Vol. 541 Pretoria, 23 July 2010 Julie No. 33384 2 NO.33384 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 JULY 2010 For purposes of reference; all Proclamations, Government Aile Proklamasies, Goewermentskennisgewings, Aigemene Notices, General Notices and Board Notices published are Kennisgewings en Raadskennisgewings gepubliseer, word vir included in the following table of contents which thus forms a verwysingsdoeleindes in die volgende Inhoudsopgawe inge­ weekly index. Let yourself be guided by the Gazette numbers in sluit wat dus 'n weeklikse indeks voorstel. Laat uself deur die the righthand column: Koerantnommers in die regterhandse kolom lei: CON·rENTS I INHOUD and weekly Index en weeklikse Indeks Page Gazette Bladsy Koerant No. No. No. No. No. No. GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL NOTICES GOEWERMENTS- EN ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, Dept of Basiese Onderwys, Dept. van General Notice Goewermenffikenn~gewmgs 713 Agricultural Product Standards Act 601 General and Further Education and (119/1990): Standards and requirements Training Quality Assurance Act regarding control of the export of (58/2001): Appointment of persons to mangoes: Amendment . 62 33384 serve as members on the Third Umalusi Council for General and Further Arts and CUlture, Dept of Education and Training Quality Assu­ Government Notice rance for the period 8 June 2010 until 7 June 2014 .. 3 33367 629 Heraldry Act (18/1962): Bureau of 602 National Education Policy Act (27/1996): Heraldry: Application for registration of Filling a vacancy in the Ministerial heraldic representations and objections thereto . 7 33384 Project Committee to oversee the , Review of the Implementation of the Basic Education, Department of National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 caused by the resignation of a Government Notices Ministerial Committee Member .. 2 33368 601 General and Further Education and Training Quality 'Assurance Act Binnelandse Sake, Dept. van (58/2001): Appointment of persons to Goewermenffikenn~gewmgs serve as members on the Third Umalusi Council for General and Further 639 Births and Deaths Registration Act Education and Training Quality (51/1992): Alteration of surnames . 19 33384 Assurance for the period 8 June 2010 640 do.: Alteration of forenames .. 22 33384 until 7 June 2014 . 3 33367 641 do.: do .. 26 33384 602 National Education Policy Act (27/1996): 642 do.: Alteration of surnames .. 28 33384 Filling a vacancy In the Ministerial 643 do.: do .. 43 33384 Project Committee to oversee the Review of the Implementation of the Energie, Dept. van National Curriculum Statement Grades Goewermenffikenn~gewmgs R-12 caused by the: resignation of a Ministerial Committee Member . 2 33368 R. 619 Petroleum Products Act (120/1977): Regulations in respect of the single Communications, Department of maximum national retail price for illumi nating paraffin .. 2 33379 Government Notice R. 620 Petroleum Products Act (120/1977): 617 Electronic Communications Act Amendment of the regulations in respect (36/2005): Policies and policy directions of petroleum products .. 3 33379 drafted in terms of section 3 (1) of the R. 621 Petroleum Products Act (120/1977): Act . 3 33377 Maximum retail price for Liquefied Energy, Department of Petroleum Gas .. 5 33379 Government Notices Handel en Nywerheid, Dept. van R. 619 Petroleum Products Act (120/1977): Goewermenffikenn~gewmg Regulations in respect of the single maximum national retall price for illumi 634 Wet op Beslote Korporasies (69/1984): nating paraffin .. 2 33379 Rekeningkundige Beampte-Professie R. 620 Petroleum Products Act (120/1977): waarvan die lede ingevolge artikel 60 Amendment of the requlatlons in respect kwalifiseer: Southern African Institute of of petroleum products . 3 33379 Government Auditors . 47 33384 R. 621 Petroleum Products Act (120/1977): Maximum retail price for Liquefied Aigemene Kennisgewings Petroleum Gas \ . 33379 5 704 Merchandise Marks Act (17/1941): Environmental Affairs, Department of Prohibition of the use of the Moses Mabhida Stadium and other stadiums General Notice intellectual property rights . 3 33374 718 National Environmental Management: 710 International Trade Administration Waste Act (59/2008): National Waste Commission: Customs Tariff applica Information Regulations .. 68 33384 tlons: List 06/2010 .. 48 33384 STAATSKOERANT, 23 JULIE 2010 No. 33384 3 Page Gazette Bladsy Koerant No. No. No. No. No. No. Home Affairs, Department of 712 International Trade Administration Commission: Initiation of the sunset Government Notices review of the anti-dumping duties on 639 Births and Deaths Registration Act polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) origi­ (51/1992): Alteration of surnames .. 19 33384 nating in or imported from India, South 640 do.: Alteration of forenames . 22 33384 Korea and Chinese Taipei .. 52 33384 641 do.: do .. 