BRI^LZE •:. •* \ i \«' s I- \ I- i it s K.*i d.. •*•"* • * T IS PRIME TIME!! Soived with bakpu Idaho potato & con. on Ihc cob Ni •• •."."" iv. • ••• i •! it,. .x I ^(.', nt ALASKAN SO 1 I'M ' i I J .-:,Pri '-i '7 ll|flc:Ll Hi *" h.lim- * .',' •!'•_ | ALL YOU CAN IAT EVERYDAY ". H • !,,- "n >\ i — i - ! I " « EVERYDAY! , !)isiover (. rcdil ( ,m!s Ac(.('j)lct! ! '.U -•-•''' Served with French Fnofa & com .an -IK. rob 2 • Week of December 9-15, 2005 ISLANDER u DID fl & U Marsha Wagfnor "Sounds of Christmas'" at The Broadway Palm I. I..,- I,., . i ill I I'.i I h ' ii< I The Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre is currently celebrat- weie uulng I he iNiglii bcloie Uiustlnas. 1 llKed lliai pan ing this joyous season by caroling in the holidays with the because it was funny. 1 also liked this funny old man and old The reviewers compare notes "Sound of Christmas." Since this production is touted as a hol- lady who sang ''Baby It's Cold Outside" while they danced iday extravaganza perfect for everyone, I invited friends and with their walkers. They were funny, too. one young side kick, namely eight-year-old Karly Kinzer. At intermission I went to the gift shop, but I saved my dol- Karly met us at the theater all decked out in her holiday lar to spend later. After intermission there was Act U. The best finest, a spar-kly, red sweater, black velvet skirt and fashion- things in this hal!' were the children in the show doing the birth ably correct, black, knee high boots. I had asked Karly to pre- of Baby Jesus, where Mary fell over, and the shepherds sent her views on "Sounds of Christmas"' for the younger folks brought this really big sheep for the baby, then the Three Wise in the audience, who might attend with their families of Men came with their camels. They were funny and they were friends, and here, forthwith, is her review: good. The ballet part was very nice I liked the Ballerina and the I was all excited to see this show since Christmas is one of Soldier; the Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy danced well, but the best holidays. The Christmas decorations outside the the- my.favorites were the two bears in tutus doing ballet. ater as well as inside were really beautiful. After we sat down I really liked the end of the show where everybody danced at our table, we were supposed to get up and get our dinner. I and sang and Santa and Mrs. Santa came on stage to sing asked if I could have my dessert first, but both grandmere (Jay "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town."' Halcrow) and Marsha said NO! Dinner was really good; I I liked the whole thing and had a good time. especially liked the mashed potatoes and gravy. T liked that so much 1 even went back for some more. But — Karly Kinzer the dessert of brownies, ice .cream and whipped cream was even better,, in fact it was GREAT. After dessert it was a long, long time before (he show started, and 1 really tried to be Karly is certainly right, Sounds oi" Christmas was really patient. fun. Director Paul Gregory Nelson has whipped together a delightful production, evoking fond holiday memories for all have something for everyone, as you can see from my young When the lights came on there were a bunch of people friend's review. wearing old-fashioned clothes, singing Christmas carols and of us, regardless of age. This sweet holiday fare does indeed First you enter the tastefully decorated lobby and theater, sit down to enjoy a yummy meal and dessert after: then relax while you listen and watch "Sounds of Christmas" unwrap- ping a pleasant Yuletide package that puts you in a holiday mood. Sightsee The talented cast of 25 singers and dancers (which includes some adorable children) dressed to the hilt by Costume Designer Jim Conti, all accomplish musical magic in a fun- Renral & Toun Boar Tmps filled salute to the jolly, holly, holiday season from Broadway W Palm's vast tower of treats. enjoy fnohekwe, dolphins, scenic nanme The show opens with the "Christmas in Central Park 1910;" after this section, the show travels forward in songs and times to a 1949 NBC radio Christmas rendition of the TOURS and Sambel's famous sunsers Bickersons doing "The Night Before Christmas" story, sung in part by the NBC singers. Fast forward to the 1950s and '60s to an enchanted winter wonderland where snow falls as ice skaters glide across the stage to close the first half of the show. Act 11 opens on a Country Church Christmas, with a com- ical children's cast reenactment of the Nativity Scene. This segment had to be seen to be believed, it was that