8. Conclusion, Appendices, Bibliography.Pdf

8. Conclusion, Appendices, Bibliography.Pdf

(]O\CJLI] 1ON \l)lession to the CONCLUSION - .rncl embodied ,,i cie monstrated :rr.rriOn of their 'I-he trtsterdam and split betr,r-een those soc'r'alists \\'ho adr,ocatecl ltolitic,al orsanization and action ancl thosc uho opposerl it, l'hich h:rd ltroken ttret r.anks o1 thc Iiilst and Second Interniltion:rls, also ('zrme to tlic. 'I-hird. 'I-he ltteak ]n 1922 betlvccn the s.,'nrlicalists ancl tlie R't-ll, the tracle urrit_rrr appenclaee ol thc cI, consrirute(l tlrat brcach. It rvas soon folloued br the cstablishrnent oI a svndica]ist lnLernational. The Iorrnatrorr ol the I\\INIA, ho'rvever, c:lc.arlr dirl rot c,.nre sirnpl' in rcspronse to thc establishmcnt of a politir:ally clorninatcd l{ILll, :rs h:rs sorr}etimc.s becn suggested.r Prior to 1hc First \\brlcl \\'ar thc s1 nclicalists r.r'cre c'orrsr:ierrsly seeking a Inore iltrrable ancl rclrresentative form ol internation:rl orsarr- izational cxpression. At n tinit'u'hen tlrc Bolshcrviks \\.('re still conrcnt lo u,ork within thc Seconrl In[erlnaLion:t], the sr.nclicalists hacl alrcadr. appc:rled ior a neu' trnci gentrincll revolutionarl' assor.ilti<ln. T[c continuit)'of thcir internation:rl efforts is cvicient irorn thc iact that all thc major s1'ndlcalist oreanizzrtions rcpt'('sentecl in the l.orrrlon consless rif 1913, \^relc represerrteci at the founclinq c()ngless of the l\\'N{A in Berlin tcrl lears latct. Iiar ft'onr provoking its fornratiorr, thc Liolshevik Revolution anr-l the erncrgence o[ crimmunist internation:rlism sen'ecl to clelal' the crnclgence of a synclicalist lnrcrrrational, as rvell as to reinforcc its libertarian basis. Thc Lonclrtn coltqrcss (r)Irstitutcd the pioneciine e[fort ol srnclica]isr internationalism not onlf in oreanizati()nirl tclrrs, brrt in cloctr.inal expression as rvell. The lirst inteln:rtionr.ll cleclarati<in of plincilrles tlint issued frorn London in l9l3 cxplicitl','conclcrnnecl tllc stiltc, <lernanclirrg the destruction of thc prolitical as r'r'c'll as the ecorrr;rnic'stluctr-rie ol capitalism. The s1'ndic:rlists asserrblecl in I-onclon, in shor.t, e<ltrated -l-liis svndicalism lvith anarcJro-svnchcalisn-r. cloctr^irral dcLerrninzrLiorr received fuller exprcssion ten 1'ears l:rter', rvitli the erncrsencc of thc I\\'NIr\ on an explicitll' anarcho-slndicalisr founclarion. Irn]ike rhe 1-rre-rv:u' c-lGT, moreover, the I\VNIA clcclared rror its official neL.rtralir.r, ,.,1s-z)-r,,l.s political parties, but its opposirirtn ro strch parrries. T'he I\\'N,IA c.arried the implications of sl'ndical self-sufficienc:1- lo its logical concllsign. The distincrive dcvelopmenr of rhe cGT, its stl ucrure, the cornposirion and outlook of its membership, contributed ro irnposine iclcorogical restraints upon the French organization. [,rnhindereil br.such c()nsrlalnrs, the syndicalists united in the IWNIA rvere able to articulaLc the posirion of revolutionary syndicalisrn in a rnorc cornple tc and uncompromisine ffia'. 