EEXXPPLLOORREERR’’SS GGAAZZEETTTTEE Published Quarterly in Pensacola, Florida USA for the Old Antarctic Explorers Association Uniting All OAEs in Perpetuating the Memory of United States Involvement in Antarctica Volume 17, Issue 1 Old Antarctic Explorers Association, Inc Jan-Mar 2017 Mobile Web Cam Photo Hut Point McMurdo Station Antarctica USCGC Polar Star Arrives at McMurdo 19 January 2017 75,000 hp to muscle its way through ice thicknesses of up to By David Krapf 21 feet. In the past few years, the Polar Star’s crew worked he crew of the Coast Guard cutter Polar Star arrived at through approximately 12 to 13 miles of ice in an effort to Tthe National Science Foundation’s McMurdo station in reach McMurdo Station. This year, there was more than 60 Antarctica on 17 January after cutting a channel for the miles of ice to break, with thickness ranging from 2 feet to resupply vessels through more than 60 miles of Antarctic ice more than 10 feet. in the Ross Sea. “We experienced a significantly larger ice field this year By carving a navigable path through seasonal and compared to the last several years,” said Capt. Michael multiyear ice, the Polar Star assists in the annual delivery of Davanzo, commanding officer of the Polar Star. “In several operating supplies and fuel for two of NSFs three U.S. areas, the ice was under considerable pressure and covered research stations in Antarctica. with several inches of snow, slowing our progress. Despite The Polar Star is the only operational U.S. heavy these challenges, the crew worked around the clock to icebreaker capable of conducting the Antarctic resupply prepare the resupply channel before the arrival of the first mission. The cutter, which was built over 40 years ago, has a ship.” crew of more than 140. The 399-foot by 83 foot 6 inch Continued on page 4 vessel has a draft of 28 feet, weighs 13,500 tons, and uses E X P L O R E R ‘ S G A Z E T T E V O L U M E 17, I S S U E 1 J A N M A R 2 0 1 7 are important enough for us to lend a voice to, then P R E S I D E N T ’ S C O R N E R please bring it to our attention so we can at least discuss Ed Hamblin—OAEA President it at the “corporate” level to see if we can or should be TO ALL OAEs—Kudos out to Bob part of the process. Gaboury, our new OAEA Webmaster. All, take care. Catch you later. Bob has completely redone the OAEA website using some newer Internet Ed Hamblin technology. The end game was for us to OAEA President conduct more business via the website, E-Mail: [email protected] and to take some of the load off the Webmaster. I think he has accomplished both…and oh by the way, it costs less GROWLERS & BERGY BYTES for us to maintain than the old site did. Feature Stories, Odds & Ends, Collected, Compiled, & Outstanding! Written by Billy-Ace Penguin Baker We owe a big debt of gratitude to the OAEA New Page Cover StoryPolar Star Arrives at McMurdo………. 1, 4 England Chapter. After the dust settled from their § reunion last October, they were able to donate $1,170.00 Scotia, NYNYANG Wraps Up 29th Year……………...6 from their reunion to the OAEA. § University of CODry Valleys History Project…………7 Speaking of donations, Life Member Dave Peterson § recently donated $1,000.00 to the scholarship fund. Our Here and There—Letters to the Editor…………………...9 scholarship fund is funded by donations only, and funds § New York, NY—Antarctic Adventures…………………..13 are held in a mutual fund. Awards are based on annual § mutual fund earnings. Personal donations this size are West Jefferson, NC—Lionel Wafer……………………..15 rare, and certainly well appreciated. Special thanks and § Here and There—In Memory: Obituaries………………16 shout out to Dave and Judy Peterson for their generosity § and support! Virginia, Beach, VA—Chaplain’s Corner………………19 § Scholarship time for 2017–2018 school year is here. Galapagos, ISL—Penguin Teens Mooch Meals………...20 If you are going to consider sponsoring someone, the § Chesapeake, VA—Tidewater Group Meeting………..…21 web site has a Scholarship tab with a link to the § downloadable/printable application. More information on Brunswick, ME—New England Chapter News…………22 the scholarship program is on page 29 of this issue. Brunswick, ME—Quonset Air Museum Closure……… 24 I hope many of you are looking forward to our next § reunion in San Antonio, scheduled for May 2018. San Here and There—Days Gone By…………………………25 § Antonio is a great place for a reunion, and the one we Cambridge, UK—SS Boaty McBoatface…………………26 had there in 2010 was super. John Lamont West is § Pensacola, FL—Antarctic Lakes Book Review………… 27 hosting, and promises a good time. § OAEA member contact issues continue to plague us, Pensacola, FL—New Members & Reunions…………….28 and you will hear this again…when you move or change § Here and There—Locator Column ………………….