117 FISHERIES AROUND TASMAN PENINSULA by A.I. Harrison Department of Sea Fisheries, Ta smania The waters around the Tasman Peninsula have sustained commercial fishing for more than 150 years. Prior to 1950 the area was a major supplier of rock lobster (crayfish), and scale fish for the Hobart market. Since 1965 abalone diving has become a most important commercial fishery. Recently the peninsula's protected bays have become prize sites for aquaculture. Initially this form of marine farming was directed at shellfish, particularly oysters and mussels. Cage culture of rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon recently has become important. Key Words: Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania, commercial fisheries, recreational fisheries, aquaculture. From SMITH, S.J. (Ed.), 1989: IS HISTORY ENOUGH? PA ST, PRESENT AND FUTURE USE OF THE PRESOURCES OF TA SMAN PENINSULA . Royal Society of Tasmania, Hobart: 117-119. INTRODUCTION CRAYFISHING The waters surrounding Tasman Peninsula have been In the light of recent high-profile campaigns of a rich source of seafood for more than 150 years. conservation groups it is not surprising that concern Like much of the rest of Australia it is the invertebrate for protection of our natural resources is widely fisheries which are of overriding importance. The assumed to be a modem phenomenon. In fact the spiny rock lobster (crayfish), crabs, oysters, scallops, health of fisheries today is due to conservation mussels and abalone have all been harvested from measures instituted in the past, in some cases over a this area. The ports of Nubeena and Dunalley have century ago; traditionally provided the shore base for local The success of these measures can be gauged fishermen; however, in recent years larger and faster by a record harvestof crayfishin the 1984-85seaSo n vessels have reduced their importance relative to despite almost two centuries of exploitation. The Hobart. framework of today's conservation measures was set The availability of light-weight, trailerised, down in the Crayfish Protection Act of 1885. This outboard-powered small boats - generally 3-7 m act followed a Royal Commission of 1882 which long - has stimulated a substantial expansion in reviewed the industry and the resources on which it recreational fishing around Tasman Peninsula. was based and recommended a minimum size of Eaglehawk Neck, Fortescue Bay, Port Arthur and 10 inches overall. Whilst the current minimum size Murdunna, as well as the traditional ports, are now is slightly different, the survival of the industry is the popular centres for the amateur crayfisherman due almost entirely to this law introduced 101 years and diver. The pressure of this recreational fishing ago. has forced many commercial fishermen from the By 1881 crayfishing in this area was already inshore grounds. well developed. In the report to the Tasmanian The area now produces around 150 tonnes of Parliament of the 1882 Royal Commission, entitled crayfish and 300 tonnes of abalone. Small catches of Ta smanian Fisheries, Robert Smith a local fisherman crab, octopus, scallops and squid are also made but told the Commission, "We get crayfishanywhere but the crayfishermen and abalone diver now dominate they are not so plentiful as formerly." Francis Rush the industry. Commercial fishermen now receive more reported, "The average weight of a full grown male than $5 million a year for their catches from the is 4 lbs, big fish weigh 7 lbs. The run is now smaller waters surrounding the peninsula. than it used to be; they are much scarcer. This arises from over fishing and catching the female fish." Fishing was by hoop nets also called rings. Whilst 118 kJ. Harrison , pots were used in the Bass Strait, they were considered DlSClJSSION destructive by southern fishemJen and nol legalised here un til after anorher in 192t In answer to the question "Is historyenoue hT', history Wllliam Henry deOlcribed himself as a is certainly enough to \-varrant a "ii�jt to TaS1Dan "deep sea tishelTnan" and described his vessel as "an Peninsula, and is enough to the preservation ordinary openwell boat (of average size, feet and display of the historical However, if i" 6 inches long, 7 fect inch beam and 2 feet inches clearly not enough in terms of the deep). The ooab are safi,;, and 10 mun c()ntributl0n the area can rnakc �he econOD1Y of drowned, due to bad handling. I don't think Tasmania. There are many example, here of the it would be of service to have the boats decked " difficultie, which be encountered by regions The main for crayfish were from which depend 011 single industries. This cannot Bay to Island and Martin fished down expect 10 be from the volatile to fathoms. The male crayfish weighed economic which is likely alter viability 4 1bs (about 2 with big over 3 kg. An average-- of all industries including tourism. The present sized fish returned about two cents to the fishennan economy of Tasmania is straining to maintain the