DEPARTMENT OFTHE INTERIOR tit BUREAU OF EDUCATION 16, BULLETIN, 1926,No. 17 RECORD OF CURRENT.EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS I oh. o COMPRISING PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED BY THE BUREAUOF EDUCATION TO 1 o JULY 1, 1926 41, , lots t 0 i If y *a . eta k 4116...44/ 11111) I * - It COMPILED IN ME LIBRARY DIVISION JOHN D. WOLCOTT. CHIEF 4. WASHINGTON ' GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1926 , Um a ') So . ADDITIONALCOPIES OF THISPUBLICATION MATBE PROCUREDMU THZSUPERINTENDENTOr DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENTPRINTING corms WASHINGTON, D.C. AT 10 CENTS `PERCOPY 'Or - -. 4 1. i - -441 lee --A = - RECORD OF CURRENTEDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS Compiled by the Library Division,Bureau of Education =0 CONTENTS.- -I:Oncatieral history andblographyCurronteducational conditionsIn- tornntirmal aspects of edliention----Fdlieational theoryand practiceEducational psychol- ocy: child study ---Pxychologicn1 testsEducationaltests and measurementsEduca- tionalrescarch-- Individual dirforences---Special methodsof instruction and organiza- tion- -Special Fubjects of curriculum Kirdergartm and pre-schooleducationElementary -itication Rural educationSecondary education.Ttiniorhigh schoolsTeacher train- Inc ---Te,whrsrs'salaries and professional statnsHighereducationJunior collegPs federalgovernment and educationSchooladministratlynEducationálfinanceSchool mana4emen1- -CurficulummakingExtra-eurrlcu:aractivitiesSchoolbuilaingsaud grounds -School hygiene and sanitationHealth education---tRocialhygiene and genetics-- Mrntal hygienePhysical trainingPlay and reereationSocialaRpects of education Monti educationReligious and church educationManual and vocationaltraining Vocational guidanceWorkers' educationHome economicsCommercial eduattionPro- tegsional educationCivic educationAmericanizationMilitary educationEducation of womenNegro educationEducation of deaf- Exceptional childrenEducationexten- sionLibraries and readingBureau of education: Recentpublicatiois. NOTE The followingpagescontainaclassified and annotated list of -current educationalpublications received by the library of thebureau of Education to July 1, 1926: The last preceding list in this series of recordswasissuedasBulletin, 1926, No. 15 and comprised publications received by the Bureau of Education to April1, 1926. This officecannot supply the pr.'olications listed in this bulletin, other than those expressly (jesignatedaspublications oftlieBureau of Education.Books, painphlets, and periodicals here mentioned mayordinarily be obtained 'from their, respective publishers, either directlyorthroughadealer,or,in thecaseofanassociation publi- cation, from the secretary of the issuing organization.Many of themareavailable for consultation in various public and institu- tional libraries. EDUCATIONAL HISrORY AND BIOGRAPHY. a Birmingham, Ala.Public schools.Reporfof the Birmiugham public schools, September 1, 1920 to August 31, 1925.Birmingham, Ala., 1926.221p.8. Containsan historical sketch, giving school statistics 'from 1888 to 1025. (t? thamberlain, Hope Summerell.Old days in Chapel Hill;being the life and cltters of Cornelia Phillips Spepcer.Chapel Hill, the University of North Carolina peen; London, H. Milford, Oxford universitypress,1926. Y.,325 p.front. (port.) illus.8% . ! 11' - - - 2 CURRENTEDUCATIONALPUBLICATIONS Kerr, RobertY. The WittetnbergManuallabor colleze.Iowa journalof his- tory and politics,24: 290-304,April 1926. Historicalsketch of thisunique institution,of itsconception andits demise. Randall, JohnHerman.The nmkingof themodernmind:a survey of the intellectual backgeoupdof thepresentage.Boston, NewYork[etc.] HoughtonMifflincompany [1926].x,653p.8°. The author tracns, in thishook, thedevkslopnwntof thoughtfrom theearliest periods ofwestern civilizationto thepresent, seeking bytwang ofa symmthetic introduction intothe spiritof thepast to makemodern views oflife gibleto his readers. moreintelli- Smith,Theodore Clarke.The lifeand lettersof JamesAbram Garfield.New Haven, Yaleuniversitypress, 1925.2V. fronts. (ports.). 80 A biography of GeneralGarfield,containingthe stoiy ofhis educationand his earlycareer as teacher andcollege president. Italso inclwies activities in OsneralGarfield's Congress inconnection withthe estab!ishmentof theUnitedStates Bureau ofEducation. Special Jeffersonnumber.Virginiajournal ofeducation, vol.19,no.9, May 1926.illus. Deals with Jeffersonand the Declarationof Independence,Jefferson Jefferson and ns President, William andMary college,Jeffyrsonas an a scientist,as an architect,etc. CURRENTEDUCATIONALCONDITIONS. GENERALAND UNITEDSTATES. Alexander, Carter.A transplantededucationaladministrationthePhilippine schoolsystem.School andsociety, 23:697-707,June 5, 1926. Gives a picture ofeducationtoday in thePhilippines. showsthe