shop at Frana Petrića 5. Petrića Frana shop at HOTEL MAGAZINE • PROLJEĆE 2010. • SPRING 2010 Besplatni primjerak • Your personal free copy Hotel’s 85 th Anniversary VRATILI SMO SE! Trebalo je malo vremena, nekoliko »umjetničkih« ispada i dosta teškog rada (tuđeg, ne mojeg), kako bismo ponovo pokrenuli The Regent Esplanade časopis, no smatrali smo da je važno da to napravimo kako bi se ‘naš glas ponovo čuo’. Trenutak je za nas idealan, jer ove godine slavimo još jednu veliku obljetnicu hotela Esplanade. Uz 85. godišnjicu hotela pripremili smo članak o povijesti Esplanade, primili smo dosta česti ti ki od naših uvaženih gosti ju i prijatelja, te iskoristi li priliku da zavirimo u knjigu gosti ju, kako bismo za vas izdvojili nama najdraže komentare poznati h i slavnih, koji su sve ovo vrijeme ovdje odsjedali. Naš je običaj da budemo diskretni, kada su u pitanju gosti , a naročito oni slavni, no za ovu prigodu morali smo napraviti malu iznimku, ali smo pri tome pazili da ne budemo indiskretni. Osim brojnih oglasa, za koje obećajem da će ih ubuduće biti manje, nadam se da će vam članci, koje smo za vas pri- premili, biti zanimljivi. Povijesni pregled Zagreb Golf & Country Cluba otkriva ponešto sramotne akti vnosti osnivača ove, Fotograf I Photograph: HRVOJE SERDAR danas respektabilne, organizacije. Prvi zagrebački Golf klub osnovan je upravo u našem hotelu, zbog čega je Esplanade Produkcija i kreati vno vodstvo I Producti on and imala besplatno članstvo. creati ve management: DANIRA OREŠIĆ Novi predsjednik Američke gospodarske komore u Hrvatskoj, Don Markušić, u poslovnom intervjuu govori o svojoj viziji Model I Model: ARIANA KNEGO ZA TALIA MODELS AmChama te o uspjehu koji posti že nastojeći da Hrvatska postane bolje mjesto za poslovanje. U fascinantnom intervjuu, Haljina I Dress: MICHAL NEGRIN Frizura I Hairstyle: MATEJA LOPAC ZA PAUL Rade Šerbedžija se ne ustručava dati svoje viđenje fi lmskog svijeta, kazališta u Hrvatskoj, politi ke i religije . Svakako je MITCHELL to čovjek s kojim bih volio popiti pivo! Kao što sam već napomenuo, ovo je naš prvi broj nakon »perioda šutnje« i nadamo se da će biti pravi odraz našeg hotela – s mnogo sti la, luksuzan i inteligentan, ali opet otvoren, pristupačan, ponekad nestašan, ali uvijek s osmijehom i željom IMPRESSUM da nas se ne shvati previše ozbiljno. Uživajte! Izdavač I Editor ZAPOSLENA D.O.O. 10 000 ZAGREB We’re back! PRILAZ GJURE DEŽELIĆA 62/II E: [email protected] It’s taken a wee while, one or two arti sti c tantrums along the way and a lot of hard work (by others, not me) to resurrect TEL: 01/3680 015 The Regent Esplanade Magazine but we thought it was worth the eff ort to get it back up and running and get our voices FAX: 01/3680 016 back. The ti ming has been good for us as we celebrate yet another milestone in the long and disti nguished history of Glavna urednica I Editor-in-Chief The Esplanade with our 85th anniversary and we’ve a bit of a feature on the story behind this grand old hotel, some ANA GRUDEN birthday wishes from some of our more celebrated friends and a look back into our guest books for some of our favorite Uredništvo I Editorial board comments. We don’t usually reveal any informati on about our guests but there’s surely a statute of limitati ons here on PHILIP MAHONEY, SANDA SOKOL this special occasion and we never, ever let anything slip when discreti on is called for! Aside from the shameless adverti sing (and, I promise, less of that in the next editi on), I hope you fi nd some of the Direktorica marketi ngaa I Marketi ng manager DANIRA OREŠIĆ pieces here interesti ng. A historical look at the Zagreb Golf & Country Club reveals the slightly nefarious dealings of the forerunners to this much more respectable organizati on as the fi rst Zagreb Golf Club was founded in this hotel Grafi čka urednica i dizajnerica I Art editor NERA ORLIĆ with the Esplanade being a non-paying member for very good reason. The new President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Croati a, Don Markušić, talks about his vision for the Chamber and the successes he has already had in Lektura I Proofreading helping to make Croati a a bett er place in which to do business. Also pulling no punches is Rade Šerbedžija in a fascinat- JULIJANA JURKOVIĆ ing interview in which he gives a revealing commentary on the fi lm business in general, theatre in Croati a, politi cs and Novinari I Journalists religion – now he’s someone to have a beer with. TENA ŠTIVIČIĆ, MARTINA ŠIPUŠ, PETRA FABRO As I said, this is our fi rst stab at publicati on aft er a period of silence and we’re hoping, over ti me, that this will develop Prijevod na engleski I Translati on to English into a refl ecti on of the hotel itself – stylish, luxurious and intelligent, yes, but also inclusive, accessible, oft en