and it was common for the fish to he llsed as bait to past standard of and Hfe -style of the Tasmanian catch or real trumpeter. population. Assuming a desire in the season the Hv'=,,,�e-, community to at least the quality of life we catch was 730 gm but clllTently enjoy. then we must ellsure that our Throughout the past 100 years small numbers economic potential is utilised 10 the full. To close off crabs have also b,�en caught along with the industries in this region would be to a needed contribution to the weB-being all Taslnanians. In telms of fisheries, the future of the region involves three industries - traditional commercial OTHER FISHING All to rigorous Port Arthur and Marion Bay have always supponed they do nor adversely affectother activities intermittent for however, the most on land. important area this has been Norfolk Potting for crayfish and diving for abalone will Bay. A small sdtlement of scallops in Norfolk Bay continue to be the most important commercial around 1948 was fished in 1950. It may have been fishelies and it seems likely that they will at spawned in the D'Entrecasteaux Channel and carried much the same levels as present. They return to Norfolk Bay as larvae by water movement substantial economic benefit to a relatively small A major settlement 1953 sustained substantial number of fishennen. The vessels involved and the fishing in 1955, ] 956 and 1957 -- some 300 million processors of the catch wiil have little significant scallops being taken those three years. impact on 1he region. Some small-scale commercial DespiTe regular scallop boats in and drop lining on the edge transit from Channel to l.he east cnnli1,,,,,,t�1 shelf will also be a feature of this coast grounds, during industry_ has been found sillce of Recreational has expanded dramatically in the past 20 years Tasman Peninsula, with a --- crayfish- is perhaps still the most impmtant, the Humher of substantial protected bays adjacent to abalone, is the most valuable. About 24 populru fishing grounds, is one of the major fish the waters of StOl1ll Bay and around recreational fishing areas in southern Tasmania. It Tasman Peninsula. Tn ] 9g5 these divers harvested seems likely thm most recreational fishing in this 328 tonnes of abalone. some 700 000 individual fish. area is conducted by residents, be they penn anent At today's prices this represents about $4 million to part-lime, Pirates Bay is an important game t1shing the divers. This has been ill existence for some centre hut unlikely 10 develop mueh more than its 22 .and Tasman has been a favoured present 5t8lJding due to competition from ofher centres site throughout that time. Following some early in wamler areas and to the depressed state of the the grounds have yielded a consi,lent wodd's stocks of southem hluefin tuna. Recreational almost 20 years and seem likely 10 cray continue to be productive whilst lhe present strict management mles apply. Fisheries 119 Whilst no reliable statistics exist on the amount are to annual licensing and rigorous ,:ontrols of fish by recreational fishemlen it is on impacl. Experience elsewhere has now, or in the near future, total demonstrated thal marine and tourism are recreational catches in this area may approach those complementary industries. themselves of commerCial fishermen. This growth of recreational attracl and the seafood produced fishing may not create significant demands on the on the fann::; is in demand by visitor�. infrastmcturc of the peninsula, other thal' those cfCated Niany rnar:ne fanris require no shore-based support by an increase in parl-lime residents. There may he facilities; thus if the farming ceases) the demands for additional jetties and boat ramps, together environrnent quickly retulus to original state. with some traffic congestion as recreational fishermen Thc government has recently announced a take trailerised boats to launching ramps. The moratorium on applications for new marine [arm sites appearance of some sheltered anchorages may in Tasmania, nevertheless applications under with an increase in permanent moorings consideratiun prior to the moratorium are likely to recreational vessels. result in some new salmon fauns in the area ant! one The most dramatic developments in the or two additional shellfish fmms. A govemmeni fisheries around Tasman Peninsula will be in the field to evaluate the of sca!lop- of marine fanning. Tasman Peninsula is a highly farms will, if successful, to several private desirable aquaculture site to its substantial scallop fanns in the vicinity of Tasman Peninsula. It expanses of semi-protected clean cold water, its is considered tbat Norfolk Bay will bc an attractive proximity to markets and the developed area for these operations. infrastructure at centres like N ubeena Dunalley. There are already seven marine farms established in the waters around the peninsu la alld a further seven CONCLUSION adjacent to Forestier Peninsula.
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