funny. Our entire table was reduced to tears, we laughed that hard. The Nutcracker Suite that followed was a tab version of the • •••• -si'V; ,- '• full-length ballet. And my personal favorites were Raggedy Ann (Niki Allred), Raggedy Andy (well danced by Matt Munson), the brave Soldier (John Ramsey), Sugar Plum Ballerina (Carissa Bellando) and, last but not least, Bear Ballerinas (Jpdi and Laura). "The Swingin' Santa" finale was just that — a stand-up- and-cheer grand finale, including the Big Guy with the white beard and the red suit. Ring in another Broadway Palm holiday hit with "Sounds of Christmas," which plays till Dec. 25th, Then it's Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! Phone 278-4422 for reservations now, since they are selling out quickly for this yearly holiday happening of festive fun. When you call remind 'em Karly and Marsha sent you. 6H N. YACHTSMAN SAN1BKL, I'l - +~"r<3jr>-7f-r.-rjfl Custom SAa.de \v 1! // • Window Treatments \\i Bedspreads • Small Upholstery mm% Workroom, Ittc* 4ST6 SB 16* Place • Cape Coral, Florida 33904 Email: [email protected] 239.541.1927 Don't Be A Scrooge! Be a Donor. Best Appetizer Best Booth Presentation Cape Coral S01 N. Del Prado 230-574-3170 And for the 5th Year in a Row, M-W-F 9am-5pm TU-TH Ham-Tpm Till' PFOPI ti'S CHOICE WINNKR] www.floridabtoocicentere.org 1-88S-9DONATE 472-8138 LUNCH 11:30AM DINNER 5:00PM TAKE OUT AVAILABLE ISLANDER Week of December 9-15, 2005 Q 3 Ellington's hosts Brightest Horizons By RENNY SEVERANCE ticularly given the special place JT Smith [email protected] holds in the islands' hearts and history, it actually made sense at the moment. Ms STEAKHOUSE & GRILL Sanibcl saw one of the shortest, most Parker endeavored to get the crowd partici- successful, and most fun fundraisers last pating in a rendition of "The Twelve Days week at Ellington's Jazz Bar & Restaurant. of Christmas" but everyone was having too Some 80 islanders turned up on Thursday, much fun talking and watching the show to Dec. 1 to help Brightest Horizons drum up let themselves be organized. more than $6,000 to help their award-win- Tom Uhler leapt into the fray at that ning child development program in Harlcin point, starting an impromptu collection to Heights on Gladiolus Drive. stop the song. Parker kept going long Led by JT Smith on the piano and Ginger enough to raise just over $300 — including HORfilfTING Parker on microphone, the crowd responded a contribution from "the cheapskates at the warmly, bidding at the silent auction lor bar" — as her own lyrics emerged. seaplane rides, dinner parties and lunch All in all, it was great fun and everyone cruises, and even digging deep to pay the seemed reluctant to let Sharon Wise have performers to stop. Ellington's back for its regular business, VEGETARIAN! While this last item might seem odd. par- despite the customers waiting patiently for their turn. But they did, and the beat went on... : «T+ s ? .-• v' SINCE 1995 '&**: Photos by RENNY SEVERANCE Left: Ginger Parker introduces Matt Asen as Santa. Above: JT Smith gave everyone a taste of his talent and kept the ivories tickled. Join Us for Our DIMMER SPECIALS Monday - Turkey Night ........ $I495 Wednesday - German Night $2195 Saturday - Prime Rib Night *2195 LUWCHEIM SPECIALS HAPPY HOUHI $ 95 3 to 6 pm STAKTIMG @ 6 featuring LUNCH: 7 Days II am to 3 pm 2 FOR 1 Bar Open 7 Days Well Drinks, Beer & Wine 9 am to ? P/w/o ftv RENW SEVERANCE Brightest Horizons' President Carol Daniels and Executive Director Kathy Shaddock express their thanks to Ellington's Sharon Wise and Jill Algrin for hosting the event and for providing extensive and delicious hors d'oeuvres. Now Taking Reservations 'M.I m Bf/ii-i i «••''• I • Art* Cish • Scandia Down • And M&rel • For The Holidays 111 r i Christmas Eve — 5 to 7 pm s Regular Dinner Menu 1 \ (closed Christinas Day) CO New Year's Eve — Hil 9 pm i Regular Dinner Menu f I 3 o Tft£ Most Spt'fffll Room m Your Ham# Deaprow Luiuwus TffAfm^Ht 1100 Par Mew Drive Located in Beachview E§tate§ Give Ytfur Bedrwm & Bflifr Ptnk Shoppes at fKndrea Lane § Maximum Dcsi'crit & the '12ft I Sonlii Titiuitimi Trail > (239) 472-4394 Utmost in Relaxation wild layers of luxury Linens Take Donax Street (off Periwinkle) - Go Right at the Stop Sign at the Holiday Inn 437-474? ! Continue Straight into Beachview Estates - Restaurant is on the Right '.v'i-. • i iifv'Ifi'vJ t'.HitVi * 4 • Week of December 9-15, 2005 ISLANDER Sanl&eC Captiva islander TMMKM The Islands' Community SUN Newspaper since 1961 Mailing address: P.O.
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