THIS TABLE EXPIRES AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 MLE Males & Females Common Name Scientific Name Combined (Years) MLE Males (Years) MLE Females (Years) Addax Addax nasomaculatus - 12.3 14.4 Agouti, Brazilian Dasyprocta leporina 8.2 - - Alligator, Chinese Alligator sinensis 31 - - Anoa, Lowland Bubalus depressicornis 17.4 - - Anteater, Giant Myrmecophaga tridactyla 19.2 - - Antelope, Roan Hippotragus equinus - Data deficient 12.4 Antelope, Sable Hippotragus niger 11.4 - - Aoudad, Kordofan Ammotragus lervia blainei Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Aracari, Green Pteroglossus viridis 7.9 - - Argus, Great Argusianus argus 10.8 - - Armadillo, Screaming Chaetophractus vellerosus Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Armadillo, Six Banded Euphractus sexcinctus Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Armadillo, Southern Three-banded Tolypeutes matacas - 16.2 Data deficient Ass, Somali Wild Equus africanus somaliensis Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Aye-Aye Daubentonia madagascariensis Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Babirusa Babyrousa celebensis Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Baboon, Hamadryas Papio hamadryas 27.5 - - Barasingha Rucervus duvaucelii - 9 13.1 Barbet, Red and Yellow Trachyphonus erythrocephalus 4.6 - - Bat, Rodrigues Fruit Pteropus rodricensis - 13.6 16.6 Bat, Straw-Colored Fruit Eidolon helvum - 18.5 Data deficient Bear, American Black Ursus americanus Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Bear, Andean Spectacled Tremarctos ornatus 26 - - Bear, Asiatic Black Ursus thibetanus - Data deficient 29.3 Bear, Brown Ursus arctos - 21.9 26.8 Bear, Polar Ursus maritimus - 20.8 24.3 Bear, Sloth Melursus ursinus 17.8 - - Bear, Sun Helarctos malayanus - Data deficient 23.1 Bettong, Brush-tailed Bettongia penicillata 8.2 - - Binturong Arctictis binturong - 17.9 14.8 Bird, Secretary Sagittarius serpentarius Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Bird-of-paradise, Raggiana Paradisaea raggiana 14.5 - - THIS TABLE EXPIRES AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 Go to to download an up-to-date table after that expiration date. THIS TABLE EXPIRES AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 MLE Males & Females Common Name Scientific Name Combined (Years) MLE Males (Years) MLE Females (Years) Bird-of-paradise, Superb Lophorina superba Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Bluebird, Fairy Irena puella 5 - - Boa, Jamaican Chilabothrus subflavus - 21.6 15.6 Bobcat Lynx rufus - 16.8 18.8 Bongo, Eastern Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci - 9.2 12.3 Bonobo Pan paniscus - 31.5 Data deficient Bontebok Damaliscus pygargus pygarus 11.2 - - Buffalo, African Savannah Syncerus caffer 18.8 - - Bushbaby, Moholi Galago moholi 6 - - Bushmaster, South American Lachesis muta 7.8 - - Bustard, Buff-crested Lophotis gindiana 7.5 - - Buttonquail, Madagascar Turnix nigricollis - Data deficient 3.2 Callimico Callimico goeldii 8.9 - - Camel, Bactrian Camelus bactrianus 17.8 - - Capybara Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris - 7.1 8.6 Caracal Caracal caracal 13.1 - - Cardinal, Red-capped Paroaria gularis 5.7 - - Cardinal, Red-crested Paroaria coronata 4.1 - - Cassowary, Southern (Double- wattled) Casuarius casuarius 26 - - Cat, Black-footed Felis nigripes 5.3 - - Cat, Fishing Prionailurus viverrinus - 10.9 12.8 Cat, Pallas' Felis manul 8.5 - - Cat, Sand Felis margarita 9.9 - - Chat, Snowy-Headed Robin Cossypha niveicapilla 4 - - Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus 11.6 - - Chevrotain, Greater Malayan Tragulus napu 7.1 - - Chimpanzee Pan troglodytes - 31.7 37.4 Coati, White-Nosed Nasua narica 13.4 - - Colobus, Angolan Colobus angolensis 18.2 - - Colobus, Guereza Colobus guereza - 15 11.4 THIS TABLE EXPIRES AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 Go to to download an up-to-date table after that expiration date. THIS TABLE EXPIRES AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 MLE Males & Females Common Name Scientific Name Combined (Years) MLE Males (Years) MLE Females (Years) Condor, Andean Vultur gryphus 46.7 - - Conure, Golden Guarouba guarouba 17.1 - - Cormorant, White-breasted Phalacrocorax lucidus Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Crake, Black Zapornia flavirostra 3.7 - - Crane, Black-crowned Balearica pavonina 12.9 - - Crane, Blue Anthropoides paradisea 13.4 - - Crane, Demoiselle Anthropoides virgo 13.9 - - Crane, Grey-crowned Balearica regulorum 12.2 - - Crane, Red-crowned Grus japonensis 29 - - Crane, White-naped Grus vipio 15.1 - - Crane, Whooping Grus americana 28.4 - - Crocodile, Cuban Crocodylus rhombifer Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Crocodile, Slender-Snouted Mecistops cataphractus Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Curassow, Blue-billed Crax alberti Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Curassow, Helmeted Pauxi pauxi 18.2 - - Curassow, Wattled Crax globulosa - Data deficient 11.8 Deer, Eld's Rucervus eldii thamin - 9.5 12.4 Deer, Mexican Red Brocket Mazama temama 5.4 - - Deer, Père David’s Elaphurus davidianus - 13.2 16.3 Deer, Western Tufted Elaphodus cehalophus - 14.4 10 Dik-dik, Kirk's Madoqua kirkii 4.8 - - Dikkop, Spotted Burhinus capensis 16.6 - - Dog, African Painted Lycaon pictus 10.2 - - Dog, Bush Speothos venaticus - 8.9 7.3 Dove, Bartlett's Bleeding Heart Gallicolumba criniger 4.9 - - Dove, Beautiful Fruit Ptilinopus pulchellus 7.2 - - Dove, Black-naped Fruit Ptilinopus melanospilus 6.5 - - Dove, Grey-capped Emerald Chalcophaps indica 6.2 - - Dove, Jambu Fruit Ptilinopus jambu 5.9 - - Dove, Luzon Bleeding Heart Gallicolumba luzonica 5.8 - - Dove, Mariana Fruit Ptilinopus roseicapilla - Data deficient 6 Dove, White-Throated Ground Gallicolumba xanthonura Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient THIS TABLE EXPIRES AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 Go to to download an up-to-date table after that expiration date. THIS TABLE EXPIRES AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 MLE Males & Females Common Name Scientific Name Combined (Years) MLE Males (Years) MLE Females (Years) Dragon, Komodo Varanus komodoensis - Data deficient 12.3 Duck, Spotted Whistling Dendrocygna guttata 6.2 - - Duck, West Indian Whistling Dendrocygna arborea 8.9 - - Duck, White-winged Wood Asarcornis scutulata 5.7 - - Duiker, Black Cephalopus niger 5.9 - - Duiker, Blue Philantomba monticola 4.7 - - Duiker, Yellow-backed Cephalophus silvicultor 10 - - Eagle, Bald Haliaeetus leucoephalus 16.5 - - Eagle, Steller’s Sea Haliaeetus pelagicus Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Eland, Common Taurotragus oryx - 11.8 13.6 Elephant, African Loxodonta africana - See Full Report 38.6 Elephant, Asian Elephas maximus - See Full Report 46.9 Falcon, African Pygmy Polihierax semitorquatus 7 - - Flamingo, Caribbean Phoenicopterus ruber 25.8 - - Flamingo, Chilean Phoenicopterus chilensis - 31.1 27.2 Flamingo, Greater Phoenicopterus ruber roseus 35.1 - - Flamingo, Lesser Phoeniconaias minor - 20.1 12.9 Flying Fox, Island Pteropus hypomelanus - Data deficient 25.1 Flying Fox, Large Pteropus vampyrus 17.1 - - Fossa Cryptoprocta ferox Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Fox, Fennec Vulpes zerda 11 - - Fox, Swift Vulpes velox 11.3 - - Frog, Dusky Gopher Lithobates (Rana) sevosa 6.6 - - Frog, Golden Harlequin Atelopus varius 3.6 - - Frog, Panamanian Golden (Ahogado) Atelopus zeteki 7.5 - - Frog, Panamanian Golden (Sora) Atelopus zeteki - 5.2 4 Frogmouth, Tawny Podargus strigoides - 20.7 15.3 Galago, Northern Greater Otolemur garnettii 15.2 - - Gazelle, Grant's Nanger granti - 3.5 6.2 Gazelle, Nubian Soemmerring's Nanger soemmerringii - 5.5 6.6 Gazelle, Slender-Horned Gazella leptoceros - 4.6 5.6 THIS TABLE EXPIRES AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 Go to to download an up-to-date table after that expiration date. THIS TABLE EXPIRES AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 MLE Males & Females Common Name Scientific Name Combined (Years) MLE Males (Years) MLE Females (Years) Gazelle, Thomson's Eudorcas thomsonii - 5.2 11 Gecko, Giant Leaf-tailed Uroplatus fimbriatus 4.2 - - Gecko, Henkel's Leaf-tailed Uroplatus henkeli - 5.3 4 Gecko, Lined Leaf-tailed Uroplatus lineatus 4.6 - - Gecko, Mossy Leaf-tailed Uroplatus sikorae 2.4 - - Gecko, Satanic Leaf-tailed Uroplatus phantasticus 2.5 - - Gerenuk, Southern Litocranius walleri - 3.7 5.7 Gharial, Indian Gavialis gangeticus Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Gharial, Sunda Tomistoma schlegelii Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Gibbon, Lar (White-handed) Hylobates lar 16.6 - - Gibbon, White-cheeked Nomascus leucogenys 29.9 - - Giraffe (Combined Masai & Generic) Giraffa camelopardalis - 13.4 19.4 Goose, Nene Branta sandvicensis 8 - - Goose, Red-breasted Branta ruficollis 8.2 - - Goose, Swan Anser cygnoides 11.4 - - Goral, Chinese Naemorhedus griseus - 12.4 Data deficient Gorilla, Western Lowland Gorilla gorilla gorilla - 31.7 38.3 Guenon, Wolf's Cercopithecus wolfi Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Guineafowl, Crested Guttera pucherani 7 - - Guineafowl, Vulturine Acryllium vulturinum - 4.9 4 Hamerkop Scopus umbretta - 12.3 5.9 Heron, Boat-billed Cochlearius cochlearius 8.8 - - Hippopotamus, Pygmy Cheoropis liberiensi - Data deficient 26.3 Hippopotamus, River Hippopotamus amphibius 35.4 - - Hog, Red River Potamochoerus porcus Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Honeyeater, Blue-faced Entomyzon cyanotis Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Hornbill, Great Buceros bicornis 27.2 - - Hornbill, Northern Ground Bucorvus abyssinicus Data deficient Data deficient Data deficient Hornbill, Red-billed Tockus erythrorhynchus 11.1 - - Hornbill, Rhinoceros Buceros rhinoceros 21 - - Hornbill, Southern Ground Bucorvus leadbeateri Data
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