Don Pasquale

Don Pasquale

=1 1700 Mishawaka Avenue South Bend, Indiana ◄663 ◄ Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID South Bend, IN 30 Forms Permit No. SAO Artworks by Steve Romans and Dale Swafford Indiana University South Bend Opening Reception 4 to 7 PM Callery Talk at 6 PM Friday, September 25, 1992 Upstairs Callery,Admin. Bldg~ , Sept.25-0ct. I 8 VVkdays 8 AM-IO PM (/.Jr,. I Sat. 8-Noon. Sun. I -ft D~} MJil:i. L --i ;:z: ITT •- ~ 8 §-i 0~ "') >olozo,, -.:,- >., ~ ~ ~ )> ~ OJ i=· ili iii ~2-< ::; :, G) () -<., )> <nolll gz--i ... )> J ...:,: !il z g-,o /,..... ;li 0 ~= :oz>0 --~r(- -<- "'N ..... ITT --i --i I ii - "" .. ■- --• I li!; l ,U&I The Division of the Arts Presents 29th Season 125thProductlon Don Pasquale September 26 and 30andOctober3. 1992 TheProd.Jc tionStaff Cond.Jctor.... .... .. Mich-,el J Esselstrorn StageDirector.. , .. ...... David A iken Scenic and LightingDesign ThomasC MIiier CostumeDesign•..•.. LoisK. Carder Technk;:31 Director. .C Kenneth Cole StageManager. .. ... .. ............... Lisa Rowe•Horning PropertiesM istress&CrewChief . .. .. EIieenLauer Electr les BoardOpet'ator.... BrettKelling Spot Opef'~ton. .. Laura Co• .J.oson Stacy StageC.-ew EileenLauer KenW inters PhillipA Ray M ichael Hales SiglxdE. Hepler The C.ut OonPasquale. 3nelderlybachelor,... ... .. ..Roger A Havranck Doctor Malatc$ta. fri-end toDonPasquale andErnesto Keith8r-autlgam Ernesto, nephew toDon Pasc:,.u,lc ....Pau l Hartflcld Norina. Oyoung woman .... Debbie Trott Berry Not.t1ry . .. Jeff Robin:;on F"irstServant... .. PhillipA Ray SecondServant Michael tble s ThlrdServi,nt SigurdE ,.k-plt·, The IU$8f>t)llharmonie Orchestra Act I Scene 1 OonP.:tsquafc'sHousc Scel'\C' 2NoJina's8oudolr Speelal th.iri(s to WIii andEthel Lawrence Act If DonPasqvale's ~touse lkllc,.,eAnttq.,eMil/I, SouU-.Beod, lndlana. Act 111 Scene 1 DonP,;asc,Jale'sHouse Scene 2 The G.trdcn There will bea 10--minote Intermission followng A cts I and 11 The u , eofl'ccord lng orphotogr• pNc dc:vlcc-1 dur'frlg • pcrlot'f'l"Wlne:c In any 9Udlt01ium • t IUS8 It fOr'blddcn. Ee tlng. drll"'«lng or .mdcl1"19 •t t uc.h cvcnt1 11 elto p rohiblted. StorySyn,opsls Act I in 1991 i .. -'• P.-<;<.pJ ..IC .in o ld ha<.f ockw wa,ts •mp&t,cntly IOl'hs f,,1efld, OoctOr Mflatcst.1 M" Hat'tfield rNlde his EurQPean debut in 1969 at the Theater des Ctw-rps~ (•J ltlfT«J.,r,,"""'1t:, "S<.:n no,/orc") I l!s; nephew. Ernesto. hM rcfvscd to n'191'"Y lhe Ely$Ce• as the Itahlll'l Tenor 1n "'Oct-Rosc:N<avtilie, " Ochernot..i,.e c"'9&9~tsin­ wu.-..,r.OonP;y-_,q_mlc N;,c ChQG-ef'l fOt' him. flO<J<t.t'le furious Vl"'(:fc ~6decided to ds1n­ clude LeiCe8tCf'" in ..t-,Aona Stvarda" with the Hong KQ1"'19 .