Book of Abstracts VI International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology – BioMicroWorld2015 Barcelona (Spain), 28-30 October 2015 VI International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology - BioMicroWorld2015 VI International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology - BioMicroWorld2015 Barcelona (Spain), 28-30 October 2015 Barcelona (Spain), 28-30 October 2015 Effect on Metaresistome and metabolic profile (CLPP) soil bacterial communities of different 30 Introduction XXIII agricultural management in Vitis vinifera plots Plenary Lectures XXIX Effects of Inorganic Fertilizers and Organic Manure on Cyanobacteria of Paddy Fields 31 Endophytic bacteria isolated from two varieties of Oryza sativa cultivated in southern Brazil. 32 Session 1: Agriculture, soil, forest microbiology 1 Evaluation of the biological activity of extracts obtained from bacteria associated with nematodes 33 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase producing bacteria promote wheat growth under 2 against Leaf Cutting Ants Atta cephalotes Linnaeus (Hymenoptera Formicidae) water stress Exploration of microorganisms associated with insects, searching for active substances produced 34 454-Pyrosequencing reveals high and differential level of fungal diversity in the Oasis farming 3 from bacteria system in Oman Functional traits of endophytic and rhizosphere fungi and bacteria of Butia archeri Glassman roots 35 A new Cryphonectria hypovirus 1 subtype found in Portugal 4 Genetic tools for site-specific tagging of Azospirillum brasilense strains with fluorescent proteins, for 36 Agronomic evaluation in a greenhouse and farm level using AMF bio-fertilizers in a Colombian 5 visualization during plant root colonization by live cell imaging grooseberry crop (Physalis peruviana L.) Altruistic model of microbe-plant symbiosis: a conduit for constructing the highly 6 Increasing value of Tilemsi rock phosphate (TRP) through endomycorrhizal fungi 37 effective N2-fixers for crop inoculation Isolation and genetic characterization of bacteria and endophytic and rhizosphere fungi of Butia 38 AMF Bio-Fertilization in greenhouse stage on high interest commercial forest species in the 7 archeri Glassman Colombian Caribbean region Isolation and genetic characterization of endophytic and rhizospheric microorganisms from Butia 39 An extension of the individual-based modelling of soil organic matter INDISIM-SOM-NL to deal 8-9 purpurascens Glassman with soil atmosphere Analysis by PCR / DGGE of bacterial diversity of Oryza sativa, cultivated in southern Brazil and 10 Isolation, identification and characterization as PGPR of rizosphere mercury-tolerant bacterial strains, 40 their interaction with pesticides associated with plants grown in mercury contaminated soils (Almadén mining district, Ciudad Real) Assesment of functional traits in the assemblage of endophytic fungi of Anacardium othonianum 11 Laccase activity in black chanterelle mushroom and its importance in forestry 41 Rizzini Bacteria associated to ants and scales inhabiting red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) in Bocas del 12 Marine in Industrial Biotechnology: Biosorption by Sargassum glaucescens brown algae nanoparticle 42 Atrato, Turbo, Antioquia, Colombia at new membrane reactor Bacterial endophytes as biocontrol agents against root knot nematode 13 Metagenomic analysis of fungal communities from Himalayan forests 43 Biodiversity of indigenous alfalfa rhizobia isolated from soils in central Croatia 14 Microbial communities and transgenic crops: understanding the role transgenic crops may play in the 44-45 Biological activity of essential oils on the mycelial growth of the entompathogenic fungi Beauveria 15 rise of antibiotic resistance bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae and Isaria sp. Biological Control on Seed Germination of Two Native Species from Cerrado Domain 16 Microbial Community Assessment in a Pilot Scale Constructed Wetlands for Treating Horticultural 46-47 Leachates Combined effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and PGP Rhizobacteria on growth and adaptation 17 to ultramafic soil of Carpolepis laurifolia, a New Caledonian endemic plant species Optimization of Extraction of Difenoconazole from Soil for UPLC-MS Analysis 48 Common bean grown in field and inoculated with diazotrophic bacteria and P-solubilizing fungi 18 PLFAs as bioindicators of the structural biodiversity of microorganisms in soil under aided 49 Comparison of antifungal activity of Myrthys communis L with Nystatin against Malassezia globosa 19 phytostabilization and Malasssezia furfur isolated from patients with Pityriasis versicolor and Sebborhoeic dermatitis Population structure and the interaction of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia’ with acid limes 50 Comparison of commercial DNA isolation