BHOPAL RIOTS a report I t ,::-- ::----; e' € € =- -.=---- >tape'aeEG> 4' ?& -*.az "4 gs f,,.#,;,^= p e""nr.t u"io,, roipTrn'ig;;atic Richts' Dcthi MahrEni IlrDibAi Cole!€ n l*.t€d on ths nolil' t.nhofth.loEr tak€ in Budhfrn, Hietrly dsro€ and .oryEr€d, BudhMh ik Eullin mjo.ity locartiy itr old Bholal o! th6 -drhiD€ofTrh D"cpbb- n Es amons fic lt,6r ptqes qheF vior6r.. srupied. AlDo.t ore th ird ofrhe 3000 dudr 1E of r hi! woD.dt @ucs€ oDs 6w,t rt y riob &r ofi BHEL,E. B, th. hd. .drlew q! srcund 'mpcrd;r lo rh,r turninF. mo.r or I be .tudsn6 had rlFad, reeched thr 6lhs€ sohe fr.u.ry hembeE .kyed b'.k ;d boL oF b cMuF ssfa dumof ihenshdenk. Thce :eidins in nea:by loceliii4 Ereabte 6 Bch hone mn. sratr6@ad other studenh. lhe airlG rDn BIIEL weE shifiad ro ihe ho6bl. The h6bl n not iEide i)E ,o$s . .ort*€ Bnpu& But ii is not ae,eitf,ei l b a unique l@stion rhe host l, risnt oppo! iie ihe .on%E, iE on rhs south bank orihs talre. ri L locebd in the phfesdB @rory in N€y Bhopal. Ihp"ou.si oF."'"s a boa- r"fr hour ro hhsp.n 6eFrl! i and rb. rr dher the {Jd.nEdo no, n..dbso,hrcuch rh"otd.i,r rFsJjsrh,wbEkpehoarridero,cachr?rr^ords hdts aft- ,"o.h ns rn, rrlE,o6sro.Ftrh.co[-rinlo Meanvhilc runouE besih 6 cirulate in rhe cily sbour ihe t re ofthe conege si.b. Muslinnob€haveatacLcdiheconeE€,nokedihesirt , hFd eisnry otihen, lheirblgsk ,...rolI,k in6.w,tdqorh.sB,r.dr dFErtandspAedonrh,rdsJsnd,nrhcrortowihE dsF.1. " s6 f oI r1" il-o,1d cs d,y6 paa6.d. frcr Budhwera b PmlB€oE colonyi rrcD old Bhdpat b o€w Bhop,l. on gth norninsNoald, {hose Bhopal nr, "di,'on has a c.,"Lh'rc^ or ov n?6. t<orro .hdroiu li. 1rcssm s "n,ns in a r oE tu t.)d tsh:an J .h@ho caried rn iteD lror./ s. rodl,ran ijjd bchde bhqti runii tHsbl girL n@ to sve then Ior 5urc ihe dailias qere .or rea.hibg rhe currsw bound patu or ihe ciiy th6i iriy. Bui ih6ecohpriseonlr4spe-entoflheaEa,no6io.iiintheoldcity.l'henewp;p€Bdia;ctr olhcrpsrts,indudi.gBHEL,.e&.ThairFterebc66iheattackohi[eRirdconfimedw]r.t hrlhennRnJhadhesrdhJlsyorrunouE.Noaccou.roftheoDnubst.ior.inBhopal,thai IollowcdlhedenolitionoaBabiM6jid,Gnre.apiuErherrueefiecrofthe6enesn;ffithsr d.y in such an athosph.re. The erbDsive .onhufrt viotance th,t shodk ih€ ciiv oroveh n,,.ron p-od. fo' a.mos r'. cdaE 6 o,' a Fncd,on o, !h.4114 snd e$ionsEf;eEFdby such ruDouE a nd be* ilcms More ran! ronth l,hrwhcnweneirhe6taftorihe6neEbtheir6emeorriotand t6 '..r\" i had nho $.rh a scM coulgsc Y* ih. ran nloe orihe er ihe cily rhat has never ! i'D -"osuF i,ta,ir ar.hcn.vaat5o,dp- oiom. etdrh",dntr.i.dionwhobld Flmemb" mLlrinran lvbd"trrh llFoltv.dr.n.orh"or.hlsl 4uth."4dn k 1;!. (r,cioeourlorjudoneday,rlillburnsnoth.ihundrednuslihs.Thsyhavedishonouredour sisrcE ),rhcrc seehs 10 be no vay 3hyo.e can cohyin.e himandhisjlkthat no surh incide.t w]n ." o.ti-, J o huv. 1spr.n, d w-) or.n.n a.or hLrot nor b."oE€,he 'oo[,.