Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 6-1-1906 Volume 24, Number 06 (June 1906) Winton J. Baltzell Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Baltzell, Winton J.. "Volume 24, Number 06 (June 1906)." , (1906). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/515 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. JUNE, 1906. U. 2.tf- THE ETUDE 345 CHURCH MUSIC CONTENTS “THE ETUDE” ■ June, 1906 Some Recent Publications OF The Making of an Artist CLAYTON F. SUMMY CO. GRADED EDITION FOR THE PIANO Alfred ltdsmaucr Music Teachers’ National Association_ 220 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. From Mozart's Workshop It. /'. Kerst-Elberfeld SONGS. What is American Music? ROSE. N. Clark Smith. Henry T. Finch BYE O’BABUM. N Clark Smith. Gluck & Lava ter. A BREAMIN'. N. Clark Smith.. The Three plantation (tongs; the melodies are traditional, lie The Hand of the Pianist...R. Brcithaupt Notes on Rubinstein’s Teaching are sty fid'“Cwmh8orngl" ^hey are eet*whh mmlcUnl'y”^ Sandra Draickar panimente yet in striot kreping with this class of music. The Handling of Piano Technic for Very ABIDE WITH ME. Mabel Howard McDulTec. "Young Children (First Grade) A good churchly setting of this farorite hymn. For i Teachers’ TV. 8. B. Mathews . am voice. APRIL IS HERE. Otaas. E. Wheeler. The Music Teachers’ Association of Ger¬ SONO OF SPRING. Wm. Lewis (Mover .. ORGAN MUSIC many . "wo charming, bright, joyous Spring Songa. Both for me- The Study Value of the Pedal E.D.Hale PIANO SOLO. Edition The Abolition of Key ,/. TV. (1. Hathaway THE JUGGLER. Edythe Pruyn Hall.4 The Teacher's Influence Marie Benedict SLEEP SONO. (Pedal Study) Edytlio Pruyn Hall.. .3 One hundred specially selected stand¬ Isadora Duncan and Ilcr School for TWILIGHT. Edythe Pruyn Hall..3 Classic Dancir....... .)/. Hook 303 Good characteristic pieces, all in grade II. ard modern compositions, in. all grades. Children’s Page. THE WANDERER’S DREAM. Hiram WUlis. 6 Editorial . A melodious teaching number Grade 111. (Each number published separately.) Vocal Department. .11. IV. Greene LITTLE BEGINNER’S PIANOFORTE ALBUM Hannah Smith, net. ..6 Organ and Choir. .A’. E. Tnictte Eight little pieces in early part of first grade. Little rhyme CORRECTLY FINGERED Violin Department. come Lehmann Teachers’ Round Table. ... A\ Corey POETIC 'FOLK™DANCES-BACH—Selected end edited b: CAREFULLY PHRASED Studies in Prejudice. George Hahn Calvin B. Cady. Net . .fi European Musical Topics . .Arthur Elson A collection of nine of the simplest dances by Job. Beb. Bad Publisher’s Notes. published in two editions, one without markings of any k ini COMPLETELY REVISED (students’ edition), at d one with careful editing and anno Recital Programs. tuitions (teachers' edition). Humoresques. .1. II. Hausrath 403 To meet the requirements of both Musical Items. teacher and pupil. Home Notes. Puzzles and Games. Reviews of New Publicat CHOIR MUSIC. Questions and Answers.. Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing. P De ( ostei I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say. E D. Keck Blessed Be the Lord. K D. Keck GRADED MUSIC Te Deum a short, effective setting. 0. B. Clen Gently Lord, O Gently Lead Us. II. W Han Fairy Fingers.Paul Wachs 307 ' he Cross of Christ I Glory. L D Russel Polka Graciense, Op. 4 No. 4 (4 hands) ire is a Land. L. D Russell. L. F. EDITION F. Bend el 370 te best evidence of our confidence in these Language of Flowers.O'. N. Benson 374 Cantilene (Violin and Piano) F. Borowski 377 IS Parisians .O'. Bachmann 3S0 Chiming Bells.1. Trojelli 3S2 ATTRACTIVE Polonaise in C-sharp minor, Op. 20 No. 1 F. Chopin 3S4 INTERESTING The Drummer Boy’s March Karl Hechter 3-S7 Two Maidens.E. .1. P. Newcomb 30t ELI CIOU S' INSTRUCTIVE A Message iu My Dream.. .It. M. Stulls 302 J. Fischer & Bro„ LVLR AG L constantly used by more than 1000 7 1 II, Bible Honse, IS. T. competent teachers with PERFECT Deiig/i tfuJJjf 0 SATISFACTION. Publishers //i /farm on if Sold at all Fount5 5? ATTENTION! V/y/h t/ie Spirit of Teachers, Pianists and Students Rhys-Herbert’s Vocal Collections Carbonated m Bottles THEMATIC CATALOGUES FOR Commencement Songs—A Collection of ALL OUTINGS TEACHERS SENT UPON Unison, two-part female, three-part REQUEST male and female, and four-part male “DAYBREAK” and mixed choruses, for School Closing f" - Exercises. Net.