influenceof poli- tics, anti otherdefects inthe system,andsuggests methods ofimprOvement. An addressgiven inpart beforethe Educationalresearchassociation, February 24,.1926. Washington, Claxton,Philander P.Schools thatget results.Tulsa spirit.p.9,:-19, May, 1926. "Pay for and get the best"is themotto of theTulsa board;annual budget requires nearly $100per student enrolled. Duffey, H. S.Winchester's endowedpublic schoolsystem.High schoolteacher, 2: 176-79,May So; illus. A provisionma so that thesum of $1,200,000 leftby Judge JohnHandley has been madeavailableas a perpetual endowmentfund for thepublic schools chester, Virginia. of Win- Education foreverybody. Survey(Graphicnumber) 41:293-323,June 1, 1926. Contains: DorothyCanfieldFisher: ACinderellaamong chools, Ethel Richardson: p.293-96. Doing thething thatcouldn't bedone,p. 297-99, 333-36.Mary S. Gibson:Schools forthe wholefamily,p. 300-3.Beulah Amidon in the city, : Home teachers p. 304-7, 338.Theresa Wolfson:Schools theminers keep,p.308-10, 332.Rennie Smith:Folded arms and opened minds,p. 311. .1.K. Hart: The secret of the independentfarmersof Denmark,p. 812-15, 340-43.Hugh Mearns: Golden ladsand girls,p. 310-320, 333. Gardner, Maude.MarthaBerry's laborof love.Schoolarts magazine,25: 519-26, May1926.illus. Descriptiona the MarthaBerry schoolsin Georgia. QP.X. ic,. -- CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 3 Good, Carter V.The peesent status of the law relatingto certain school !hat- 4 ters.Peabody journal of education, 3: 313-20. May 1926. A Herter.) of three papers which will discussseven matters of importance to the public schools. Hackett, Frank S.Independent schools.Outlook, 143: 138-39, May 26, 1926. T. independent school is " de-Agnedto supplant the narrow and misleading term, private school." t- Hagie, C. E.Alaska and her schools.Journal of the National educationasso- ciation, 15: 165-67, June 1926./illus. Written by the Superintendent of schools,at Wrangell, Alaska. Horn, John Louis.The public school;anintroduction to the field of tax-supported education in the United States.New York and London, The Century company [1926]xx,404p.diagrs.8°.(The Century edu- cation series.) In thisbook,the author presents the origIns, fundamental principles,and organi- zation of the American public school in sucha way as to show its close relationship to democracy.The book details fully the relations of public educationto the Goy- (.rnment-----local, State, and National. Judd, Charles H.Someeftectsof the expansion of Americanlineation. Teachers Journal and abstract, .1: :048-96, June 1926. Discussesthe platoon school, the junior high school, supervisoryofficers, curricu- lum evision, and scientificmeasurement of results in education. Lowell, A. Lawrence.Recent tenden:ies in education.Harvard alumni bul- letin, 28:1110-13, June 24, 1926. Address given at the Commencement exercises of Boston university,June 14, 1926. Phillips, Frank M. Educational rank of the States, 1924.American school board journal, 72: 47, 141, April 1926. Private schools and state laws.National Catholic welfare coaerence bulletin, 8: 16, June 1926. Bdssell, William F.American education.Journal of the National education association, 15: 191-93, June 1026. A brief discussion ofa number of books on education, by the professor of educa- tion and associate director ofthe International instituteof Teachers' college, 11 Columbia university. FOREIGN COUNTRIES. - Black, Clara, and Hoist, Lise.The universitywomen of Denmark. Journal of the American association of universitywomen, 19: 23-26,JAke1926. Casauranc, José Manuel Puig.Public education in Mexico.Teachers college record, 27: 865 -72, June 1926. An address deliveredonMarch 23, 1926, at Teachers college, Columbia university. Chamot, E.M.Applied science in the provincial universitiesof France.Scl- entitle mofithly, 22: 377-99, May 1926, Collins, W. J. The University of London.Contemporary review, 120: 738-43, I. June 1926. The report of the Departmental committee. Conference of Christian colleges and universities in China.2nd.Shanghai College,1926.The Christian college in thenewChina.The report. I. Shanghai, China Christian educational assodation, 1926.3p.1., 143p. 1 8'.(Oncover :China Christian educational association.Bulletinno.18) 4 CURRENTEDUCATIONALPUBLICATIONS Drobka, FrankJ.Schoolreform in Poland.Catholiceducationalreview,24: 284-90,May 1926. - Mart, JosephK. Theplasticyears; how Denmarkuses them in educationfor. life.Survey, 56: 5-9,55, 59, April1, 1926. Graphicnumber. Japan.Department ofeducation. Ageneralsurvey of education IIIJapan. Tokyo, Departmentof education,1926.83p.illus.12°. This boolcletaims to giveforeignersa general idea of educationin Japan. Knight, EdgarW.Thetrainikigof high schoolteachers inDenmark.Ifitzh school journal,9:U2-65, April-May1926, Marvin, George.The heart
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