360 Fig. 1 An engraving by François Charles Hugues Laurent Pouqueville, in the beginning of the 19th century Sl. 1. François Charles Hugues Laurent Pouqueville, gravura, poèetak 19. st. PROSTOR Scientific Papers | Znanstveni prilozi 28[2020] 2[60] 361 Ceren Katipoğlu Özmen1, Selahaddin Sezer2 1 Cankaya University 1 Sveuèilište Cankaya Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture Arhitektonski fakultet, Odsjek za arhitekturu Turkey - Ankara Turska - Ankara 2 Yozgat Bozok University 2 Sveuèilište Yozgat Bozok Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Architecture Fakultet tehnièkih znanosti i arhitekture, Odsjek za arhitekturu Turkey - Yozgat Turska - Yozgat [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Subject Scientific Review Pregledni znanstveni èlanak https://doi.org/10.31522/p.28.2(60).11 https://doi.org/10.31522/p.28.2(60).11 UDC 72.035:725.6 (560 Istanbul) ”18” UDK 72.035:725.6 (560 Istanbul) ”18” Technical Sciences / Architecture and Urban Planning Tehnièke znanosti / Arhitektura i urbanizam 2.01.04. - History and Theory of Architecture 2.01.04. - Povijest i teorija arhitekture and Preservation of the Built Heritage i zaštita graditeljskog naslijeða Article Received / Accepted: 17. 8. 2020. / 16. 12. 2020. Èlanak primljen / prihvaæen: 17. 8. 2020. / 16. 12. 2020. Making the Unwanted Visible: A Narrative on Abdülhamid Ii’s Ambitious Project for Yedikule Central Prison in Istanbul Uèiniti neželjeno vidljivim: narativ o ambicioznom projektu Abdülhamida Iija za centralni zatvor u èetvrti Yedikule u Istanbulu 19th century 19. stoljeæe Architect Kemaleddin arhitekt Kemaleddin August Jasmund August Jasmund Ottoman Architecture osmanska arhitektura Ottoman Prisons osmanski zatvori Yedikule, Istanbul Yedikule, Istanbul This study aims to investigate three architectural projects proposed for con- Cilj ove studije istražiti je tri predložena arhitektonska projekta za izgradnju structing a central prison inside the Yedikule Fortress in Istanbul during the centralnog zatvora unutar tvrðave Yedikule u Istanbulu krajem 19. stoljeæa. end of the 19th c. Ottoman State assigned the famous architects of the era for Osmanska je država povjerila taj zadatak slavnim arhitektima onoga vremena: this mission such as August Jasmund, Alexandre Vallaury, and Kemaleddin. Augustu Jasmundu, Alexandreu Vallauryu i Kemaleddinu. Analiza tih projekata The narration on the projects shows that there was a strong intention for con- pokazuje da je postojala èvrsta namjera da se izgradi centralni zatvor u glav- structing a central prison in the capital of Ottoman Empire as a sign of success nom gradu Osmanskog Carstva kao znak uspjeha cjelokupne reforme zatvor- for the overall penalty and prison reform that was one of the main goals for skog sustava i naèina kažnjavanja što je bio jedan od ciljeva osmanskog Sulta- Ottoman Sultan Abdülhamid II (r. 1876-1909). The interpretation of these dis- na Abdülhamida II (r. 1876.-1909.). Interpretacija tih proje kata je važna buduæi tinctive projects is significant since this interpretation helps us both to under- da nam pomaže shvatiti transformaciju kaznenog pravosuða u Osmanskom stand the transformation of the criminal justice spaces of the Ottoman Empire Carstvu te pruža novu perspektivu interpretacije osmanske arhitekture 19. and to provide a new perspective for reading 19th c. Ottoman architecture. stoljeæa. PROSTOR 362 2[60] 28[2020] 360-377 C. KATIPOğLU ÖZMEN, S. SEZER Making the Unwanted Visible… Scientific Papers | Znanstveni prilozi INTRODUCTION1 and architectural history studies carried out in this field. The studies of historians such as UVOD Gültekin Yıldız and Ufuk Adak are important since they shed light on the reforms carried out in the Ottoman criminal system during the 19th century and its spatial reflection from historians’ point of view.5 On the other hand, architectural research re- garding prison spaces is important, not only in terms of examining the transformation of the criminal justice spaces of the Ottoman Empire, but also in terms of providing a new perspective for reading 19th century Ottoman architecture independent of westernization and decline paradigms. This is only reflected to a limited extent in ar- chitectural history concerning this newly dis- covered area in 19th century Ottoman history. Virtually nothing has been published on Ottoman period prison architecture except for a very few studies6 focusing on individual prison buildings. However, 115 projects, be- gun or planned in many provinces of Ana- tolia, obtained from the Directorate of State Ottoman Archive (hereinafter DABOA) for the dissertation completed by Sezer, illustrate that the construction of prisons was per- ceived and implemented as a major transfor- mation project.7 risons in