TheThe FortFort WorthWorth JapaneseJapanese SocietySociety NewsletterNewsletter MayMay -- JuneJune 20162016 Koinobori (鯉幟鯉幟)) areare flownflown toto celebratecelebrate TangoTango nono SekkuSekku ((端午の節句端午の節句)) Our Mission: To foster understanding between Japanese and Americans by providing an opportunity to learn about Japan, it’s people, language and culture. May Luncheon Sun. May 15th from 12:30PM at Yamagata Kaikan (Society Center) In May, we will celebrate Tango no Sekku (Boys’ Day). Our program will include activities such as kite flying (bring your own kites if you can), stilt walking, wanage and sukui and making koinobori. We’ll dine on Texas barbecue made by our members Sam Sumner and Elishia Flowers. We’ll also have coleslaw, potato salad and everyone’s favorite, mochi ice cream. $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8-12, free for children 7 and under. RSVP by Tuesday May 10th. Please let us know your name and the number in your group so that we will have enough food. RSVP to [email protected] or call Harvey Yamagata at 817-737-9166 or email [email protected]. June Luncheon Sunday, June 12th - From 12:30PM at Yamagata Kaikan Hiyashi Chuka Soba In June, we are going to try something different—a Japanese song contest. We’ll play various songs and prizes will be given to those who first identify the song. Since we want everyone to have a chance to win, we will throw in American songs as well. We’ll also enjoy dining on hiyashi chuka soba which will be especially tasty as the weather will be much warmer then. $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8-12, free for children 7 and under. RSVP by Wednesday June 8th. Please let us know your name and the number in your group so that we will have enough food. RSVP to [email protected] or call Harvey Yamagata at 817-737-9166 or email [email protected]. - 2 - Spring Japanese Garden Festival Thank You Volunteers! Thank you to our program leaders: Origami - Irene Koscal; Calligraphy – Wes Noles; Japanese Games – Elishia Flowers; Kimono Dress-up – Kumiko Porter and Haruko Herness; Japanese Dance – Haruko Herness; Kamishibai- William Winston; Tea Ceremony – Asako Cosby; Dondoko Taiko Drummers – Asako Cosby and David Bakutis Dondoko Taiko Japanese Dance Origami Kimono Dress Up Drummers Haruko Harness Matsue Koscal Kumiko Porter Aaron Bakutis Chiga Oi Irene Koscal Ritsuko Rollison BJ Bakutis Maki Farias Natalia Vega Andrew Rollison David Bakutis Teruko Greene Yoko Cotton Max Rollison Cassie Southerland Eri Golden Stephanie Kanako Narita Cori Hallock Gonzales Tommio Porter Anthony Pryor Kamishibai Amy Philavong Ritsuko Gwillim Rick Cruz William Winston Alisha Sharp Naoko Bray Sophia Hill Bernabe James Daniel Asami Rossel Martinez Jose Gasca Sakura Noritsune Lisa Meyer Keiko Burge Japanese Games Eric Jiang Ayako Small Kaitlin Jones Lisa Meyer Calligraphy Yoshiko Hall Elishia Flowers Eric Jiang Wesley Noles Chinatsu Lewis Tyon Patterson Emma Renfro Atsuko Kaoru Yoshida Mei Moore Chyna Rogan Kawakami Kyle Narita Emma Renfro Funmi Solano Dan Emmert Harumi Sharp Tea Ceremony James Daniel Keiko Couch Society Info Table Kimiko Wilderman Ryan Sublet Mikako Daniel Bernabe Martinez Akiko Templeton Eric Jiang Dan Emmert Marica King Mizuho Helmar Emma Renfro Julie King Chyna Rogan Miwako Ichikawa Kunie Brown Yuzi Takamatsu I apologize in advance if I accidentally