Grand Valley State University ScholarWorks@GVSU Volume 26 Lanthorn, 1968-2001 1-15-1992 Lanthorn, vol. 26, no. 15, January 15, 1992 Grand Valley State University Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/lanthorn_vol26 Part of the Archival Science Commons, Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation Grand Valley State University, "Lanthorn, vol. 26, no. 15, January 15, 1992" (1992). Volume 26. 15. http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/lanthorn_vol26/15 This Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Lanthorn, 1968-2001 at ScholarWorks@GVSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Volume 26 by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@GVSU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Grand Valley State University's Student-Run Newspaper Volume 26 Issue 15 January 15, 1992 Future of Industrial Delta Sigma Theta to Technology Program Valley State Univer­ On January 18, Admission to the party uncertain as sity students only the NAACP and is $3 with Grand Valley and all are welcome. Delta Sigma Theta * State University I.D. The For more informa­ Sorority, Inc. will first 300 people will get tion contact Ernesto coordinator retires be hosting a Unity a free T-shirt.. By Jennifer L. Wlgger .. WKWM radio person­ Williams or Alfonso : Plotkowski, director of the Party in.recognltlqn . News Writer ality Lee Cadena will be Sharpe, or call Mi­ School of Engineering. of Dr. Martin the disc jockey for this nority Affairs at ext A complete review of all the Luther Kin£ Jr. The retirement of the only 2177. full-time industrial technol­ student’s files in the IT pro­ Celebration Week event. -:-t ogy professor has caused gram has been conducted in 1992. The.party is for Grand uncertainty about the order to assure that the five program's future. IT classes are offered suffi­ Dr. Richard Gordon, pro­ ciently and in proportion to fessor of engineering, retired the needs of these students. as the only instructor in the As the program undergoes program to conduct day evaluation, courses exclusive classes. to the IT program are being The question is not “When offered more often, but less will Dr. Gordon be replaced sections of each course are and the industrial technol­ being offered simultaneously. ogy program go back to nor­ As a result, students may mal?", but rather “Is the in­ take necessary classes nearly dustrial technology program every semester, including the worth keeping around?” spring-summer semester, Increased competition has but have little choice as to forced GVSU to consider time and location. terminating their IT pro­ Additional classes are be­ gram and channelling in­ ing taught by adjunct pro­ terested students into the fessors: Chip Meyer at the two other programs offered Eberhard Center, and Steve in the area. Landinburger in Holland and Western Michigan Univer­ Muskegon. sity offers a similar course Both of these men hold full­ in Kalamazoo and time Jobs and teach at night. Muskegon. Enrollment in Two men are needed to ad­ GVSU’s Muskegon classes equately fill Gordon’s shoes, has dropped by aproxl- according to Plotkowski. mately 50%. While it is probable that In addition, Ferris State GVSU would approve the hir­ University’s AdvancedTech- ing of one man. the chances nology Center (ATC) in that they will approve the downtown Grand Rapids hiring of two are slim. offers a similar program. The possiblity of finding any While GVSU has not cut replacement before spring or any of its programs, Gordon late summer are small. believes that the rough eco­ Newly graduated doctorate nomic times affecting edu­ holders are not available until cation throughout the state they complete their school­ has made the termination ing this spring. of the IT program attractive In addition, professors from to GVSU. other schools tend to retain The best interests of the their position until the end of students are the greatest the year, changing Jobs in concern in making the final August and September. decision said Dr. Paul D. The hiring process itself, consisting of advertising, re­ cruiting, interviewing, and hiring, usually takes a good i . 2 ' . i j Editorial...... ..........p. 3 year to complete. There are a number of op­ Campus Life.. ... p. 4 tions available to the stu­ Entertainment. ... P - 7 dent not wishing to take evening classes in Holland PHOTO BY JULIE EDINGER S p o rts............... p.