӈ̬͖⇋䕆ϐ≭ज喏ӯ䔇 ڜ䌛ąტসࡦ䉤ᬿេ䉰ᒬᲑȠ 㼬Ϧ࠱᠘䭱䉤ᬿ͙ᓯន㵸ͧЧ䭫̬ 㥔䰣ȟ͙ⴟ⇥๕♢⅀䯲ఎڴᴑ ⺻त㦏η䪫⢷᳃ȟ㒺ߌݕژᕧੲцᕧц䪫ͥ䛸ᠫⲏᝠ㞛 ᰵ䭼ڔ͙ᕧᕧц䪫喏᭛侘Ბ㺫φ ͆ȟ͙ᕧⅤͱह㾵ц䪫ͥ䛸䩦ᐣḚȟ͙ᕧ㒞⤲ᕧц䪫喏᭛侘 ᅨφጊޛጊ䪫Ꮳж㣞ȟ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ त㦏η䪫݄䊣⋇ȟ⍏ژ䃪䯲ఎᰵ䭼 ٴጸܛᕧц䪫݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱ȟ͙ᕧह㾵䶪䬚䭴ޛᕧੲцڔᲑ㺫φ ⩋ः䖬࣮цȠ 䯲ఎͧፙ䴒⊕ᕉȟ͙䨢㵸㵸䪫݄䔊 㝤ȟߌੲ㖀ऴᕧцͧፙȟߌ 㦏ηᕧ㏻ڨੲ㖀ͧ ๖㝥ߍ䯲ఎន㵸ͧፙڔᝠ㞛͆㶔喏䔅䶥⩝͙䉤ӯцȟߍ䮎䉰ༀস 仂ڨᬢ喏ᄥផ๓रЭ͆ऴ ⤲ᑌᲪผȟ㏎䅲䯲ఎ㦏ηᅬͧፙڢߊ⮰Ą̬ፒ̬䌛ąЭ͆ტ๓цछ䄿ᖜ䕎 ҈সߌ䕋͂⩸㏻≺ᰵⱬ䲊፤⼛Ჭ⮰҈⩔Ƞ̺ц㔱䓽Ϧ喏࠱᠘͂ ፙន㵸Ⴤঔ⊣↋ȟࡺ䯲ఎͧፙȟ仅 ȟ͉㐤ͷ䌛⌝یᑦЭ͆ტȟ͙ᑦЭ͆ტȟ๚Э҅ტȟℽЭ ⍛͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫㩍⩸ ҅ტ喏᭛͖䲊፤倄ᅮ⁍সᏊ๓ੲ͆㑽⮰䭱ϐ≭जȠЂ ੲߍ⤲ηц͙ༀцͧፙȟ͙๓ त㦏η䪫䭴上㭺ȠژፙᎢ҈ͦ๓ц䉡ცᙋݜܲ㢏ᎤȠ ਼䯲ఎᰵ䭼ܦᄥͧߊࢁѹ䖬䄣Ђ 3 ,ȟ From left: Mr. Gu Rui, Deputy Chairman of Hodo Group⩋ٴ⦉ᕧ㷭䶪ޛतژጒ䊣喝㏎䅲䯲ఎᰵ䭼 仂ፙ Tan Sri William Cheng, Mr. Zhou Haijiang, Chairman of theڨ䛸䩦ᐣḚȟ㏎䅲䯲ఎ㦏ηᅬͧፙͥ ȟͥ䛸ᝠ㞛ࣶ͆ᠫⲏ݄ Board and CEO of Hodo Group, Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap and⩋ٴន㵸Ⴤঔ⊣↋ ⦊㸁ᅬ㏱ऴᒝȠ Dato’ Liew Sew Yee. he Second Belt and Road Forum for International Ceremony. Th e Plenary session was moderated by Chen TCooperation (BRF) started with the Belt and Zhou, Vice Chairman of the China Council for the Road CEO Conference on 25th April 2019, which was Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and featured a platform for interaction as well as promotion of 13 speakers including Gao Yunlong, the Vice Chairman trade and investment among Belt and Road countries of National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political and regions. President of the National Chamber of Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and Chairman of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (NCCIM) and All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce; Xiao ACCCIM, Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap, was invited to Yaqing, Chairman of State-Owned Assets Supervision the conference alongside ACCCIM Life Honorary and Administration Commission of the State Council; President, Tan Sri