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NEW YORK: E. P. BUTTON & CO. 1923 Printed in Great Britain by Steiihen Austin d Sons, Ltd., Heitfcrd. BIBLIOGRAPHY General Barth, J. Die Nominalbildung in den semitisclien Sprache. (2) Leipzig, 1894. Pronominalbildung. Leipzig, 1913. Brookelmann, C. Grundriss der vergleiclienden Grammatik der semitischen Sprachen. Berlin, (i) 1908 ; (ii) 1913. Semitisohe Sprachwissenschaft. Leipzig, 1908, Cooke, G. A. Textbook of North Semitic Inscriptions. Oxford. Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticaruni. Paris, 1881, etc. Haupt, P. Oldest Semitic Verb Form. JRAS., N.S., x (1878), pp. 244-52. Hurwitz. Root Determinatives in Semitic Speech. New York, 1913. de Lagarde, P. Uebersicbt iiber die in Aram., Arab., und Hebr. iibliche BilduQg. Gottingen, 1889. Lambert, M. Observations sur la Theorie des Formes Nominales {Journal Asiatique, Fev.-Mars, 1890). Naville, E. L'evolution de la Langue ^figyptienne et lea Langues Semitiques. Paris, 1920. Kenan, E. Hist. Gen. des Langues Semitiques. Paris, 1863. Wright, W. Comparative Grammar of the Semitic Languages. Cambr., 1890. VoUers. System of Arabic Sounds. Trans, ix Internal. Congress of Orientalists, vol. ii, Lond., 1893 (pp. 130-54). Zunmern. Vergleichende Gramm. d. semitischen Sprache. Berlin, 1898. Arabic (Classical) Addai Scher. Les Mots Etrangers Introduits dans I'Arabe. 1908. Fluegel, G. Die grammatischen Schulen der Araber. 1862. Howell, M. S. Grammar of the Classical Arabic Language. 7 vols. Allahabad, 1880-1911. Lane, E. W. Arabic Lexicon, 8 vols. London, 1863-89. de Sacy, S. Grammaire Arabe. Paris, 1810. Wright, W. Arabic Grammar. (3) Cambridge, 1896-8. Zamakshari. Kitab al-Moufassal. Boulaq, a.h. 1291. vi BIBLIOGRAPHY Arabic (Arabian Dialects) Bittner, M. Studien . Mehri-Sprache, 1909. Jalin, A. Grammatik der Mehri-Sprache. 1905. Jayakar, A. The Omanee dialect of Arabic. 1889. Omanee Proverbs, n.d. Landberg, C. de. Etudes sur les Dialectes de I'Arabie Meridionale. (i) Hadramout, 1901. (ii) Datinah, 1905-9. Mueller, D. H. Die Mehri und Soquotri Spracbe. (Suedarab. 1907. Expedition.) Vols, iv, 1902 ; vi, 1905 ; vii, Reinhardt. Ein arabiscber Dialekt in Oman und Zanzibar. 1894. Rhodokanakis, N. Zur Forraenlebre des Mebri. 1910. Snouck Huxgronje, C. Mekkaniscbe Spricbworter. 1887. Socin. Diwan aus Centralarabien. Leipzig, 1900-1. Stace, E. V. An Englisb-Arabic vocabulary. 1893. (Syria and Palestine) Bauer, L. Das Palaestiniscbe Arabiscb, 1910. David. Etude sur le Dialeote Arabe de Damas. 1888. Loebr, M. Der vulgararabiscbe Dialekt von Jerusalem. 1905. Mattson, E. Etudes Phonologiques sur le Dialecte . — de Beyrouth. 1910. ('Iraq) Socin, A. Der arabische Dialekt von Mosul und Maerdin. 1883. Van Ess, J. Spoken Arabic of Mesopotamia, Oxford, 1917. — (Egypt) Dulac, H, Contes Arabes en Dialecte de la Haute-Egypte. 1885. Gairdner, W. H. T. Egyptian Colloquial Arabic. Cambridge, 1917. Spitta Bey, G. Gramra. des ar. Vulgardialektes von Aegypten. Leipzig, 1880. Vollers, K. Lehrbuch der aegypto-arab. Umgangssprache. Cairo, 1890. Willmore, J. S. Spoken Arabic of Egypt. London, 1905. — (North Africa) Clermont, J. L'Arabe Parle Tunisien. Tunis, 1909. Cotelle, H. Le langage Arabe . de I'Algerie. 1873. Crussard, E., et H. Chergui. Manuel. 