![MSAS R4: FTF Questionnaire English Ver. 7 June 2010 Adol ID [__|__|__|__|__|__]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
MSAS_R4: FTF Questionnaire English Ver. 7 June 2010 Adol ID [__|__|__|__|__|__] TIME BEGUN [___|___]:[___|___] (24 hour time) SECTION A: RESPONDENT INFORMATION VERIFICATION NO QUESTION RESPONSE SKIP Script_A: "I would like to ask you a few questions about yourself: your age, schooling, and where you live." A0a What is your current age? AGE: [___|___] A0b When is your birthday? DAY: [___|___] / MONTH: [___|___] [Don't know = 88] A0c What year you were born? YEAR: [___|___|___|___] Don't know 88 → A4a A0d 1. [If respondent knows DAY, MONTH & YEAR of birth:] [Check if current age is consistent with the date of the current interview, then circle:] Current age is consistent with date of birth 1 → A4a Current age is NOT consistent with date of birth 2 → A0e 2. [If respondent only knows MONTH & YEAR of birth:] [Check if current age is consistent with month & year of the current interview, then circle:] Current age is consistent with month & year of birth 1 → A4a Current age is NOT consistent with month & year of birth 2 → A0e 3. [If respondent only knows YEAR of birth:] [Check if current age is consistent with year of the current interview, then circle:] Current age is consistent with year of birth 1 → A4a Current age is NOT consistent with year of birth 2 → A0e A0e You just told me that your age is [age A0a] and that you were born on [day/month A0b] of [year A0c]. Something doesn't match. Are you more sure that your age is [age A0a] or are you more sure that you were born on [day/month A0b] of [year A0c]? Respondent is more sure of his/her current age 1 Respondent is more sure of his/her date of birth 2 A0f [After you ask A0e, if the respondent corrects or mentions a different age, day, month or year of birth, record the changes below but DO NOT change any of the responses recorded in A0a, A0b or A0c. DO NOT help the respondent estimate his/her age or date of birth.] Current age: [___|___]; Date of birth: Day [___|___]/Month [___|___]/Year [___|___|___|___] [Check reference-sheet: If respondent highest possible standard is 4-7 → A6a; else ask:] A4a Did you ever take the MANEB (PSLCE) exam? NO 0 → A6a YES 1 A4b What were your grades for …? [ Grades: A, B, C, D, F ] [Read all options] English [_____] [66=Not yet received grades] Chichewa [_____] [88=Don't know] Arithmetic [_____] [99=Subject not in exam] Primary Science [_____] Social Studies [_____] Page 1 of 41 MSAS_R4: FTF Questionnaire English Ver. 7 June 2010 Adol ID [__|__|__|__|__|__] A4c Did you ever take the JCSE exam? NO 0 → A6a YES 1 A4d What were your grades for …? [ Grades: A, B, C, D, F ] [Read all options] Mathematics [_____] [66=Not yet received grades] Chichewa [_____] [88=Don't know] Geography [_____] [99=Subject not in exam] History [_____] Agriculture [_____] French [_____] Social Development [_____] Life Skills [_____] English [_____] A6a Are you currently attending school? NO 0 YES 1 → A6b A6aa What are the reasons that MARRIAGE/BIRTH you are not currently Marriage 1 [___] attending school? Pregnancy 2 [___] Has baby/Nursing baby 3 [___] [Do not read list; SCHOOL ISSUES check all mentioned] Finished primary school 4 [___] Not selected/accepted to secondary school 5 [___] [If the respondent provides Not doing well at school 6 [___] more than one response, Don't like school 7 [___] ask:] Problems with/afraid of other students 8 [___] "Which of these is Problems with/afraid of teacher 9 [___] the most important reason?" Travel/Distance to school 10 [___] Rather do something else 11 [___] [Circle the most Parents/Guardian don't want me to go to school 12 [___] important reason] FINANCIAL/WORK Financial/Costs 13 [___] No money for development funds 14 [___] Need to work at home/fields 15 [___] Need to work/earn money 16 [___] ILLNESS/DEATH Respondent sick/ill 17 [___] Illness: Parent/Guardian 18 [___] ALL Illness: Other HH member 19 [___] → A10 Death: Parent/Guardian 20 [___] Death: Other HH member 21 [___] HOUSEHOLD ISSUES Biological parents: Separated/divorced 22 [___] Need to look after brothers/sisters 23 [___] Hunger 24 [___] Other_______________________________ 25 [___] Don't know 88 [___] A6b What is the name of the [Record name of school:] school you are currently attending? [Check reference-sheet: Is the school Curent school is the same as school in reference-sheet 0 attended last interview the same as the Current school is different than school in reference-sheet 1 current school? Circle:] Page 2 of 41 MSAS_R4: FTF Questionnaire English Ver. 7 June 2010 Adol ID [__|__|__|__|__|__] A6b1 What district is this school in? DISTRICT: [___|___] [Use district codes at end of section] A6b2 Is this a primary or a secondary school? Primary School 1 Secondary School 2 → A7b A7a In which standard are you currently