VILLA GRISEBACH AUKTIONEN Fasanenstrasse 25 Berlin Third Floor 10719 Germany Started 29. Nov 2014 11:00 MEZ (10:00 GMT) Lot Description Gerhard Altenbourg (Rödichen/Thuringia 1926 – 1989 Meissen) „UMFANGEN VON ROSIGEM RUND“ . 1970s Watercolour and pencil 1000 on laid paper (old archival paper, with vertical crease in the centre). 33,5x44,3cm ( 13¼x17½in.). In the lower centre with the round blindstamp ALTENBOURG. Next to t ...[more] Gerhard Altenbourg (Rödichen/Thuringia 1926 – 1989 Meissen) EARLY GRAPHIC WORKS FROM THE ESTATE OF ARNO 1001 FEHRINGER, WEIMAR . 1949-52 9 lithographs, one twice (L 53), on various paper types. From 31x20cm to 28x37cm ( 12¼x7?in. until 11x14 ?in.). 5 sheets monogrammed and dated, 1 s ...[more] Christian Arnold (Fürth/Bavaria 1889 – 1960 Bremen) HOUSES . 1926 Watercolour and India ink over pencil on wove paper. 52,5x35cm 1002 ( 20?x13¾in.). Signed (joined) and dated lower right: CA 26. Not in the catalogue raisonné by Michael. See Michael 1062.– [3261] Christian A ...[more] Christian Arnold (Fürth/Bavaria 1889 – 1960 Bremen) „KRANKER KNABE“ . 1926 Watercolour and India ink over pencil on wove paper. 1003 57,7x40,6cm ( 22¾x16in.). Monogrammed (joined) and dated lower right: CA 26. Michael 537.– [3261] Christian Arnold (Fürth/Bayern 1889 – 1960 B ...[more] Christian Arnold (Fürth/Bavaria 1889 – 1960 Bremen) ACCORDIAN PLAYER / COUNTRY ROAD . Circa 1950 Double-sided 1004 watercolour on wove paper. 54,5x39,2cm ( 21½x15?in.). Country road: Monogrammed lower left (joined): CA. Not in the catalogue raisonné by Michael.– [3261] Chri ...[more] Jean (Hans) Arp (Strasbourg 1886 – 1966 Basel) „HOMME VUE PAR UNE FLEUR“ . 1958 Bronze, with gold-coloured patina. Height: 1005 10cm ( 3?in.). See Trier 171.– One of approx. 400 copies. Gift to the sponsors of the Art Pavilion at the Brussels World's Fair 1958. [3101] Jean ...[more] Jean (Hans) Arp (Strasbourg 1886 – 1966 Basel) „DOCUMENTA GEIGY“ . 1965 Colour woodcut on slightly nacreous paper. 1006 48,5x36,5cm (58,5x39,5cm) ( 19?x14?in. (23x15½in.)). Signed. Arntz 245.– One of 300 numbered prints. [3081] Jean (Hans) Arp (Straßburg 1886 – 1966 ...[more] Rudolf Ausleger (Weißenfels/Thuringia 1897 – 1974 Berlin) „DER ZEITGENOSSE TRÄGT LEISER SCHUHE“ . Circa 1930 Gouache 1007 and collage on light cardboard. 19x25,5cm (24,6x27cm) ( 7½x10in. (9?x10?in.)). Signed in the lower centre with pen and black India ink: R. Ausleger. Signed and i ...[more] Rudolf Ausleger (Weißenfels/Thuringia 1897 – 1974 Berlin) BOATS . 1948 Oil on cardboard. 40x60cm ( 15¾x23?in. ). Monogrammed 1008 and dated lower right: Ag 48. On the reverse: composition. Oil. [3189] Rudolf Ausleger (Weißenfels/Thüringen 1897 – 1974 Berlin) BOOTE . 1948 ...[more] Rudolf Ausleger (Weißenfels/Thuringia 1897 – 1974 Berlin) UNTITLED . 1956 Gouache on paper. 57x40cm ( 22½x15¾in. ). Signed and 1009 dated in the lower margin: Ausleger 56. Signed, dated and inscribed in pencil on the reverse: 25/26.10.56 Ausleger no. 2. [3189] Rudolf Ausleger ...[more] Bele Bachem (Düsseldorf 1916 – 2005 Munich) MYTHICAL SCENE . Gouache on paper. 30x29 ( 11¾x11? ). Signed lower right: Bele. 1010 Not in the catalogue raisonné by Gärtner.