19io. BIBLIOGEAPHY vii Delaporte, J. Principes de I'ldiome . Alger, 1839. Maryais, W. Le Dialecte Arabe Parle a TIcmyen. Paris, 1902. Le Dialecte Arabe des Ulad Brahim. Paris, 1908. Stumme, H. Grammatik dea tunisisohen Arab. Leipzig, 1896. Aeabic (Maltese) Stiimme, H. Maltesiscbe Studien. Leipzig, 1904. Vasalli, M. Grammatica della lingua maltese. Malta, 1827. Abyssinian (Ge'ez) Dillmann, A, Grammatik der aetbiopiscben Spracbe. Leipzig, 1903. Cbaine, M. Grammaire Etbiopienne. 1907. Praetorius. Aetbiopiscbe Grammatik. Berlin, 1886. - - — (Anabaric) Afevork, G. Grammatica della lingua amarica. 1906. Alone, J. Sbort Manual of tbe Ambaric Language. 1909. Armbruster, C. H. Tnitia Ambarica. 1908. Gramm. Elementare della Lingua Amarinna. Rome, 1891. Mabler, L. Praktiscbe Grammatik der ambariscben Spracbe. Wien, 1905. (Tigre) . , Conti-Rossini, C. Docutrenti per lo studio della lingua tigre. 1903. Perini, R. Manuale teoretico-pratico della lingua tigre. 1893. (Tigrina) Praetorius, F. Grammatik der Tigrina Spracbe. 1871. de Vito. Grammatica elementare della lingua tigrigna. Rome, 1895. MiN^AN ; Sab^an . in tbe Inscriptions in tbe Himyaritio cbaracter . now Britisb Museimi. London, 1863. Langer und Mueller. Sabaeisobe Inscbriften. 1883. Prideaux, W. Sabaean Grammar. London, 1877. Hebrew, etc. Bickell, G. Outlines of Heb, Gram, annotated by S. Curtiss. 1877. Cbwolson, D. Die Quiescentes in der alt-Heb. Ortbogr. 1878. viu BIBLIOGRAPHY Gesenius, W. Hebrew Grammar, enlarged by Kautzsch, revised by A. E. Cowley. Oxford, 1910. Driver, S. R. Use of the Tenses in Hebrew. 1881. Rosenberg, J. Phoenikische Sprachlehre. 1907. Aramaic and Syriac (Biblical Aramaic) Kautzsch, E. Grammatik des Bibl.-Aram. Leipzig, 1884. Marti, K. Knrzgefasste Gramm. der Bibl. Aram. Berlin, 1896. Sachau. Aram. Papyrus und Ostraka. 1911. Sayce and Cowley. Aramaic Papyri discovered at Assouan. 1906. (Samaritan) Petermann, J. H. Grammatica Samaritana. 1873. ! (Syriac) ; Brockelmann. Syrische Grammatik. Berlin, 1905. ] Duval. Traite de Grammaire 1881. Syriaque. I Maclean. Grammar of the Dialects of Vernacular Syriac. ' Cambridge, 1895. Merx. Hist, artis gramm aticae apud Syros. Leipzig, 1889. Noldeke, Th. Neusyrische Grammatik. Leipzig, 1868. | Knrzgefasste syrische Grammatik. Leipzig, 1898. i Uhlemann. der 1857. Grammatik syrischen Spraohe. i i (Jewish Aramaic) Dalman. Grammatik des Aramaeisch. 1894. jiidisch-palaatin. ; Levy, J. Neuhebraisches und Chaldaisches Worterbuch iiber die Talmudim. Leipzig, 1875. Margolis. Lehrbuch der aramaeischen Sprache des bab. Talmuds. 1910. I ' (Mandaean) Noldeke, Th. MandaLiche Grammatik. Halle, 1875. | Babylonian-Assyrian ' Delitzsch, F. Assyxische Grammatik. Berlin, 1906. Assyrian Phonology {Hehraica, vol. i). King, L. W. First Steps in Assyrian. 1898. Hammurabi's Letters. 3 vols. 1898-1900. Koehler and as Gesetz Ungnad (cited K.U.). Hammurabi's ^ 1904, etc. j Ungnad, A. Babylonische-assyrische Grammatik. Berlin, 1906. I CONTENTS SECTIONS X zu CONTENTS SBCTIONS PAGE 68. Final 133 (iii) group .... 69. (iv) Inserted half-vowel 134: 70. (II) Haplology and Elision .... 135 (a) Consecutive open Syllables with same consonant and same vowel 135 71. (6) Consecutive open Syllables with same consonant and short vowel 136 72. (c) Omission of initial or closure when homogeneous .... 136 73. (d) Elision of one of two homogeneous consonants separated by a third xiv CONTENTS XV SECTIONS — PAGE 149. (/) Secondary Tenses (i) Assyrian Permansive.
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