enrolled? STANDARD: [____] → A7c A7b In which form are you currently enrolled? FORM: [____] A7c Are you a day student, or a boarder at school, Day student 1 or a boarder somewhere else? Boarder at school 2 Boarder somewhere else 3 A10 [Respondent attending school:] [Record name of village/area:] Now let's talk about the village/area in which you live while you attend school. What is the name of that village/area? [Check reference-sheet: Is the village/ area [Respondent NOT attending school:] from last interview the same as the current Now let's talk about the village/area in which you village/area? Circle:] live. What is the name of that village/area? Same village/area 0 Same village/area but changed name 1 Different village/area 2 [If respondent is NOT attending school → Secon AA] A12 Do you live in another village/area during those NO 0 → Sect AA times that you are not in school? YES 1 A13 Where is the village/area you live in when you Same Traditional Authority (T/A) 1 are not in school? Same district 2 [Read response options 1-4] Another district 3 Another country 4 Don't know 88 A13a Which village/area do you consider your Current village/area [A10] 0 primary home? Other village/area 1 DISTRICT CODES: 01 Balaka 08 Mulanje 15 Dowa 22 Neno 02 Machinga 09 Thyolo 16 Kasungu 23 Mwanza 03 Zomba 10 Chikwawa 17 Salima 24 Likoma 04 Mangochi 11 Ntcheu 18 Mchinji 25 Rumphi 05 Blantyre 12 Dedza 19 Mzimba 26 Karonga 06 Chiradzulu 13 Lilongwe 20 Nkhotakota 27 Chitipa 07 Nsanje 14 Ntchisi 21 Nkhata Bay 28 Phalombe OTHER COUNTRY: 71 Mozambique 72 South Africa 77 Other country ________________ Page 3 of 41 MSAS_R4: FTF Questionnaire English Ver. 7 June 2010 Adol ID [__|__|__|__|__|__] SECTION AA: MIGRATION Codes for Migration Roster: DISTRICT CODES: 01 Balaka 08 Mulanje 15 Dowa 22 Neno 02 Machinga 09 Thyolo 16 Kasungu 23 Mwanza 03 Zomba 10 Chikwawa 17 Salima 24 Likoma 04 Mangochi 11 Ntcheu 18 Mchinji 25 Rumphi 05 Blantyre 12 Dedza 19 Mzimba 26 Karonga 06 Chiradzulu 13 Lilongwe 20 Nkhotakota 27 Chitipa 07 Nsanje 14 Ntchisi 21 Nkhata Bay 28 Phalombe OTHER COUNTRY: 71 Mozambique 72 South Africa 77 Other country ________________ CODES FOR QUESTION AA5: MAIN REASON MOVED TO VILLAGE/AREA: SCHOOL REASONS 01 Quality of this school 02 PSLE better at this school 03 Other reason this school 04 Poor quality of previous school 05 Problems with teachers at previous school 06 Problems with students at previous school 07 Other reason previous school 08 Attend secondary school OTHER REASONS 09 Death: Parent/Guardian 10 Death: Other HH member 11 Illness: Parent/Guardian 12 Illness: Other HH member 13 Biological parents: Separated/Divorced 14 Lower crop yields: Draught/Disease/Price drops 15 Loss of livestock 16 Job loss/Business failure (non-farming) 17 Economic opportunity: Self 18 Economic opportunity: Parent(s) 19 Economic opportunity: Other HH member 20 Fostered for other reason 21 Conflict with family members 22 Other relatives needed help 23 Moved with parents 24 Rejoined parents 25 Marriage 26 Other 88 Don't know Page 4 of 41 MSAS R4 Adolescent Questionnaire English Ver. 7 June 2010 Adol ID [__|__|__|__|__|__] SECTION AA: MIGRATION ROSTER Script_AA: "Now I would like to ask you about the different places where you have lived since the last time you were interviewed." [Record date last interview from reference-sheet: Month __________ Year__________. Record last village/area from reference-sheet in Line # 01.] AA1 AA2 AA3 AA4 AA5 AA6 AA7 MAIN REASON Line # NAME OF VILLAGE/AREA DISTRICT VILLAGE/AREA TYPE LEFT VILLAGE/AREA MONTH/YEAR LEFT MOVED TO Line # 01: When you were What district Is this village/area a Lines # 02-10: Line # 01: Since What month and year did you last interviewed on [date last is this village/ major urban centre, What is the main [date last interview], leave [village/area] to go live interview] you were living in area in? boma, trading centre reason that you have you left this village/ in another place? [village/area in line AA01]. or a rural village? moved to this area to go live in village/area? another place? Lines # 02-10: What is the 1 = Major urban centre Lines # 02-10: Have you Month = 1-12 [Use district codes in [Use codes for main name of the village/area that 2 = Boma left this village/area to go Year = 07, 08, 09, 10 previous page] reason moved to in you moved to next? 3 = Trading centre previous page] live in another place? Don't know = 88 DK = 88 4 = Rural village [Check: month and year should be between [Lines # 02-10: Record the name of the 5 = Other DK = 88 [If NO → Secon B] the date of the last interview and the date village/area that respondent moved to] 88 = Don't know of the current interview] [Reference-sheet: village/area] AA.01 [___|___] [_____] [ X | X ] NO = 0 →Sect B YES = 1 Month:[__|__] / Year:[__|__] ____________________________
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