1954 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 673 Is the proposed amendment necessary? COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE-EN- have scared 9 per- Bligh A. Dodds, of New York, to be col- ROLLED BILLS SIGNED Well, its proponents lector of customs for customs collection dis- cent, they say, of those who had heard A message from the House of Repre- saying, "Yes." trict No. 7, with headquarters at Ogdens- something about it, into burg, N. Y., to which sentatives, by Mr. Bartlett, its reading the fun- office he was appointed That is, that we should change during the last recess of the Senate. clerk, announced that the Speaker had law-not statute law, damental, basic IN THE ARMY affixed his signature to the following en- but the Constitution of the United rolled bills, and they were signed by the some 9 percent of the Brig. Gen. Eugene Mead Caffey, 09329, States-because Army of the United States (colonel, U. S. Vice President: folks feel it should be done. To me, Mr. serious Army), for appointment as The Judge Ad- S.2474. An act to authorize the coinage president, it is an exceedingly vocate General of the Army, and as major of 50-cent pieces to commemorate the ter- thing. general, Judge Advocate General's Corps, centennial of the foundation of the city of I remember that the Founding Fathers Regular Army, and major general (tempo- New York; struggled over this problem. There are rary), Army of the United States, under the H. R. 1917. An act to authorize the coin- those who want to make this a nation of provisions of sections 206 and 308, Army Or- age of 50-cent pieces to commemorate the 48 nations. Not I. I am a Senator of ganization Act of 1950 (64 Stat. 267, 270; 10 sesquicentennial of the Louisiana Purchase; U. S. C. 21f, 61-1); section and the United States of America, even 249, Universal in part, the State of Military Training and Service Act (62 Stat. H. R. 6665. An act to amend the Agricul- though I represent, 643; 10 U. S. C. 61a); and sections 513 tural Adjustment civil war was and Act of 1938, as amended. Wisconsin. A great 515 (c), Officer Personnel Act of 1947 (61 fought to determine whether this Nation Stat. 901, 907; 10 U. S. C. 559g, 506d (c)). should be indivisible. COMMITTEE MEETING DURING If the camel's nose is allowed under SENATE SESSION the tent, to permit a return to the con- cept of yesteryears, we will be doing what SENATE On request of Mr. HICKENLOOPER, and a great constitutional lawyer said would by unanimous consent, the Senate mem- be done: we will be committing mayhem MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1954 bers of the Joint Committee on Atomic upon the Constitution. Mr. President, Energy were authorized to meet with the I am not for that step. (Legislative day of Friday, January22, full joint committee during the session 1954) of the Senate tomorrow. RECESS UNTIL MONDAY The Senate met in executive session at 12 o'clock meridian. ORDER FOR TRANSACTION OF Mr. KNOWLAND. Mr. President, The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown ROUTINE BUSINESS pursuant to the order previously entered Harris, D. D., offered the following as in Mr. KNOWLAND. Mr. President, I into, I now move that the Senate, prayer: ask unanimous consent that immediately executive session, recess until Monday following the quorum call next. SAlmighty God, whose loving kindness there may be to; and (at 4 and tender mercies fail never, and whose the customary morning hour for the The motion was agreed transaction of routine business as in o'clock and 52 minutes p. m.) the Sen- fatherly compassion reaches unto the ends of the earth: We come with bowed legislative session, under the usual 2- ate, as in executive session, took a recess, minute limitation on speeches. the recess being, under the order previ- and reverent hearts at this new dawn January of opportunity asking that our attitudes The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob- ously entered, until Monday, jection, it is so ordered. 25, 1954, at 12 o'clock meridian. toward each other and toward all men may become the ministers of purity and goodness, of brotherhood and peace. LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM AND ROLL- NOMINATIONS We thank Thee for this wayside shrine, CALL apart from the clamor of the world, into Executive nominations received by whose holy precincts no controversy Mr. KNOWLAND. Mr. President, be- the Senate January 22, 1954: penetrates and where no unworthy rival- fore suggesting the absence of a quorum, DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE ries can live within its gates of peace. I should like to say that following the Whiting Wlllauer, of Massachusetts, to be As we become strangely aware, with all transaction of routine business, when Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten- other voices hushed, that together we the Senate reverts to executive session, tiary of the United States of America to the share our sense of the unseen