January 6, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3 represent the district’s many military troops Mr. PENCE. Madam Clerk, as chair- Hare Matsui Sa´ nchez, Linda and veterans, who put their lives on the line man of the Republican Conference, I Harman McCarthy (NY) T. to protect the values we cherish. Their sense Hastings (FL) McCollum Sanchez, Loretta am also directed by unanimous consent Heinrich McDermott Sarbanes of duty and sacrifice has been an inspiration, of that conference to present for elec- Herseth Sandlin McGovern Schakowsky which I will carry with me to my new duties tion an individual today, but let me Higgins McIntyre Schauer as chief of staff to President-elect Barack Hill McMahon Schiff Obama. say also from my heart it is one of the Himes McNerney Schrader As sons of immigrants to this country, you great privileges of my life to do so, to Hinchey Meek (FL) Schwartz and I have a deep appreciation for the oppor- present for election to the office of Hinojosa Meeks (NY) Scott (GA) tunities America provides to those who are Hirono Melancon Scott (VA) Speaker of the House for the 111th Con- Hodes Michaud Serrano willing to work hard and sacrifice for their gress the name of a man from the Holden Miller (NC) Sestak children. As a member of the next Adminis- heartland of America, a man of humble Holt Miller, George Shea-Porter tration in Washington, I will strive to main- beginnings who came to Washington Honda Minnick Sherman tain and expand that opportunity for all Hoyer Mitchell Shuler families, because the chance to work hard during a time of reform and led and is Inslee Mollohan Sires and build a better life is the principle that prepared, starting this day, to lead this Israel Moore (KS) Skelton unites all Americans. Over the past few Congress back to the aspirations and Jackson (IL) Moore (WI) Slaughter Jackson-Lee Moran (VA) Smith (WA) years, our government in Washington has ideals of the American people, the (TX) Murphy (CT) Snyder lost sight of that principle by catering to the name of the Honorable JOHN A. Johnson (GA) Murphy, Patrick Solis (CA) wealthiest Americans and powerful special BOEHNER, a representative-elect from Johnson, E. B. Murtha Space interests—leaving middle-class Americans to the State of Ohio. Kagen Nadler (NY) Speier struggle with rising health care costs, re- Kanjorski Napolitano Spratt duced pensions and a collapsing economy. The CLERK. The names of the Hon- Kaptur Neal (MA) Stark The recent election was a clarion call for a orable NANCY PELOSI, a Representative- Kennedy Nye Stupak elect from the State of California, and Kildee Oberstar Sutton change in direction, so we can recapture the Kilpatrick (MI) Obey Tanner values that have made our nation a beacon the Honorable JOHN A. BOEHNER, a Rep- Kilroy Olver Tauscher of hope and opportunity. resentative-elect from the State of Kind Ortiz Taylor As I go to work everyday in the incoming Ohio, have been placed in nomination. Kirkpatrick (AZ) Pallone Teague Obama Administration, I will keep in mind Are there further nominations? Kissell Pascrell Thompson (CA) the stories of the working families and sen- Klein (FL) Pastor (AZ) Thompson (MS) ior citizens who I met during the past six There being no further nominations, Kosmas Payne Tierney Kratovil Pelosi Titus years in grocery stores, schools and churches the Clerk appoints the following tell- ers: Kucinich Perlmutter Tonko across the Fifth District. I will strive to Langevin Perriello Towns make our government work for them and The gentleman from Pennsylvania Larsen (WA) Peters Tsongas their children, because that is the true meas- (Mr. BRADY); Larson (CT) Peterson Van Hollen ure of our success as a nation. The gentleman from California (Mr. Lee (CA) Pingree (ME) Vela´ zquez With gratitude and best wishes, Levin Polis (CO) Visclosky DANIEL E. LUNGREN); Sincerely, Lewis (GA) Pomeroy Walz The gentlewoman from Ohio (Ms. Lipinski Price (NC) Wasserman RAHM EMANUEL, KAPTUR); and Loebsack Rahall Schultz Member of Congress. Lofgren, Zoe Rangel Waters The gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. f Lowey Reyes Watson ROS-LEHTINEN). Luja´ n Richardson Watt ELECTION OF SPEAKER The tellers will come forward and Lynch Rodriguez Waxman Maffei Ross Weiner The CLERK. Pursuant to law and take their seats at the desk in front of Maloney Rothman (NJ) Welch precedent, the next order of business is the Speaker’s rostrum. Markey (CO) Roybal-Allard Wexler the election of the Speaker of the The roll will now be called, and those Markey (MA) Ruppersberger Wilson (OH) Marshall Rush Woolsey House of Representatives for the 111th responding to their names will indicate Massa Ryan (OH) Wu Congress. by surname the nominee of their choos- Matheson Salazar Yarmuth ing. Nominations are now in order. BOEHNER—174 The Clerk recognizes the gentleman The Reading Clerk will now call the Aderholt Conaway Jones from Connecticut (Mr. LARSON). roll. Akin Crenshaw Jordan (OH) Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Our