T *d,gmop ---------- ---- -■ .... .... Italian Forces in Ethiopia Surrender; 120 Amerieans on '_______________ _________ ;------- C Chosen to Wear Crown of Croatia cean’s Broad Reach Fascist Forces Up to British Today Uoaks Liner’s Fate; Duke of Aosta List of Passengers Surrender Necessary Re- i Capitulation of Last Ma« 24 Ambulance Drivers Japs Believe Urges. Goods cause Italians Rail Out jor - Stronghold hi Included Among Those O f Food, and Water; Northeast Ethiopia ] «.299-T oh EgypUan America Will About Egyptian Steam* Be Delivered Amba Alaji Defenders Conies After Italian^: er 2amzam Several m > TgT • : Liner Reported Sunk Reduced to Material Go into War Allowed One Day ^ Groups of Missionar* 1 0 J M a Z l f o e s On voyage from New Impossibility of Tak­ Collect the Woundedjl ics Also Aboard Ves­ - - - - - - I York to Alexandria No ing Care of Wounded Own Position Is One of Duke and General .t|$ Nelson Rockefeller Says' Definite Word as to sel Reported Sunk in And Cease Fighting. Waiting for Roosevelt Surrender Tomontraf* South Atlantic Ocean, Trade in HUler-Domi- What Occurred to Ship To Move Must Abide noted W orld Would Rome, M ay 19.— (A>)— The Cairo, Egypt, May 19. , New York, May 19.— (/P)— New York, May 19.— (A*)— Duke of Aosta, viceroy of By AxU Pact Terms. — About 7,000 Italian aoldiem Be Impossible Task. The broad expanse of the Philip Faversham, 33-year- Ethiopia, has surrendered are surrendering in E ^ o ” " old son of the late William V ■ South Atlantic— or possibly Tokyo, May 19.—(JP)—The Japa­ today and their commai New York, May 19.-r(P)—Nel­ limself and his troops to the Faversham, actor, was among {he Indian ocean— cloaked the nese press declared today that at Alma Alaji, the Duke son A. Rockefeller, coordinator of British at Amba, Alaji in 24 American ambulance driv­ fate today of 120 Americans United States participation In the Aosta, and his staff will commercial and cultural relations Ethiopia, the Italian high 81 other passengers and 120 War is only a matter of time, while ers aboard the Egyptian command announced today. render at noon tomorrow, tRj between the American republics, crewmen aboard the 8,299-ton unofficial but competent observers steamer Zamzam, repotted asserted Japan's position was one British announced offi' said today the United States must Egyptian passenger liner The war bulletin said the ca­ sunk in the South Atlantic, pitulation of the 9,000-foot of waiting for President Roosevelt today. The Italian capit see that defense goods "reach the Zamzam reported sunk on the British-American Ambu­ armies of the democracies” be­ to move. tion at their last mountain fortress, 280 miles Giving emphasis to the news­ lance Corps announced today, cause trade in a Hltler-domlnated voyage from ' New York to stronghold in northeast northeast of Addis Ababa, paper comment, these obsarvers other* on the Hat were: world would be impossible. Alexandria, Egypt. Aside opia came qXter the It_ In an address prepared for the was ■ made necefisary because said that Japan waa a partner of Michael Klrchwey Clark, 21, of from the bare Alexandria an­ Germany and Italy In the three- the Fascist forces ran out of were allows nne full day ,, New York, son of Freda Klrchwey. New York Foreign Trade Week nouncement that the ship had power Axis pact and that she must Editor Ji The NaUon, and of Evans luncheon he said: which to collect their wounA? gone to the bottom after leav­ food and water. abide by her obllgaUona should the CUrk, head of The TwenUeth Cen­ "W e will unite In support of any "A fter having resisted beyond ed, a communique said. i occasion arise. tury F’und. He studied at Ehceter and all measures that may be nec­ ing Recife, (Pernambuco), all limlU," the communique as­ The press chorus could be best The pipvl|U)R..that and AnUoch College, essary to achieve these purposes.” Brazil, on April 9 for Cape­ serted. the. Amba Alaji defenders summed up in the words of the componled by Gsaei Ray (Jolcord, Jr., 24, of 2412 His speech was brqadcast were reduced "to the material Im­ and Oil the duke’a personal West Nswton street, Tulsa, Okla:., town, South Africa, her next newspaper Kokumin: thrbugifiout the world by short possibility of taking care of the "Jsp&n’s attitude Is veiV simple. surrender at noon tomoRow, son of Ray Colcord, oil man. wave by the Polumbia Bro^cast- stop, there was no definite wounded and had orders to cease mode in compliance with his All depends on what America Is James W. Crudglngton, 21. of Ing System, the National Broad- word of what happened to>the fighting.” ent request, It was said. SA*l Ridge road, ClnclnnaU, son of 32-year-old ■ motorsh ip. Allowed To Retain Pistols