– [3187] Bele Bachem (Düsseldorf 1916 – 2005 München) MYTHOLOGISCHE SZENE . Gouache auf Papier. 3 ...[more] Eduard Bargheer (Finkenwerder 1901 – 1979 Hamburg) BEACH LIFE . 1948 Watercolour over pencil on thin paper. 22x28cm ( 1011 8?x11in.). Signed and dated lower right: Bargheer 48. [3452] Eduard Bargheer (Finkenwerder 1901 – 1979 Hamburg) STRANDLEBEN . 1948 Aquarell über Ble ...[more] Ernst Barlach (Wedel 1870 – 1938 Rostock) „NACH DEM SCHUSS I“ . 1917 Lithograph in red on paper. 26,6x35cm (32x50,2cm) ( 1012 10½x13¾in. (12?x19¾in.)). Signed. Laur 54.12.– Trial proof for sheet 8 (of 12) of the portfolio: Der arme Vetter. Paul Cassirer, Berlin 1919. [3163] ...[more] Ernst Barlach (Wedel 1870 – 1938 Rostock) „HUNDEFÄNGERIN“ . 1919 Woodcut on brownish paper. 25,8x35,7cm (38x50cm) ( 1013 10?x14in. (15x19?in.)). Signed. Laur 64.– Print outside the edition of 100 numbered copies. [3163] Ernst Barlach (Wedel 1870 – 1938 Rostock) „H ...[more] Ernst Barlach (Wedel 1870 – 1938 Rostock) „KINDERTOD“ . 1920 Woodcut on brownish paper. 23,8x35,7cm (38x50cm) ( 9?x14in. 1014 (15x19?in.)). Signed. Laur 60.– Print outside the edition of 100 numbered copies. [3163] Enclosure: Männer im Gespräch (men in conversation) ...[more] Ernst Barlach (Wedel 1870 – 1938 Rostock) „REITENDER URIAN“ . 1923 Woodcut on thin Japan paper. 19x14,2cm (23,8x19,4cm) ( 1015 7½x5?in. (9?x7?in.)). Signed. Laur 74.05.– One of 130 prints. Sheet 11 (of 20) from the set: Walpurgisnacht. Paul Cassirer, Berlin 1923. [3084] ...[more] Ernst Barlach (Wedel 1870 – 1938 Rostock) „PANISCHER SCHRECKEN“ . Circa 1928/30 Lithograph on yellowish paper. 32,3x43,3cm 1016 (42,8x62cm) ( 12¾x17in. (16?x24?in.)). Signed. Laur 94.– One of 300 prints. [3163] Ernst Barlach (Wedel 1870 – 1938 Rostock) „PANISCHER ...[more] Rudolf Bauer (Lindenwalde 1889 – 1953 New York) „DIE GELBEN STRÜMPFE“ . Circa 1910 Coloured chalk and charcoal on Ingres 1017 laid paper. 62x43,4cm ( 24?x17?in.). Titled upper right: Die gelben Strümpfe. Signed lower left: Rudolf Bauer. [3468] Rudolf Bauer (Lindenwalde 1889 – ...[more] Willi Baumeister (1889 – Stuttgart – 1955) „GESPRÄCH DER RIESEN. MAUER“ . 1947/48 Colour lithograph on wove paper. 1018 38,7x52cm (49,7x63cm) ( 15¼x20½in. (19?x24¾in.)). Signed and dated. Spielmann/Baumeister 119.– One of 30 numbered prints. [3097] Willi Baumeister ...[more] Willi Baumeister (1889 – Stuttgart – 1955) „FAUST SCHWEBEND“ . 1951 Silkscreen on wove paper. 29,2x46,2cm (49x64,8cm) ( 1019 11½x18¼in. (19¼x25½in.)). Signed and inscribed: Zustand. Spielmann/Baumeister 171.– Rare. One of 5 trial proofs before the edition of 24 numbered copies ...[more] Willi Baumeister (1889 – Stuttgart – 1955) „FAUST SCHWEBEND“ . 1951 Colour silkscreen on wove paper. 31,5x49cm (49x65cm) ( 1020 12?x19¼in. (19¼x25?in.) ). Signed. Spielmann/Baumeister 171.– One of 42 numbered prints. [3097] Willi Baumeister (1889 – Stuttgart – 1955) ...[more] Willi Baumeister (1889 – Stuttgart – 1955) „INSELWELT“ . 1951 Colour silkscreen on wove paper. 45x54cm (56,5x61,5cm) ( 1021 17¾x21¼in. (22¼x24¼in.) ). Signed. Spielmann/Baumeister 172.– One of 50 numbered prints. [3097] Willi Baumeister (1889 – Stuttgart – 1955) ...[more] Willi Baumeister (1889 – Stuttgart – 1955) „MAGIE RUPESTRE“ . 