~e. Alfred •n ~~ tll",l,t Uc y<..1gm:in¥dt<lh:6wdehimself I-le ha'S ,Y.J,:edOoc:tor¼l,:,tcste to assist Fledermav&" withtheL Y"•C()pct'll ofi.:¥'ohtC,ty, Edg¥do1n l ucl-8 dtL~rflOC7" l m1, l.,ut ,,,., ,,o,.,..n ro OonPa~1:iAe, I.he Doc;;tOl' iS also• cl~c fo crdof £mcsto .ard w1ththeArker'1SasOpc:ra 1heater.Tonionin"lheDoughte,rof thcRc91mc:nt, MrJ C.tS· h.~s,c ~vcd toblocl U"C Oof',.:: pl¥$ I le .:in-Ives totcU (he ea9« th&t he h,,t s•o ri "Otello" and the I Ter.:r in "Der Roi;~aval!Cf ." both with the: Hov&tO"I f"ll.ll"IU h,rn e µcr ~!'!~ t wdc ...t!O':ic P'••$C:: he: Slf'8S to che irl.»IV9ted Don ("Sell.a s.c­ r<,.-.~ ,in.-.~clo ) ~I16Mcrc 1Ns bem1CJful. 11Y'()(;ef'lt y~ wc:.m.,vi, f8isc:d in& Last yeor rvt- ~fleld made retU"n engagements to the Houston Gr...-d , Vl>\l'Chl IS ~,A,latc6-tb sown SiStCf' He w,11 bt"i~her •mrnedi.-telr, The del,ghted C>o-1 =·Opera asP,ti:ert~.--•·~Butterfly.. aswell es to the Lyric Ope,-a ofChic agoes f-,, ...-,1,..1c ''"""'!JN"ICSh•ITl6Clf .ayo,.Jl"l9m.Y1~in{'Unfocoinsot1to' ) Arturo in•newproc:lJctiO"I cf "Lucia ciL~.. Me al so ~d t""°rtt:w roles i Lme$tOappea,s 6rdOl"<c ug.a,nrcfu,c~ tomarry ¥VyOnc bvtNonn.:a. towhom tohisrepertoire. es Emeeto inDonPasq..;&le.. with the Ope,-<) GrandRapid~ arid Oes , ,. 1...,,.,pr""'"sedh1s f•1th OonP-,~leordershimout<;,/ the hc;,..,se, (birl'let\"ts hirn. Gr1ev~ In "Manon',' wi ththe Se.atticOpefa 11",d urroHXn his; Own milVwnor" .;11 P,8fl$ (#2. Cliett<>. "Prende,r ""!?9hel ") \o\l'lth Eq.iatly et home on tt-,cCOl"'ICCf't stage, P.:RAH.vtflcldhMperformedwith svch .,,,..,...,c:rr-er,t Ernesto sing, ot hsto::t h!iopPl'les; ( ..Sogno soavc e casto''), ••his ...-.;le ()r'(.hestras as the M1tw.M.,:ee Syrr-pt-,ony rndianapolis ~.Sh-evepQrt Syn:i­ , t, ,d $ ot tu11, own cleverness f mesto 1s even more 85toni:.hed tole¥n ¼lat­ phOlry onctrn.:inyother$ In l~hc: l'Mdeh1sNew Yo,k:re.:1taldebut atCameg,e s e,.tv , ._d c:nco-.,agcdDo-iPa~~e and c,fferedhmhis own&lsto- iom¥riagc W c,11Recda1..._II H ,e second $CC-nc till-es place ,,... the house OI Ncrll"I&, who l6readi"9 a bodi: ,1.,_, ,t c c.. lf'tly love (#3 CJv,r,,,,u "Qve, guMdo It,ere") She laug,G. tosses the Debbi TrottBerry. SoprlonO l>Vd .r,,,de tlrd pr' he1:1elf ( ..So arich'lo la virtv mag,ca") St-c l:nows au the A verut,te performer. •thOn'cinopera, rn.islc♦I comedy. oratooo.andconce,-1;. Deb­ ll•<-•~ o f kwe .ind C{ll'l wink .:iffe-cltOI\ of any m.1"- ~ c.vef-ree. v,e is gooo­ bie TrottBe,ryismaklrg t-.c-1' fnt appear-ance.,. lUSB opc:(a tcancd A ~ervant hnngs ., Jette,, from £,ne,to, ace v:i,"9 lho Docto- Of betraying A l ex,v1bybirth, She has &chelorofM.Js.c ( withhonors) .incl Masterof ~t9 ,1 oern6,dt,J ,ng le.,\ie ofhcr ll'C0oct01"ar'l'l\.'CS ¥-da~es~th&t Eme-itowill n Voice Performanec deg-cc& from Stcpl'cn ,: Au$bn State Lt'li~ctS•t~. r,Jt oJcp;:,rt so (fl.m:Uy Sc-e,ng that DonP85Cf,.J.,le was in\eni: O''I m.;irryw'lg the 0oet01" ~c-ogdoches. lexM Shedcfpost-g-ad.Jate wor11. at the Con&erw.1tory OIM.r.11.:. Ur11- h-'1$ d::v1~ d a !Wate9Cm t-te will di~1:s.e Nonn.