omitted any volunteers. Harvey - 3 - SOCIETY NEWS - RECENT EVENTS March Luncheon Over fifty-five members and friends joined to celebrate Hinamatsuri (Girls Day) at our luncheon. Mikako Daniel explained the story of Hina dolls and many had an opportunity to wear a kimono. Haruko Herness was able to assist everyone who wanted to dress up in a kimono during the luncheon. What a fun way to celebrate Hinamatsuri. Japanese Garden Spring Festival The Spring Festival was a record breaking success. Over 8,000 people visited the Fort Worth Japanese Gardens to see the garden and many demonstrations of Japanese culture. This number was more than 3,000 visitors over any previous festival weekend. About 75 members and friends volunteer to make this such a success. Thank you! Fort Worth Japanese Society awarded Bridges-to-Friendship Award Our society was honored by the Japan-America Society of Dallas /Fort Worth for 30 years of bringing Japanese culture to our American community. The Ambassador of Japan to the U.S. from 2008 to 2012, Ichiro Fujisaki was honored with the Sun & Star Legacy Award at this event. The ceremony, held Harvey Yamagata, Pres. FWJS, Sean Donohue, CEO DFW at the Westin Galleria Hotel in Int’l Airport, Elaine Browning, Pres. JASDFW, Ambassador Dallas, was attended by 450 Fujisaki, Governor of Aichi Pref. Hon. Hideaki Ohmura, and people, including about thirty from Consul General Hon. Tetsuro Amano. our society. Garage Sale In our first garage sale in a few years, our final tally will be $333.24 in sales plus $40 in donations. Since there is no cost to the society, this amount is helpful in meeting our monthly expenses. Thanks to Irene Koscal setting this up and thank to all who helped by donating items, helping to sell, and of course, buying items at the sale. Tarrant County College (TCC) On Tuesday May 3, TCC held their Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Celebration. Thanks to Asako Cosby, Nobuko Foshee, Mitsue Crow and Maki Farias for demonstrating calligraphy and origami for the students at this event. - 4 - SOCIETY NEWS – continued UPCOMING EVENTS Shinbokukai (Dinner Get-Together) Thursday, May 26th from 6:00PM We will have had several enjoyable Shinbokukai’s and our next one will be at Edohana Sushi located at 2704 South Hulen (this is not Edohana Hibachi Sushi off of SW Loop (820). About 15 attend these dinners so it is a great chance to get to know each other. Everyone chooses and pays for their meal. RSVP by Monday, May 23rd. Please let us know your name and the number in your group so that we can let Edohana know. RSVP to [email protected] or call Harvey Yamagata at 817-737-9166 or email [email protected]. May Luncheon – Sunday, May 15th from 12:30PM at Yamagata Kaikan In May, we will celebrate Tango no Sekku (Boys’ Day). Our program will include activities such as kite flying (bring your own kites if you can), stilt walking, wanage and sukui. We’ll dine on Texas barbecue made by our members Sam Sumner and Elishia Flowers. We’ll also have coleslaw, potato salad and everyone’s favorite, mochi ice cream. $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8-12, free for children 7 and under. RSVP by Tuesday May 10th. Please let us know your name and the number in your group so that we will have enough food. RSVP to [email protected] or call Harvey Yamagata at 817- 737-9166 or email [email