A Distribution of Dragonflies and Damselflies in the State of Wyoming George G. Sims1 Most recent update: August 28, 2013 This “working document” is an attempt to bring together odonate collection and distribution information from two major sources, the national odonate database at Odonata Central (Abbott 2007) and the Odonata of Wyoming (Molinar & Lavigne 1979), and present it in a clear and easily- accessible form. Every care has been taken to insure the accuracy of the information, and any errors, omissions, or oversights are completely the fault of the author. It is hoped that this effort will help to provide a starting point for odonatists who are seeking previously unrecorded species or studying the possibilities of discovering types which should be encountered in a specific county or location. No new information, other than that contained in the above references, is found here. Methodology In an e-mail exchange with Dr. Scott Shaw, curator of the insect museum at the University of Wyoming, Dr. Shaw made me aware of the existence of Molinar & Lavigne’s Odonata of Wyoming, a study published in 1979, which is believed to be the most recent comprehensive record of odonate collection in the state. After several weeks’ fruitless search for a copy of the book, Dr. Ken Tennessen, of Wisconsin, informed me that he possessed two copies, and kindly presented me with one for the purpose of this distribution study. Some seventy-nine (79) odonate species have been found to occur in Wyoming—thirty-three (33) zygopteran (damselfly) and forty-six (46) anisopteran (dragonfly) varieties. Since the publication of Odonata of Wyoming, several taxonomic changes have occurred; therefore: Aeshna californica becomes Rhioaeshna californica Aeshna multicolor Rhionaeshna multicolor Argia violacea A. fumipennis Enallagma cyathigerum E. annexum Gomphus cornutus Arigomphus cornutus Gomphus intricatus Stylurus intricatus Libellula lydia Plathemis lydia Sympetrum occidentale S. semicinctum 1 115 Dillon Drive, Lander, Wyoming 82520-2957, [email protected] 2 All records noted as originating in Molinar & Lavigne are taken from Appendix II, “List of species of Odonata in Wyoming by county.” In the case of Park County, which encompasses Yellowstone National Park, only those records specifically attributable to Park County have been included, as the National Park also includes areas outside the boundaries of the State of Wyoming. Odonata of Wyoming lists a separate classification for records within the park, which are not included. In the last few years, the advent of Dr. John Abbott’s remarkable on-line Odonata Central (www.odonatacentral.org) has proven to be a valuable resource for listing individual collecting efforts, and documenting the presence of odonate species throughout the country (and the world). Information from Odonata Central for the selected counties was first extracted, with the submissions from Thomas W. Donnelly’s DOT Map Project segregated from those entries representing collections by other individuals. The author has presented the distribution data in several ways: first, by listing each of the species found in the area, showing first a distribution map, then a listing, of the counties from which the species has been reported. English names, as well as the taxonomic arrangement of the species accounts, are taken from Paulson & Dunkle, 2011. Alongside each county represented is found an alphabetic code which indicates the source of the information. This section is immediately followed by a listing of the counties of Wyoming, with a state map showing the location of the particular county, followed by a listing of the individual species which have been reported within each county, again with each representative species followed by a source code. The source codes for the information are as follows: W – A specimen recorded in Odonata of Wyoming. D – An adult specimen recorded in Thomas W. Donnelly’s DOT Map Project, as shown in the records of Odonata Central. O – An adult specimen has been collected and/or photographed by an individual not affiliated with the DOT Map Project, with identification verified by an expert, and the record appears on Odonata Central. (Note: Odonata Central is not currently configured to maintain records of larval [nymph] specimens.) T – Specimen collected by Dr. Lusha Tronstad, University of Wyoming. The experts mentioned above consist of several prominent odonatologists who provide verification of all records submitted for inclusion on Odonata Central. 