de- The tellers having taken their places, Alexander Culberson King (IA) mocracy renews itself every 2 years as the House proceeded to vote for the Austria Davis (KY) King (NY) Bachmann Deal (GA) Kingston Members gather with their family Speaker. Bachus Dent Kirk members eager to fulfill the aspira- The following is the result of the Barrett (SC) Diaz-Balart, L. Kline (MN) tions of our great Nation. While Amer- vote: Bartlett Diaz-Balart, M. Lamborn ica watches with anticipation, they Barton (TX) Dreier Lance [Roll No. 2] Biggert Duncan Latham know that hope and help are on their PELOSI—255 Bilbray Ehlers LaTourette way. The Democratic Caucus has met Bilirakis Emerson Latta Abercrombie Cardoza Dicks Bishop (UT) Fallin Lee (NY) and unanimously endorsed NANCY Ackerman Carnahan Dingell Blackburn Flake Lewis (CA) Adler (NJ) Carney Doggett D’ALESANDRO PELOSI for Speaker. Blunt Fleming Linder Altmire Carson (IN) Donnelly (IN) Two years ago, the Speaker took the Bonner Forbes LoBiondo Andrews Castor (FL) Doyle Bono Mack Fortenberry Lucas gavel, historically, on behalf of Amer- Arcuri Chandler Driehaus Boozman Foxx Luetkemeyer ica’s children. She has taken this Con- Baca Childers Edwards (MD) Boustany Franks (AZ) Lummis Baird Clarke Edwards (TX) gress and the country in a new direc- Brady (TX) Frelinghuysen Lungren, Daniel Baldwin Clay Ellison tion and provided the foundation for Broun (GA) Gallegly E. Barrow Cleaver Ellsworth Brown (SC) Garrett (NJ) Mack change that America yearns for and Bean Clyburn Engel Brown-Waite, Gerlach Manzullo Becerra Cohen Eshoo needs. How fitting, on the birthday of Ginny Gingrey (GA) Marchant Berkley Connolly (VA) Etheridge Sam Rayburn, legendary Speaker of Buchanan Gohmert McCarthy (CA) Berman Conyers Farr Burgess Goodlatte McCaul the House from Texas, that I, as chair- Berry Cooper Fattah Burton (IN) Granger McClintock man of the Democratic Caucus, have Bishop (GA) Costa Filner Buyer Graves McCotter Bishop (NY) Costello Foster been directed by the unanimous vote of Calvert Guthrie McHenry Blumenauer Courtney Frank (MA) the Caucus, to present for election to Camp Hall (TX) McHugh Boccieri Crowley Fudge Campbell Harper McKeon the Office of the Speaker of the House Boren Cuellar Giffords Cantor Heller McMorris Boswell Cummings Gillibrand of Representatives for the 111th Con- Cao Hensarling Rodgers Boucher Dahlkemper Gonzalez gress, the name of the Honorable Capito Herger Mica Boyd Davis (AL) Gordon (TN) Carter Hoekstra Miller (FL) NANCY D’ALESANDRO PELOSI, a Rep- Brady (PA) Davis (CA) Grayson Cassidy Hunter Miller (MI) resentative-elect from the great State Braley (IA) Davis (IL) Green, Al Castle Inglis Moran (KS) Bright Davis (TN) Green, Gene of California. Chaffetz Issa Murphy, Tim Brown, Corrine DeFazio Griffith The CLERK. The Clerk now recog- Coble Jenkins Myrick Butterfield DeGette Grijalva Coffman (CO) Johnson (IL) Neugebauer nizes the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. Capps Delahunt Hall (NY) Cole Johnson, Sam Nunes PENCE). Capuano DeLauro Halvorson VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:49 Jan 07, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA7.002 H06JAPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with HOUSE H4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2009 Olson Rooney Stearns Ms. LEE And at this time of economic anxiety, Paul Ros-Lehtinen Sullivan ARY ILLER Paulsen Roskam Terry Mr. G G. M the American people deserve open de- Pence Royce Thompson (PA) Mrs. NAPOLITANO bate and transparency in their Con- Petri Ryan (WI) Thornberry Mr. THOMPSON gress—a key ingredient needed to Pitts Scalise Tiahrt Mr. BACA produce good legislation. And my hope Platts Schmidt Tiberi Poe (TX) Schock Turner Ms. HARMAN is we will adopt a Rules package for Posey Sensenbrenner Upton Mrs. DAVIS the new Congress that encourages Price (GA) Sessions Walden Mr. HONDA transparency and debate and helps en- Putnam Shadegg Wamp Mr. ISSA sure our institution is accountable to Radanovich Shimkus Westmoreland Rehberg Shuster Whitfield Mr. SCHIFF the people it serves. Reichert Simpson Wilson (SC) Ms. SOLIS Our Nation has faced adversity be- Roe (TN) Smith (NE) Wittman Ms. WATSON fore, and we have never failed to meet Rogers (AL) Smith (NJ) Wolf Mr. CARDOZA the challenge. This is because America Rogers (KY) Smith (TX) Young (AK) Rohrabacher Souder Young (FL) Mr. NUNES is a land of limitless potential, and Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ when we harness the will of the Amer- NOT VOTING—5 Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN ican people, commit ourselves to mak- Boehner Hastings (WA) Rogers (MI) Mr. COSTA ing the most of the blessings God has Gutierrez Miller, Gary Ms. MATSUI bestowed on this great country, and b 1350 Mr. CAMPBELL bring all of these gifts to bear on a The CLERK. The tellers agree in Mr. BILBRAY common goal, there is no obstacle that their tallies that the total number of Mr.
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