+, Fapp.!. I Th" te,y tne uAw-. : .,tr.A,Jnhos.,h",oirr Fs., fircins r1L. ra7"d oJ , i T.n,'tPr ,- oqhi.+. "nons s€r . din,.Lh i,! f".u.h!5 r:;iiid rhe r \nr!,!Fdi5Doexceplon. ^nd III. S, CONTENIA : Coume of Event8 Bu: 7.a [email protected] 1992 5 Boa: An Anaatnous Aaaunt E6: Tots afrud ChlA-n 'rdbh: Retdtl hiet 16 Da.nher 86: De h af c BHEL wa.her A6: virin;si.e ovirin Tohts: Death TaU 16 rdLh: . tuEsis Blrnt ar Dmosed Bor: Redenna Union Carbi.L IL Social F.emework 2A Fisure: PaPuLi.ion cnd ib crcuth 'Idhl2: Mehdndwah.a 22 fabLe: Warherc ond thei Wa& 23 Table: ChdneLns Cloie: Elrtung IIL State rohb: L@ ond Cuudians of L@ rLBagfrUEBoDulah 39 I. The Course of Events 6 De.ember 1992 {* ro he ihe day in nony ove r ldng aEr, Bul it b psri ota dea.ly Msdhya Pndah whcn rhe ramou. Eusic herd coueclive heribse orBhoFtis. on ?rh mominaeveryone ftlr 6 ih€ir e..i!e theLata ManseshkrPurusk r The or,lE, &donss, erk pla€, scl$oL lhd heelina va3 caDeu€d. B! siisr.oon when coll%€s. TheE indeed vss sone appFhen thedobe6olBab M$jid besan to rall, ihe sion ih re ei!. Bui mosl people outd not re* spEd in rhe EkG qpibr BhoFqr ihEudr lore.ee whar rolrokd. so ihe der besn li)re anr otrer d!y, And vhsn the peopte, hen, ihe nu6liE najo.ily locatities otold BlDp.1. wonen ,nd .hirdren, hft irreir hom6 they $he pr'es s,jraDE Dar 3divisc hd ihe wse .oi awE thai ttE incidebc dfviolence ^t@lebErion b!, buElingcracteE abddLrib had arready be$!. fha do.kion ro impca uliissreb chiefMiDisE. sun&r t tPar,4 called an emersency heelingorthe cebircr. r0sD Fs{norehounp*sedbeforepublic Ir wes rollowcd by a meeiins or senior dm Eo!6 knowabourii. NoilhertheadhinLha ci.k. Both rhcse meetinF discussed m*s rionnorihc insiiiuiiomhsd the wherewith.l urca b msiotein rqve.dorde, In neitharot b arnhse ror rhe pcople ro rerum. Mea,- lhesa heeiines nE6ure5 5p4isuy mcsni toi vhile,sviolencelpEadi.elcesftel gEai, BhoFr weEdiscussed. rDdoE, Jabatpu.a.a the old citJ, the simGpheE hecane rsmo. drherpld.estrEnred. Much larors now ir€m The circuhd,nlEs were ihus conducivs io prabied in the war€ or conlrcveEJ, olsr the the runouB thai struck ihe cily with s ferce mleonhesu!€ndedc.uec6rof Bhopst, ws3 irr lroD which ii is still to E.over.Ihasrhe tor.fertoanintetlisen.eEF.dthatErrcd youEolrbbes psEniof ayounsboyorsirt ofircuble in ihe city. But no enective ne,3 sone b schoor o. slteE€ ihar no..i.a Al- ures were iniiiaEd in thca. moelirys. And ihscny wiinesed hG!horeodousvioreDce cve{,eqctybanlr 4iGellinb.nes via in 1be riok th8t rouowed rhe den'otnion. , runour rloaredby a.JoDe sho i3 inhE3r€d ar6*1be! 2l praces wed scriouslvaoected in noalinr it. BesinhinF *ith evenio*E on in Madhya PndAh, in vhi.h 161 p@ple ?th irsglt, rhroushout the period nc{spaper were tilled. r39orrhehiD ahopar. se leiivc ly pri n&d thse runou B auihe nti. The city has bot witressea a riordarhis @iotE'neE'withdevaratinaon6equeIr6. naruF