.xxx” where GUESTBOOK ® where GUESTBOOK® CHICAGO MULITPLE CITY NAMES HERE ® where GUESTBOO® K where GUESTBOOK MAUI 2014-2015 MAUI MAUIwheretraveler.com MAUGB_140700_Cover_FINAL.indd 1 6/5/14 2:14:15 PM MAUGB_140700_IFC_FINAL.indd 2 6/5/14 2:06:54 PM MAUGB_140700_IFC_FINAL.indd 1 6/5/14 2:35:16 PM LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER A loha, MAUI IS THE ISLAND that famous American author, Mark Twain, once said, “I went to stay a week and remained five. I have never spent so pleasant a month before, or bade any place goodbye so regretfully.” We hope you have the same experience. The Valley Isle is consistently selected as the best island in the world, celebrated for its natural beauty, ideal climate, outdoor activities, dining, shopping and relaxed lifestyle. Here, between two covers, are many of the reasons for this distinction. In our commitment to place, culture and people, we bring you tales of Maui’s treasures on and off the beaten path. In this year’s GuestBook, our photo essay covers the radiant flora of Maui, from the island’s official flower, lokelani (small rose), to various orchids and bromeliads. I think you’ll agree that our aromatic plants are “nō ka ‘oi”—the best. As a tribute to the “Renaissance Man,” Maui resident Jill Engledow pro- vides a revealing biography of Edward Bailey who came to Hawai‘i in 1837 and stayed until 1888. Meanwhile, Paul Wood explores the leo ki‘eki‘e, the Hawaiian falsetto, a singing THE dIvERSITy OF flowERS that bloom On Maui style that has men hitting stratsopheric notes. RAngES FROM protea And ORcHIdS to HIBIScUS Writer Pati Poblete talks with chef Sheldon Simeon, whose popularity has soared since competing in And THE lokELAnI (SMALL the 10th season of Bravo Network’s “Top Chef: Seattle.” Now back at home in the Islands, Simeon has rose), wHIcH IS THE OFFIcIAL flowER OF maui. opened a new restaurant, MiGRANT, in Wailea. Buy Fresh. Buy Local. This is the message that Maui chefs and farmers now embrace, promoting sustainability and food security. And beyond our fame for beaches, senior editor Simplicio Paragas proves that Maui has gained a serious reputation as a food-and-wine destination, playing host to several high- profile events that attract the talents of national and international culinary superstars. Mahalo for joining us on this island adventure. The Maui GuestBook is a small taste of a vast paradise, n and we hope you enjoy the journey with us. olsso – Kathleen M. Pahinui, Group Publisher, Where Hawai‘i HEL c RA © 2 WHERE GUESTBOOK MAUGB_140700_welcome.indd 2 6/10/14 1:02:20 PM MAUGB_140700_AdPlacements.indd 3 6/2/14 4:15:29 PM maui contents iSland essenTialS 14 FiRST LooK 74 “FoRe” the speciaL section a peeK into maui’s saKe oF goLF dining in PARadise Renowned sights teeing up on maui From casual to elegant, a guide to From Molokini islet to the Seven Be warned that the Valley Isle offers finding your way through Maui’s Sacred Pools at ‘Ohe‘o Gulch. top-notch golf courses. many dining options. 46 ISLand VIEWS 84 PaRting shot MAUI’s Regions and RAINbow EUCALYPTUS neighBoRHOODS Believed to have originated in the From West Maui beaches to the Philippines, this colorful species of road to Hāna, a mosaic of Maui tree sheds its smooth bark to reveal highlights. new colors, which gives it the UpcoUntry MaUi: appearance of a rainbow. Makawao west MaUi: Lahaina, Kā‘anapali, on the cover and Kapalua a closeup look of a protea soUth MaUi: ©Rachel Olsson Wailea, Kīhei, Mākena central MaUi: inside front cover The coastline along Wailea offers Kahului and Pā‘ia a stark contrast between the black east MaUi: Hāna rocks and turquoise waters. off island: Lāna‘i, Moloka‘i ©Jenna Szerlag/design Pics/Corbis 4 WHERE GUESTBOOK MAUGB_140700_toc.indd 4 6/11/14 1:25:27 PM MAUGB_140700_AdPlacements.indd 5 6/2/14 4:26:40 PM maui contents iSland EssencE 28 floral essence 36 19th century 46 top chef flowers flourish renaissance man former bravo tv across the island edward bailey program competitor From king protea and ginger to Protestant missionary possessed Humble and grounded to his orchids and red anthuriums to bird a multi-dimensional side. Filipino roots, Sheldon Simeon of paradise and hibiscus, Maui’s By jill engledow shares his passion for cooking. tropical flowers are admired for By Pati poBlete their shapes and vibrant colors. 