WITH THE SUPPORT OF PARTNERS: CREATIVE INDUSTRIES 2011 IN ESTONIA, LATVIA AND LITHUANIA CONTENTS INTRODUCTION TO CREATIVE INDUSTRIES IN ESTONIA, LATVIA AND LITHUANIA 2011 . 5 MAPPING CREATIVE INDUSTRIES IN ESTONIA, LATVIA AND LITHUANIA . 6 CULTURAL STATISTICS IN THE SPOTLIGHT OF EU POLICY . 10 CREATIVE INDUSTRIES POLICY IN ESTONIA . 12 CREATIVE INDUSTRIES POLICY IN LATVIA . 15 CREATIVE INDUSTRIES POLICY IN LITHUANIA . 18 CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND THE NORDIC COUNCIL OF MINISTERS’ OFFICES IN THE BALTIC STATES . 20 GOOD EXAMPLES . 21 ESTONIA . 22 IN THE PREVIOUS EDITION . 28 CREATIVE ESTONIA . 29 LATVIA . 31 IN THE PREVIOUS EDITION . 35 LITHUANIA . 36 IN THE PREVIOUS EDITION . 40 Lord Chris Smith: CREATIVITY IS A VITALLY IMPORTANT ECONOMIC FACTOR . 41 THE CREATIVE INDUSTRIES IN THE BALTIC COUNTRIES . 41 IN THE PREVIOUS EDITION . 44 CONTACTS . 45 ESTONIA . 46 LATVIA . 47 Page 3 LITHUANIA . 48 Page 4 INTRODUCTION TO CREATIVE INDUSTRIES IN ESTONIA, LATVIA AND LITHUANIA 2011 REIN LANG SARMĪTE ĒLERTE ARŪNAS GELŪNAS Minister of Culture, Estonia Minister of Culture, Latvia Minister of Culture, Lithuania Today’s Europe needs creati vity have all committ ed to supporti ng lated common positi ons within the nia, Latvia and Lithuania 2011” aims more than ever. The old formulas cultural and creati ve industries. European Union. The three coun- to provide an overview of the latest for achieving sustainable growth, tries have also been vocal advocates developments in the sector. The fo- long-lasti ng competi ti veness and The joint network between Esto- of including culture and creati vity cus for the second overview is on soluti ons to major challenges in nia, Latvia and Lithuania initi ated in within the Europe 2020 strategy and eff ecti ve measures to promote and society are simply not working 2006 to develop creati ve industries its fl agship initi ati ves. support entrepreneurship within anymore. Creati ve industries mean and exchange informati on was one cultural and creati ve industries. We much more than growth and jobs; of the fi rst examples of government- The current collecti on of arti cles is hope that our experience is valu- it also fosters innovati on and helps level cross-border cooperati on in already the second of its kind, the able for other countries and our shape att racti ve environments for Europe. Since then experts and offi - fi rst receiving wide feedback from lessons learned in this process can people to live in and visit. In recent cials have been sharing best practi c- across Europe. The current annual help the European Union become a Page 5 years Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania es in creati ve industries and formu- review “Creati ve Industries in Esto- truly Creati ve Europe. MAPPING CREATIVE INDUSTRIES IN ESTONIA, LATVIA AND LITHUANIA SILJA LASSUR KÜLLIKI TAFEL-VIIA ANDRES VIIA DEFINING THE CREATIVE ty to adopt the defi niti on and content addressing ‘collecti ve creati vity’ was of Culture to apply for fi nancing INDUSTRIES IN THE BALTIC into their cultural policy agenda. added – “Those industries that have from the European Structural Funds. their origin in individual and collecti ve This rapid adaptati on of the new COUNTRIES This period (of policy formati on) saw creati vity, skill and talent and which concept by the public sector and es- Discussions of the creati ve industries the adaptati on of the United King- have the potenti al for wealth and job pecially the Ministry of Culture can Page 6 (CI) agenda in the Balti c countries date dom’s approach in terms of the ideas, creati on through the generati on and be explained as an “opportunity to back to the beginning of 2000. The structure and content of CI develop- exploitati on of intellectual property.” gain access to European fi nances, Briti sh Council has played a remark- ment. The fi rst major steps at state The Latvian Government in its politi cal because it provided them with the able role in promoti ng the creati ve level started with stati sti cal mapping documentati on pursues the follow- possibility of additi onal funding. And industries concept all over the world, surveys of CI in Estonia, Latvia and ing defi niti on: [Creati ve industries in- their budgets have always been the and its contributi on, through provid- Lithuania. The study processes in- volve] “acti viti es, based on individual most limited. They were simply try- ing experti se and methodological as- cluded adapti ng the Briti sh defi niti on and collecti ve creati vity, skills and tal- ing to fi nd additi onal means to sup- sistance in mapping endeavours, can- of CI to the Balti c States – “The crea- ents, which by way of generati ng and port their sector.” (Lassur et al, 2010) not be underesti mated in the Balti c ti ve industries are those industries uti lizing intellectual property, are able countries either. Att enti on fi rst started which have their origin in individual to increase welfare and create jobs. Estonia and Lithuania managed to to be paid to the creati ve industries creati vity, skill and talent, and which Creati ve industries generate, develop, include the fi nancing of creati ve in- at the nati onal level in all three Balti c have the potenti al for wealth and job produce, uti lize, display, disseminate dustries into the Nati onal strategy for countries when the Briti sh Council creati on through the generati on and and preserve products of economic, EU Structural Funds for 2007–2013. In exploitati on of intellectual property” cultural and/or recreati onal value.