- a$ his sistCI' ondprcaervher to Don VCl"&1tyolMssouri-K.rso1sC1ty •. P...s4 .J..,le A <:OJ~ wil bet.-s not¥yat'dperform the f,:al se t'f'IIW'rlage. thenNorin.., wU I 1¥15 BefTY's QPCrauc roles n:ludc Roi;.a,,~ In "'DieFkdcrrnaius, Y,lolett~In U ove he, ..h..1~M"d" cr ,1lY ultil he begs to be ,id o/her. Delighted, Nonna agrees "L.. Tr.:iv1ato1 "Mc:k'lilln..Cem-cn ... BobyDocri Tr-.e8alladofB.x>yDoe. MJf.ctta (#•I Du::uo. "Pr()l"l(a ,os,on. pu-ch' IOnonmanchi") She'll pto1v the carry on. in "La Boheme." Norine if'I "Ooo P.sq.,o1le , .. ~Uc:& In " Siste.~ Angelica," C>orvl& .-d 11ne,ty confvsc poor Don PaS(f,J* &..t Sho..,lct She cry? Yell? Be ud? Be Am., ,n "DonG.ovarni .. endM's Wcrd:iworthln AlbertHi:n--w,g .. 1.;,1 0 11(1? No s;;iys the Doc:to-- 9'IC ~t pretend to be si"'l)Je-l'l"Nndcd and" modest tnln...lSiC.. c:o«cdy She h.:is performed M Merla ir"I ''fhe SOI.rd o/ tv\,,tl,:, lhe retlc:u,~•• gec-i; we-If bnd they e.o:it, !l"'llef't on the.- pl¥1 (Vado, corro .:,I grM c,tf'c.,to") 5¥.:ih8rown In "Guys and Dolts,.. ,,ldle ..,lo,'dat\ In ··c.-o..i,cl " ~!ti.a Ocx>litt,l,e In "My FM'Lady."~• ir. " FK:kllcr on the Roof. " FiO"l&J.Ael..arcn 11"1 8r19.-doot\. W'd k \•lidowCon-ey In "Olivcl"I ·• Act II She w♦t Gabnef 1n •...,y<;ri'; "'The CreatiOl'l," ond solo!st In mat'ly Oth~r hnc~t o. alone 1n Don P•$Q.Jale·c house ltll'Tlei'lts h.t; fate {IS. Seen;, <:a~,.,_ 0 oratonos lre:ludif'(J I loych's "Me$slflh." end " 'Lo--d Nelson' ""96~... Mozart s ..Cerchetoloot¥\&te1Ta' )8'\dde~ts OonP~e enters andiMtrvctsaser­ "Requiem.. ar-d "'Co--onat•on' Moo.s." Verd's "Re(1.licm. .. S.lnt -S.Cl"IS '"Ch,stm.;is w int to let th:Doctcr and'hrs C9"'1)8r'liooll'l . lhcntobarthe door'. He R'ftlTPSuit.d the (hnorio. " and\s "Elndevtehcr' Honegger. " "'Requiem" by Rutter ond DoctOr:.'lrr,ve&w,th"Sofronia'" {Norno1) Y>t'IOpretend$ tobc Uflw'ltl-W'l!){•6. T<YZe-U«>, "Requiem.. byF....-c . " V,a dw bt"aw," ) The Ooctore~p1.,1ns that!lhchN ~tleftthe convcn( and ishence Debbie Trott 8crT'yhatbccoi;olo,~ w11t1PcterSchldtcle 1n a pcrformM1Cc of \ f)',Ct nrw;:t f'ICI YOU$ eo,,. P.:,~c IS Cl'YeJ)tured by h:r Sorll)liCity Wld bc:-.,cy, Yllhile PDQ 8,;11;h's "The Sea,Ol"ir-gs" at Boettd'ier CO"Cert Hall ,n Denver erd guest rb •n.:. l,'.lVttlsa~ When &he e.-presses her wllll~uto m«ry C:,0,-. Pa,q.,ak. the O oc:IQr' br1"'9ti ,n Che I k>tMy andthe CO'Cl'Tl0l"l)f bc91ns !SOioist with the Keneas Ci tyPha--mor'IIC O'chc&tra ir.

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