270 fHE \f C)RKI RS I HE}ISEL\-ES form, shorn o[ thc zrrnbiguitics and inconsistencies of the official polici- Both the B,, of tlrc'prc-\\'at CGT, as exprcssecl in the Chrtrte d'Attiens. Equallr' potential of or imporLanL in erccountins for the rigol and sharpness u-ith rvhii--h the theorf irncl 1-,t I\\IN{A enuncialecl its l.rosition \\'as l}re fact that the s) nclicalists \\-ere rvar. Explostr bl then krcked in a lierce ideo)ogical conflict 'rrith the commttnists, social det-uoc t . and liad rvitnessed rvhat appeared Lo them to llc the corrLlption of a colnposrtloll sc-rcial and econornic rclolution in l{ussia br a political faction. divergenr:e s lr. 'I'hat s1'ndicalist cflorts to found a rerolrrLionarl' Interrr:rtional an- incompatibili tedated those ol tfre Bolshoiks rneant that with the formation of thc t\\'o zlt their lt Third International le'lations betl'cen comrnunists ancl s1'nclicalists, the CGT ancl though naturalll' cokrurecl br varrins national c:ircurnstances, \vere in to sharp rr 1 incvitabir-r,iervcd frorn an in ternational perspectivc. For the conrrnunists, of intern:Ltiott thc obviiius question l,vas l'hether the s1 nclir:alists cotrld be incorporated \Vithin thr into the frarnel'ork of comrnurrist irrternzrtionalism. Fol thc svndicalists lhe'lrrzrr, thc u the cluest.ion became rvhether N{oscorv could constrr.rcL it revollttionart' inevitabl) br,- Itrbour nrganization u'ithin rvhich thel coulcl find their intcrnationai itating the c, aspirltions fulfilled. The initi:rl fasc:irration o[ all rcvo]utionar-v groups communists I rvith the Rrrssi:rn RevolrrLion pror'ided the Bolsheviks lr-ith a t.x)l that in the backg thet crtulcl and did exploit to the full in their effor ts to achier'e icleological c()mntunlt\ ( ancl strategic hcgernonl- o\ier the r,r'hole of thc ievrtlnLionarv movc[Ient. Bolsheviks tor \\'hcn issues of rcloluLic.'nrtr v orgerti/ati()rI rvcre broached, ho'rvever', the predominar-rt icleological clivergcnccs betu,ccn sr-ndicalists attd crtrnmunists emerged the Bolshei il r,r,ith fr-rll forcc. position. Tht Princilrlcs of orgzrnization constitute thc point at rvhich revolutionarr- for reforn-ri:rr thc<iry irnd pracLicc'most directlv intersect. Thc rvide latittLde of mtrtr.ral standing incl tolcL:urcc ancl cr>cxistcnc:e . characteristic of diffcrcnccs that rernain itt inescapabli e thc rcalrrr of thcorl', constric--Ls r,r'hen tluestions of organization becorne early fornr: a thc [or:us o[ Lrttcnlion. Bec:ruser principles of <irg-aniz:rtion mediate calists to clcc betrveen theorv trncl piet t.it r. ot-genizrtional clispr-rtes irtcltrct:rblv prropel ganizations 1r thcorctical dr'r,ergences intci their rnost zrcuLcll- conllicting, antinorlric ternained tre:' forrns. The collapse of thc First Internation:r1 pror"idcs :rn exceptionall)" the role of t 'I'hcoretical clezrl ex:rrnple of this phenomenon. clifferences coexistecl rvith evolving, a\ tl relativc tranqur'1lit-v for y'ears 'r,r'ithin the InterrraLion:r], but "as soon victorv, rvhil, as these sarne Lheoretical clivergences carlc to be applicd Lo t1t-tcstit-,trs Iution Lhat th of orszrnization, unitv lr-as definitilell shattcred."2 The viability of the The srtccc.' essentiall-v hctcrogcncous First Intcrnational rcsted upon ils looselv promptcd th organized fedeialist stluctrrre. Nlarx's attc]mpt lo irnpose a tighter, revolutiot-iat r centraliz-ed structule upon it, provokccl :r fundarnental ideologica] con- tronarY sLlccc frontation rvithirr tlie InLernational, trnd precipitatcd its collapse, ivhile oi a Lcsr-rt-..rt the means he r.rtilized establishcd a preccrlent for tl're increasing rigiditv of the conntL of the Second and Third Intcrnationals. a stratcg\ T CION(lLL'SI().