…. 29 e-mail, we want to be notified (Contact either Billy-Ace § Baker or me). We have no way of keeping you abreast of Chesapeake, VA—2017-18 OEA Scholarship………..…29 § matters if you don’t tell us. When we do a group mail out Pensacola, FL—GCG Chapter Meetings……………….30 such as for election and reunion newsletter which both § are supposed to go out to all hands, we receive a Chesapeake, VA—OAEA Donor Awards……………….34 disappointing number of rejections. It is also DISCLAIMER STATEMENT discouraging to send out an e-mail and get that “bounced” because that address no longer exists, or in The Old Antarctic Explorers Association publishes the some cases, that we have to “register” with the individual Explorer’s Gazette quarterly. Opinions expressed by the in order for our e-mail not to be Spam Filtered. editorial staff or contained in articles submitted by members, Membership committee spends a lot of time trying to run and non-members are not official expressions of the OAEA people down and stuff falls through the cracks, people nor does the mention of books, products, or events constitute don’t get the word. Your help here is appreciated. endorsement by the OAEA. In accordance with Title 17 At the NE reunion, there was some input during the U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this newsletter general assembly, criticizing the OAEA for not weighing is distributed under fair use without profit or payment for in to big gov on the PM3A radiation issue that has been non-profit research and educational purposes only. in the news over the last several years. I accept the criticism; but if there are issues out there that YOU feel 2 E X P L O R E R ‘ S G A Z E T T E V O L U M E 17, I S S U E 1 J A N M A R 2 0 1 7 2016 Reunion Memory Book The OAEA 2016 reunion memory book has been mailed out to those who ordered a copy at the reunion. If you did not order a copy the book will be available until they run out of copies. For those who want to order one, the cost is $25 each. The Explorer’s Gazette is Go to the Reunion Photographers website at: the official publication of the www.reunionphotographers.net/order.html (In the block for “School”, enter: 2016 Old Antarctic Old Antarctic Explorers Association, Inc. Explorers Assn. Reunion) Or just call them at: 714 265 3638 and tell them you National Headquarters want to order that memory book. 10819 Berryhill Road Either way, have a credit card ready (although they Pensacola, FL 32506 USA make take a personal check, if you call them). Phone 850 456 3556 § And is published four times annually Expired Annual Members Editor Billy-Ace Baker The following Annual memberships are expiring Editorial Assistants 6/30/2017. Reminder that you must be paid up Annual Gus Shinn member or Life member to attend OAEA Reunions (next Kerry Konrad one is May 2018) or to sponsor students for OAEA John Stewart scholarship awards. Pam Landy Renewal per year is $10.00, or upgrade to Life member Editor Emeritus as an option. Mail checks for membership renewal to Jim O’Connell OAEA Membership, 3104 Deepspring Drive, Chesapeake, 2001–2003 VA 23321 with remarks for membership renewal. John Dion Association Officers Emmett Dwyer President – Ed Hamblin William Graney Vice President – John Lamont West Sandra Jolly Secretary – Marty Diller Albert Kauffman Treasurer – Bill Rouzer Francis Kurek Life Director – Billy-Ace Baker Ronald Ochsner Daniel Pells Past President – Laura Snow Denise Porcello Director – David Bresnahan Joseph Slovensky Director – Bob Buettner Director – Allen Cox Ronald Smith Director – Wayne Germann Director – Thomas Henderson Lifetime Dues Director – Robert Conner 81 and older-$5.00 56 to 60-$75.00 Director – William Smith 76 to 80-$10.00 51 to 55-$90.00 Director – Dick Spaulding 71 to75-$20.00 46 to 50-$100.00 Chaplain – Johnnie Draughon 66 to 70-$40.00 45 and younger-$110.00 Historian – Billy-Ace Baker 61 to 65-$60.00 Parliamentarian – Vacant 3 E X P L O R E R ‘ S G A Z E T T E V O L U M E 17, I S S U E 1 J A N M A R 2 0 1 7 USCGC Polar Star From Page 1 Ice placed under pressure by nearby land mass or glacial movement can cause considerable friction, often pinching the vessel between the two plates of ice that the cutter creates during the icebreaking process.
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