the time of this writing. The Revo- knee-jerk anti-clericalism. Islam rep- governments fell: first the Bazar- lutionary Guards did attack the resents a third force in the region, gan/Yazdi regime which was pre- offices of the People's Mojahedin one which is opposed to the interests sumed to be secretly pro-U.S. Organization of Iran (OMPI) and of both the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. It (Ibrahim Yazdi's secret meeting with the OIPFG: the OMPI placed an would not have been able to make Zbigniew Brzezinski led many to armed guard around its office and the gains which it has made if it conclude that he was the CIA's succeeded in defending it, and while were wholly reactionary and main conduit in the Iranian inner the OIPFG headquarters were anachronistic. Obviously it is circle); then the "moderate" gov- indeed burned, that did not hold inadequate to the broader revolu- ernment of Abol-Hassan Bani-Sadr. back their growth and influence. tionary current and obviously it Now Khomeini's longtime loyalist, The OIPFG and the Workers Syn- imposes fetters on those very forces Sadegh Ghotbzadeh, is feeling the dicates jointly sponsored a Mayday which it releases — the clearest heat. demonstration which attracted examples are the repression of Thus far Khomeini himself has 500,000 people. During the last few women and homosexuals and sex- embraced the revolutionary fervor, weeks, huge crowds have marched uality in general. But the left brings and his public statements have all openly in Tehran under the banners no credit on itself for its failure to supported the students. Throughout of the OIPFG and OMPI in support understand what is positive in this the Middle East and Africa — from of the occupation of the U.S. Islamic movement and what is the Palestine and Eritrea to Western embassy. A few Trotskyists have basis of its appeal. Sahara and South Africa — been jailed, but the government has It is within this framework — not revolutionary anti-imperialist been forced to cancel scheduled outside it — that the boldest revo- movements have cabled their sup- executions. lutionary thrust to date has taken port, stressing the grave threat posed Despite these right-wing currents place: the students' seizure of the by the U.S. The revolutionary left there is a progressive side to the U.S. embassy, which is in its ninth in this country should not hesitate Islamic revival that is sweeping the week as we write. By taking the to join the chorus. Middle East which much of the embassy, the students let loose the January 5, 1980 U.S. left has failed to understand storm which was held back the and appreciate — largely due to its February before. Very quickly two Documents of the Iranian Revolutionary Movement Below we reprint documents the lack of a revolutionary nation- ever, "the Islamic Republic," which from three of the armed wide organization of the working the narrow-minded clergy is striving revolutionary movements in Iran. class, it was the clergy who bene- for, is the canonic rule of a Moslem fited most from the opportunity for clergy leadership. This has been Excerpt from "On the Revolution," agitation and propaganda by its crystallized in the recent Constitu- translated from Kar (Labor), large-scale and direct contact with tion passed by the "Experts Assem- newspaper of the Organization of the masses through its traditional bly." This Islamic rule is in contra- Iranian People's Fedayee religious organization. Thus, using diction to imperialist domination; it the popular cry of "death to the Guerillas, December 1979. is also in contradiction to the existing Shah," they were able to direct the objective realities of Iranian society. All of these forces -- workers, revolutionary movement and mobi- The liberal Bourgeoisie, who peasants, students, craftsmen, mer- lize the masses under their own had been prevented by the chants, and soldiers — rose up leadership. Shah's dictatorship from roaring the slogans of "death to the The clergy, relying on the developing its social interests — Shah" and "death to imperialism." masses' religious beliefs and their namely, the exploitation of the There was a common cause and hatred of the Shah, and on the people — to its fullest potential, each was determined to remedy the upheaval created by an economic had asked for some reforms from existing situation in favor of their and political crisis, raised the motto his so-called Majesty. Immediately own socio-economic interests. of "Islamic Republic" as the only after the movement became But what were the results? Due to cure for the people's problems. How- widespread, the liberal Bourgeoisie 2 takeover of the U.S. Embassy is in itself an anti-imperialist act, this After the Shah, it is the U.S. struggle should be deepened and intensified to the just demand of government's