protected]. June Luncheon – Sunday, June 12th from 12:30PM at Yamagata Kaikan In June, we are going to try something different—a Japanese song contest. We’ll play various songs and prizes will be given to those who first identify the song. Since we want everyone to have a chance to win, we will throw in American songs as well. We’ll also enjoy dining on hiyashi chuka soba which will be especially tasty as the weather will be much warmer then. $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8-12, free for children 7 and under. RSVP by Wednesday June 8th. Please let us know your name and the number in your group so that we will have enough food. RSVP to [email protected] or call Harvey Yamagata at 817-737-9166 or email [email protected]. In Memorium Nob Tringham passed away on April 25, 2016 in Alamosa, Colorado. She was a long time member of the society and served on our board with her husband, Peter, for many years. Peter had preceded her in death. Her family has said that they will have a memorial service in Fort Worth in the next few months. Keiko O’Brien passed away on Wednesday, April 13, 2016. Keiko was born in Tokyo, Japan and married her husband John in 1958, who preceded her in death. They had been married over 52 years. Makiko Lackey passed away Sunday March 27, 2016. She was a great supporter of the FWJS, always helping us to acquire for our annual bazaar the use of the Japanese Palace Restaurant, where she was the manager. - 5 - 日本人会会報 最近の出来事 3月のランチョン 3月20日(日)12時半から、山縣会館にて 55人以上の会員及び友人がひな祭りのお祝いランチョンに参加しました。 みかこダニエルさんが雛人形について説明してくださり、多くの人が着物を着ることができました。晴 子ハーネスさんがランチョンの間、着物の着付けをしてくださいました。楽しいお祝いになりましたね。 日本庭園春祭り 4月23日(土)24日(日) 春祭りは記録的な大成功を収めました。8000人以上の人々が日本庭園、そして日本文化の実演を 見にフォートワース日本庭園を訪れました。この数はそれまでの週末の来園者3000人を超えるもの でした。約75人の会員そして友人のボランティアの方々がこのような成功に導きました。ご協力あり がとうございました。 フォートワース日本人会 Bridges-to-Friendship Award(友好への架け橋賞)受賞 私たち日本人会は30年間、アメリカのコミュニティにおいて日本文化を紹介してきたことに対し、ダラ ス/フォートワース日米協会によって栄誉を与えられました。2008年から2012年まで駐米大使を務め られた藤崎一郎氏はサン&スターレガシー賞を授与されました。この式典はダラスのウェスティン ギャラリアで執り行われ、我々日本人会からの出席者30人を含む450人が出席しました。 ガレージセール 数年ぶりに行ったガレージセール、最終売 り上げは$40の寄付を合わせた$333.24。 日本人会からの出費はなく、この売り上げ は毎月の経費を支払いに役立ちます。ガ レージセールを準備してくださったアイリー ンコスカルさん、寄付をしてくだった方々、 セールを手伝ってくださった方々、そしても ちろん、お買い上げくださった皆様、ありがと うございました。 タラントカウンティカレッジ(TCC) 5月3日(火)、TCCでアジア・アメリカ&太 平洋諸島民族遺産のお祝いを開催しまし た。このイベントでお習字、折り紙のボラン ティアをしてくださった、あさこコスビーさん、 信子フォッシーさん、まつえクロウさん そ して まき ファリアスさん、多くの学生の 為にありがとうございました。 - 6 - 予定されているイベント 親睦会 5月26日(木)午後6時から これまで、何回か親睦会を行ってきましたが、次回はEdohana Sushi です。 (2704 South Hulen St. Fort Worth, TX76109 )で行います。SW Loop 820 のEdohanaではありま せんので、お間違いなく。約15人がこの親睦会に出席するので、お互い知り合うのに、いいチャンス です。それぞれ好きなものを注文し、各自支払ってください。 5月定例ランチョン 5月15日(日)山縣会館にて午後12時半から 5月には 端午の節句(子供の日)をお祝いします。凧揚げ(もしできれば凧を持ってきてください)竹 馬、輪投げなどを行います。ランチは会員であるサムサムナーさん、エリーシャフラワーさんによるテ キサスBBQ。サイドディッシュはコールスロー、ポテトサラダ、オニオンリング、そしてデザートに皆さ んの好きな餅アイスクリーム。大人12ドル、8歳から12歳の子供が8ドル。7歳以下は無料。 材料準備の都合がありますので、出席を希望される方は5月10日(火)までにお名前と人数を連絡し てください。 [email protected] or call Harvey Yamagata at 817-737-9166 or email [email protected]. まで。 6月定例ランチョン 6月12日(日)山縣会館にて午後12時半から 6月は何か違うことをやってみるつもりです ——日本の歌コンテストです。 いろいろな日本の曲を流すので、最初に曲名を当てた人に賞品を差し上げます。 みんなが勝てるよう、アメリカの曲もかけます。ランチのメニューはお天気が暖かくなればより美味し い冷やし中華を食べて楽しみましょう。 大人12ドル、8歳から12歳の子供8ドル、7歳以下は無料。 出席を希望される方は6月8日(水)までにお名前と人数をお知らせください。 [email protected] or call Harvey Yamagata at 817-737-9166 or email [email protected].
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