William Cheng Heng Jem, Vice Gao Yan, Chairperson of the China Council for the President of NCCIM cum Deputy President of Promotion of International Trade; Arancha Gonzalez, ACCCIM, Dato’ Liew Sew Yee, and Honorary Adviser Executive Director of the International Trade Centre; of ACCCIM Mr. Tan Kai Hee. Wang Yilin, Chairman of China National Petroleum Corporation; Eleni Kounalakis, Lieutenant-Governor “Th e Belt and Road CEO Conference provides massive of State of California, U.S.A; Liu Qitao, Chairman of business opportunities for companies across the region, China Communications Construction Company; Jose which is a timely boost for the global economy. This Vinals, Group Chairman of Standard Charted PLC; is apparent in the level of participants, which include Liu Liange , President of Bank of China; Teo Siong nearly 1,000 participants from 90 of the World’s Top 500 Seng, Chairman of Singapore Business Federation and companies, 78 of China’s Top 500 companies, more than Executive Chairman of Pacifi c International Lines; Zhou 100 state-owned enterprises and 200 private companies,” Haijiang, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Hongdou said Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap. Group; Jonathan Choi, Group Chairman of Sunwah Group and Chairman of the Chinese General Chamber The Belt and Road CEO Conference consists of of Commerce, Hong Kong; and Chen Feihu, Chairman four sessions including the Plenary Session, Signing of Silk Road Business Council China Committee and Ceremony, B2B Matchmaking Session and Closing Chairman of China Datang Corporation Limited. 4 ߯᧷ӱκᶲߓإ⁀ஒߞȟֽᎱՎ͎ ACCCIM Delegation to Germany, Hungary and Turkey 1-4-2019 to 12-4-2019 ᕧ㒞⤲ᕧц䪫ᯔ ᠫⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱喋ጒ喌⢳䶲Џ ⌔ࢎρ⁼ࡿ 㶔ఎ࣮㻮ⅵ䄦༭͆ࢆ㻴цȠ 䭱䉤ᬿࣶ͆㏰ͧ ͙ Dato’ Liew Sew Yee (4th from -䶲ϦЏ㶔ఎκᬑ left) led delegation visited Han⢳ٴЧᠫⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱κ ᠫⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱ .Ꭰᰴᬑ㜟ᬑ⢳䶲͐㏰ ݜᬑ䊠ᓣⅵ䄦༭࣮ߌᎠⅵ䄦༭ nover Messe ͆ڱЏ㶔ఎ䊠ᓣȟ࠴➅ݕࣶ ͆ࢆ㻴ц喏ᬔ㔯ᄋᓣද 㔯ᄋȠ ⮰ࣽᆁȠڢ㕟ో ጒ䊣喝ᠫⲏ䛸ᰪᎠᶭȟ ⦉ȟᠫⲏ݄⩋ٴ⋻◈ᰪ Ƞ⩋ٴ㸁ᅬ㏱ࣶᝠ㞛友 From left: Dato’ Seri Chan Lian Leong, Mr. Clement Chan, Dato’ Liew Sew Yee and Mr. Ter Leong Leng. 5 ϐ≭цऺऴᒝ喏ጒ ᰵ͖ͧ䷄ᆁⅳ㖆स̬ڝ㻰Ὅᰬ๓⮰͆ࢆ㻴ц喏϶Ꭰ⤯ڔⅵ䄦༭͆ࢆ㻴ц᭛ 䊣᭛ᠫⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ ͖ज喏࢟͆䰢䘔Т̺ܲឫ࠱ឬᱛᆁȟ䯲㜖ߔࡂࣶߔ߇ьߔᆁȟႃࡂࢮ ㏱ȟ䩦䓼Ბ๓ҫȟ㏟ ᆁȟ㘩⎼ᆁȟⵀ⾢̺ឬᱛᆁБࣶ⾦ࢷᱦⱋ⾦ឬᱛᆁȠ䬠喏ࢆ㻴цͷ侘Ბ㺫φЏ㶔 ⣇ࣶ⩋ٴϬង侘➥ तͦЏ㶔ఎႵᢾᄨ㻴ఎ喏Ϸ㏹᱘ᅶࢆ㻴ц⮰➥◥ȠژFTTF8PSMEXJEF⻭Ϧᰵ䭼. ݕφᄻȠ Group photo after interaction session, ࢟Აρ⁼ࡿ 6th from left wereږᗲ֠؛࢟Აρ⁼ࡿږᗲ֠؛⌔⌔ Dato’ Liew Sew 喏ᬔ Yee, H.E. Cheongڢⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱κᰴᬑ㜟ᬑ喏⢳䶲ϦЏ㶔ఎ䊠࠴➅ݕࣶో㕟 㔯ᄋ䉰᱘ጮ౦ࣶ䰢ਗ਼䶲ഋ喏ᣎ㉎侘Ბ㺫φ̺⁓≞ტ⮰ੲᱦȠ Loon Lai, Mr. Tamas ᠫ Nadasi and Ms. Maria Stark. ➥㏟ц䪫ޛЏ㶔ఎ仂々᠈䃫β࠴➅ݕੲц喋)$$*喌喏㣣䄑ц䭱ηߍༀц ፙȠᠫܦः䖬⩋ٴϬង侘ࣶ㦏η⣇ݕφᣑᒱ喏侘Ბ㺫φ侧࠴➅ݕ๓ҫ䩦䓼Ბ ᕧੲцࣶ͙ᕧ喏Ꭲ⁎䓺࠴ڔⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱ц̶ऽ࠴➅ݕੲцϷ㏹侘Ბ㺫φ ݕੲц⢳ఎݜ๓侘䃫䬚Ƞ➅ ͙ᕧ̺࠴➅ݕโϐ ࣶ 侘Ბ㺫φ侧࠴➅ݕ๓ҫ亲ੲߍะ䮻ऺႵᢾఎ࣮ߌĄ*OQVU 1SPHSBNą喏̺ 䉤ᬿ䘔ϐ ≭ Ƞ ឬ䶲ഋ⮰݉݇Э͆䔇㵸ϐ≭ࣶЭ͆ᄥᣑȠ⩝࠴➅ݕ䲕ࣶឬ䘔ネ⤲⮰*OQVU Interaction between 1SPHSBN᭛̬䶥Ꭰ䃍ܾ喏ᬔࡻߕᑿឬ䶲ഋ⮰݉݇Э͆䊜ऽ͂⩸Ƞ ACCCIM and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hungary. 6 ᓃᖵЏ㶔ఎ࠴➅ݕ㔯⩋ٴፙ݄ᔃ䒵ͧޛ㔯ᄋ䬠喏࠴➅ݕࡺӔࡺϦఎ㖀ऴц喋ガ⼜࠴ࡺᕧц喌じ̬ ፙᏓ䄴цϐ≭ࣶ㔯ᄋጯ䓪ҕ਼Ϧ㶃喏䃞㼏࠴➅ݕࡺੲ⮰㏻㥑ᗱۡȠᑿᮆ喏࠴ࡺᕧцܦᄋ喏䖬䄣ఎ 䃪რᒱЏ㶔ఎȠ ߍ๓㜏%S"LPT#FS[FUFJᣑᒱȠ%SޛЏ㶔ఎ⻧ᐬ࠴➅ݕݹ喏᠈䃫β࠴➅ݕโϐࣶ䉤ᬿ䘔喏㣣࠴➅ݕ LPT#FS[FUFJ⁎䓺͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫࠴➅ݕ喏Ꭲጸ᱇͐ੲტ᱖Ბᰵᰠๆ⮰ऴ҈ᱦцȠ" ੲϦทࡻц喋.64*"%喌喏㣣.64*"%⿷⠘ڢ喏仂々᠈䃫ో㕟ڢЏ㶔ఎκᰴᬑϺ࠴➅ݕ上ᒬో㕟 ͖⤯ڔ㈧ࣶโ䉤ᬿༀцͧፙ.S.FINFU;FLJ(VWFSDJOᣑᒱȠ.64*"%݇⿷κᎠ喏ڟ䭱 त6ZVNTPGUࣶ:JMEJ[ឬژ䒛Тڢა喏侘Ბ㺫φ.64*"%ₐ⁍ႵᢾЏ㶔ఎ࣮䃫ో㕟ژტ䃪ᰵტߊ ఙȠ ੲϦทࡻц喏ጒ䊣᭛ᱺᰵ⿷⠘ڢ䆸᠈цో㕟 ㈧ࣶโڟȟᠫⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱ࣶ.64*"%䭱⩋ٴڔ ڢ㈧ᕧц(DEiK) ᬃ̷⮰ో㕟ڟ≻ᄥโ㏻ڢ㕟ో 䉤ༀцͧፙ.S.FINFU;FLJ(VWFSDJOȠ 侘Ბ㺫φੲߍ⤲ηцц䪫Süheyla Çebi Karahan Courtesy visit to Independent Industrialists’ and ຟทᰪκᎠᰴᬑ⢳ఎ᠈䃫͙ᕧȠᠫⲏ݄ Businessmen’s Association (MUSIAD), 5th from left ⦊㸁ᅬ㏱ₐ⁍⢳ఎఊ䃫䄑ц喏%&J,ᕧц䪫Nail were Mr.
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