“1 1 The defi niti on of the creati ve (BC) introduced the concept to diff er- both countries the controlling rights industries of Latvia was for the fi rst ent ministries in the Balti cs in 2005. As (DCMS, 1998). Estonia and Latvia and obligati on to manage the resourc- ti me entered into the Guidelines for have made some minor changes to These studies at nati onal level pro- the State Cultural Policy of Latvia a result, the Ministries of Culture in all es went to the Ministries of Economic for 2006–2015 (Cabinet Order of three countries seized the opportuni- this defi niti on. In Estonia, a clause vided a good basis for the Ministry Aff airs, since Structural Fund pro- 18.04.2006 No. 264). grammes dealt with entrepreneurship TABLE 1. Subsectors of creati ve industries covered by stati sti cal research and developments of the environ- ment – topics that traditi onally do not Estonia (2009) Latvia (2008) Lithuania (2009) belong under the Ministries of Cul- Arts (visual and applied arts) Visual arts Visual arts, applied arts and heritage ture. Estonia primarily applied for sup- port from the Structural Funds (Riiklik Performing arts (theatre, dance, Performing arts (theatre, dance, Performing arts (theatre, dance, ... 2007) to create infrastructures to festi vals) festi vals) festi vals) support the development of CI, valu- Music (interpreti ng, composing, Music (interpreti ng, composing, Music (interpreti ng, composing, ing creati vity and raising awareness of producing, publishing, musical producing, publishing, musical producing, publishing, musical entrepreneurship and creati ve indus- instruments, festi vals, etc) instruments, festi vals, etc) instruments, festi vals, etc) tries (Lassur et al, 2010). In Lithuania, Architecture Architecture Architecture fi nancing for the Lithuanian art incu- bator network was intended as part Design (product design, fashion, Design Designer fashion, Graphic design of the implementati on of “the Acti on graphic design) Programme for Economic Growth” Film and video Film and video Film and video (Creati ve ..., 2010). Television, radio and interacti ve Television, radio and interacti ve Broadcasti ng (radio and television) media media THE STATISTICAL MAPPING Entertainment IT (online and Computer games and interacti ve Computer games and interacti ve The most important stati sti cal computer games, entertainment studies of mapping CI: OF CI IN ESTONIA, LATVIA soft ware publishing soft ware publishing AND LITHUANIA internet sites) LATVIA Publishing (books, periodicals, Publishing (books, periodicals, Publishing (books, magazines, The previously menti oned initi al sta- The Economic Contribu- newspapers, catalogues, etc) newspapers, etc) newspapers, etc) ti sti cal surveys began in 2005, albeit ti ons of Copyright-based Heritage (museums, libraries, Heritage (museums, libraries and Industries in Latvia, 2005 slightly diff erently in each country. Es- Cultural heritage tonia att empted to map all the sectors archives, handicraft s) archives) Creati ve industries re- menti oned in the Briti sh defi niti on. A search. Actualizati on of Adverti sing (adverti sing, media Adverti sing and public relati ons study mapping the economic contribu- Adverti sing stati sti cs, 2008 agencies) and communicati on acti viti es ti on of copyright-based industries was Cultural educati onal acti viti es Educati onal acti viti es LITHUANIA conducted in Latvia in 2005. Mapping the creati ve industries in Lithuania cov- Recreati on, entertainment and Creati ve industries map- Botanical and zoological gardens ered two counti es – Utena and Alytus. other cultural acti viti es ping document in Alytus The results of these studies were not and Utena counti es, 2005 comparable as the methodology was Travel agencies and tour operators Lithuanian Creati ve and diff erent in all three countries. Cultural industries, 2009 Source: Survey and Mapping of the Creati ve Industries in Estonia, 2009; Creati ve industries research. Actualizati on ESTONIA The defi niti on and discussion of Crea- of stati sti cs, 2008; Lithuanian Creati ve and Cultural industries, 2009 ti ve Industries is fairly similar in the Mapping and Analysis of Balti cs (as in other countries). Current studies somewhat diff erent sectors IT. However, in Latvia and Lithuania, est Lithuanian research of mapping Estonian Creati ve Indus- discussion concerns what areas belong have been included when composing vastly broader scopes have been cov- emanated from cultural and creati ve tries, 2005 under CI and which policies should be the research methodology (Table 1).
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