Foneg To WUkdraw Dr. Robert L. Crudglngton. He was (OonUnnefi On Page Two) (Oonttaned On Page #en) London officials said merely Italy’s Duke of Spoleto (white uniform) and his Mnsort, Irene On the North African front a junior at Princeton. The British, in tribute to the " % ‘ ‘ that the ship was "presumed lost,” of Greece, leave the Basilica of St. Peter In Vatican City before lU ly gallantry of the Italian troops, al­ Akis columns wiilch crossofi William A . Davidson, 22, of 479 entered the European war. Yesterday he accepted the 1.016-year- Salisbury street, Worcester. Mass., ,So far as could be confirmed lowed the Fascist off(cers to re­ Egyptian frontier with the ■ nothing has been heard fi’om the old crown of Zvonlmir aqd the name of King Aimone at a 10-mlnute tain their pistols and will render British Fliers port of numerous tanks woco- and 817 Park Drive, Hllaleah, Fla., ceremony amid scenes reminiscent of a Graustarklan operetta. a graduate of Norwich University, State Aliens Zamzam aince she aailed out of military honors to the garrison clared’ to liave been forced to wl draw when they were angogod Northfleld, Vt. Recife with 120 Americans aboard. when It Ales out of the fortress In WiUlam A. Wydenbnick-Loe, 90 Including 24 American ambulance a parade peat the British detach­ British mechanised forces. Bearing Brunt No Chengs waa reported ,In of N4W York city,, bom In Csecho- Taken During drivers and their aaalstants en ments, the high command said. slovakia, and a former member of route to service with the British The duke, It added, la sharing situation at TobriilL Likewise, no change was the Hungarian Army. and "Free French” forces In Egypt Asks Drastic Overhaul the lot of his troops. In Iraq War Francis J. Vicovarl, 29, of New Federal Raids and a group of ProteatMt and Italian resistance is continuing ed In Iraq, where It wa Catholic mlaaionariea e^rou te to Basra and Habboniyah r« York city, who served with the ■ ■ ■ t in two remaining regions of American Volunteer Ambulance posts In central' Afric^^ Ethiopia, JImina In the south and quiet. Thought Raider's Victim Of Exciess Profits Tax Gohdar in the northwest, ths high Bombers Battle Over Oil In northwest Ethiopia, h Corps before the fall of France One Employed on Mili Ethiopian natives were , James W, Stewart, 36, of • 5 Since the Zamzam disappeared edmmand announced. Rich Kingdom with to have captured on “Im. Valley View, Oneonta, N. Y., for­ tary Reservation, Un without a trace, New York ship­ In North Africa, British st- tempU to attack German and Ital­ poalUon" In the Gondor soetsr mer lee company executive ping circles conjectured that she Treasury Official Advo­ Nazi Planes, Bomb Air­ ter Inflicting severe cosuottli disclosed Number of might have beer, the victim^ of a Kiel Shipyards ian forces St Tobruk, 80, mllea Son of Editor cates Method to Re­ ports, Attack Autos. The communique, said ^ohn W. Ryan, 21, Newton, Others in Custodv. Genhan surface raider, which took west of the Ubyan-EgypUan bor­ Mass., son of George Ryan, dn o ff her passengers and crew. capture Some of Prof­ der, were declared to have been (Osetiaiyd On Pago Eight) editor of The Boston Herald. I f she*)iad been tbrpMoed by a British Target broken o ff at the beginning.” London, May 19— (J>)— 'The Hartford, May 19—(Jf) — One Thomas Olney Greenough, 30, of submarine, these quarter* said, its in Defense Work. Bomb Axis Unea R. A. F. bore the brunt of Brit­ alien said to have been employed Promt, Va,, former teacher at Burvlvora in all proDabillty would British planes bombed Axis ain's Iraq campaign during the Lakemont Academy, Lakemont, on a military reservation and an have been located in lifebMta and In Night Raids communication lines yesterday, Bulletin! week-end as British bombers bat­ N. Y. undisclosed number oi others, picked up by now. J the war bulIeUn sold, "without George C, Flnneran. 21, of 97 charged with living in this coun­ There waa a repbrt here that Washington. May 19.— (A*) causing damage." tled over.the oil rich kingdom with Flashes! ApawamlB avenue, Rys, N, Y relativea ' of acme Americans try illcffally, were In Federal cus- — John L< Sullivan, assistant Bombers Also Attack The Island of Rhodes, In the Nasi Messerschmltts, bombed (Lata RalloHBo of real estate salesman. t(^ y today as the result of a week­ aboard had been notified of their Dodecanese, also was bombed and Nasl-used airports and attacked George O. Tlchenor, 24, of 19 end- raid on hundreds of establish­ ■ofe arrival at Mombasa, on the secretary of the Treasury, Port of Emden ami transport vehicles. ' AdJndged CHmlnally ments in Connecticut.
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