and sxteni ih irs ronE rrjslory or ov€. on ?th ole.ins tol iEeb.e, Dda* sddlro hvo snd halfcenturia. rn lhe Dast ihe:a have Pro,i6, in il3 headtine rep.rleddath bll s besn rsBioE. But rhey weE lo.alised lod eisnr but mdo ir ten in the 3torJ. Jm cAdird diffusedsoon. Evoninlherecentpastduribs EF r only tEds ir 12 in Bhopal bui lhe sudpx./a, c.hpaiEn in 1939 and a$in added ihl! 36 eeE kiled in poli.atirinsat durihs the mr6ror@ io t990oihcrptac in Ayodhya. ?o be suE tr6e lwo ocre ileE rhc srate weE arr*kd. Bui not Bhoper. The crediled then b thai sinsre hGt ,uihebtic long historJ olormuml haImhJ my lppar 60urce of8)l .umouE in sourh A3ia: B i:h ssridiculousdiche inadlertnehenbs!.h- Bbddlxiia coryElion ( vi.sLs/l jmuad 3ored by rhe BJP govcrnnent - "v'"lc,rrltr datd Mu* rullt *. a@..." Accoains n1 Bh@dl hi khhar s@ar s choli e ruhi speci,l ore3pdndent Mlrt Tullr). ICtuEd shPrddlit rdlbhar *i t@bi PanPu.a' in ihe pmc* ftB Epotu tiled by rh€ir ovn (Bhopal,s 3pe.i,l dadirioo orconnu.al har orrspohdenti and rhe sbbreni is$ed by rG NnmtBu.h, ch,.fse(eta!. Mad}lve ,nd .ne4 then p€repro;, Bhopal: 7-a December l9g2 tubouB 3nd rlouded ihs ouBp of rh. ohnumt :io6 tAersft.l. Laca ti6 thd wnnessed hotabi. iturt.. ol ialenae in E kitiat phe. Irtttal phse Th€ fiBt 5et of inodehb bok pacs .uequpkd in€ Nm6crofprsca h;ryh ord c;tr B,nds of dsdiE voirh h;i l^ enrorc. an imprcDpru baldi sn. snoc !.hr( e. sokmnst prcF,ryand rebPiB pol ce66ebkv,bk ed. ?olice oetred fire ro quell the mobs cur&w ks ;mFd " eish! police sbiio. tlEr.o!;r eniiE No*I BhoPat: By late,nernoon'E6 n w4 *, iended6coqddpuB,ps otwhrh EadF- enttd,rTeckdotd BhoFst NfhtQrres w,s m NswnhoFl BdiheadmrBha. 'mFsed rion.bo#ed dowh !ompbr.ty ii ihe old qiv. could nor enrohe curft$ in c.vindDur,;r N6a ahopsl PEdictably ibar nisht sFradic inci- lBblE oIPnB6 vioteross, i iheother dcnk tdok pta.e in sodeofrhe new Bhopel comnunityeF tew FLsr6 indiek.heF aEE . cotonig 3k in otd BhoFI LkdsDd.r acterotrhe€venb Ib uEtiBt rumouB,,pprehecioE tkdsw ori66 aod 3earch o@!,. 24 p6ph dead. @! on wde tr,rhd j; r . hdc Atrer 2 s m.th,inirhtkniorom:isk ,0len.e The €i, inDotic.[.ns sourcs in!ludinE the chief secrutarJ, hok a tour ot si }IanLdis HGprbl qhrh re@ived ebo rhe.oroni€s. sheordered d a.edEh ooe6fi 300 p,rienLs,n the fiBr r@ deF,,bo con i. Adr Ne$r and se.i additionstiorcea h she6l NdFr Etsewher.. ihe same nishr, Brrheendof 3i6.Enins2cdied, 150 lhusgis rere burni beh,^d AFarc Tatksi (ass oraBon Esttered m 13 Dbc8. s50 lhefi Et or3ueh inddenG onsihmoFsleei Feople imludinsihem b.eEBl eere dlawn ioto indeFnd- the vorbxj with .imitsr c nr MLA Arif^qeet {ere a(eted AufiouEh fomsny rhesmJ, ksetkd hy ?rh ryenr;r rrohe were 6 ide.r6 rome Fiternh iEerf efc.rrye! eme Lhe rhia rendom ! otene bb Dn,i; in the fiEi two dsF, m(h rakr rdqldl rhe one $h "Enins ;ovdo.
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