1953 Colour lithograph on wove paper. 46x62cm (50,8x66cm) ( 1022 18?x24?in. (20x26in.)). Signed. Spielmann 174 d.– One of 120 numbered prints. [3163] Willi Baumeister (1889 – Stuttgart – 1955) „MAGIE RU ...[more] Willi Baumeister (1889 – Stuttgart – 1955) „FORMEN IN GRAU“ . 1954 Colour silkscreen on cardboard. 20,5x25,5cm (25x32,5cm) ( 1023 8?x10in. (9?x12¾in.) ). Signed. Spielmann/Baumeister 207.– Print outside the edition of 30 unsigned copies. Kunstverlag Fingerle, Esslingen. [3097] ...[more] Willi Baumeister (1889 – Stuttgart – 1955) „HOMMAGE À JÉRÔME BOSCH“ . 1955 Colour silkscreen on wove paper. 40,7x56cm 1024 (50x65cm) ( 16x22in. (19?x25?in.)). Signed. Spielmann/Baumeister 221.– Trial proof outside the edition of 50 copies. [3097] Willi Baumeister (188 ...[more] Willi Baumeister (1889 – Stuttgart – 1955) „HAN-I “ . 1955 Silkscreen on wove paper. 39,8x26cm (60,8x43cm) ( 15?x10¼in. 1025 (23?x16?in.)). Signed. Spielmann/Baumeister 219.– Artist's proof outside the edition of 32 numbered copies. [3097] Willi Baumeister (188 ...[more] Willi Baumeister (1889 – Stuttgart – 1955) „ARU (EINFACH)“ . 1955 Silkscreen on wove paper. 44x29cm (60,5x43cm) ( 17?x11?in. 1026 (23?x16?in.) ). Signed. Spielmann/Baumeister 216 b.– Presumably one of 12 trial proofs outside the edition of 25 copies. [3097] Willi Ba ...[more] Willi Baumeister (1889 – Stuttgart – 1955) „SCHACH“ . 1955 Colour silkscreen on wove paper. 48x36cm (65x49,8cm) ( 18?x14?in. 1027 (25?x19?in.)). Signed and inscribed: Andruck. Spielmann/Baumeister 220.– Print outside the edition of 90 copies. [3097] Willi Baumeister ...[more] Max Beckmann (Leipzig 1884 – 1950 New York) VIERTE KLASSE II . 1913 Etching and drypoint on wove paper. 20,1x14,5cm 1028 (53,5x37,6cm) ( 7?x5¾in. (21?x14¾in.)). Hofmaier 58 II B.– One of 90 prints on this paper. R. Piper & Co., Munich 1922. [3468] Max Beckmann (Lei ...[more] Max Beckmann (Leipzig 1884 – 1950 New York) „BILDNIS I.B. NEUMANN“ . 1919 Drypoint on wove paper. 21x17cm (43,5x34,7cm) ( 1029 8¼x6¾in. (17?x13?in.) ). Signed. Hofmaier 154 II B.– One of 50 prints. I.B. Neumann, Berlin 1920. [3166] Max Beckmann (Leipzig 1884 – 1950 ...[more] Max Beckmann (Leipzig 1884 – 1950 New York) „BILDNIS REINHARD PIPER“ . 1920 Drypoint on laid paper. 30x14,5cm (46x26cm) ( 1030 11¾x5¾in. (18?x10¼in.)). Signed. Hofmaier 163 II B d.– One of 100 prints on this paper. [3166] Max Beckmann (Leipzig 1884 – 1950 New York) ...[more] Max Beckmann (Leipzig 1884 – 1950 New York) „DER NEGER“ . 1921 Drypoint on wove paper. 29,2x25,5cm (53x38cm) ( 11½x10in. 1031 (20?x15in.)). Signed. Hofmaier 196 B b.– One of 125 prints on this paper. Sheet 6 (of 10) from the set: Der Jahrmarkt. Verlag der Marées Gesellschaft, R. ...[more] Max Beckmann (Leipzig 1884 – 1950 New York) „BILDNIS DR. WEIDNER“ . 1921 Lithograph on wove paper. 74x42cm (65,5x50cm) ( 1032 29?x16½in. (25¾x19?in.)). Signed. Hofmaier 181 II.– One of presumably 50 prints. I.B. Neumann, Berlin. [3179] Max Beckmann (Leipzig 1884 – 1 ...[more] Max Beckmann (Leipzig 1884 – 1950 New York) „BILDNIS FRIDEL BATTENBERG“ . 1923 Woodcut on wove paper. 23x15cm 1033 (37,7x27cm) ( 9x5?in. (14?x10?in.)). Signed and inscribed:
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