turn. ousting all imperialist elements from Iran and putting an end to their domination. On the other hand, now that the U.S. Government has been tried to interpret the motto of "Is- ian ministry of foreign affairs re- damaged, it sees the foregoing lamic Republic" according to its garding the admittance of the ex- events in opposition to its interests. own viewpoint and interests. For Shah to the United States, has re- If the ever-deepening process of some time they made an effort to sulted in the intensification of pop- popular anti-imperialist struggle intimidate the Shah with the threat ular protest against the U.S. govern- continues — a struggle which inher- of a mass "outburst," and thus gain ment. In the midst of this new ently demands a complete end to the some privileges for themselves. movement, during one of the dem- economic, political, military, and However, in the midst of mass up- onstrations in front of the U.S. cultural imperialist domination — risings, when the Shah's destiny be- Embassy in Tehran, a group of anti- this will not be tolerated by the U.S. came clear, they tried to take ad- imperialist students took over the Government. More economic, vantage of the narrow-minded cler- Embassy Compound and demanded political and even military pressures gy's fear of the Communist move- the extradition of the criminal Shah of the U.S. Government against the ment of Iran, and to represent of Iran. Iranian people are expected. If so, themselves as the experts to bring The various moves of the U.S. then it is only popular power and about the Islamic Republic, and thus government are now the main topic international solidarity which can take possession of power. of discussion on any street corner in resist to the end and defeat imperi- The liberal Bourgeoisie was fearful Iran. Wherever there is a discussion, alist invasion. Those who disregard of the scale of the revolutionary people talk about the takeover of or distort the sharp direction of the movement and since they themselves the U.S. Embassy and the necessity struggle against the main enemy, could not bring it under their of a deeper popular struggle against namely U.S. Imperialism and its control, they decided the best way the economic, political, military, and dependent capitalist class in Iran, would be for them to act and ap- cultural domination of imperialism. are not serving the immediate and pear religious and use every oppor- Our people have understood well basic interests of the Iranian people. tunity to put themselves into power. their revolutionary tasks, from the The liberal Bourgeoisie, relying on days of the February uprising until their methods of manipulation, now, and have crystallized it in the have sought and are seeking to con- slogan, "After the Shah, it is the tinue their reconciliatory policy, U.S. Government's turn." which is aimed at the revival of the Participation in this struggle is Excerpts from a speech by Masoud previous constitution without the not limited to this or that method Rajavy of the People's Mojahedin monarchy. This, in turn, would be or tactic. The struggle should be Organization of Iran (OMPI) on basic imperialist dependent organized in all possible and avail- May 25, 1979, a national day of capitalism. They are the ones able channels. Social protest against American Imperial- who for many years have advised consciousness should be deepened. ism, in commemoration of the Imperialism that the Shah should People should be organized. They martyred Mojahedin founders. be a king and not a tyrant. should be prepared for a long-term At this stage the narrow- bloody struggle against In today's gathering there is a minded clergy have adopted a imperialism and its lackeys, if delicate point which is full of depth policy of seeking to limit the necessary. It should be well and meaning, and that meaning is influence of the liberal understood that only those who the fact that whether it be our Bourgeoisie on governmental rely on their labor power have the gathering, or the other gatherings policies in order to compensate full potential to drive the revo- throughout the nation, one thing is for their own shortcomings and lutionary popular march of the absolutely clear and that is when to prevent their declining popular toiling masses to the very end of we are moving on the right path or support. its victorious goal. when we put our finger on the right Meanwhile the unexpected meet- We should well understand that point we all stand united. In this ing of ex-prime minister Bazargan, some reactionary and dependent point I mean the path or line of as the representative of the liberal capitalist tendencies will do their anti-imperialism or anti- Bourgeoisie, with Brzezinski, and best to exploit the revolutionary colonialism.
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