3 THE COUNTIES OF WYOMING Albany Hot Springs Platte Big Horn Johnson Sheridan Campbell Laramie Sublette Carbon Lincoln Sweetwater Converse Natrona Teton Crook Niobrara Uinta Fremont Park Washakie Goshen Weston Summary Every effort has been made to ensure the accurate of this information. Any erroneous or incomplete data is the fault of the author. All suggestions, comments, or corrections are welcomed, and should be directed to: George G. Sims 115 Dillon Drive, #313 Lander, Wyoming 82520-2957 (417) 554-1682 [email protected] Last updated: August 28, 2013 4 THE SPECIES DISTRIBUTIONS Hetaerina Hagen in Selys Lestes Leach Suborder Rubyspots Pond Spreadwings ZYGOPTERA Damselflies Hetaerina americana Lestes congener American rubyspot Spotted spreadwing CALOPTERYGIDAE Broad-winged Damsels Calopteryx Leach Jewelwings Calopteryx aequabilis River jewelwing Crook DOW Albany DW Goshen DW Big Horn DW Niobrara DW Campbell DOW Platte DW Carbon DW Sheridan DW Converse DW Weston W Crook O Fremont DOW Goshen DW LESTIDAE Hot Springs DW Spreadwings Johnson DW Crook DW Laramie DW Platte DW Archilestes Selys Lincoln DW Natrona DW Teton DW Stream Spreadwings Niobrara DW Calopteryx maculata Sheridan DW Archilestes grandis Sweetwater DW Ebony jewelwing Great spreadwing Teton DOW Uinta DW Weston D Crook O Platte D Teton W 5 Lestes disjunctus Sweetwater DW COENAGRIONIDAE Northern spreadwing Teton DOW Pond Damsels Uinta DW Weston DW Amphiagrion Selys Lestes forcipatus Red Damsels Sweetflag spreadwing Amphiagrion abbreviatum Western red damsel Albany DW Big Horn DW Campbell DOW Carbon D Crook DW Fremont W Converse DW Park DW Niobrara DW Sublette DW Sheridan DW Albany DW Teton DW Big Horn DW Uinta DW Lestes unguiculatus Carbon DW Lyre-tipped spreadwing Converse DW Lestes dryas Crook DOW Emerald spreadwing Fremont DOW Hot Springs W Johnson DW Laramie DW Lincoln DW Natrona DW Niobrara DW Platte DW Sheridan DW Sublette DW Albany DW Sweetwater DOW Big Horn D Teton DW Albany DW Campbell DW Uinta DW Campbell DOW Carbon DW Washakie DW Carbon DW Converse DW Weston DW Converse DW Crook DW Fremont DW Crook D Fremont DW Goshen DW Hot Springs DW Johnson DW Johnson DW Natrona DW Laramie DW Niobrara DW Lincoln DW Platte DW Sheridan DW Natrona DW Niobrara DW Weston DW Park D Platte DW Sheridan D Sublette DW 6 Argia Rambur Crook DOW Big Horn DW Carbon D Dancers Fremont DW Goshen D Crook DW Hot Springs DW Hot Springs DW Natrona DW Argia alberta Niobrara DW Niobrara DW Paiute dancer Platte DW Platte DW Sheridan DW Sheridan DW Washakie DW Teton DW Weston DW Argia fumipennis Variable dancer Coenagrion Kirby Eurasian Bluets Coenagrion resolutum Taiga bluet Big Horn DW Campbell DW Niobrara DW Teton DW Argia apicalis Albany DW Blue-fronted dancer Campbell DW Crook DOW Niobrara DW Albany DW Argia moesta Big Horn DW Powdered dancer Carbon DW Crook DW Fremont DW Goshen D Park D Sheridan D Sublette DW Teton DW Crook O Uinta DW Argia emma Emma’s dancer Crook O Argia vivida Vivid dancer Albany DW Big Horn DW Carbon D Converse DW 7 Enallagma Charpentier Goshen DW Enallagma boreale Hot Springs DOW American Bluets Johnson DW Boreal bluet Laramie DW Enallagma anna Lincoln W Natrona DW River bluet Niobrara DW Park DW Platte DW Sheridan DW Sublette DW Sweetwater DW Teton DW Uinta DW Washakie DW Weston DW Albany DW Big Horn DW Enallagma antennatum Campbell DOW Carbon DW Albany DW Rainbow bluet Converse DW Big Horn DW Crook DOW Crook DOW Fremont DOW Fremont DOW Goshen DW Goshen DW Johnson DW Hot Springs DW Laramie DW Johnson DW Lincoln DW Laramie DW Natrona DW Lincoln DW Niobrara DW Natrona DW Park DW Niobrara DW Platte DW Platte DW Sheridan D Sheridan DW Sublette DW Sublette DW Campbell DW Sweetwater D Sweetwater DW Crook DOW Teton DW Teton DOW Washakie DW Uinta DW Enallagma basidens Weston DW Washakie DW Double-striped bluet Weston DW Enallagma carunculatum Enallagma annexum Tule bluet Northern bluet Platte O Big Horn DW Campbell DOW Carbon D Albany DW Big Horn DW Converse DW Campbell DW Fremont DOW Goshen DW Carbon DW Converse DW Natrona DW Crook DOW Platte DW Fremont DW Sheridan DW 8 Washakie DW Enallagma ebrium Platte DW Weston DW Sheridan DW Marsh bluet Ischnura Charpentier Enallagma civile Forktails Familiar bluet Ischnura cervula Pacific forktail Sheridan DW Washakie DW Weston DW Enallagma hageni Albany DW Hagen’s bluet Campbell DW Big Horn DW Converse DW Campbell O Crook DOW Carbon DW Fremont DW Converse DW Goshen DW Fremont Ocervulacervula Hot Springs O Hot Springs DW Laramie DW Johnson DW Natrona DW Lincoln DW Niobrara DW Natrona DW Platte DW Park D Weston DW Sheridan DW Teton DW Enallagma clausum Campbell DW Washakie DW Crook DOW Alkali bluet Natrona DW Sheridan DW Ischnura damula Plains forktail Enallagma praevarum Arroyo bluet Albany DW Converse DW Crook DW Fremont DW Albany DW Campbell DOW Goshen DW Converse DW Johnson DW Albany DW Crook DOW Park D Big Horn DW Goshen WW Sheridan DW Campbell DW Laramie DW Sublette DW Converse DW Natrona DW Uinta DW Crook DW Niobrara DW Weston DW Laramie DW Platte DW
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