\0 or Muskegon. Sales clerk Carol Ryktarsyk helps freshman Aaron Deline get a head start on book Classified Ads. ...p. 11 Since only five courses in buying over Christmas vacation at the University Bookstore. Please see rr PROGRAM, p. 2 W w P iM ii Page 2 The Lanlhom January 15, 1992 job as a talk show host on movement’s most eloquent “It’s a huge loss for us," praise and criticism. Stories compiled by TV. An issue that she and politically savvy spokes­ said Alexander Sanger of Kate Michelman of the Rebecca Andrews plans to address is how to person. Planned Parenthood’s New National Abortion Rights News Writer get women more involved Her decision has provoked York City chapter. “She will Action League said, “She’s in the political process. NATIONAL mixed reactions. She is re­ be a very tough act to fol­ made a tremendous contri­ As a businesswoman, The president of Planned signing at a time when the low." bution toward protecting Our she has been listed among Parenthood resigned after Planned Parenthood move­ Since she became presi­ right to choose during these the nation’s most success­ 14 years as head of the ment is concerned that the dent of the organization, difficult years." ful women. Business Week organization. US Supreme Court may over­ Wattleton has placed a heavy Wattleton’s opponents placed her among the best Former president Faye turn its decision in Roe v. emphasis on the fight for have* said that her concen­ managers of a non-profit Wattleton was widely con­ Wade, which legalized abor­ abortion rights, an action tration hurt the organization. corporation. sidered to be the abortion tion. that has earned her both Wattleton will be taking a FLASHBACK FLASHBACK FLASHBACK FLASHBACK Many college students still ignoring STD warnings AMES, Iowa (CPS)— Patterson says there has habits. “A lot of them say ported recently that the uni­ to discuss ways to improve American college students been an alarming increase they practice monogamy," he versity Is combating the prob­ sexual health education. are turning a deaf ear to in certain sexually trans­ says. “But what they’re re­ lem of spreading STDs by According to American warnings about the spread mitted diseases among ally talking about is serial performing chlamydia tests Health magazine, chlamy­ of sexually transmitted dis­ Iowa State students and he monogamy; they’re with one along with all routine dia Is currently the most eases, says Dr. Robert believes it reflects a national partner for three months and papsmears done at the prevalent STD, with herpes, Patterson, director of stu­ trend. then they move on to an­ Health Center. In addition, the big scare of the '80s, dent health services at Iowa He said he blames this other partner." health officials have met with taking a back seat. Studies State University. rise on the students’ sexual The Iowa State Dally re­ faculty and administration Please see STD'S, p. 3 IT PROGRAM, from p. 1 - the core are exclusive to the 461), other courses included classes, IT401 and MFG333, GVSU has done a reason­ quire both managerial and Industrial technology pro­ In the program can be taken have day-time substitute able job In giving the stu­ technical skills and provides gram (IT 301, IT 401, MFC during the day. courses included In the pro­ dents opportunities, said’^- students with broad train­ 331, MFG 333, and MFG In addition, two of these five gram. Plotkowsld. ing In the areas of Indus­ Students may also partici­ “Industrial technology stu­ trial manufacturing and pate In a guest-student situ­ dents have a lot of alterna­ management. ation at Ferris University’s tives," said Plotkowski. It In addition, students spe­ Advanced Technology Cen­ may not be as convenient as cialize in a related area that ter (ATC) located In down­ the students would like, but Interests them and matches town Grand Rapids. no student will be unable to their career goals. ATC offers all five of the IT finish the Industrial tech­ These areas of specializa­ and MFG courses as part of nology program. “ tion include manufacturing, its own program and tuition The program Is designed computerscience, engineer­ Is approximately the same to prepare students for ca­ ing, basic science, or an as GVSU’s. Credit Is trans­ reers In Industry that re­ applied technical field stud­ ferable. ied previously at a commu­ nity or junior college. According to Gordon, pro­ 1992 BSN duction is made up of engi­ STUDENTS. neering and technology pro­ gram prepares students for Enter the Air Force careers in the technological immediately after gradua- aspect of production. — without waiting for the Nearly 200 students have )f your State Boards. You declared a major in indus­ can earn great benefits as an Air trial technology. Approxi­ UBS mately 50 of these students I ' U ' n ™ Force nurse officer. And if selected during your senior year, you may are full-time. Over 90% of Working with you qualify for a five-month internship these students are Juniors at a major Air Force medical facili­ or seniors. to conserve ty. To apply, you’ll need an overall When GVSU first offered the earth's resources. 2.50 GPA. Serve your country the industrial technology while you serve your career.
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