irreverent, LANGUAGE LAB, ANDREJA KOVAČIĆ but always with a smile and a refusal to take ourselves too seriously. Enjoy! Fotografi I Photographs HRVOJE SERDAR, INES NOVKOVIĆ Tisak I Print GRAFIČKI ZAVOD HRVATSKE MIHANOVIĆEVA 1 I 10000 ZAGREB I CROATIA T. +38501 45 66 666 I F. +38501 45 66 020 E. [email protected] Philip Mahoney, www.theregentzagreb.com generalni direktor I General Manager SADRŽAJ Content 6 POVIJEST HOTELA | HISTORY OF THE HOTEL 85. GODIŠNJICA HOTELA 44 Hotel’s 85th Anniversary IZDVAJAMO IZ PONUDE HOTELA | SPECIAL HOTEL OFFER VJEN»ANJA U MANIRI 10 SUVREMENE BAJKE POVIJEST HOTELA | HISTORY OF THE HOTEL Wedding like a RO–ENDANSKE »ESTITKE Contemporary Fairytale Birthday wishes 24 REPORTAŽA | REPORT LUKSUZ U SRCU BORDEAUXA Luxury at the heart of 16 Bordeaux INTERVJU | INTERVIEW RADE ŠERBEDŽIJA 36 52 POSLOVNI INTERVJU | SPORT I REKREACIJA | BUSINESS INTERVIEW SPORTS ND RECREATION DON MARKUŠI∆ NEZABORAVNO GOLFERSKO ISKUSTVO U ZAGREBU An unforgettable golfing experience in Zagreb 60 71 REPORTAŽA | REPORT MODA | FASHION DUBROVNIK TISU∆LJETNI BISER JADRANA Thousand-year-old pearl of the Adriatic 80 PREDSTAVLJAMO OSOBLJE HOTELA | INTRODUCING HOTEL STAFF MIRJANA KOZLINA 86 GASTRONOMIJA | GASTRONOMY GURMANSKA RAPSODIJA Gourmet rhapsody 90 96 KULTURA | CULTURE GRADSKI KALENDAR | CITY CALENDAR NOVO KULTURNO SREDIŠTE VODI» KROZ KULTURNE ZAGREBA DOGAÐAJE U ZAGREBU The new cultural centre of Zagreb A Guide to Zagreb’s cultural events 6 POVIJEST HOTELA | HISTORY OF THE HOTEL GODIŠNJICA HOTELA 85Hotel’s th Anniversary Hotel The Regent Esplanade Zagreb, poznat kao hram udobnosti i gastronomi- je, u 85. godini svojega postojanja, uspješno drži korak sa suvremenošću, u isto vrijeme njegujući harmoniju tradicije i prošlih vremena The Regent Esplanade Hotel Zagreb, known as a temple of comfort and gas- tronomy, now in its 85th year of exis- tence, keeps pace with contemporary ti mes while maintaining harmony with its traditi on and the past. 7 8 POVIJEST HOTELA | HISTORY OF THE HOTEL Liv Ullmann Woody Allen The fi ve star Regent Esplanade Hotel Zagreb will mark its 85th anniver- sary in 2010. The luxury, elegance and charm with which it att racted Orson Welles the travelers of the famous Orient Express as far back as 1925, con- ti nue to make it an elite desti nati on today. The most modern hotel of Hotel s pet zvjezdica, The Regent Esplanade Zagreb u travnju 2010. central Europe was built near the central train stati on, which was at obilježava 85 godina svojega postojanja, a luksuz, elegancija i šarm the ti me the only connecti on with Europe and the rest of the world. kojima je davne 1925. privukao putnike poznatog Orient Expressa i Dionis Suko was the building’s architect and more than 200 disti n- danas ga čine elitnim odredištem. Najmoderniji hotel srednje Europe guished guests were present at its opening on April 22, 1925. Among izgrađen je pokraj željezničkog kolodvora, tada jedinom poveznicom them were many disti nguished individuals, journalists and pleasure s Europom i ostatkom svijeta. Arhitektom se smatra Dionis Sunko, a seekers. The reviews predicted a bright internati onal future for the svečanom otvorenju, održanom 22. travnja 1925., odazvalo se više hotel and, as one of the fi rst guests was a certain Mr. Glück, which in od 200 uzvanika, među kojima i gospodin Henzel te mnogi uglednici, German means luck, hope was raised that this predicti on would come novinari i ljubitelji dodira klasike. Novinari su hotelu predviđali blistavu true. And it did! budućnost na međunarodnom planu, a među prvim gosti ma se našao i gospodin Gluck, što na njemačkom znači sreća, koji je probudio nadu Historical ti ps da će se predviđanja i ostvariti . I jesu! In the 1920s, the Esplanade had the reputati on of a hotel that att ract- ed “dissati sfi ed women and their lovers”; its dancing balls were top Natuknice iz povijesti social events, as well as an arena for scandal. A famous Zagreb lover Esplanada je 20-ih bila na glasu kao hotel koji privlači “nezadovoljne seduced a young girl at one of these balls and for several months they žene i njihove ljubavnike”, a plesne večeri su tada bile vrhunski druš- met in the luxurious hotel rooms. Aft er that, he moved on to another tveni događaj, ali i poprište skandala. Poznati zagrebački zavodnik je woman, the hurt young lady fainted in public and the anecdote be- na jednoj od njih zaveo mladu djevojku i nekoliko mjeseci su se sas- came a scandal. Another delicate anecdote concerns the fi rst strip- tajali u luksuznim hotelskim sobama. Nakon toga je našao drugu, a tease. At a farewell party for an Italian count, besides the caviar and povrijeđena dama se onesvijesti la u javnosti ; i anegdota je prerasla champagne, there were ladies who stripped to their underwear.
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