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CONTENTS How Christmas Can Change Your Li_fe "MESSIAH!" 6 by Don Basham There's more to the story in Luke 2 than we realize. A GREATER MYSTERY 12 by Charles Simpson We stand in awe at many things in life, but one event surpasses them all. UNWRAPPING THE REAL SPIRIT OF 17 CHRISTMAS The life of a little-know,;, Christmas by Brent Bolds character is an example for us today. For 30,000 children helped by Project Angel Tree, December 25 won't be just another day. PAPA PANOV'S SPECIAL CHRISTMAS 24 by Leo Tolstoy A time-treasured tale to help children of all ages celebrate the coming of the Messiah "SOLI DEO GLORIA" 28 by Glenn Basham The music of Johann Sebastian Bach still celebrates the joy of the Christmas season. NINETY CHRISTMASES 30 by Lionel Whiston A man reminisces on wishes, dreams, and lessons of Christmases past. Ships in bottles amaze us but life ~ Feature great mystery came 2,000 years ago. 20 A NETWORK FOR UNITY Charles Green shares how leaders, some once opposed to each other, are coming together. Departments Photo / Illustration 2 Editorial Credits 3 Letters Brian Banashak, 35; Charlie Buchanan, 5 TheWord 29; Bec.ky Ford, 24, 26; fTC Entertain­ ment Limited, London, England, Video­ 33 Did You Know? cassettes of the film "Jesus of Nazareth" 34 Tips for Fathers are available, 6-7; Rev. Jorge Lopez, 22; 35 Homespun Network of Christian Ministries, 20, 23; 36 The Way I See It Chris Poole, cover; Prison Fellowship, 17-19; Chris Shannon, 30-31; Dave Thom­ Vol. 17, No. 12, December 1985 'as, 3; Jane Tucker, 13, 15; Natalie In our Christmas story, Papa Panov Vaughan, 8, 10, 32-33. displays the spirit of the season. © 1985 by Integrity Communications. All rights reserved. New Wine [ISSN 0194-43HXI Evangelical Press Association. All Scripture quotations are from the King James Version [USPS 382-5201 is published monthly by Integrity Communications, 1000 Cody Roael, unless otherwise noted. Bible verses marked NAS: Scripture taken from the New Amer­ Mobile. AL 36609. Second-class postage paid at Mobile and additional mailing offices. ican Standard Bible. © 1960, 1962, 1963. 1968. 1972, 1975 by The Lockman Foundation, Postmaster: Send address changes to New Wine Magazine. P,O. Box Z, Mobile, AL La Habra, California 90631. Bible verses marked NIV: Scripture taken from the HOLY 36616. To subscribe: Send $15 to the above address. If you have questions about your BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978 by the Interna­ subscription, write us or call (205) 460-9010 Ino collect calls. please). If you move. please tional Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. notify us at least six weeks in advance. Member of Christian Booksellers Association and EDITORIAL Christmas is a time for spectacular praise make great the name of the Lord God for His great gift. It is a time to command our souls to sing, to raise from deep within a "The Magnifi Cat" praise that joins the angelic host in saying, "Glory to God in the BY BRUCE LONGSTRETH highest!" With the hope that it may help "W hat kind of animal is become self-righteous and draft keep your soul from shrinking, a magnifi cat?" ponderous theological studies on and help lift you to a level of "I'm not sure I the evils of the Christmas cele­ praise you've never reached be­ know what you mean, Peter." bration when it should be shout­ fore, we offer this Christmas edi­ "The priest said that next ing, "Glory to God! " tion of New Wine. It begins with week the magnifi cat was going I like Christmas. Oh, my soul an article by Don Basham, who to be at our church." is as susceptible as anyone's to notes the faithfulness of two "Oh, that magnifi cat. It's not holiday shrinkage, but there is so often overlooked figures in the a cat. It's a song. " much that's right about this ex­ Christmas story. Next, Charles "A song about a cat?" uberant season: joyful children, Simpson shares the mystery of "No, there's no animal in­ friendly neighbors, caroling, the Christmas season: God made volved. It's the song that Mary, Christmas pageants, and precious flesh. And at this time of year the mother of Jesus, sang when family times with aunts, uncles, when we so quickly say, "Peace He was born." cousins, and grandparents. on earth," you'll enjoy the inter­ "I remember angels, sheep, More than that, Christmas is a view with Charles Green, who is shepherds, cows, and wise men, reminder. It calls on the saints to working to bring peace and unity but don't recall any cat." remember the Lord for the in­ to God's people. "Forget the cat, Peter. It's comparable thing He did for all You'll find other Christmas sur­ Mary's song in Luke 1:46-55. In mankind. In the incarnation of prises throughout New Wine's Latin it starts, 'Magnificat His Son, Jesus, God became pages, including, as always, our anima mea Dominum.' Maybe more than laws on tables of annual Christmas story. This year you've heard it in English: 'My stone. He became flesh. He came it's "Papa Panov's Special Christ­ soul doth magnify the Lord, and to suffer our temptations and mas," and it's sure to delight my spirit hath rejoiced in God pain, and to become our deliver­ children of all ages. 'my Savior.' " er. "My soul doth magnify the Our wish to you this holiday "Magnificat. ..magnify. They're Lord." season is that the joy it brings the same words, huh? Why While others find no room for will not be packed up and put didn't he just say they were go­ nativity scenes in the public away with the lights and orna­ ing to have the 'magnify' at square, my soul is enlarged as it ments once December is over, church instead of trying to be so seeks to encompass the sights but that the joy of Christmas will fancy?" and sounds of the Incarnation. be yours year round. This Christ­ To this day I don't know What a glorious night: the heav­ mas may we all share His joy, ex­ whether Peter was putting me on ens ablaze with innumerable an­ press His goodness, and share or not. But every Christmas I gels praising the birth of the His salvation as we renew our think about our conversation and King; shepherds rushing to Beth­ souls in the goodness and great­ the word that best describes this lehem to see the word of the an­ ness of God, for "He who is season, magnify. gels fulfilled; Mary waiting in mighty has done great things." 0 Magnify means "to make great, wonder until the inspired words glorious, splendid, grand, gor­ of a song that could no longer be geous, superb, princely, stately." silenced poured through grateful Bruce Longstreth is lips. "My soul doth magnify the editor of New Wine Christmas is a time for souls to and Fathergram. make a "spectacular spectacle" of Lord, and my spirit rejoices in praise to the Lord God. Some­ God my Savior." times, however, the soul shrinks Christmas is not a time for in­ back from the rush of Christmas. dignant souls to fight to "put Offended at the tinsel, the bright Christ back in Christmas" or for lights, the Santas, and the rude­ self-righteous ones to take Him ness of salesclerks, it may even out. It is a time for every soul to 2 DECEMBER 1985 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR going to make fun of those young ministers who give up because of church opposition. (Sorry for that thought.) But as I kept on reading I real­ ized you were denouncing the kinds of things I'm going through right now. It really moved me because I thought I was alone in this situation. Now, I know many have given up . serving because of it, but I am encour­ aged to keep on going and not to give up. I've been working for a little evangelical fellowship (for free) since January, and I felt like giv­ ing up more than once. But the Lord wants me here (I can see by the fruit). I've been deeply hurt so many times by satisfied and jealous people but this afternoon I learned that the Lord is grieved too by what I'm suffering, and I thank you again for telling every­ body (at least New Wine readers) the way it is.
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