$ .50 Secular Quartets—Vol. 1. Male Voices . .50 OUR TEACHERS’ SAMPLE VOLUMES •* ** Vol. 2. Female “ . .50 A COMPLETE LISZT REPERTOIRE IN ONE VOLUME MAKE SELECTIONS EASY AND HANDY “ Vol. 3. Mixed “ . .50 They should be on your Dealer’s Counter Sacred Quartets—For Male Voices . .35 IF NOT THERE-PLEASE WRITE The above five volumes contain arrangement! .FRAN? LISZT ALBUM AND MENTION THE NAME OF YOUR by Rhys-Herhert only. When ordering any of ^ WORKS n 0% DEALER same indirectly, mention Rhys-Herbert's name >no Price, 81.00 in connection with title and no substitute trill A collection of the most admired and generally be sent you. popular works of this great composer, both of his Fischer’s Album of Piano Trios—(3 per¬ original works as well as the transcriptions of famous Every Teacher or Student of Harmony songs and operatic airs. who will do us the favor of sending for it will receive formers, one Piano). Volume 1, contains Gaining in favor as are the works of Liszt, this LEO. FEIST mHK0 NEW YflRII a copy gratis of the essay 14 compositions, grades 2 to 4, suitable volume containing all of his favorite works under one MbrarV nf to “IS MODERN MUSIC KEYLESS” for Commencement Exercises, etc. $1.00 cover cannot but be received with enthusiasm. contains 16 compositions oi Publisher of SEND for> We have published an essay of is pages brimful of decided Sample copy will be mailed upon receipt logic and powerful analysis on Ihis very topic The discourse of 60 cents. MANSFELDT TECHNIC conies from the pen of Carl W. Grimm, the author of' Modern THEODORE PRESSER, Publisher, 1712 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Harmony." For the reason that we are anxious to acquainl Positively the greatest work of it* every one with this Author s views on Harmony Teaching, Choruses for School Closing Exer¬ -OURr which prove a great help to clear up many vague ideas and cises kind ever conceived. disputed points, we have decided to send this pamphlet who does us t he favor) Fischer’s Album of Vocal Duets for Fe¬ month only. Writ. PRICE, TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS. today before you forget. male Voices with Piano accompaniment. CATALOGS Four volumes, each.$.75 FLEXIBLE CLOTH BINDING. MONEY BACK IF NOT FRIENDSHIP SONGS A Simple Method of Modern Harmony, $1.50 Fischer’s Album of Vocal Trios for Fe¬ ALL THAT IS CLAIMED FOR IT. ORGAN MUSIC, By CARL W. GRIMM male Voices with Piano accompaniment. One volume.75 F ORGAN BOOKS, “ I am exceedingly delighted with the work. The various relationships of chords are made clear and, what is the principa The volumes of Duets and Trios mentioned port for the voice, the titles of the seve^^ are weM made- and afford excelled sup- thing they are logically represented, and consequently give a Mall orders not solicited. We prefer that yon anthems, etc. key to the apparently most complicated harmony successions. above, suitable for all grades, have been com¬ “O HEART OF MINE,” -HEAVEN,” “HUSHABY BABY,” “ALONE” purchase our publications from your dealer; hut H soet you a trifle (a postal card). I will recommend it on every occasion.” piled with the greatest care ; equally much atten¬ “THE FOUR-LEAFED CLOVER,” “DESIRE,” “THE TWENTY-THIRD PSALM .. ,0rget “• for °"e or *M 0f ,hMe ADOLPH WE1DIG. tion has been paid to the selection of texts as well he does not have the goods, please order direct. as to the musical portion. THEODORE PRESSER. 1712 Chestnut St., PHILA^ PA. White-Smith Music Publishing Company The GEO. B. JENNINGS CO. Opereltas. collections of organ, violin, BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO 105-107 W. Fourth Sl. CINCINNATI, O. ., will be mailed upon application. Ad- M-B4 Stanhope St. 13 East 17tb St. 259 Wabash Ate. PIANOS '’-"“•“■I a~»»=. «I Tone, Please mention THE ETUDE when addressing our advertiser* _ Touch, Unsurpassed Construction. Workmanship* STRIGH & ZEIDLER -and Excellence; and New Artlstlc Designs ^ ^ Manufacturer, Artirt/e Grand! and Un right Vianas _1 32d St- & Alexander Ave., NEW YORK 346 THE ETUDE CONCERT AND EXHIBITION FOR 28 Glee or Chorus Books SCHOOLS AND SEMINARIES At Introductory Rates (ONE Copy ONLY of each Book at this Sample Price) FOR TWO PERFORMERS ON ONE PIANO FOUR HANDS i'lte1 Old Black Joe. Gimhei My Old Kentucky Home Grobe-Pratt $j 2j 671 Dicker 'art Spngs (or Male Voices (Partly Humorous!. Dixie’s Land.Grobe^Z S? I —„.jbVoTleidi aic- ci, us 22 Part Songs within the ra .ge of ordinary Toices 7567S6|0lee 0le»,_.... Club Vol. •> ns 21 Part Songs “ “ •* “ “ 11 bast/ffl‘le • • ..IVollenhaJl m 10*1, Glee Club Vol 3 coma ns 13 Part Songs. Highest note F sharp (Partly llui Grand March de Concert .
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