42 hawaiian By rachel olsson falsetto a unique style of singing Male singers hit high notes that go beyond the counter tenor voice. By paul wood 6 WHERE GUESTBOOK MAUGB_140700_toc.indd 6 6/11/14 1:25:50 PM MAUGB_140700_AdPlacements.indd 7 6/2/14 4:26:48 PM where GUESTBOOK® MAUI MORRIS VISITOR PuBLICATIONS adVERTISInG & CIRCUlaTIOn Editorial groUP PUblIsher Kathleen M. Pahinui, 808.983.5441 senIor edITOR Simplicio Paragas regIonAl vICe PresIdent Patti Ruesch edITOR Kristen Nemoto ACCoUnt MAnAgers ART DIreCTOR Michael Min Katherine Ellwood, Bob Kowal, senIor regIonAl edItorIAl dIreCtor Margaret Martin Donna Kowalczyk, Marie Massengale AssoCIAte edITOR Rizza Ballesteros IndePendent sAles ContrACTORs Wanda Garcia-Fetherston, AssIstAnt edITOR Summer Nakaishi Debbie De Mello ContrIbUtIng wrIters Jill Engledow, Pati Poblete, Paul Wood bUsINESS AdMInISTRATOR Miao Woo ContrIbUtIng PhotogrAPher Rachel Olsson CIrCUlAtIon And MArKetIng dIreCTOR Sidney Louie MVP I CREaTIVE ProdUCtIon MAnAger Brittany L. Kevan ChIef CreAtIve offICer Haines Wilkerson ProdUCtIon AssIstAnt Kaitlyn Murphy desIgn dIreCtor Jane Frey MVP I PROdUCTIOn PHOTOgrAPhy dIreCtor Susan Strayer dIreCtor of ProdUCtIon Kris Miller CreAtIve CoordInAtor Beverly Mandelblatt ProdUCt MAnAger Jasond Fernandez MVP I naTIOnal SalES Photo sCAnnIng & retoUCh Jerry Hartman vICe PresIdent, nAtIonAl sAles MVP I ManUfaCTURInG Rick Mollineaux, 202.463.4550 & TECHnOlOGy dIreCtor of partnershIPs & nAtIonAl dIgItAl sAles dIreCtor of MAnUfactUrIng Donald Horton Bridget Duffie, 706.821.6663 teChnICAl oPerAtIons MAnAger Tony Thorne-Booth nAtIonAl sAles CoordInAtor David Gately MVP I CartograPHy & CIRCUlaTIOn MVP I EXECUTIVE generAl MAnAger, where MAPs Christopher Huber PresIdent Donna W. Kessler nAtIonAl CIrCUlAtIon CoordInAtor Noreen Altieri vICe PresIdent of oPerAtIons Angela E. Allen E-MaIl fOR all Of THE above: ChIef trAvel edItor Geoff Kohl [email protected] 1833 Kalakaua Blvd., Ste. 810 Honolulu, HI 96815 Phone: 808-955-2378; Fax: 808-955-2379 www.wheretraveler.com Morris coMMunications ChAIrMAn & Ceo William S. Morris III PresIdent William S. Morris IV Where GuestBook® is produced by Morris Visitor Publications (MVP), a division of Morris Communications, Co., LLC. 725 Broad St., Augusta, GA 30901. Where® magazine and the where® logo are registered trademarks of Morris Visitor Publications. MVP publishes Where magazine, Where® QuickGuide, IN New York, and IN London magazines, and a host of other maps, guides, and directories for business and leisure travelers, and is the publisher for the Hospitality Industry Association.Where GuestBook® publishes editions for the following U.S. cities and regions: Arizona, Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Colorado, Dallas, Florida Gold Coast (Fort Lauderdale & Palm Beach), Fort Worth, Hawaii (the Big Island), Houston, Jacksonville/St. Augustine/ Amelia Island, Kansas City, Kaua’i, Los Angeles, Maui, Miami, Milwaukee, New Orleans, New York, O’ahu, Orange County, Orlando/Winter Park, Philadelphia, Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, Tampa Bay, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle/Tacoma, Southwest Florida (Naples), Tennessee (Nashville & Memphis), Tucson, and Washington D.C. Copyright© 2014 by Morris Visitor Publications. All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, in whole or in part, without the express prior written permission of the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility to any party for the content of any advertisement in this publication, including any errors and omissions therein. By placing an order for an advertisement, the advertiser agrees to indemnify the publisher against any claims relating to the advertisement. Printed in the United States MVP is a Proud sPonsor of Les CLefs d’or USA 8 WHERE GUESTBOOK MAUGB_140700_masthead.indd 8 6/10/14 1:12:14 PM MAUGB_140700_AdPlacements.indd 9 6/2/14 4:15:37 PM navigatE The Island of Maui agan E r E ik M rn) © E patt E dg E rcolor background and background rcolor E y, ca; (wat y, E l E rk E MAUI, THE SECOND LARGEST of the Hawaiian Islands, was named for the demigod Maui, the superman of Polynesian myth. He is known as Maui tiki-tiki — Maui the Wonder Worker. The wonders of Maui are many, from the historic town of Lahaina, once the major whaling center of the Pacific, to the royal resort of ka cartography, b ka cartography, Kā‘anapali and the fabulous shopping and dining in West and South Maui. From the summit of Haleakalā E to the beaches of Nāpili and Kapalua, from the charming towns of Upcountry to the beautiful curves of the road to Hāna, the Valley Isle offers the visitor much to explore, experience and discover. Map: ©Eur 10 WHERE GUESTBOOK MAUGB_140700_map.indd 10 6/5/14 4:18:47 PM MAUGB_140700_AdPlacements.indd 11 6/2/14 4:15:43 PM 12 MAUGB_140700_map.indd 12 Hawaiian Islands Hawaiian navigat WHERE GUESTBOOK WHERE GUESTBOOK E Hawai‘i Kaho‘olawe Maui Lāna‘i Moloka‘i O‘ahu Kaua‘i Ni‘ihau Come to Valley the Isle for whale-watching, art, Mt. Haleakalā and the 54-bridge Hāna Highway. MāneleLovely Bay has posh resorts and pine-studded uplands. KnownWaikīkī for beach, the state capital, shopping, Pearl Harbor and more. Magnificent sea cliffs and canyons distinguish the Garden Isle. The “forbidden” island is known for exquisite “forbidden” shell jewelry. The The Big Island has an active volcano and wonderfully diverse scenery. You’ll find Old You’ll charm, Hawai‘i mule rides and famous Moloka‘i sweet bread.
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