and eter- it will be my intention to ask the Senate Republic of Honduras. nal, may we be filled with the spirit that first to take up the nominations on the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE makes for unity of purpose amid all the Executive Calendar, which is on the desk Simon E. Sobeloff, of Maryland, to be So- diversities of our thought. of each Senator; that following action licitor General of the United States, vice And now, as the week's problems wait on the nominations, the Senate then pro- Philip B. Perlman, resigned. with their demanding insistency, we pray ceed to the consideration of the Korean DEPARTMENTOF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND that Thou wilt restrain in us every im- Treaty, which is on the Executive Cal- WELFARE petuous temper, all ungenerous judg- endar, and continue the consideration of Roswell Burchard Perkins, of New York, ments, all presumptuous claims, all the treaty today and if necessary into to be Assistant Secretary of Health, Educa- promptings of self-assertion. Grant us tomorrow, until action on the treaty has tion, and Welfare. the will to contribute our own spirit and been had. It will then be my intention to influence to remove misunderstanding move that the Senate revert to legisla- NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD tive session, in which the business will be Robert 0. Boyd, of Oregon, to be a mem- and suspicion, as we toil and pray for Thy kingdom's coming among all men. the consideration of Senate Joint Reso- ber of the National Mediation Board for the the Con- term expiring February 1, 1957. (Reap- We ask it in the dear Redeemer's name. lution 1, the proposal to amend pointment.) Amen. stitution. Mr. IVES. Mr. President, will the UNITED STATES ATTORNEY Senator from California yield? Maurice Paul Bois, of New Hampshire, THE JOURNAL Mr. KNOWLAND. I yield to the Sen- to be United States attorney for the district On request of Mr. KNOWLAND, and by of New Hampshire, vice John J. Sheehan, ator from New York. resigned. unanimous consent, the reading of the Mr. IVES. Is it the intention of the Journal of the proceedings of Friday, majority leader to have night sessions UNrrED STATES MARSHALS January 22, 1954, was dispensed with. this week? Dewey Howard Perry, of Vermont, to be Mr. KNOWLAND. I intend to consult United States marshal for the district of further with the minority leader, but I Vermont, vice Edward L. Burke, whose term MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT expires February 10, 1954. will say to the distinguished Senator Edward John Petitbon, of Louisiana, to be Messages in writing from the Presi- from New York that it is my present in- United States marshal for the eastern dis- dent of the United States were commu- tention to have the Senate move along trict of Louisiana, vice Louis F. Knop, Jr., nicated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one with the normal daily sessions this week, term expired. of his secretaries. without night sessions, but that if the C--43 674 CO]NGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENA TE January 25 debate goes over into next week, I should CONTRIBUTION TO WORLD HEALTH Whereas the ceiling of $3 million per year like to have Senators prepared to hold ORGANIZATION-RESOLUTION OF fixed by the Congress as the total amount our country may contribute evening sessions. I would not expect to AMERICAN ACADEMY OF TROPI- does not now permit a logical expansion of WHO's activl- ask the Senate to run to any late hour, CAL MEDICINE ties required by its increased responsibilities propose that we proceed as we but would Mr. WILEY. Mr. President, we are all Therefore be It did last Wednesday night and sit until Resolved, That the American Academy oi familiar with the reputation of the World perhaps 8 or 9 o'clock. Tropical Medicine and the American Society Health Organization. In 6 years of ef- Mr. President, I now suggest the ab- of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene urge the fective operation throughout the free sence of a quorum. Congress of the United States to raise the world, WHO has stimulated and en- statutory limitation placed The Secre- upon our finan. The VICE PRESIDENT. couraged the improvement of public cial participation; and be it further tary will call the roll. health and the control of communicable Resolved, That the secretaries of these re. The Chief Clerk proceeded to call the diseases. Its work is important to Amer- spective organizations be instructed to trans. mit copies roll. icans because, among other reasons, of this resolution to the Congress Mr. KNOWLAND. Mr. President, I and to other interested organizations and many of our boys in the Armed Forces individuals ask unanimous consent that the order and to inform the press about must serve in disease-ridden countries and to otherwise publicize this resolution to for the call of the roll be rescinded, abroad.
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