26 33384 714 Kooperaslewet 2005: Kooperaslss van 642 do.: Alteration of surnames . 28 33384 die register geskrap te word . 63 33384 643 do.: do .. 43 33384 715 do.: do .. 64 33384 Human Settlements, Department of Justisie en Staatkundige Ontwikkeling, Departement van General Notice Goewermenffikenn~gewmgs 719 Rental Housing Amendment Bill, 2010: R. 600 Wet op die Nasionale Vervolgingsgesag For public comment 84 33384 (32/1998): Bepaling van Salarisse van Spesiale Ondersoekers .. 5 33365 Justice and Constitutional Development, Department of R. 603 Promotion of Access to Information Act (2/2000): Description submitted in terms Government Notices of section 15 (1) .. 4 33370 R. 600 National Prosecuting Authority Act R. 618 National Prosecuting Authority Act (32/1998): Determination of Salaries of (32/1998): Determination of salaries of Special Investigators.. 3 33365 Deputy Directors of Public Prosecutions, R.603 Promotion of Access to Information Act Chief Prosecutors and Chief Special (2/2000): Description submitted in terms Investigators . 3 33378 of section 15 (1) 4 33370 633 Small Claims Courts Act (61/1984): R. 618 National Prosecuting Authority Act Establishment of a small claims Court (32/1998): Determination of salaries of for the area of Nqamakwe .. 45 33384 Deputy Directors of Public Prosecutions, Kommunikasie, Dept. van Chief Prosecutors and Chief Special Investigators............................................ 3 33378 Goewermenskennisgewing 633 Small Claims Courts Act (61/1984): 617 Electronic Communications Act Establishment of a Small Claims Court (36/2005): Policies and policy directions for the area of Nqamakwe 45 33384 drafted in terms of section 3 (1) of the Parliament of the RepUblic of South Africa Act .. 3 33377 General Notice Kuns en Kultuur, Dept. van 707 Electoral Act (Act 73 of 1998): Goewermenskennisgewing Publication of reviewed lists of candi 629 Heraldiekwet (18/1962): Buro vir dates . 2 33380 Heraldiek: Aansoek om registrasie van Rural Development and Land Reform, Dept of Heraldiese voorstellings en besware General Notices daarteen 13 33384 716 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994): Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye, Dept. van Claim for restitution of land rights: Aigemene Kennisgewing Portion 5, Gemsbokfontein 290 IQ .. 65 33384 717 do.: do.: Farm Zusterstroom 447 JR .. 66 33384 713 Wet op Landbouproduktstandaarde (119/1990): Standaarde en vereistes South African Qualifications Authority betreffende beheer oor die uitvoer van mangoes: Wysiging................................. 62 33384 Government Notices Landelike Ontwikkeling en Grondhervorming, Dept. van 594 National Standards Bodies Regulations: Aigemene Kennisgewings Standards Generating Body (SGB) for Transport and Logistics Operations 716 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994): registered by Organising Field Claim for restitution of land rights: Portion 5, Gemsbokfontein 290 IQ ......... 65 11-Services . 3 33360 33384 717 do.: do.: Farm Zusterstroom 447 JR....... 66 33384 595 do.: Standards Generating Body (SGB) for ManUfacturing and Assembly Menelike Nedersettingds, Dept. van Processes registered by Organising Aigemene Kennisgewing Field 06-Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology .. 11 33360 719 Rental Housing Amendment Bill, 2010: For public comment................................ 84 33384 South African Revenue Service Omgewingsake, Dept. van Government Notices Aigemene Kennisgewing R. 604 Customs and Excise Act (91/1964): Amendment of Schedule No. 1 (No. 718 National Environmental Management: 1/1/1409) . 8 33370 Waste Act (59/2008): National Waste R.606 Customs and Excise Act (91/1964): Information Regulations 68 33384 Amendment of Schedule No. 3 (No. Parlement van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika 3/662) . 9 33370 R. 616 Customs and Excise Act (91/1964): A/gemene Kennisgewing Amendment of Schedule No. 2 (No. 707 Kieswet (Wet 73 van 1998): Publikasie 2/327) . 11 33370 van hersiene Iyste van kandidate 2 33380 4 No. 33384 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 JULY 2010 Page Gazette Bladsy Koerant No. No. No. No. No. No. R. 622 Customs and Excise Act, 1964: Sport en Rekreasie Suid-Afrika Amendment of Rules (DAR/72) .............. 3 33382 Aigemene Kennisgewings R.623 do.: Amendment of Schedule No. 2 (No. 2/326) ,.............................. 7 33382 705 National Sport and Recreation Act R. 624 Customs and Excise Act 1964: (110/1998): Recognition of Sport and Amendment of Schedule No. 1 Recreation Bodies Regulations, 2010: (No. 1/1/1410) 3 33383 Invitation to submit inputs on the Draft Sport and Recreation South Africa Regulations . 3 33375 706 National Sport and Recreation Act General Notices (110/1998): Finding of Sport and 705 National Sport and Recreation Act Recreation Regulations, 2010: Invitation (110/1998):
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