kits using two different hands and their impact on 20 (Citrus aurantifolia) reveals microbial community of forest soils Potential of Rhizobacterial strains in Changing the Root Architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana and 51 Compatibility of Rhodotorula glutinis (Lv316) biopesticide with chemical fungicides used in 21 Growth promotion of Triticum aestivum plant blackberry crops. Compost from Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata) and cow dung effects on physicochemical 22 Presence and survival of Escherichia coli during cow manure composting at different sampling 52 properties, yield and mineral elements of tomatoes locations in a compost barn Control of Fusarium oxysporum using compost extract from Chromolaena odorata (Siam weed) and 23 Reduction of foliar diseases caused by Exserohilum turcicum and Puccinia sorghi using biological 53 cow dung control agents at field level in Argentina Culture and Molecular-based analyses reveal high fungal diversity in composts, organic fertilizers and 24 potting media Rhamnolipid biosurfactant to control anthracnose disease in chilli caused by Colletotrichum capsici 54 Diversity and abundance of bacterial metal transporter genes in contaminated soils 25 Screening of fungi associated with eggs and females of root-knot nematodes in Bangladesh and their 55 Diversity of acidophilic actinobacteria in mine area soils 26 biocontrol potential Diversity of halotolerant rhizobacteria: Auxin production and biofertilization potential for Triticum 27 Seasonal changes in the functioning of fungal community in the coniferous forest soil and litter 56 aestivum L. in salt amended soils Effect of bacterial polysaccharide on the soil permeability 28 Soil microbial ecotoxicology of synthetic and natural -triketone herbicides 57 Effect of six (6) rhizosphere bacteria (Bacillus subtilis) dissolving the Natural Phosphate on the 29 Targeting Gut microbes: Novel approach for insect Control 58 growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) in Mali I II VI International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology - BioMicroWorld2015 VI International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology - BioMicroWorld2015 Barcelona (Spain), 28-30 October 2015 Barcelona (Spain), 28-30 October 2015 The unseen battlefield – predatory behavior of Cupriavidus necator N-1 59 Microalgae as a model for metal risk analyses 92 The use of fungal rot isolates and bioactivator for inhibit the growth of Phytopthora palmivora and 60 Microbial communities of highly alkaline, anthropogenic environment of saline soda lime, Poland 93 bearing deposit in the Poproc area (Slovakia) 94 ٭Lasiodiplodia theobromae and in decomposition of cocoa pod husks waste Microbiology of abandoned antimony Tolerance to UV radiation, osmotic stress and temperature of epiphytic bacterial biocontrol agents 61 Molecular and metabolic characterization of a bacterial community associated to sediments with high 95 against Exserohilum turcicum concentration of arsenic carrageenase production by Alteromonas macleodii strain 96 ٯ' Optimization of culture conditions for Utilization of ACC-demainase containing rhizobacteria to alleviate tissue ACC concentration and 62 KS62 promote growth and physiology of velvet bean under water stress Physicochemical and Microbiological Assessment of Swimming Pools from Selected Hostels in 97 Osogbo Metropolis, South west, Nigeria Session 2: Environmental, marine, aquatic microbiology. Geomicrobiology 63 Plasticity in the gut microbial community and uptake of Enterobacteriaceae (Gammaproteobacteria) 98 A comparative microbiological assessment of the Isipingo River and Palmiet River in Kwa-Zulu 64 in Bombus terrestris bumblebees nests when reared indoors and moved to an outdoor environmen Natal province to elucidate health risks Predatory fungus (Zoophagus sp.) as a threat to rotifers inhabiting activated sludge 99 Analysis of the microbial composition and community structure throughout algal blooming season in 65 Preliminary studies of microbial community structure in Przemsza River and Biaa Przemsza River 100 Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario water system, infuenced by lead and zinc mining (Silesia, southern Poland) Antifungal Hassallidin producers, complete genome and LC-MS/MS characterization from C. 66 Probing the chalcopyrite-bacteria interactions and jarosite biosynthesis by Raman and FTIR 101 raciborskii strains. microspectroscopies Application of bioluminescence-based microbial biosensors for diagnosis of hydrocarbon in 67 Prochlorococcus sp. of the Red Sea 102 groundwater samples Prokaryotic diversity of biofilms developed in the karst system of Gellért Hill (Budapest, Hungary) 103 Bacterial biosensors for diagnostic determination of hydrocarbon in refined product
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