\.' :trr i:rl policr Both the Rolslieviks ancl the sr-nclicalists latel c\pcrienced rhe dirisire ') \ L.quallr Pote ntial of ot'gatrizational issues as the point ol interpcnctr ation betrrccn ri rr'hich tlrc theorl and practice'litl-rin thcil ou'n lespccti\e sphc-i'cs plior- to the ..r itlists \\-cre rv:ri'. L,xplosir-e olganizatiorral issues dcstlo\-cd the unitr oI the Rtrssian , )|tIIltrnlsts. social democraLic movernent, rvhcn diffelences lcgarclir-rg the n:rtule ancl 'rllrtion of a c:ornposition of the partr rer-ealccl pleviouslv coexisting theoretical I )ll dir ergerlccs betl'ccn Nlensheviks ancl Bolstrer-iks to be inconrpatiblc. Ttris r rtron:il an- incompatibilitr rvas demonstrated br the irrelocablc breach betl-ccrr the .,tion of the t\\'o at their 1903 part\ congress. olr the othcr hand, cliffelences betrvee-rr -r nclicalists. tltc CIGT :rnd nrost foleign srndicalist uniun as:otirtiorrs \\'r'r( throl\.n . -Lllt eS, \\-e1€ into sharp relief br':r discussion of orsanization, this time on thc lerel ) llt lIt_ntls t s, of inlern:rtional revoltrtionlrr trni,rrisnr, irr the contr.orersv ol I913 l( or])orated \\'ithirt the l:irgcr alenil of rcrolutionnrl irrlemationalisrn follorving .r ncLicalisrs the rrar, the atternpt Lo translaLe ideologr intri an intcrn:rtionirl strategl- \,)lrltiorlttl) inc'"'itabl' blotrght to the forc tliose clucsriolrs of organizatr'on 1l'r'cilr- .rut'r'llattonal itating the conflict, al)d sLrbsequernt bleirch. betu'cen svrrclic:alists ancl '11.11 \ groups cornmunists. Initiallr', horver'er', organization:rl consiclcr:rtions rcuained .L roctl that in the backgrrtund. Circr-rntst:rnces arl)pealccl to hare created a lle\\- rrlc'ologic:rl contrnunit.n' of irrterests and r,:rlues, to hzrvc drar,r'n sr.nclicalists :rncl lll( )\ entclll . Bolshcviks togethcr, follorving the orrtblcak oi wzir in,\ugtrst 1914. 'I-he )\\'L'\ t:' el , the prcdorninant svndicalist response hacl ltcen sharpll- L() oppose the tv:rr; -L\ ctneigccl the Bolsheviks, alrnost :rlone antotrg social clcmocraLs, aclopted the s:rrne position. The Bolsheviks' neu' condcrnnation of rheil crstt'hilc :rllies. r ,rlutior:rr') for relormism and betrar-al, echoccl the svndicalists' rnuch long^er- i of rntrtual !itanding inclictrnent of thc social dernocraric leadclstrip. Larcr. thc , r cnrain in rncscapablv aplrealing char:rcter ol the Rtrssian Rer,olrrtjon, u'iLh u-hose r' )ll become earh' forms an<l slogans thcl- coLrlcl rcadil,v icle'tifr, cornpcllecl svnch'- r]l Dte(li:rLe calisLs to declarc soliclaritr rvirli it. Ir pronrprecl sontc s'n'ndicalist or- l.tlrlr ytroltel ganizations forrnalll to trlig-n themselr"es rvith thc CiI, u'hose fir st <,-orrgr-css _ .tlt ttr)omtc r-em:iined nearlv nlllte on questiotrs of tradc union orgarrization ancl \ | rl)tionall\- the role of the cornmrrnist partr.. Bolsherik strateg\' \\as iLsetf still '-xistetl u'itlr cr"olving, as the contrnunists sought to clcfer-rd and consolidate thcir o.rr.n , I ils sooll r'ictor'1 , r,vhile anticipiiting thc raPid spread oI tlie intcrnational lcvo- ' ) (l L tes trolls lutiorr that thev clccrncd nccessal'r to sustar'ning that in Russia.

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