their institutional form as we would P 1 The archival documents presented in this study are recognize them today did not exist until 300 obtained from the unpublished thesis, entitled Ottoman years ago, however, the concept of imprison- Prison Architecture after Tanzimat Era: Examples of Radial Plan Typologies submitted to Çankaya University, in 7 Fe- ment is almost as old as human civilization. bruary 2020 under the supervision of Assist. Prof. Dr. Ce- The idea of punishment by imprisonment is a ren Katipoğlu Özmen. byproduct of the emergence of complex hier- 2 For further information on the conceptual discussions archical socio-economic orders. Despite pris- of the penal system and the functions of prisons, see: Fou- ons being as old as civilization, the majority cault, 1975. In his ground-breaking book, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, Michel Foucault draw an of academic literature concerning prison outline on the history of prisons, penal structure and their buildings is focused on the period after the role in the social system and reveals the cultural shifts led 18th century because discussions regarding to the control of prison through the body and power. the concept of imprisonment and penal sys- 3 Bozkaya, 2014; Şen, 2007 th tems were beginning to take place in this pe- 4 Like other structures designed in the 19 century, the Ottoman prisons of the era of Ottoman Sultan Abdülhamid riod, and this in turn triggered the architec- II (r. 1876-1909) stand out as an area that has only recently tural debate about the kinds of spaces re- begun to be studied and discussed. Since the historical quired to imprison the human body.2 narration on 19th century Ottoman architecture has been constructed on a very well established, traditional scho- The academic literature respecting Ottoman larship which is based on the paradigm of westernization prisons concentrates on the time period be- and decline, it is believed that the decline of the empire was reflected in the quality of the buildings. In this con- ginning with Tanzimat Era (1839-1876) be- text, the architecture of the era of Abdülhamid II has also cause the aforementioned 18th century west- been discussed as part of a cultural environment that was ern discussions and reforms on penal sys- regarded as degenerated. It is possible to say that asses- tems only reached the Ottoman Empire at the sments of the architectural products of this period, of pa- th laces, mosques and administrative structures, are tainted beginning of the 19 century. Until this peri- by the same paradigms. However, in the last two decades, od, the architectural spaces of imprisonment architectural historians have begun to deal with this histo- in the Empire were often in temporary loca- riographical problem without the shadow of the decline tions called mahbes or zindan. These tempo- paradigm and they have started to challenge the generic and accepted notions in 19th century Ottoman historio- rary places were mostly situated in basement graphy, specifically the era of Abdülhamid II. Nowadays, floors of fortresses, basements of khans, architectural history studies focusing on the era of Ab- shipyards, administrative buildings, or resi- dülhamid II aim to provide a new framework for the period. dences of leading people in the cities.3 A For the new challenging researches in architectural histo- 4 riography can be counted as one of these works: Akyürek, common feature in current history surveys 2011; Çelik, 2008; Erkmen, 2011; Ersoy, 2000 and on prisons of this period is that they all draw Katipoğlu Özmen, 2018. attention to the lack of previous historical 5 Yıldız, 2012; Adak, 2015, 2017 PROSTOR Scientific Papers | Znanstveni prilozi Making the Unwanted Visible… C. KATIPOğLU ÖZMEN, S. SEZER 360-377 28[2020] 2[60] 363 This study focuses on three unrealized proj- ects for a Central Prison, the construction of which was planned inside the Istanbul Yedi- kule Fortress, since the need for a modern prison had become a significant political problem during the reign of Abdülhamid II. The selection of Yedikule Fortress, the notori- ous prison and execution place of many no- table historical figures, as the location for a modern prison adhering to western stan- dards is especially significant. Among the proposed central prison projects, the first one is a campus, designed by architect Au- gust Carl Friedrich Jasmund.8 The second one is Ferik Blunt Pasha’s9 one-page prison plan presented as an addition to his report. While Blunt Pasha’s project was previously as- sumed not to be in the archive, and therefore was never published before, it was discov- ered by the authors and is published for the first in this article. The third project is an
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